w? Pw Club Meetlncx Society and Personals or WILL1AMSTON aad MARTIN CO l; NTT Anything for Thu ~ T? 4 6 In Windsor Monda\ Miss Effie Waldo Mrs Dave Mat thews. Mrs Bruce Sherrod and Mrs Pem Slade. of Hamilton, visited, friends in Windsor Monday Attend Graduation Exercises Mr and Mrs Frank Fagan and | family, of New Bern, attended the i _ graduation exercises here Wednes day night. Visits Here This Week Rev Duke Critcher, of Enfield, vis ited Mr and Mr> B A Critcher here this week Was In Washington City Miss Nell Harrison visited in Washingtoi. City last week-end. Attend Music Recital Misses Annie Mai Bailey and Mary s Lit) Keel, Messrs J D Taylor and Leman Keel attended the music re ! cital at Bear Grass Wednesday eve i ning. Spend Week-end Here Mr and Mrs Jimmy Harris, of Raleigh, visited relatives twnrover the week-end Returns to Elizabeth City Air. Bul? Barrett returned to his home m Elizabeth Cit\ yesterday after teaching in .the local ift'hool last term- : " ~ Visits Here East W eek-end Mjss Alice Harrison, teacher in the Rich Square schools, visited here last wegk-gnd. .??' '' Visiting at Mall's Point Mrs. Marion Cobb is visiting at Mail's Point for a feu days Ls Visiting Friends Here Mrs. F E Wilson, of Tarboro. is visiting friends here for a few days Was Here Yesterday Joe W : lv>u .11 I{i? i i an rile \ IMt?-d lit re \r;.U'l ti.lN Birth Announcement Mr and Mrs V J Spivey an nounce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, May 2 Mother and daugh ter art- ge tting along nicely in a Washington hospital. Was Here Wednesday Mr El wood Ange. of Kinston. vis ited friends here Wednesday night. Is lit With Pneumonia Mr Bob Everett. Si is confined to a Washington hospital with pneu monia 1* Visiting Relatives Here Miss Rebecca Harrison, teacher in the High Point?schools, is visiting relatives here this week-end. !> in Washington Hospital Mr Cushion Bailey, of Bear Grass, is receiving treatment in a Washing ton hospital. Attend Music Recital Mi arid Mrs. Ernest Etheridge at tended the music recital in Bear Grass Wednesday night Return from Fayetteville Mr and Mrs Jack Horner have returned from a few days' visit with relatives in Fayetteville. Shop Here W ednesday Misses Ann Holden and Elizabeth I White, of Windsor, shopped here <"i j Wednesday. Is Visiting Here Miss Essie Peele, of Morristown, N. J., is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. W Hardison, and Mi Hardison here. Leaves for Goldsboro Miss Dot Staton left Wednesday lor her home in Goldsboro where she has accepted a position with the pub lic health department. Leaves for Kandletnan Mis:- Mildred Talley, teacher in i l? ?(. schools, leaves Sunday for hci home in Kandleman. la Ea/ieid WcdaettUv Ir\'ing Margolis. C D Pittman and Prank Margolu at tended a luncheon in Enfield Wed ,nesday Visit Hrrr Thin Hetk , Mrs Lillian Benson Smith and son Kay. visited Miss Mary Benson here tTT?ey *** *c??npan ied to their home in Banaon by Miss I Benson who just completed her work I as a member of the local school far ojty during the 1939-40 term ?1 <'ins Husband Here i Ma'S Parker Jf'ifd her hus d. Manager Parker of the Mar gins. here last evening after a visit w ith relatives in Illinois , l eave for Their Homes | Misses Grace Talton. Ilorcas Knowles and Mary WhiUey left yes |h rday for their respective homes in [Clayton. Hertford and Murfreesboro after teaching in the local schools i last term. Leaves for Palmyra Miss Betty Mayo Everett leaves this week-end for her home in Pal myra after teaching in the local schools last term Visits Relatives Here Miss Enuly Budham. of Edentnn. visited relatives and attended the high school graduation exercises here this week. Leaves Sunday for Tarboro Miss Kathryn Mew born, teacher in the local schools last term, leaves on Sunday for her home in Tarboro Returns from Western N. C. Rev.Z. T. Pu phoff returned this I week from western North Carolina where he spent several days in the service of other churches Methodist Circle To Meet Circle Number one of the Metho dist Church will meet the second Monday in May with Mrs B F Brit -torn Is V isiting Here Miss Kubelle ThZSi^ oi Wash ington, is the guest of Mr and Mrs. Ci-urge Whitehurst here for a few Was Here Yesterday Mrs. Lydia Griffin, of Griffins Township, visited here yesterday JUaYCS for Roanoke Rapids M,s* Nancy Glover left today for' Koanoke Rapids where she will visit a lew days before going to Boone to spend the summer. In Washington Yesterday . Mrs. T. F Harrison. Mrs. Ralph Parker and children visited Mrs V J. Spivey and little daughter in a Washington hospital yesterday after noun. Was Here Yesterday Mr. Fiosty Martin, of Jamesvilic : was here yesterday attending to I business. Yieave Today fin I aGiange j Professn rand Mrs Ka,,, Edward*. left today for I^Grange where th,^ will visit before going to Durham to attend summer school. Philathea Claxs To Meet ne1T>!Lmemb<'rs "f the Christian I rulathca class will meet with Mrs. J -MsnniTTiTarTii i lioine mi Am nions Avenue this evening at eight o clock. Leaves for Washington City Mrs C B Hassell havesVmor 1"W for Washington City where she Will visit during the next several weeks. In Palmyra Today Miss Effie Waldo, Mrs. David Mat thews, Mrs. John Davenport and Mrs. Ballard visited Misses Ilattie and Margaret Everett in Palmyra to day. Clark s Kireumaiism Compound A I'l'Mlix- Money-Back Guaranteed Remedy for the Relief of Hlieumalism, Sciulicu, Lumbago, Neuritis, Neuralgia ami Woscular At:lies and I'ains CLARK'S Drug STORE 1 LLLl'llOiNL 53 VHLL1AMSTON -In WILLIAMSTON lr? MA IfJ 1 L :?- ' ?" 11(11111 I X Fo* SMART Styles W SHEER MAGIC . to keep you cool and lovely these new Windsor Voiles by J^icAon, Left. Rarely do yeu And a "sheer" that's as crisply tailored as this one. What's more, it will look as trim and trig at the end of a day as at the beginning. Navy, dubonnet, block, rust, cop en, green. 14 to 42. Right: The Square neck gains irresistible charm from a narrow frame of accordion pleated Vol lace which appears again on the sleeves. Tucking goes all the way down to the beginning of the hip line to achieve that very important, new, long-waisted effect. Dubonnet, black, copen, navy, green, brown. 12 to 20. loth dresses are Sanforized Shrunk. , i i . *650 HunfdisBwtiim 1 ate it Additions To The Emlarpri** Mailing List Listed among the recent "ddittoni to the Enterprise mailing list are toe following: . ? _ _ ? Buck Roberson. Williamsum, E T. Smith. Palmyra. B L Jamesville; Mrs J L Harris, Ral eigh Mrs Laura Hadley. Williams on D. G C Godwin Sanatorium; Ben Peel. Jamesville; R A Haislip. 1 Hassell Mrs E W Jones W.ltam | stun; M J Moye. Tarboro; Mrs. A. ? i 1 Harrison. Robersonville; Mis W. B Wynne. WiUiamston; Katie Lamer, Williamson Sarah L Bolden. Oak I ctis Chas Malura. Bronx N Y . L H ' Robt rsuii. WiUiamston. Frank Bennett. Murfreesboro; D R Slaugh ter. Rob. He: R ?K,We^ ' Robersonville John Motley^ Wil liamston. Charles Beach. Williams I tore Mrs J K Jones, WiUiamston, Ernie Gardner. Jamesville Mr and Mrs. Alnsley Entertain Mr and Mrs H M Amsley enter tained the faculty end loca. school toard members of Oak City high s. ! oo! at then home Tuesday eve ning. April 30. 1M0. with a three I course* dinner. ! The house was beautifully decora ed with tulips and wistaria. I Places were laid for Misses Myrtle Price. Mary Gorham. Louise Minton 1 Mary Ev. rett, Hazel Lawrence, Matt I Lyon. Lucy Pat Meads, Reba Mc j Lamb. Athlea Boone. Mrs Evelyn Jones. Mrs MeCracken, Mr. Benton. Mrs Sall.e Kittre-R Dr. and Mr. Earl Pittman. Mr and Mrs J A Everett. Mr E. R Edmondson Misses Harriet Everett, Irene l'av' enport. Edith Pittman and Mrs. Claude Roebuck assisted the hostess | in serving PATROL ENTERTAINED The work of the school safety pa trol w as recognize dhere last eve ning when the fifteen youths were guests of the Kiwanis club at a wien "An effective work was handled by the boys." Principal D N. Hix said. ^ Visits Here Yesterday Elder " F Getsinver was here yesterday afternoon from Farm Life, leaves for Kannapolis Professor Slaves this.. week for his home in Kannapolis. W as Here This Morning Farmer Jesse Rawls was here this morning from Bear Grass ?ts~Vndarg?inf- Treatment Rev W B Harrington is undergo ne treatment in a Washington hos pital Enters Durham Hospital Mr F. L. Haislip entered a Dur ham hospital yesterday for treat mcit. .. , Enters Washington Hwpttal Mrs Thelma Jones entered a Washington hospital this morning for treatment. In Colerain Thursday Night Messrs. Ralph Parker, Eddie Tra hev. Garland Woolard. Hubert Co himi Geuigc llat'tisuii. jj^_JphiLA4 -M5TnnrfgTin3TteKinal3^''"P?on wt'rie i i)Colerain Thursday night to at tend a rock muddle. notice Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between ris. thc undersigned, N. H. Fames and George Sfetsos. carrying ? a restaurant business in Elizabeth City and WiUiamston, N C., under the firm name of Central Cafe, was on the 11th day of April. 1940. dissolved "by mutual consent, and that the bus mess future, in Elizabeth City, will be carried on by the said N. H I au los alone, and the business in future, in WiUiamston, will be carried on by the said George Sfetsos alone. N. H PAULOS, a19_4t GEORGE SFETSOS. COMFORTABLE WHERE IT COUNTS Gentlemen, we believe that if you wear Hanes Crotch-Guard Shorts for just one day, you'll experience a new underwear comfort you never" dreamed was possible. They're knit to fit .. . and help you feel fit. The IIaweskwt Crotch-Guard fives you gentle, athletic support without binding. The wider crotch doesn't crowd and cramp. The legs fit as snug as your skin. And an all-round Lastex waistband follows your every movement. Try a pair. Buy a Hanes Undershirt, too. See your Hanes Dealer today. SHIRTS AND BROADCLOTH SHORTS 355 3J1 HANKS ClOTCN-tlAlt SHORTS cniM>y?irt ?M Durwit ?? 7lt _ I ?IMlKy, 60c moH. HAMCft Blue Label Shirt* ?n4 brM^da lew ?? 27c. P. H. HANIS KNITTING COMPANY WINtTON-SALIM, NORTH CAROLINA THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS SELL Hanes Underwear FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY BELK-TYLER COMPANY MARGOLIS BROTHERS MARTIN SUPPLY COMPANY DARDEN'S DEPT. STORE ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having thia day qualified aa ad ministratrix of The aatate trf tfarr - - T Waldo, deceased. thia ia to notify all persona having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed within twelve (12) months from the date of thia notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 5th day of April. 1940. MRS. BELLE C. WALDO. Administratrix of the estate a5-6t of Harry Waldo. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Louise Purvis Hop kins. deceaaed, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the under signed within twelve (12) months from the date of thia notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. This the fifth day of April. 1940 ROBERTA PURVIS LATHAM, Administratrix of the Estate of a!2-6t Louise Purvis Hopkins. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Fannie B Moore and M. D. Beach and wife. Marion W Beach, on the 1st day of January, 1937, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book S-2 at page 376. said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing a certain note of even date therewith, the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and default having been made in the pay ment of the said note, and at the re quest of the interested parties, the undersigned trustee will, on Wednes day. the 29th day of May, 1940, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil Iiansstoo, offer for sale to tbe high ?st biddeMoi^caih the following de Adjoining the lands of Watson N Sherrod and others, and bounded as follows Bcgwimng at Conoho Creek ?t J. J. Sherrod's eorner. now Watson and Sherrod's corner, at a gum and maple, thence North 160 poles to a pine, thence East 21 1-2 poles to a pine, thence South 71 West 52 poles lo a pine, thence North 76 East 66 <??L to a cypress on the old Everett Mill Branch, thence down the var ious course* of aid branch to said Conoho Creek, thence tip the onrtom courses of said Conoho Creek to the beginning, containing 240 acres, mort or less, this being the same land deeded to Henry Ceskin by J. P Boyle and wife. Margaret B. Boyle January 1, 1011. This the 27th day of April. 1M0 F. L. HA1SLIP Trustee. Peel & Manning. Attys. m3-4i Awnings At SPECIAL PRICES Coiur in lotliy and lei iih hIiow you liuw much you can nave by placing your ruMtoni made auniiift or der with um at once! Sin1 1 Bill Harrison CALL 86-W Two - Weeks Special O \ Metal Porch Chairs We Over-Bought Oil Metal Chair* Munt Keduee Stork At Once ? Fine Quality Chair* Anil Made From Pure Metal* anil Material*. See Them Now! VALUE NUMBER ONE OUR REGULAR 85.00 VALUE ON SALE FOR ONLY 2 WEEKS $3.74 VALUE NUMBER TWO OUR REGULAR Mm VALUE ON SALE FOR ONLY 2 KEEKS $2.74 ALSO BIG REDUCTION IN OUR STOCK GLIDERS ? LARGE ASSORTMENT. Woolard Furniture Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ELECTRICITY IS CHEAPER THAN DIRT THF flFiMFR VAI IIF OF THF YFA?I Royal Princess Cleaner . *39.95 The Cleaning Tools . . . *7.75 Regular Price *47.70 graphed here; with revolving motor-driven brush; convenient headlight; rubber bumper, handle grip and cord. so.95 DOWN AND EASY TERMS Sml ymUL (Daahut, oJl VIRGIMR ELECTRIC flno POUIER CO.

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