Society and Personals OF WILL1AMSTON and MA*TIN COCNTT PHONE An 7 thinf '< This ~ T? 4 6 \? In Coinmbu Sunday Mr. Carroll Coltrain was in Col umbia Sunday. Visit Terra Ceia Sunday Mrs C T. Roberaon, Mrs Sadie Peel and Miss Lora Sleeper visited Terra Ceia Sunday. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs Herbert Pope, of Robersonvltle, visited relatives here Sunday. In Aulander Saturday Mrs. J. Sam Getsinger and Miss Lois Ludwick visited in Aulander and Ahoskie Saturday evening Shop* Here Friday Mrs. W. M. Beacham, of James ville. shopped here Friday afternoon. Return To Richmond Mrs. Irving Hull and daughter, Paulanne. returned to their home in Richmond today after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hardison Spends Week-end Here Milton James, student at Wake Forest College, visited relatives here last week-end. In Fdenton Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller visited friends in Eden ton Sunday. Visits Here IjlsI Week-end Miss Ezeferlec Griffin, student nurse in Portsmouth.'visited friends and relatives here over the week end. Was Here Last W eek-end Mrs Jimmy Harris, of Raleigh, visited relatives here last week-end. Visits Here Saturday Night Mrs. Elmer James, of Everetts, vis ited her sister, Mrs. Herman Bowen, here Saturday night. Visit in Elizabeth City Mrs. J. A. Eason and Miss Mary Taylor visited in Elizabeth City Sun day. In Willict Last Wcfk-md Miss Mary Stokes Robinson visited relatives in Wallace last week-end. In Chapel Hill Sunday Miss Kathryn Mew born and Mr Billy Clark visited friends in Chapel Hill Sunday. Visit in Norfolk Sunday Mesdames Eva Evant and Anne . Askew visited in Norfolk Sunday. Were in Kenly Sunday Mrs. Robert Coburn and Miss Jo ' sephine Harrison visited friends in Kenly Sunday. Visits in Bear Crass Miss Velma Bailey, student at A C. C Wilson, visited relatives in Hear Grass over the week-end In Rocky Mount Sunday Miss Audrey Williams visited in Hoeky Mount Monday. Visits in Bear Grass Miss Grace Rogers, student at E j C. T. C.. Greenville, visited relatives 1 in Bear Grass during the week-end Recovering from Heart Attack Mr. Amons Rogers is recovering from a heart attack suffered on Sun-1 day at his home in Bear Grass ! To Represent Williamston Miss Mary Gwynnc Osborne has i been selected to represent Williams ton as princess, at the Gallopadc 111 j Rocky Mount next month. Visit Here Sunday Mr and Mrs. Smith Coburn and son. of Norfolk, visited Mr, and Mrs J. A. Roberson here Sunday. Leaves for Lexington Rev. Z. T. Piephoff leaves tomor ' row for Lexington and a two-weeks' stay in Ashe County where he will hold services for Rev. John Lukes. ; Visits in Rich Square Mrs Janie Lehue visited relatives i in Rich Square last week-end. I Spends Week-end Here Miss Rebecca Harrison, teacher in the High Point schools, visited her mother, Mrs C. A. Harrison, here last week-end. Attends Dance in Wake Forest Miss Nancy Biggs attended the dances in Wake Forest last week end. In rreswell Sunday Mrs. Eddie Hardison and daughter, Maybe lie, visited relatives in Cres well Sunday. Visits Friends Here Sunday Mr. J. P. Woodard, of Swan Quar ter. visited friends here Sunday and Monday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Evelyn Harrison, of Durham, visited relatives here during the week-end. Visit in Jamesviile Misses Ruth Modlin and Christine Ray, teachers in the High Point schools, visited relatives and friends in Jamesviile last week-end. Visit Terra Ceia Saturday Mesdames Wigg Watts and J. A. Eason visited Terra Ceia Saturday. Visit Relatives in Bear Grass H. D Harrison, Jr., and Garland Bland, students at A. C. C, Wilson, visited relatives in Bear Grass last week-end. Were Here Saturday Mesdames Don Drew, Will Martin and Nick Styron, of Norfolk, visited Miss Ethel Mae James here Satur day. Attend Meet in Jamesviile Misses Annie Mae Bailey, Mary Elizabeth Keel, Patsy King, and Bir die Martin, Rev. J. L. Goff and Rev. James Smith attended the interde nominational league meeting in Jamesviile Sunday. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Calvin Smith, of Robersonville, was a business visitor here yiiter day. Visit Tulip Gardens _Mr?ind Mrs. Bill Mve'rs visited the tulip gardens at Terra Ceia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Plum Spencer and Mrs. Spencer, of Hickory, Va., visit ed Dr. and Mrs. J. L Spencer here yesterday Suffering from Heart Attack Mr. Warner Bailey, of Bear Grass, is suffering from a heart attack which occurred Saturday. Visits Relatives in Grifton Miss Hazel Jarrcll, teacher in the Hamilton school, visited relatives in Grifton last week-end. Confined To Her Home Miss Elizabeth Bailey is confined to her home in Bear Grass hv illness. Attend Funeral in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. George Hatton Gur ganus, Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurganus, Mrs. Rose Gurganus and Mf. K6y Gurganus attended the funeral of the latter's brother, Mr. Sam Gurganus, in Norfolk Sunday. In Hamilton Sunday Mrs. Walter Davenport, of Rocky Mount, visited relatives in Hamilton Sunday. ENTERTAINS AT BUDGE Mrs Victor E Brown entffttlned} eighteen tables of bridge Friday eve-1 rung at the Woman's Club. The club ' was decorated with spring flowers.' High score prize was given to Mrs Leman Barnhill; second high to Mrs N C. Green; low score to Mrs. Chas Godwin, Sr. Mrs. George Hatton Gurganus received the floating prize. Complimentary boxes of Whit man's Sampler were given by Clark's Drug Store to the winners of low and high scores. Drinks and a sweet course were served. Out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Ir vin Coulbourn. of Windsor; Mrs. | Wallace Fleming, Mrs. Camille Tur ner, Mrs. Oscar Davenport, of James-1 viHr; Mrs. B. F. Houston. Mrs. CltO | Whtiford, Mrs. Hugh Ross, Mrs. Wil liam Hurst. Miss Ada Flynn, and Miss Elizabeth Flynn, of Washington. CLAKK-WEBB Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest Webb, of Tuscumbia, Ala., announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Virginia, to Albert Leslie Clark, of Columbia, S. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Baxter Clark, Sr., of Williamston. The wedding will take place in June in a private ceremony at the home of the bride's parents in Tus cumbia. i STALLS-ELLIS A wedding of much interest I throughout the county was solemn ized at the home of Mr. C. B. Red dick in Everetts Saturday night, April 13, when Miss Neva Grey El-1 lis became the bride of Mr. Charles | B. Stalls. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Ellis, of Jamesville, and attended school there. The groom is the son of Mr?. Bertha Stalls, of Everetts. The young couple are at home with the groom's mother in Everetts. ? Visits in Hamilton Miss Dorothy Perkins, of Raleigh, visited relatives in Hamilton over J the week-end. In Washington Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. McKimmon Saun-1 ders visited in Washington Sunday. Returns to Hkltfax~ Mrs. Milton Norman returned to J her home in Halifax Sunday after a visit here with relatives. In Rocky Mount Sunday ??Mr:- and-Mra,- Grover?HarrtjgQtU Miss Katherine Hardison and Mrs. Irving Hull and little daughter, of Richmond, visited in Rocky Mount Sunday. Were Here Sunday Mr. Clayton House and little son, "Buzzie," of Hamilton, visited here Sunday. Visits in Robersonville Miss Julia Daniel spent the week end in Robersonville with Mr. and "Mrs. Allen VartNurlwlck. Leaves for Nashville, Tenn. Rev. John W. Vinson leaves today fui NaslmHr; fenn , whero ho will spend several days. The minister is considering entering the missionary field in China. Spends Week-end Here Miss Hilda Modlin, teacher in the Rocky Mount schools, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Modlin, Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. June Grimes, of Washington, visited here Sunday. Enters Hospital George Harris, Jr., entered a Rocky Mount hospital last Saturday for treatment of an heart ailment. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pollard, of Greenville, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Vernon Bunting Sunday. In Pendleton Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Garland Barnhill vis ited in Pendleton Sunday. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Pollard and sons, of Bethel, visited here Sunday. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Talton, of Clay ton, spent Sunday here with Miss Grace Talton. In County Last Week-end Mr B. F. Copeland and son, of Guilford College, visited friends in the county last week-end. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale.contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersign ed Trustee by Emma Latham et al, dated December 2, 1927, and record ed m the Register of Deeds Office, Martin County, in Book Y-2, page 342, to secure note of even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the under signed Trustee will, on the 29th day of April, 1940, at 12 o'clock. Noon, in front of the Courthouse door, Mar tin County, offer for sale to the high eft bidder, for cash, the following de scribed tract of land: t Bounded on the North by White i Street, on the East by Reddick Street, on the South by George Davenport and on the West by John Terry and i being the house and lot in the Tbwn of Williamston, N. C-. where James Lawrence Latham, commonly sailed Stephen Latham, lived and died, ?ftis 28th day of March, 1940. E. S. PEEL, Trustee. B. A. Critcher, Atty. a2-4t NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power and au thority conferred upon the under signal by virtue of Section 2435 of the North Carolina Code, Samuel Williams having failed to pay Just and reasonable debts for work done and material furnished hy the under signed fit repairing ana'working on a certain Chrysler automobile oayped by or in the legal possession of said Samuel Williams, said bill for said work and material being in excess of $50.00 and over ninety (90) days ] I past DR. V. H. NEWBORN OF-TOM-E-TRlfT Please Not* Data Changes Roberaonvllle office, Scott's Jew elry Store, Tueaday, May 7th. Wllllamtton office, Pee!e*s Jewel ry Store, every Wed., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Plymouth office, Liverman'a Drug Store, Every Friday, 10 ajn. to 4 pjn. Ryan: Tarboro Every Saturday. Latest Additions To The Enterprise Moiling List Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the following: Noah T. Daniel, Jamesville; W. B. Duggin, Williamston; Mrs. Cannie Williams. Oak City; W. B. Gay lord, Jamesville; Marshall Griffin, Suf folk; S. A Martin, Williamston; James Taylor, Oak City; Maggie An drews, Robersonville; C. C Bryant, Hobgood; Bennie Bryant, Oak City; A. C. Harrison, Williamston; Clyde Williams, Williamston; Ed Peel, Wil liamston; Mrs. Mary Stevenson, Robersonville; W. H. Britton, Wil liamston; Simon Short, Oak City; Opheus Bell, Williamston; John T. Hadley, Williamston. Mrs. wane Ray, VWiiar-ton; H. L. Hopkins, Oak City; R S. Coltrain, Williamston; W. H. Hadley. William ston; J. T. Harris, Williamston; J. H. Lilley, Williamston; Curtis Mob ley, Williamston; B W Slade, Oak City; J. L. Holliday, Williamston; Luther Taylor, Williamston; W. G. Keel, Oak City; John H. Roberson, Williamston; W. J. Rawls, William ston; Cortez Bowen, Williamston;! William Herbert Taylor. Williams ton; Mrs. Lula Lilley, Williamston; John Mason, Williamston; Mrs. M. M. Beacham, Jamesville. due since the work was done, the un dersigned will on Wednesday, the 24th day of April, 1940, at twelve (12) o'clock noon, at the place of bus iness of the Williamston Machine Shop, at the rear of Paul Jones Fill ing Station, on Washington and Haughton Streets, in the Town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale, to satisfy said bill for labor, repairs and material furnished, the following personal property, to-wit: On 193S Chrysler Sedan, Serial No. 6803936. Motor No. C6-5624. This the 6th day of April, 1940. C R MOORE, a!6-2t Repair Man. ADMINSTRATORS NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Nora Rogerson, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the under signed within twelve (12) months from the date of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. " This the 9th day of March, 1940. WIXIE ROGERSON and JESSE D. ROGERSON, Administrators of the estate Tnt2-6t of Nor# Rogerson _ SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by Joe H. Wynn on the 1st day of December, 1936, and recorded in Book T-3, page 75, we will on Saturday, the 27th day of April, 1940, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, Williamston, N. C, sell at public auctiuii fin rush In thu highest,_hid^ der the following land, to-wit: All that certain tract, piece or par cel of land containing 67 acres, more APA HEREFORD /nh And ANGUS ..STEERS.. Wt. 400 to 900 lbs. Sorted in even sizes in carload lots. 2 loads fine T.B. tested springer heifers. 2 loads cows, 3 loads spring calves. Will sell one load or all. IIARRY I. BALL al6-19 FAIRFIELDjJOWA. or leu, situate, lying and being or what is known a* the Ward Road about 7 1-2 miles South af the town of Williamston, Bear Gran Town ship, Martin County, North Carolina, and adjoining the lands of Joseph Johnson on the North, the land of Riddick Mizell on the East, the land of Aron Mizell on the South, and the lands of John Cratt an the West. Be ginning at a sweet gum in Bear Grass Swamp, corner of Joseph Johnson and Riddick Mizell; thence with said swamp S. 0* E. 77 poles and S. 10* E. 78 poles to a black gum; thence with a branch S. 87* W. 40 poles; N. 83* W. 62 poles and N. 80* W. 35 poles to a black gum; thence with the line of John Cratt N. 20* E. 117 poles to a gine^henceJ?^^8^^^^gole^U^^ -take; thence N. M* E. 24 pole* to the beginning, and being the (ame land conveyed to the nid Joe H. Wynn and wife, Alice Wynn, by W. A. Crisp and wife, by deed dated Dec, IS, 1018, and of record in Mar tin County Public Registry In Book T-l .page 591. This land is.sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Joe H. Wynn to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 23rd day of March, 1040. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORP, Trustee. Durham, N. C a3-g-15-23 HAVOLINE The World'i Largest Selling Motor Oil. HARRISON OIL CO. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Branch Banking & Trust Company WILLIAMSTON, N. C. "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" At The Clow Of Business March 26, 1940. RESOURCES "* Cash and Due from Banks $7,755,234.71 Obligations of the U. S.?Notes 4.718.MO.00 V Obligations of the V. S?Bonds 3.079.463.00 Fed. Inter. Credit Bank Debentures 930.0M.M Federal Land Bank Bonds 1,121,098.42 North Carolina Bonds 534,656.70 Municipal 4k Other Marketable Bonds 1,506,137.20 19,644.590.03 Loans and Discounts 2,469,880.66 Accrued Interest and Accounts Receivable 68,231.82 Banking Houses. Furniture and Fixtures and Real Estate, Less Depreciation Reserve (Tax Value 8345.490.M) 233,528.66 $22,416,231.17 LIABILITIES Capital Stock?Common $ 400,000.00 Capital Stock?Preferred 1M.0M.M Surplus 750,000 00 Undivided Profits 388,158.52 Reserves 306.250.00 Unearned discount and other liabilities 90,015.15 Deposit a-c Bonds Loaned 379.5M.M Deposits 20,Ml,707.50 $22,416,231.17 (Estimated value of assets charged off not Included above ? $121,675.40) Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corposatlon Clark"* IMu'uiiiutism Compound A-PuKititf MtH(t-v-Ba< k Gumaiilt'i'd Remedy for the Relict of? Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuritis, \ aural giu ami Muscular .Iclws uiul I'ains CLARK'S Drug STORE TELEPHONE 53 W1LL1AMSTON Todiiy. More Tliun Kvcr, Motorinln \r?- Turning To TEXACO MOTOR OIL HARRISON OIL CO. Itx/. Motor I INSULAR Notice to Voters of MARTIN COUNTY NEW Registration WILL OPEN IN EACH ^ \ \ PRECINCT IN COUNTY Saturday, April 27 th Martin County Board of Elections * SYLVESTER PEEL, Chairman 1 JOE WINSLOW, Secretary ? I I WADE VICK t 1 t. f * YOUR JOB/S V/FFERENT ? ? THATS my THE RMT DODGEJU-XoZm! TRUCK im 4051vhi HME IEALEI FN Till RELIABLE TUCK IITIII ?IIIL ITI FREE! "to**/. *+9#Amf // */**/*/I IDOKICOMPARE DOM TRUCKS WITH THOSE MADE IT Q9 (SUB COMPMIES MAMHEACTUMM LOW PMCfD TRUCKS 000*1 om*s fa* wtoa stiicno* COMPARISON "rocks a b HHCMfciwrt c::ii M '450 41 EZE PHcm dmmm ara for Vt-toa Ann wHfc Ma* hn caarf da lacal ftaaac aalra. Pncac aaMfac* to dawy ??itocw* aa#ka. Fifarac ?n* Ja Na tout cKorf ara toad aa pafclitoid tota MmIM-Tm 133* W.b. Wa. WOO <*?H at DMraK. i-d-CI-a Man. Dvol wbcslx, frontportafion, itets end local la.H (If any) extra. ? No matter how different YOUR hauling problem may be, yon can find a truck that fUt your job in the complete line of Dodge Job Rated trucks from the Heavy-Duty Diesel "freighters" down to half-ton delivery trucks. You'll find the right Job-Rated truck for pour Job powered for top performance and maximum economy?with the right one of t great Dodge truck engines! Youll And every unit "sired" for the truck?with the right one el M frames; the right one of 4 dutches, of 3 transmissions, of ? spring and ? brake com binations; the right one of I rear axles. Every Dodge Job-Rated truck is engineered and co ordinated to fU the fab the truck Is built te do! That's why Dodge Job-Rated trucks are so muck "on the Job" . . . giving long, depend able, trouble-free performance, cutting costs an aiong M. v line. Alio?ulcy rw priced with the lowest for every capacity! See your Dodge dealer for easy budget terms. DIXIE MOTORS, Inc. WIUMMSTON, N, C, DEPEND ON DODGER* ?a&*TRU(.KS rji flj **

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