Watch The Label On Your Your Subscription E z p i r e a. Paper, As It Carries The Date THE ENTERPRISE Advertisers Will Find Our Col Homes Of M ? r t i a County. umni A Latchkey To Over 1.600 VOLUME XLIII?NUMBER 35 WUliamtton, Martin County, North Carolina, Tue$day, April 30, 1910. ESTABLISHED 1899 Two-Weeks' Term Of Superior Court Ended Here Friday Deed Upheld by the Court in Case of Williams Versus J. H. Harrell The special two*weeks term of the Martin County SupenorCourV caU ed for the trial of civil ca?f ?"ly (^'" SvarS the tribunal after getting .? to ? Slow start the 'tn'^eek accomplish ed much during the second week"* removing a goodly number of cases '^i.'rolTh.rd-fought cases and delayed decisions by the jurymen featured Z activities of the court cases hokhng the )urors^n session for against J. H Harrell, the jury, after deliberating five hours decded m favor of the defendant. Its verdict was accompanied by recommenda Uo", offered in behalf of the plain tiff however. In the first issue, the plaintiff have sufficient mental capacity on March 25, 1939. to ex ecute a deed to the defendant?' the ecuie a , the second jury answered Yes. 1 issue "Was the execution of homeland garden nowtKTup?d< hv the plaintiff. The jury recom provt^ t'heVa^ntiHw^h'mrtteiSnt a note by deed of trust or by cash settlement. and a mistrial ordered in the case of A. E James against Mrs Minnie Leggett 3"in"the"case of Fannie Hassell against J E. Pope, administrator of William Hassell. the court approved settlement of the estate by payment lb the plaintiff Reporting to the court that full ^ttlement could be effected at once, the administrator explained that a claim to a portion r Mctate had been tmtered toy have a religious icution hut many of them took ad- I intage of the union service at thof high school to declare line 11 is the custom each year for all of the churches to dispense with their morning service on the Sunday that the baccalaureate sermon is preach 'd at the high si Inml This is a heircr tiful spirit on the part of the relig ions bodies, to honor the seniors, yet the spirit is marred by the i'uiluie of many to attend the service There was a fair attendance Sunday, the auditorium being about two thirds full. The Rev. James Smith of the Bap tist Church preached a most force ful sermon. He challenged the sen iors and the other young people pres cut with the theme of "Christ and the Young People of Today The service began with a proces sion by the choir and Seniors, sing ing "God of Our Fathers " After the procession, Miss Ellen Taylor sang the "Lord's Prayer." hv Malollc^The cHoir and congregation then sang, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name " The scripture reading and prayer were by tin- Rev. John Hardy. For the special music the girls' trio, com posed of Misses Catherine Mewborn, Cut hi nnr Manning and Elizabeth Parker, sang Mendelssohn's "Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains"; and the mixed, chorus sang Gevaert's "The Sleep of the Child Jesus " After thi' sermon ihe choir and congregation sang, "Fairest Lord Jesus." Mr Smith pronounced the benediction and the choir and Sen iors marched out in recession. The highlights of the service, which were well' planned ami minim led, wen? the sermon and the special music The attendance -at the scrvi'ce^-m the various churches Sunday was as I ollows ch Y.P. P.M. Baptist 125 18 49 Holiness 101 40 Presbyterian Episcopal Methodist 78 30 60 Christian 117 65* | ? -Combined Y.P. an R 117 7 0 1 45 0 0 0 80 0 0 U 91 3 0 0 137 1 . n I) 183 3 9 0 130 0 0 0 235 8 0 0 42 (I 0 0 45 0 0 0 Q 49 1 0 ?u u 55 0 0 0 1270 23 9 1 *imiv no i'ii tered in the general .election regis tration books and nothing will be heard from him in the primary on Saturday. May 25 A review ??f the last Saturday reg istrations follows, bv precincts jf, White Colored Precinct Jame.sville W illiarns Griffins Bear Grass Williamston 2 Cross Roads ttobersonville Gold Point Poplar Pomt Hamilton Hassell Goose Nest Totals y That the new registration will fall Far short of the voting strength evi :lenced in the old registration books is expected, but judging iroin the first Saturday registration the coun ty's voting strength will be reduced more than sixty per cent when com looks have been altered from time to time to remove the names of those who had died or moved away. The alterations did not (Continued on page six) Commerce Croup Seeks Law To Curb Peddling - Soliciting Holding their monthly meeting last evening, the directors of the local Chamber of Commerce discussed the need for a law regulating peddling and soliciting in some cases and the elimination of both in other cases. Armed with laws passed by other towns, a special committee was nam ed to meet with the local town com missioners next Monday evening for a discussion of the proposed law with the view of appealing for its passage. In the general discussion, the com merce group directors cited recent cases where numbers of local peo ple had literally been robbed in some cases and where solicitors had creat ed a nuisance for many housewives. There was the young woman who was out selling magazine subscrip tions lie re not so long ago to earn money for the purchase of a cork leg. Quite a few lost their initial pay ments. There was a man around some time ago selling common lS-cent floor-oil mixed with a cheap shellac preparation for $1 25 a quart. The problem created by the magazine sellers was discussed along with the peddling nuisance, and the board was agreed'that some action was taken to curtail this business of house-to house canvassing While it is possi ble the passage of the proposed or7 dmance will benefit local merchants to some extent, the discussion hurt evening clearly bore out the fact that the housewife and business man were in a position to ?hjoy the most bene fit. A proposed trade event with a lib eral offering of prizes was called off by the directors when it was learned that postal authorities would not ac cept advertising material promoting a lottery. Th*? commenv seeretary was di rected'to make a survey looking to a half holiday for local stores during the month)i of June, July and Au gust. Country Store Is Robbed On Friday Tin small country store operated l>y J. H. Griffin, colored, over in Williams Township on Highway No. B4 was robbed some time during last Friday night. The owner discovered the robbery the following morning and. found a goodly portion of his dork missing. An entrance was gain ed through a side door where a lock was fbrced. ' 1 two cartons of cigarettes, two boxes of candy, two dozen spools of :otton, a dozen cans of pork and beuns, a dozen packages of crackers, a pair of brass knucks and fifteen or twenty pennies were stolen. Griffin i-xplained he had the small weapon there for a purpose. It was the second time the little itore had been robbed since early last fall when cash in the sum of $18 was stolen from the small-scales?r chant. Griffin thinks he knows the guil ty party, but his suspicious be substantia tad, reports stats.