Watch The Label On Your Your Subscription Expires Paper. Aa It Carries The Date THE~ENTERPRISE Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over 1.600 Homes Of Martin County. VOLUME XL1II?NUMBER 39 IVUliamtton, Martin County, North Carolina, Turtday. May It. IVW. ESTABLISHED 1899 Democratic Precinct Officials Are Named In Saturday Meeting Convention Is Largest Held by County Democrats in Number of Years ? The re-organization of the Demo cratic party in Martin County was completed at a meeting of party members in convention at the court house last Saturday noon. Several of the precincts had perfected their or ganizations the Saturday before, and their delegates discussed politics and war while the organization was ef fected in its entirety Saturday. All precincts were represented ex cept one, the attendance upon the meeting being recognized as a rec ord for recent years. Women mem bers of the party were again recog nized even though they did not par ticipate in the convention. Several of the fairer sex were included in the precinct official groups, but none was named to the executive commit tee posts. The party line-up as formulated at the last Saturday meeting, follows: Jamesville: A. Corey, chairman; C. B. Martin, vice chairman; Stancil Brown, J. T. Uzzle and C. W Mizelle. members. Williams: Joshua L. Coltrain, chairman, W. W Griffin, vice chair man; Mrs. R. J. Hardison and R. J. Hardison, members. Griffins: Pleny Peel, chairman; James L. Coltrain, vice chairman; Mrs. J. Eason Lilley, George C. Grif fin and W. T. Robersun. Bear Grass: J. D. Wynne, chair man; Mrs. Dewey Leggett, vice chair man, La-Roy Harrison, T. L Rober son and Gormer Harrison. Williamston, No. 1 precinct: C B Roebuck, chairman; J. Sam Getsing ning, C. H Godwin, Sr., and S. C. Griffin. Williamston, No. 2 precinct: H. G. Horton, chairman; C. D Carstarphen, vice chairman; Iverson Skinner, C. II Godwin, Jr . Mr*,. E Jv Peel. Cross Roads: J. S. Ayers, chairman; Mrs. V. G. Taylor, vice chairman; D. C Peel, W. L. Ausbon and H. L. Roe buck. RoborsonyilU : A. E. James, t'lllllr man; A. M. Hasty, vice chairman; J. A. James, P D. Roberson and Mrs. W. H. Gray Quid Puilll. J. K. Winsiow, chatr man; H. H. Roberson, vice chairman; Mrs. Ruth Everett, J. b. Croom and P. T. Edmondson. Poplar Point: W S. White, chair man; L. H. Taylor, vice chairman; W. S. Leggett and Herman Harrison Hamilton: *. R. Everett, chairman; Miss Effie Waldo, vice chairman; W J. Beach, K. B. Etheridge and R. A. Edmondson. Hassell: John W. Eubanks, chair man; R. T. Johnson, vice chairman; Woodrow Purvis, D. R. Edmondson and E. R. Edmondson. Goose Nest: J. F. Crisp, chairman; N. W. Johnson, vice chairman; J. R. Perry, N. E Hyman, Jack Smith and J B. Whitfield. H. G. Horton was endorsed for re election as a member of the State Democratic committee. A. E. James, of Robersonville, was re-elected as a member of the Con gressional committee; and T. B. Slade was re-elected as a member of the Senatorial committee Clarence Griffin, of Griffins, and J. C. Smith, of Robersonville, were nominated for membership on the Judicial committee, but Griffin withdrew and Smith was re-elected without opposition. For the most part, the personnel of the party's official family remain ed unchanged, the group being of one accord this year in its political preferences and policies. Urgent Plea for Aid Follows Invasion of Hoi la nd-Belgium Pathetic pleas for aid to relieve the I untold suffering over the wide front attacked by a ruthless enemy in Hol land and Germany are being receiv ed by the American Red Cross over the week-end. Fleeing before the German barbarians, hundreds of thousands of Hollanders and Bel giums, mostly women and children, are now facing starvation and want, their man power and most of the re sources of the two little countries having been thrown into the line of battle in an effort to stop the German hordes The appeal for aid was received by Harry Biggs, chairman of the Martin County Red Cross chapter late Sunday afternoon ? Mother's Day?or just after news was flash ed from Holland that refugee trains loaded with women and children had been bombed by Hitler's air forces. The Martin County chapter's quo ta is $400 and the chairman is ap pealing to the citizenry for donations which will be received by him di rect and forwarded immediately to national headquarters. Norman H Davis, national chair man of the Red Cross, forwarded the following telegram here: "With the invasion of Holland, Bel gium and Luxembourg the war has entered a phase which will inevita bly and at once bring widespread and appalling suffering to millions of helpless men. women and children. In order to inaugurate widespread relief measures the American Red Cross *s at once launching a cam paign for a minimum war relief fund of ten million dollars. Your chapter quota is $400.00. Please at once mo bilize the entire leadership of your chapter and community in order that your quota may be raised and ex ceeded without delay." County Registrations Pass the 5,000 Mark HEALTH HEAD Dr. John W. W illiams, popular Martin County Health officer, wan named president of the North Carolina Public Health Association at a meeting of the organization in Pinrhurst yester day. Geo. Harry Bryant Native of McDowell, Passes Here Monday I.iiT-l Kill-it Will lie Conducted At Funeral Home Here Tomorrow George Harry Bryant, native of Northampton county, died in the Martin county home, near here at 3 o'clock yesterday morning from a stroke of paralysis suffered three Hay, hnfnre Mr Rryanl hart heen feeble health for some time, but was able to be up and about some until just before his last stroke. He suf fered a stroke some months ago, but he continued his work until last Feb ruary when a strong determination was forced to bow to his weakened tibdy condition. Mr. Bryant moved to Williamston (Continued on page aix) Ilistory-Making Battle Is Reported Underway Germans Said To Have Penetrated French Territory ? Tension Increasing Steadily In Italy Against Franre And England Civilization was reported at the cross roads in Europe today aa what is described as a history-making bat tle gets underway over a four hun dred mile front. One report stated at noon that the battle was already un derway, another stating that the Al I lew were seeking positions prepara tory to offering battle. Hitler's fate hinges upon the success of his com bined armies and air forces. If he tTe feti underway ove ra four hun definite period; if he fails to regis ter a scheduled success, the begin ning of his downfall is to be expect ?nfc Late news from the tragic turmoil states that the German hordes are continuing their advance almost "ac cording to schedule " French terri tory has been penetrated, and des perate fighting is underway over a (Continued on page six) RECORD Observing from a window, a local citizen aaw some swift ac tion on Williamston's WPA pav ing project a few days ago. Dur ing the course of thirty minutes, a strapping man handled two shovels of dirt to establish what is believed an all-time progress Just this week a safety engi neer was on the project with a lot of comment about there being no salt preparation available to relieve the perspiring workers. All in all. It sounds like a lot of mushy tommyrot. Car Slightly Damaged At Local Inter tec lion The Dodge car of Roosevelt Col train was damaged slightly in a wreck at the intersection of Main arid Haughibn Streets here Tate yes terday afternoon. Roosevelt, travel ing west on Main Street, started to make a "U" turn in the intersection and pulled around and slruclc a highway truck driven by Lester Cherry. No one was hurt and little damage was done to the truck. The car damage will approximate $50. Voting Strength Is Estimated To Be83 Per Cent of Normal Activities During Registration Period Point To Fairly Sizable Vote ? ?ncmireff'ttt znro py in't- aftioh ar the county board of elections in or dering a new registration, the voting strength t f Martin County was build1, ed back to a point estimated at about 83 per cent of normal during the past fifteen days when registrars and election officials combed the high ways and hedges for registrations, Fairly complete reports from the 13 voting precincts place the total reg istration at a,432, the figure not in cluding a dozen or fifteen citizens who registered as independents A concerted drive during the last few days of the registration period brought results, and pushed the reg istration figure from an estimated 3,500-4,000 to a point well over 5, 000. Interest in the registration is the first indication pointing to a fairly sizable vote in the primary on Sat urday of next week. It is estimated that the new regis tration fell short of a normal voting strength by 1,173 registrations. These figures, while based on a fairly care ful study of the old books, are only estimates (Continued on page six) First Sessions Of Daily Bible School Held Yesterday Altcniluiift' Upon Religious Service SIiohh Decrease For Second Week By REV. S. J. STARNES Pastor, Methodist Church The Union Vacation Bible School, being conducted toy the severst churches of Williamston, was off to a good start yesterday morning when the first session was held beginning at 9 o'clock. One hundred and seven pupils and fifteen workers were registered in the beginner, primary, junior and in termediate groups. Beginners meet at the Episcopal church and embrace all children who have not yet enter ed public school; the primary group meets at the Methodist church and embraces those between six and nine years; the junior group meets at the Baptist church and embraces those from nine to twelve; the intermed iates meet at the Christian church and include those between twelve and fifteen years. Parents are urged to have their children in one of these groups, and to give full cooperation in having them present on time each day. The handicraft work is being done at the Presbyterian church for those in the junior and intermediate groups and this group meets immediately after the worship service, or around eleven a'clock. The school will continue through this week and next, and at the close of the school a "commencement" pro gram will be held. It is proposed to demonstrate at that time some of the work that has been done in the school. Church attendance in Williamston ?howed a slight decrease last Sun day as compared with the preceding Sunday, the record follows: Total Attendance Church Baptist Christian 88 120 d* 11 -~ro? 120 27 Episcopal 18 50 19 iloliness 110 70 Methodist H? ?JT 80 78 Presbyterian 28 38 Totals Last Week 454 488 43 48 398 431 192 170 Rev. Leon Russell Begins Series Of Revival Services First in Serien Group Well Attended in the Local Methodiftt Church Starting a series of revival ser vices in the local Methodist church this week. Rev. Leon Russell. Ral eigh pastor, is delivering some strong sermons to sizable congregations. Rev. S. J. Starnes. pastor, stated this morning that the meeting was off to a good start, and cordially invites members of other congregations and the general public to attend as many of the services as possible during the remainder of the meeting Ser vices are held twice daily at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m A synopsis of Rev. Mr. Russell's sermons yesterday morning and last evening follows: Monday Morning A young person who makes a good beginning in life must make up his nund about two things. He must make up his mind about Jesus Christ and commit his life to the way of Christ, discovering along the way the meaning of Christ for his own life and. second, he must make up his mind about the church and give himself to the church in useful ser- I vice. If a person surrenders his life to Christ and accepts His way of living, j he will have the only security that is sufficient to face life today. Nothing can take the place of a personal ex perience of Jesus Christ as one's saviour. There are those who would con demn the church as an outmoded in stitution. but we owe the church a great deal more than we realize. It has furnished most of the greater values in our human society. Our fa we have joined the church. Space does not break its unity?it is univer sal. Death does not disrupt its fel lowship, it is eternal. We impoverish our own lives when we fail to ap preciate the church. If we have Christ and the church we can faee life in {my area of our living and be unafraid Monday Evening The tension and swain oi liie 10 day is such that men are compelled to live a maximum life. Living is serious business today. Our civiliza tion is so complex and the problems of Jife are such that our lives are lived under the pressure of constant stress and strain. We, therefore, need more than minimum faith to match the maximum demands of living. Our salvation will consist not in changing our environment or reduc ing the strain of life. It wTTTT-bme Ta~ ther in altering our own character. We must not pray that Clod will keep us out of danger, but for some thing far more desirable that God will keep us strong and unafraid. Jesus does not save men from storms. The great calm must come not outside, but inside us. The temp est that destroys is within Men must have an inner security to meet the stress of life today. They invite tragedy if they try to live maximum lives on minimum faith. There are three simple ways by which we can secure a maximum faith sufficient to match the maxi mum living required of people today. First of all, to gain an inner secur ity of real faith, we must icalize that this is God's world and that God is keeping watch over His own. In the second place, we must have a con sciousness of the reality of the Christian fellowship. We live our iives as a part of a universal fellow ship And, finally to have a maxi mum faith one must have the con viction, the personal certainty that he has the presence of Christ to give him strength. ? Legion Auxiliary Will Sell Poppies Saturday ,May 25, is National Pop py Day and the memorial flowers will be sold in Martin County by members of the American Legion Auxiliary The proceeds from these sales represents the chief source of supply for veterans' relief work The American Legion Auxiliary was in reality established in Novem ber, 1921. Among the first official acts uf the first national convention was the adoption of the following resolution: "Resolved, that the poppy be made the memorial flower of the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary, and the wear ing of it by all citizens on Memorial Day be encouraged; and "Resolved, further, that its sale be promoted for the sole purpose of aiding in veterans' relief work." The poppy was found as a way to link the honoring of the dead with service for the living who returned to a life of hardship and suffering sometimes worse than death. The dis abled veterans and their families make the popples that will be sold throughout the country on May 25. Martin County receives a propor tionate part of the proceeds Hank At f interville It Robbed Thit Afternoon The Bank of Winterville wll rob bed early this afternoon, a report reaching here stating that the rob bers had been surrounded in a woods. Patrolmen were ordered there arm ed with weapons. County Democratic Convention Unanimous in Its Support for Roosevelt Here Last Saturday Prominent Comity Citizen Passes At Home On Monday Funeral Services Will Be Held This Afternoon For J. II. I). Peel John Henry Dawson Peel. promi nent county citizen and a leading and well-known farmer of Cross j Roads Township, died at his home j there at 1 o'clock yesterday morning ! following a long period of declining health. Despite the infirmities of age. , Mr. Peel was able to be up until about a week ago He made his last visit to Williamston within ten days | prior to his death. The son of the late Turner and Ed na Peel, he was born in this county j nearly 83 years ago. Just a child dur ing the War Between the States, he experienced hardships, but out of those hardships was molded a Christ ian character that made itself felt in the religious, community and politi- | cai life of the county. He w as iecog-! nized as a true Southern Gentleman, possessed of a Christ-like character His daily walk through life, humble j in its pretentiousness and thoughtful j of others gained for him a lasting friendship among men. He was a [ gof llnv '''.'in - ty He was the last member of his immediate family. Funeral services are being con ducted this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the church at Bear Grass by Elder B. S. Cowin and A B Ayers Inter ment will follow in the Rogerson Cemetery, near Bear Grass. Bookmobile Does A Biff Business In County Recently More Than 15.000 Hook* W ere FlnrrH in Hutulx of Kniil rr* ill Itrii-f Period Making its second entry iti this county this spring, the Works Prog ress Administration Bookmobile handled a big business during the brief period of its operatiofi at a doz en or more* designated stops. A total TTf 8,310 books were circulated among the county population over a widely scattered territory, the truck touching nearly every com munity center and offering a library service to both young and old. The schools also had an opportun ity to get a number of books which supplemented?their own libraryi These books, many of them, were by the latest authors. Altogether there were 8,310 books circulated in the county?5,426 were circulated among the school children in the county and 2,884 were circulated among the adults. This was done at a minimum ex pense to the county, the Works Progress Administration bearing the greater part of the cost. It is the desire of these people in the county that this bookmobile be operated in the county next fall. It is also the desire of the sponsors to thank all of those people who made use of the opportunity which was offered them. Commenting on the library work, a school official said: "The Bookmobile, which started its rounds March 1st has circulated abodt just twice as many books as was reported, because the books that the teachers ^borrowed were circu lated among the ^iludcnbi iiiid thuy did not report the circulation to us Women and schools were in predom inance, but at several points farmers and- business men have left?their work to meet the truck and get books. One woman stated that dur ing the two months that the book (Continued on page six) Regulations For Ri'tainiag Golton Allotments Given Cotton farmers in Martin County are fat'ing problems oth er than that caused by the boll weevil. Reliable reports indicate that a large number of Martin farmers might lose their cotton allotments for I'M I unless eer tain regulations are met. Advised they would forfeit their allotments for 1911 unless they planted cotton in one of the three years or 193S, 1939. 1940. .Martin farmers planted their cotton seed according to sched ule this spring. Numbers of far niers point out that the seed have rotted, and now they want to know what to do. Will they get credit for a crop since they tried to raise one? The answer is no. A ruling from the department states that the farmer who did not grow cotton either in 193X or 1939 will lose his allotment for 1911 in the event that bolls do not form on cotton planted this year. If a farmer planted cotton in either of the past two years, he does not have to plant the crop this year to retain his allotment for 1941. If he did not plant cot ton in the past two years, and the -*rnt rotUHl ivtifII "Iff <.UH?tr"a" crop this year, he w ill have to re plant it if he hopes to retain his allotment for next year, it was pointed out. Possibly half of the crop in this county has been af fected by cold weather. Mrs. James Daniel Diesharly Sunttay In Local Hospital I'liiirral for W ell-know n (!?li y.rn of (?riffin* Towiixliip Held Sn ?Mrs Hnttie Hardi.huh Daniel. mnn her of a Griffins Township family long prominent in the affairs of Mar tin County, died in a local hospital, about 2 o'clock Sunday morning fob lowing a long period . Roborson, of Robersonville, paid little attention to the party pow wow, but they were given recognition in the precinct elections, several of the suUnpolitical divisions carrying the names of wo men John L. liassell, an old war horse in iV-mnrrtitif pJ?D ,11'llV ItlC'V, WU.T made pern anent chairman of the convention after it was called to or der by K S. Pe?l. executive commit tee chairman. Paul I) Roberson. "RobersonviHc attorney. w as made permanent secretary The organiza tion of the' oartv lino-rip* in th.? p?'t eiiu'l.i was?pet fee ted in those cases where the party members could n??t find time to meet in their political situation and name their repi esentutivcs In the one case where no delegates were presnt to represent a preeincl, the eonvention ruled that the old precinct officers would be continued at their posts for another term. Other than expressing a unani mous support for Roosevelt, the con vention offered its') blessings to no issues that might 'pKissibly he ifi soiled into the party's state piat forni. All good and true Democrats wish ing to make the trip to Raleigh on Friday of this week will be recogniz d as delegates to the Stale Coriven-. tion Elbert S. Peel, re-elected chair man of the County Democratic Ex ecutive Committee will serve the del egation as chairman Only a small number of Martin Democrats plan to attend the eonvention and east the 2f? votes allotted the county The high spot in the convention was reached when E. P. Cunningham took 11??? floor and introduced a res olution endorsing Roosevelt for a third term Greeted hy a hearty ap plaiisr. the resolution wn* mousiy adopted and pledged the Martin delegation to the support of a third term for Roosevelt. The reso lution reads. Whereas, seven years ago tin? Democratic party brought to the leadership of this nation a President whose vision, wisdom, humanity and statesmanship lifted the American (Continued on page six) Blitzkrieg Atlaeks On Illicit Liquor Business r 1 fisiiin<; "N A successful fishing season on the Roanoke is drawing to a close, reports from the James ville plant today stating that the last nets will be cist either late this afternoon or early tomorrow. No official reports on the ac tivities have been released, hut it is estimated that several mil lion hrrring have been taken from the stream during the sea son now drawing to a close. The fishing was described as the most successful in possibly a quarter of a century. The demand has been fairly steady, one report stating that deliveries ranging up to 100,000 fish had been made in several Instances. i oluntafr 4rr C.ailed (tut On Saturday fjlarting-Hta spring gardening rm an old lot just off Church Street last GaluiUay, U colofed gardener started a fire that he could not control and the volunteer fire company, wng call ed to help check it No damage was done, but the fire, fed by broom straw and bushes, threatened several outbuildings and a home. Four Plants Are Wrecked In Bear , Crass Yesterday Airpliuir, F.tpiippcil Willi Ru ilio, IxK'alct Still* and f)i nTi* Lnnil Force A blitzkrieg struck the illicit li quor industry in one section of Mar tin County yesterday afternoon, and today enforcement officers are of the opinion that the RFD manufacturing business is on the way out Organiz ed force for combatting the illegal manufacture of the spirits is shaping up fast and it will be a matter of time before the rural industry will have to fold up or change its ways to suc cessfully fight back. -Four.-large plants wer? wreaked? in the Bear Grass area yesterday af ternoon during the course of a very few hours, and the operations of land. aswTair forces at that time were noth ing more than a sample of what la to be expected before the summer is hardly half spent and additional equipment h? made available to the enforcement bureaus In this section of the State. Starting out yesterday morning. (Continued on paga six)