The Enterprise Published Every Tueaiay and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. W1LUAMSTON. NORTH CAROUNA C. MANNING | Editor ? 1 MM-1911 (Strictly Cash in Advance> IN MARTIN COUNTY One year I1.7S Six months > I 100 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $2 23 Six months 1 25 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N C . as second-class matter under the act of Con aress of March 3 1870 Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Tnrtilay. January 23. W. Examine 'I he burden The burden of the national debt has been cited as a dangerous factor in the economic welfare of the United States. A ten-cent tax on a bottle of liquor is a burden to the addict. Interest on bonds floated to improve vital health conditions is a burden to the taxpayers. The liquor indus try is wrapped up in taxes?'and property own ers throughout the length and breadth of the country are bogged down by the toll exacted by bondholders at an unusually high rate. These burdens were accummulating thick and fast pri or to 1933, and if the value of money had gone - unabated?much longer, the bono touts -wowa? have owned the country by now No one was heard to cry out in warning then. The old boat continued to sail day bv day to the financial rocks, but as long as the interest rate held at six per cent, no one dared to call a" halt. The forty-eight ships representing as many states were leaking badly when the Koosevelt administration stepped in and recognized the seriousness of the situation. He pulled the bank ers out of the stormy waters first, and that was - fine. When he reached in for the small-scale victims, a loud howl went up, and there has ever ninec. ? Much has been said about the burden of debt. But before all that talk is swallowed, the people of this nation should investigate the bur den and see. what they find It is an actual fact that the burden of the national debt was great er under Andrew Mellon than it is today. And Mellon, one recalls, was self-styled and refer red to by his great financier friends as the greatest secretary of all times. Before Mellon was dlass, and the cost of financing the nation al debt under him as secretary of the treasury was greater than it is today. Mr. Glass, it will be recalled, was rated as a great financier, too. It is recalled that prosperity rocked along in some sort of fashion during the reigns of both Mr. Glass and Mr. Mellon, but the burden of debt was bearing down more heavily upon the taxpayers of this country at that time than it is now. Apparently the country was safe as long as the taxpayers paid a fat toll to the bondhold ers. When the self-styled leaders of this coun try get up and shout that the country is on the edge of a financial cliff, possibly they mean that the government bond no longer offers the in vestors a haven of refuge where the clouds are not cloudy all day. Up until about seven years ago, the investors shaped the size of the national debt, and they did so without regard or feeling for the tax payers. They were interested in gilt edge se aurities, and they found thun in ail expanding 1 national debt. During the past seven years, the "administration has expanded the national debt mostly in the name of humanity, and now that the bond offers no complete haven of refuge the investors are pointing out the danger of the big national debt. Possibly the country is headed for a financial upheaval, but given a decent chance and freed from the greedy investor's grip, the people of this great nation can work their way out of any upheaval that has so far been predicted or de scribed. No Deciding Factor It is hard to understand how the contribu tion of a few million dollars to a suffering peo ple in Finland will draw this country into war When it narrows down to the point where one country will fight another because aid is ex tended the helpless suffering, it will be well to prepare for war right now. Jt is. tach so much importance to a humane act. Few can read of the suffering in Finland and still oppose contributions or loans to those brave souls, but it is difficult to follow the lead of Mr Herbert Hoover and others who have maintain ed that spending and lending on the home front would lead to certain bankruptcy. There are other things in this country just as puscling as the budget problem, and that is the antics of the reactionaries. They who have nothing to be troubled at, will be troubled at nothing.?Franklin. Kot At All Clear A11 this talk about a handful of Christian Front members isn't a bit clear. How i aery dozen or two men could with a handful of pow der and a shirttail packed with bullets blow up power plants, seize telephone exchanges and frighten the federal administration into help lessness is rather puzzling. There have been disorders from time immem orial, but after this country went through the Hoover depression without rising to arms there is little reason to believe that the government will be overthrown today by a misguided peo ple. In short, if the Gannetts and others of his ilk don't wreck the country, then there is'ljttlc to fear front a few terrorists. ?Should Make F.very Farmer Mad Hertford County Herald. "The farmers can not solve the farm prob lem. They are too individualistic to cooperate as have great business organizations." This is the public statement of a United States Senator, the Hon. llurton K. Wheeler, of Montana. It js the sort of statement that ought to make every sensible farmer spitting mad. It is the sort of thing that small-time politicians and oth ers who have more to gain from keeping far mers unorganized, and therefore unable to de mand their fair share of the national income, than they have rnterest in solving the farm problem would like to make the farmers be lieve by constantly repeating the infamy. It is a -reflection upon the intelligence of farmers as a class Farmers can organize and they can work in cooperation to solve the farm problem. So long as farmers listen, however, to small-time poli ticians. no matter how high office these politi cians may hold, and others who are not inter ested in farmers as a class, they will not be or ganized; and so long as farmers fail to be unit ed in a strong national organization, so long will a fair solution of the farm problem be de djtvol For the piogivsvlluH lias laiim?martr-Ht: this direction in recent years has come from the increased organization and cooperation of farmers, and its ultimate solution will and must Ik- found through following this course. Christian Science Monitor. Today no small part of the city postman's pack is made up of tightly rolled, cylindrical ob jects whose delivery is expectantly awaited alike in placid home and busy office and which, opened, reveal n digest of doings in distant com munities. With the writing of lengthy, leisurely letters an all but vanished art, the transplanted city dweller is finding in the old home paper a wel come substitute. It presents a printed panorama of the small-town life of which he was once a part, enabling him to visualize the comings and goings, the sayings and sojourns of former ac quaintances and intimates. Big-city residents, contrasting its modest bulk with their own mattress-like publications, may be inclined to view lightly this unpretentious result of small-town journalism, but to the sub scriber it is welcomed as a refreshing visitor from home, a chatty "country cousin," who while eager to impart the news, is equally rea lly to depart, once he has given it. Through "typographical television," the for mer citizen of the small community sees the friendly merchant with whom he formerly traded departing on a vacation trip and is glad that affairs seem to be improving for him. Though the same medium he mingles with the Saturday afternoon crowds on Main Street, re newing all but forgotten associations. Although its circulation may be limited, the home town paper's sphere of influence is large. Its regular reading by "former residents" re freshes with recollection fragile memories which otherwise might wither in the arid air of mere busv-ness and success. ?? Aft fciwi Far Mamie -Nwrr-rtmnoraCTVwr In a bulletin issued for field representatives by the Division of Vital Statistics, United States Department of Commerce, there is recounted the story of Mamie Reed, a Negro midwife in Mississippi, who tried to enforce a "lien" on the baby she had just brought into the world. The facts as sent to Washington from Green wood. Mississippi, were passed on to the field representatives as follows: Mamie collected part of her fee when she de livered the baby, but when she called to collect the balance it was not forthcoming, so Mamie took the baby home with her to keep until the fee was paid. She couldn't understand why she should not have a lien on the baby, just as builders, mechanics and other artisans have on the things they bring into the world. Mamie was held in the county jail on a charge of kidnapping. Mamie's case is funny when regarded by any body but Mamie. But there may be merit in her effort nevertheless. Dr. Arthur Baper in "The Tragedy of Lynching," sought to get at the facts about the economic condition of peoples involv ed in lynch mobs. He reported: "In most rural Georgia counties the percentage of tenant fam ilies who own autos is higher than the percent age who have doctors who attend their wives at childbirth." The situation is not restricted to Georgia. And while the auto man gets his mon ey or his car back, the ministering Mamies, if they go and do likewise, get the jallhouse in Mississippi and laughter from Washington. There is a good deal in the story that is not funny. Marijuana Causes Great Deal Worry In North Carolina (^onttidered Greatest Menace To High School* of State Raleigh?Dr Carl V. Reynolds, state health officer, who was respon Slble for including mara himnna, k< y stimulating drug, in the same cate gory with morphine and other harm ful drugs in the North Carolina anti narcotics law, which was made to conform to the Federal law, express ed grave concern over the statement m the Ratmgh News and Observer by the Rev M J Adams. Baptist minister, of Rutherford County, who] was quoted as having told the who was quoted as having told the Baptist State Board. The greatest menace to the schools of our state is marijuana (spelled mara huanna in the State law) and it is present in all the high schools I have visit ed " ?Ht a statement issued In Rateigh. Dr. Reynolds said "The fact that this statement was i made by a minister of the gospel gives to it such weight that it should be thoroughly investigated by both Federal and State officials. I think that Mr. Adams should inform these officials, confidentially, if he wishes, in just what schools he observed the use of this dangerous drug and thai the officials should get at the bot-j torn of the matter and clear it up. hewing to the line and letting the chips fall where they may. "I need not at this time go into the horrible effects -of~mara~huanna, as I have done this in previous warn ings against the use of this nefarious j drug, but I reiterate that then should be an immediate investigation of the minister's charges. The pen alty for the first offense in violating the anti-narcotics law is a fine of $1,000 and imprisonment not ex ceeding throe years, while persons rnund'guilty of a second and suhse^. quent violations may be fined $3,000 and imprisoned not exceeding five years or both. SALE OK VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au-1 thority conferred upon us in a Deed ol Trust executed by~ Nolle E. Rob erson on the 1st day of December, 1938, and recorded in Book T-3, page 492, we will on Saturday, the 10th day of February. 1940. at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Mar tin County, Williamston, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder tbe following land, tov -vnt ^Adjoining the lands of Joe Moye on the North; the lands of Henry Wynne on the East; the lands of Buck Clark and W. li. Little on the South; and the lands of J. L. Roe buck on the South, and more par ticularly described as follows: Be ginning in a path on the Public Road, corner of the lands of Buck Clark and W. R. Little; thence with said Road N 42 1-4* E 35 1-5 poles and N 38 1-2* E 47 3-5 poles; thence S 45 1-4* E 34 poles; thence N 55* E 71 1-5 poles; thence N 47* W 101 3 5 poles; thence N 79* W 110 4-5 poles to Horsepen Branch; thence with Horsepen Branch S 4* W 58 poles to Bates Branch; thence with Bates Branch S 3* E 62 poles; thence S 67* E 49 1-5 poles'; thence S 39* E 28 28 poles to the beginning, containing 116 1-2 acres, more or less, and be ing the same l$nd conveyed to Jo seph H. Mizell by J. A. Mi/.ell, trus tee, by deed dated Dec. 30, 1922, and recorded in Martin County Public Registry in Book K-2. page 562. This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Nolie E. Roberson to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of TYust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 2nd day of January. 1940. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORP., Trustee. Durham, N. C. jl6-4t WHY suffer from Cold*? For quirk relief from cold symp tom it take M>(>. 666 Auction SALE OF LAND I will aril at public unction on January 31st At 11 A. M. ut L. C Nur ney's Store, in William* Township, 51 acre* of land?U acre* pood tint berland ami 7 acre* clear ed. Thin land is a part of the Ruck L. Gardner es tate ill William* Town ship, und must be sold for settlement. Terms of sale: (ImIi. W alter Gardner Executor. Beginning Wednesday BELK-TYLER'S January Sale Bargains January Sale! 1IAPIM HOME W \ SII DRESSES Lovely, tubable frocks in a large as sortment of new spring patterns and styles. Specially selected by our buy ers for this promotion.- All sizes in a large variety of fabrics, to select from. Be sure to see these early Wednesday. 97c New styles and new fabrics in a gay selection of patterns. All these dresses guaranteed fast color and washable. Be sure to see this lovely selec tion Wednesday. Come early or and washable. $1.98 Sale! 24x36 RUGS A real scoop for thia event. A large group of 24x36 rugs in a large se lection of patterns. Don't fail to see these Wednes day. Regular $1.50 value. $1.00 Ol Tiv; <;owns Good warm heavy weight outing gowns, in all sizes. Take advantage of this low price. ? ? 48c Heavy BATH TOWELS Large size. colored bor der bath tow eli. Buy all you need 5c EXTRA ? SPECIAL! Sair! SILK DRESSES A special purchase for this event. An unusual se lection of silk dresses in the newest spring styles and patterns. All sizes in French crepes and spun rayons to eeteet trrwn. Regular S2.00 Value $1.00 Sale! BUDGET HOSE i > Lovely sheer ringless hose in all the new spring shades.' Take care of your hosiery needs at this low price. Sizes OVt-lO'/t 48* RAYON PANTIES Excellent quality rayon panties. Both tailored and lace trimmed. All wanted sizes in stock. Color tea rose. Regular 25c value. 18c Sale! CANNON TOWELS Large size, heavy warp Cannon towels in a large se lection of plaids and colored borders. Regular 15c value. 10c Sail-! Heavy CANNON TOWKI.S Large size, heavy weight double warp'Cannon tow els in a large selection of colors. Be sure to buy all you need at this low price. Regular 29c value. 21c I? VMS I I-: GOWNS Excellent quality batiste gowns in white and col ors. All sizes to select from. 19c SHEETING Excellent quality 68x72 fine 39-inch aheeting. Buy all you need at this low price. Regu lar 10c value Sufwr - Special I Sale! LINENS! It may never happen again. We have been for tunate in securing a large group of lovely linens which we will offer Wed nesday morning only at this low price. You can't afford to miss it. Values to 98c. BRIDGE COVERS CHAIR BACK SETS NAI'KINS SCARFS VANITY SETS SETS TABLE MATS 25c MEN'S Bloodhound O'ALLS . 89c BOYS* Bloodhound O'ALLS . . 59c rast i.olor PRINTS Lovely new spring pal terns in fast color prints. A special purchase for this event. 8c Spring SPUN RAYONS A gala array of aprlng colors and patterns. Solid colors and prints in 39 inch spun rayon and ray on serges. 29c Sale! Men's DRESS SHIRTS Attractive new patterns in men'a fast color dress shirts. All sixes in stock. Be sure to see these. Reg ular 59c value. 48c Snip! SliOCtT t:t:Kt'At> St.KTIri A large shipment just received. Excellent qual ity curtain scrim in large selection of p a 11 e rns. Regular 10c value. 5c A to*1 9? tot* *n#* RACK ?X? lie, TH?j? HACK f oub $1.00 $1.67 Men'* HKAVY UNIONS DKESS LENtiTttS A new shipment just re ceived. Lovely quality dress lengths that run from 3V* to I yards in French crepes, spun rayons, mixed woolens. $1.00 Sale! Children'? SCHOOL DRESSES Attractive stylet, new patterns and materials in children's school dresses. All sixes io select from. L98 SALE 1.00 98(f SALE 69(f Sale! MEN'S SUITS Attractive pattern! In men's hard finished worsteds and tweed suits. Both single and double breasted to select from. Come early before our stock Is picked over. Take advantage of these bar gain prices today. 12.95s.u 9.87 14.95s. J 1.87 16.50s.l12.87 19.95s.l14.87 lAUiie9 BKDROtfM SUPPERS Belk-Tyler Company

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