Reduction Should "Begin At Home** Tax reduction, like charity, should "begin at home," Mrs. Melville Mueklestone, president ol the Na tional Consumers Tax Commission, recently told the Philadelphia Fed eration of Women's Clubs. Stressing the vital need for more economical and more efficient municipal gov ernment?the NCTC theme for 1940 i she urged appointment of joint citizens-officials committees to work for better service, lowered costs. One specific improvement suggested is elimination of long-term bond issues, this practice has been found to result in present-day taxpayers still being assessed for improvements made as far back as the Civil War, the com mission reports. Greek Business Run On 'American Style" Athens ? American influence, through American schools, libraries, and cultural organizations, has long been manifest in the Eastern Medi terranean area. The English language is widely-spoken. Or better, perhaps, to say the American language. The result Is a deep admiration and respect for the United States There are American restaurants, shops, bookstores, newsstands, bar ber shops, dry cleaning establish ments (quick service 'n' everything) ? beauty parlors, motion picture thea tres, advertising methods. The movies, for example, run con tmuously. a smart restaurant a page flicks your shoes with a dust { r as you go in. You have variations i of the quick lunch counter. AVOID TAX PENALTY JANUARY IS THE Last Month THA I TOWN TAXES M U BE PAID AT PAR. Beginning Feb. 2 A PENALTY WILL BE ADDED TO ALL TAX ACCOUNTS DUE THE TOWN. Pay Your Taxes Now and Save the Penalty ?TOWN OF ~ WILLIAMSTON Announcement! WE HAVE PURCHASED A BRAND NEW PACKARD HEARSE And Willi thin new equipment we feel that we can belter nerve the people nf ? thin community. Our nervier in modern and systematic an well an nympatlielie. DAY PHONE 155 NIGHT PHONE 197 W Free Ambulance Service To And From Broicn Community Hospital B. S. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Survey of Children With Defective Vision Underway All School Children in North Caredina Will Be Examined A survey of all school children to determine those who have defective vision is to begin immediately on a state-wide basis, according to an in terview today with Judge Sam M Cathey, of Asheville, chairman of the North Carolina Commission for the Blind. The survey is being conducted with the reoperation of the State De partment of Public Instruction Judge Cathey stated that other states have made Similar surveys but that this is the first of its type in-North-Carolina. It is to be eon ducted-in both the high schools and grammar schools. The teachers are [to do the testing. Detailed instruc tions, tevlmg eharts, and materials are being furnished by the commis sum. In some count i.w thi? fmintv ? | Health Department will supervise the work. The results of the survey will make possible the servicing on a planned basis of those children with seriously defective vision. Judge Ca they said. He estimated that there are 99,000 school children in North Carolina Who have seriously defect ive sight and that, according to the president's recent study, the parents of approximately 311.000 of these children are unable 'to provide eye care and glasses. The chairman said that these figures are based on ac curate surveys of the schools in oth er states. and that he feels that the surveys in North Carolina will show an even higher figure because so lit tie has been done in the field of vis ual defects among school children. In emphasizing th importance of proper eye. care for school children. Judge Cathey said that approximate ly 80 per cent of the impressions | which come to us come through the nd that our whole system of learning is based on visual processes. The source of much grade repeaters and disciplinary problems in the school is often found, Judge Cathey said, in poor vision However, the chairman of the com mission gave assurance that the .schools and?interested civic groups arc going to hdp the commission for the blind do something about thus urgent problem in North Carolina. Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction, has hearted ly endorsed the plan as bringing to North Carolina school children a much needed siiiin . The make a record in triplicate of all rhildri'n h:ivi? 70-40 visjon or less in either eye. The original copy will be sent to the commission, one copy will be kept in the school files and a copy sent to the County Health De partment. The commission will then work out will the interested groups plans for proper eye care for those children. It Was pointed out by the chairman of the commission that most of tin problems with children in schools arise from physical difficulties and that eve defects are high OH the list of physical problems. In the set of instructions to the teachers in 'the schools, the commission lists twen ty-one symptoms of eye difficulties and these symptoms will be reported Aided by civic and service clubs and health and welfare departments, the commission has already conduct ed many eye clinics. Judge Cathew stated that during the past year the commission has examined 5,675 per sons of which S^244 indigent per sons were refracted and 235 operat ed. A number were given treatment and adarge number are still pending ( for operation. The chairman of the commission stated that a state-wide j survey is now essential to give an I accurate indication of the condition of the school children's eyes in North Carolina. Judge Cathey stated that a large part of the eye defects present in school children can be corrected if found and treated at an early age. Judge Cathey emphasized that it and-'EniW when the tests are given theii cliil- ? drcn, making sure they learn the re suits of the tests. He said that the commission expected all tests to be completed by the first of March. Improvement Improvement in conditions af* footing the domestic demand for farm products has been pronounced since August, according to the U. .S. Bureau of Agnmlluijl Kcnnnm* Lower Cost The increasing use of home-iwa feeds and the wider use of produc tion records as a guide to breeding are tending to lower the cost of milk production in the United States. NOTICE OF SAI.E Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust dated" October 27, 1937. signed by S. A Martin and re corded in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book P-3, at page 389 and to secure certain notes of even fotc therewith qnfl in said Deed of Tru tains in said Deed of Trust not hav ing been complied with and at the request of the holder of .said notes, the undersigned Trustee will on the 29th day of January, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock Noon in front of the Court House Door in the Town of William ston. N. C-, offer for sale to the high est bidder, for cash, the following described real property: That certain tract or parcel of land lying in Bear'Grass Township, Mar tin County and in Washington Township, Beaufort County, bound ed on the North by J. W. Harris, on the F.ast H. L. Britton, on the South by H. L. Britton, and on the West by Lewis Taylor, and being the same land willed to S. A. Martin by Emily FASHION PREVIEW The bathing suit of 1940. ac cording to the stylists, will be a double dazzlcr; that is, it will shine like a sun reflector and I will look wot even at its driest. (Good news for the I-don't-care to Ret wet kind.) This suit is of blazing sapphire blue. M'-irtin dnted N1. 11121 . recorded in Book 6, at Page 55, of the Martin County Public Registry. This the 28th day of December, m ?1 GARLAND WHITLEY, j2 4t Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and hy virtue of the power and authority conferred upon the undersigned by that certain deed of trust made by K. II Jefferson and Wife. Amanda-R Jefferson, dated April 14. 1939. and recorded, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County, North Carolina, in Hook T-3, page 638. on account of default itt the payment of the same, the undersigned will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash iti^-County. Court House door, in Williamston, at 12 o'clock noon, on the thud Monday, in February, the same being Febru* ary 19. 1949, the following described real estate, situate, lying and being in the County of Martin, in the State of North Carolina, to-wit: AH that ce rtain tract or purge 1 of land lying and being in Goose Nest i Township. Martin County and State and Palmyra public road about three i miles North from the Town of Oak ; City and hounded on the North hy I the said Hamilton and Palmyra Pub- 1 lie Road; on the East by the lands of I Carrie Norfleet and on the South and West hy the lands of Carrie Nor flect; S. p. Green, Lemon James and the Red Marsh Branch, containing 384.5 acres, more or less, as shown by a map of same made by T. Jones Taylor. Surveyor, which said map is now on file with the Atlantic Jolht Stock Land Bank ofTlaTe igh and To ing the same and identical land d? W. It. I'.\ oivt! ;i 1111 V.V I f i ? til 1 l)i ? A Mint i.- Tinn{ Stork I.mikI Bank of Hnleu?h, dated June 1. 1!>25. and of record in the public y of Martin County in Book X ii, pane IOV. Reference ho ihjt made to said map and said mort na^e for a nioiv perfect" description nl the ' : nrli refey?me made a part of this description This tho 12th dav of January. A. 1). 1 !? lit'. J V HACK I .Kit, Trustee. Jlackler & Allen. Attys. Wilmington, N. C jlfi 4t sai.i: or vai i abij: i'AlLU PROPERTY U'itdc r and by virtue of the ;i thnrity conferred upon us id a Deed of Trust o\i? 1 'iii k, mi fffl M day. of D.rci nilu'i . 14)37% and-record i ii m Hook T 3, page 315, w will on Saturday, tho 10th clay of February, J040. at 12 o'cloi k noon, at tho court house door in Martin County. Wil Relief At Last For Your Cough Crcomulslon relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlogm, Increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender, Inflam ed bronchial .. nthcous in* rnbrari' \ No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Croomulsion wit!? the understanding that you are to like; the way It quickly allays the COHflfh or you arc trr hnvo your money p.ipitr~ CREOMULSION (wCauijhi.Cheit Coldt.-BuwMB hams ton, N C. sell r.v public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder the following land. t'?-wit eel of land containing 122 1-2 acres, more or less, situate, lying.and b?--T mg on the Hamilton Road1 about seven miles E. of the town of Wil hamston. Hamilton Township. Mar tin County. N. C- having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will i more fully appear by reference to a map made by J R Mobley. Survey or. on the loth day of May. 1923. and adjoining the lands of William Grif fin on the West; the lands of Riley Spruili on the Ea?t; the lands of L. Wynne on tin South and lhp Uftcl^ f Greeley Slade on the West and nwri1 particularly described as fol low: Beginning on the Hamilton Road at Greeley Slade's corner; tfu nce down said road S 05 Hi* K 55 I liolt 1 B SI* R ai uutTFT^ Ml 1-2* K' TT p .TTs Ti. poTIarif or Mam Nrmth.-| Riley Spruili's corner, theme duWn i Uilev Spniiir,- line or branch S 53* W la poles. S 70* W lti pedes. S 74* W 32 pole: S 7if* W lti poles S 5t>* W 2n noles: S lit i 2* W - S W 14 poles; S 21* E 20 poles; S 27 1-2* E 20 poles: S 2 1-2* 12 poles to Conoho Creelt; thence up Conoho CiBEk X Id? W 14 poles;* X7 1-** W 18 poles^S 83* W 14 poles; N 63 12* W 12 poles; S 58* W 7 poles: N 45* W 11 poles; N 27 1-2* W 11 poles; S 51 1-2* W 8 poles to a gum, Gree ley Slade's corner; thence along Greeley Slade's line N 5* W 00 poles; N 42* E 20 poles; N 24* E 140 poles to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to the said C. H. Daw. s by B A Critcher by deed dated No*' 21, 1914, and on record in Martin County Public Registry in Hook G-l. page 208 ?Tins land is sold subject to 111 un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the f niure . f Jasper Roebuck and wife. Alice Roebuck, to pay off and dis rhargi the indebtedness secured by ant dnrri nfTnm - \ deposit ef 10 per cent will be rc V 'id from the purchaser at the I mi tin 2nd day of January, 1940 INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORP., ' ' -i "? N (' j 16-4t Poultry Truck ?vcry TUESDAY \ r jamesville rrmrr; <> i.. nnWeTis: AT II MUUSON'S Mil,I, _ _ II 10 12 in. \T IIK \K CRASS I I.. .'I p. III. Every FRIDAY AT OAK OTA 9 to 11 a, m. AT HAMILTON ___ I I :.{(? a. III. in I2:.'?0 p. m. AT GOLI) POINT I In 2 p. in. AT WILLIAMSTON ... <> to I I a. .... AT KVERETTS 11:.'(() u. in. t<> 12(30 p. in. AT HOHKKSOM I I LK ___1 I to H p. in. Colore. I llriiK, Leghorn llcnM, Stnp.. UoohIith >*K PAY TOP MAKKKT PRICES Pitt Poultry Co. GREENVILLE, N. C. SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CORP., NEW YORK, N. Y. FERTILIZER I Oil MMK PLAN I BEDS w i: s i; i. i. ii < Ilt-allliirr anil I liriflit-r 11 I'nys To I sr VLUICO lor I'LANT BKI)S Scr i s lor ) our I9UI b'lTlilizrr ISrwIs. ^ Moore (Grocery Co. BIG Auction Sale \\ ?? llu\e Srwrnl Miilfs \iul Horses, And A Oiianlity Of I'ariniii^i Implements We \\ ill Sell \l Auction Saturday, January 27 \T I 1:00 A. M. At Our Stables In OAK CITY, N. C. C.ome /lu