Committees To Act On Six Amendments ^ ithin A Few Days (Continued from page one) adjustment* over a period of years to eliminate excess supplies of to bacco. Such a procedure would be particularly desirable when the full adjustment required is so large that drastic reductions in allotments would be required if all the adjust ments were made in one year. Amendment No 4 This amend ment would remove the present pro ? _vision in the act that the marketing quota for any slate In the casc Trf flue-cured tobacco shall not !?? less than ,5 per cent of the 1937 produc tion of flue-cured tobacco m the State Also, it would provide that the national marketing quota for the next three years shall not be reduc 'laJTiT^ than 10 Pl'r cent below the 1940-41 marketing quota and that the farm acreage allotments for the sam, years be adjusted uniformly m re larion to the farm atletmenu. Uh thc. preceding year, .with the exception that any farm allotment of one am or less in the- ease of burlev tobacco and two acres or less in the ease of flue-rured tobaeco would not be re ducedbe low the 1940 allotment, and with the furthei exception that an acreage equal to two pc , eent of the allotments established in 1940 foi farms in each state would be allotted bv the local committees so as to make any needed adjustment of the mdi v^ual farm allotments ei c "S.iPr"P?'sal ls '"'ended to t,im Phf> the determination of allot ments. protect small farmers, and reduce administrative cost The pro posal recognizes thai the hurley and I next 'oir h'bacco jil lotmc-nls for the about Vh >'<'ars w>" nwd ?? bej about the same size as the 1940 a| ,r.m<'nTIS ? ,0rder ' 'muriate th,. I present surplus and that any changes small"' T"'" be1 small This being the ,ase any 1 part of farmers and for muc h smaller administrative costs ,f they are made .' " u"lform basis Also, if farmers , "" rbanges will be urn "" ' 1 11 '"'I' i 111 .u^Uimaauii. ??ation-s ,n view of the needed ad justments of marketings ot tobacco Amendment No 5 The purpose ?f s suggested addition' is to- permit he carrying ,,y producers ?! fro,,, one marketing year to ?'n'h Mo,""' P,ay"'K "I '""a"v -ueh l-hace,. ,r ,, "y.ithin umnl^' Vt'a' w''leHTt is ,.cul""! "r 'f.a smaller amount K tin the farm ' V W'hicOithe lobaeeTTTT rkm "v, r ?so as to make possible 7| '"'f,'' ,h*' to,,accu within the " I I.I lll.g. IJUUU, Till 's also intended to pnwcZ the "mark t't " t^marketrng of tobaeeo " Wmnmg of marketing hme toh "'a" dUn"? '""ma! marketed ?rdmaril>' would be ^,,l(l,1dihoin Non>?TfrTr ment would strengthen enforcement g hen;,n ',mt! qU",as ""'leas . h '"" upon any tobacco ware "r daahr who fails -- ^T^T^^-^frftccn days, to o ds ,s r r,-pi"1 k?"'P ?'ue rec W"h "e,U,,? ?b>' "?"'a'""'s mi o iot e Tl 'hl ,,"batC? ">??*? sDeci t j " !'u,;,tl?ris with re -Pect to records and reports would be prepared after consultation whh ,ng Km ma""6" a"d d"alers '"croas U, ? "ena.ty would tend msurt compliance with ?i, regulations the casC of aI y war< housemen or dealer, who m"ghU,W erwise attempt to violate the aw Timely Hints For Motoring Public By INSPECTOR M. J. McLEOD Highway Safety Division In 1939 there were 32,000 persons killed and 1.210,200 injured in auto mobile accidents in the U.S.A. Of this number 7990 were killed and 179.980 were injured by exceeding the speed were injured by feckless driving You can see that it does not pay to speed"or drive reckless. Be courteous to other motorists at all times. When, you leave home, drive safe ly. so you can return. Slow down at night and in bad weather. Don't take any unnecessary chances. Keep your car in good mechanical condition at all times. ) I,oral Auto Firm (wains Recognition For Sales The sales record of the Wilhamston Motor Company for the months of February and March was recogniz ed by the Norfolk branch of the Ford Motor Company this week when Manager N. C. Green was presented a handsome silver cup award by Ford officials. Competing with 29 other dealers served by the Norfolk branch, the local auto firm led in the win contest by i substantial mar The Bertie Motor Company, Wind sor, won the sales award for Group five dealers. ? Two Stills Wrecked In The County Ltut Week Two illicit liquor itilli were wreck ed in the county last week by A. B C. Officer J. H. Roebuck and hii as sistants. One of the plants, including a complete copper kettle and 300 gallons of beer and ten gallons of 11 quor, was torn down in Poplar Point. The other one, a steam outfit, wi wrecked in Bear Orasa Township During IMS, a total of 37 bicyclists wen killed and 2M were injured in this state. Hapjienings In The Farm Life School School day at Farm Life this af ternoon is being attended by a good ly number of parents and patrons who are observing the grade work and enjoying a series of plays and contests. The Farm Life baseball nine, un defeated in season play, are playing the strong Bear Grass nine this af ternoon The sixth grade of the Farm Life school has just completed its last and best issue of the Sixth Grade Echoes, featuring th?- North Caro lina Merry'-Go-Round- The paper a constant source of inter est and joy to out the year Mi.-s Melba Reese, the music teach er. of Farm Life, will present her music recital Friday night. April ||tJi The faculty of Farm Life school were guests at a recent supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lilley, Mr. and Mrs. N. R Peel, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Raberson After a very