Club Society and Personals or wn.LIAMSTOX and MA*TIN COCNTT This Department Te 4 6 Returns to Whiteville Mr Dick Bridget's returned to his home in Whiteville yesterday after visiting Mrs. Jih Taylor here last week-end Mrs. Bridgers remained here for a week's visit with her mo ther. In Hamilton Sunday Mr anri Mrs Sidney Sitterson. of Rocky Mount, visited in Hamilton Sunda> Visits Relatives in Bear Grass Charlie Harrison, student at A C C Wilson, visited relatives in Bear Grass last week-end. In Portsmouth Last Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Dv?n Matthews, of Hamiltor . visited relatives in Ports mouth last w eek-end Visits in Hertford Mrs Charles Godwin. Jr . visited relatives in Hertford last week-end Spends Week-end Here Mr. R. H Clayton, located bh the tooacco market in Warsaw, visited r.B family nor? last week-end I-" Were Here Saturda> Mrs. h R Jackson and Jackie j Frank. Jr.. of Plymouth vis: ted here Saturday Visits in Hamilton Mr?Bop no SLidj J r .of Knl lelti.! \ lSited relatives m Hamilton last week-end. In Raleigh laist Week Mr. and Mrs. Urbin Rogers visited 1 in Raleigh last w-reK ~ ~j Returns to Wilson Mrs Walter Baker ha. returned t i in r 1 pm< in Wilson after, a visit hen with Mr. anu Mis. H D Co wen. Visits in Bear Grass Miss Grace Roc i>. student at F (' T C . Greetivilli visited her mo ther. Mrs Ertie Rogers, in Beai Grass, last w eek-end. Visit Here Sunday Major and Mrs. C H Yost and fam ' ily, of Richmond, visited Mr and Mrs L. P Lindsley here Sunday They were accompanied home by Mrs Stephen Gano who has made tier home here for the last six ! months. ^Spends Week-end Here Mr B B Baxter of Norfolk, visit ed here last week-end. Were Here Last Week-end Mr and Mrs Hugh Burras. Jr.. of Norfolk, visited relatives here last week-end Return to Philadelphia Mr and Mrs Joseph Frank have returned L? their home in Philadel pl.1.1 after a visit here with their son, | Mi .Jack Frank. Visit Here Saturday Mrs Lee Brewer and daughter, I Sally, of Windsor visited hen- Satur day. Here Last Week-end j Mr.. T W. Hott. Sr., Mr. and Mrs.j T W Hott. Jr.. and Mr Vinceftt Whc< i-t. <,{ Narrows, Va., visited Re\ and Mrs John L Goff here last w*s4*re*hL?.-h ; / ; | Spends Week-end Here ?Miss Virgil Ward> student at E.-Ck T V Greenville, visited relatives here 1.1. i week-end. Visits Here Last Week-end Harry Taylor, student in a Greens lux,! visited his mo lhei Mi Laura 'laylor. here last r< k-i nd Visit Relatives Here Mr and Mrs. W. B. Gay lord, of Whiteville. visited relatives here and !ri Jarnesville last week-end. in Rwky Mount Sunday Mi and Mrs, Dick Williams visited m Rocky Mount Sunday. Clark's lllicuiuatism Compound A Positive Monev-Back Guaranteed Keinedv for the Kelief of Hlieumulisin, Sciatica, Lumbugu, Neuritis, \ rural gin and Muscular Allies and I'ains CLARK'S Drug STORE TLLLTUO.NE 53? \* ILLIAMSTON , rtft V,, v, ^' /IINS vouh mw SUITS ARE HEREv. . . You're away to a heavenly start with a few of thaae Swansdown suits tucked ia your luggage . tT And at such little prices you can well afford to have three or four. We've sketched two from an entire collection... Immaculate little jackets and action-loving skirts all done in fabrics that have chat freah from-the-laundry loveliness that you crave on a hot summer's day. Siaaa 10 to 18. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. In Kirhmond Thursday Mesdames Paul Jones. Myrt Harris and Bruce Wynne visited in Rich mond Thursday and Friday Making Their Hotne Here Mr. and Mrs. M. D Taylor and daughter, of Winston-Salem. are now making their home here. For the time being they are at home with the for mer\s brother. Mr J. B. Taylor, and Mrs. Taylor, at their home on West Main Street. Spends Week-end Here Miss Mary" Helen Boykin, student at E. C. T C.. Gerenville. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Joe Boykin. j here last week-end. I Were Here Last Week-end Messrs. Jack Hardison, J. B. Tay lor and Jakie Taylor, located on the tobacco market in Hughesville, Md? visited relatives here last week-end. Spends Week-end Here Thad Harrison, student in a Rich mond business school, visited rela tives here last week-end. Was Here Last Week-end "Mr/ E. Ross Froneberger, br Hick ory. visited friends here last week endL r . i? ar-j" 'I Visits Here I^Lst Week-end Miss Vclma Bailey, student at A. C. C . Wilson, visited Miss Annie Mat Bailey here last week-end. In Rich Square Sunday Mrs. M D Beach, of Hamilton, visited relatives in Rich Square Sun* day. Visits Relatives in Jamesville Miss Hilda Modlin, teacher in the Rocky Mount schools, visited rela tives in Jamesville last week-end. Were in Philadelphia Mr and Mrs. Curtis Leggett and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simpson visited in Philadelphia last week-end. Visits Here Saturday Miss Melissa Roebuck, of Plym outh. visited here Saturday and Sun day. Was Here Sunday Mr. Ben Edwards, of Greenville, visited friends here Sunday. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberson, of Portsmouth, visited relatives here Sunday. Visit Here Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Janie.s HathawaV!'of Elizabeth City, visited the 1 fitter's parents. Mi and Mrs. W A. James, here Sunday. t r Visiting in Hamilton Mr. Frank Everett, of Pensacola. Fh?, is visiting his father. Mr. Leroy Everett* in Hamilton for a few days Visits in Hamilton ? Mrs.Selma Deal, of Scotland Neck, visited in Hamilton last week-end. Ls Able To Be Out Mr. .feioert Manning is able to be out after being confined for ten days with a severe attack of pneumonia. Visits in Hamilton Miss Dorothy Flanders, of Enfield and Dublin. Ga., visited Miss Mildred Everett 111 Hamilton last week-end. Spends Week-end Here Miss Addle Lee Meador was home from E. C. T. C. Greenville, last week end . . In Durham Sunday Mr. William Haislip and Mrs. Nan nie Haislip were in Durham Sunday visiting Mr. F. L Haislip, who is re covering from an illness in a hospi tal there Was Here Last Week-end Miss Naomi Riddick. of Rocky Mount, visited friends here last week-end. Visits in Jamesville Mr Howard Gaylord, of Laurel Springs, spent the week-end in Jamesville visiting relatives. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Gaylord who had been visiting there for sev eral weeks. Visit Hero Last Week end Misses Rebecca Harrison and Ruth Mcuilin. H'lH'lii'is in Hie High Point schools, visited here last week-end. Visit in Jamesville Miss Hazel Hardison and Ralph Hardison, of Raleigh, spent the week end in Jamesville with their mother. Mrs Minnie Hardison. J In Wilson Sunday Mrs. Carlyle Langley and son. Jer ry; Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brown and Mrs. J. Sam Getsinger visited rela tives and friends in Wilson Sunday Were Here Sunday Mrs. G. M. Roberson, of Norfolk, and Mrs. and Mrs. W. Z. Morton and son, Willie, of Greenville, visited Mrs J. W. Andrews here Sunday. In Jamesville Sunday Miss Ella Mae Gay lord spent Sun day with relatives in Jamesville. Were Here Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Will McDowell, of Scotland Neck, visited Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Spencer here Sunday Attend Graduating Exercises Miss Minnie Chesson, of Wiiliams ton; Misses Marjorie. Avis and Ber nice Ward. Jesse and Paul Ward, of Robersonville, attended the graduat ing exercises of Franklin Square I Hospital, Baltimore. Wednesday and j Thursday. Miss Linda Avis Ward was | a member of the graduating class. Were Here Yesterday Patrolman Dick Mai lory and Mr. jGrover Pittman, of Rocky Mount, visited here yesterday. Attend Annual Convention I Messrs Jack Horner and Carroll 'cottmm are attending the annual convention of North Carolina funer al directors in Raleigh this week. Visits Here last Week Miss Julia Taylor, of Ward, W. Va., visited Miss Geraldine Stallings here last week. Visiting at Blount* Creek Mrs. Bill White and son, Gerald, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wes ton at Blounts Creek this week. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sumrell, of Norfolk, visited Mr. and Mrs Clyde Ward hero Sunday. Attend Church Conference Hcv. and Mr*. S. J. Stamen, Mr*. J W. Walt* and Mimes Martha Leg fett and Vashti Stamp* attended a church conference in Goldtboro re cently. ( .Jmtt I Ticket Sale It Progretsimt Sucre** fully Ticket* for the cabaret dance to night in the local high school gym have been on sale for the past sever al days and table reservations late yesterday afternoon totaled 29. with space ranging for one couple to as high as ten couples Talented members of the floor show held a complete rehearsal yes terday afternoon and the event bids fair to be highly entertaining. Mr. Pete Fowdep will be master of ceremonies and Misses Ruby Harri son, Julia Everett. Trulah Page, Na talie Gould and Ruth Mortem will serve as hostessed Cigarette girls are Misses Mary Pope, Millie Biggs. Bettie Rose Gur ganus, Ann Fowden. Mary Warren and Patsy King. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Dr. i^nd Mi M. Hinnant. of Mi cro. announce the engagement of their dought* r. Evelyn, to Wheeler Martin Manning, of Wiliiamston, son of Mrs. Belle Manning The wed ding will take place in a formal cere mony in Micro on June 6 Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ainsiey. uf Ahos kie. visited friends here Sunday. ~ Visit in Hamilton Misses Dot and Virginia Perkins, of Raleigh, visited relatives in Ham ilton last week-end Returns to Baltimore Miss Cornelia Deal has returned to her home in Baltimore after a visit in Hamilton with Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Long. ?i In Rocky Mount Sunday Ernest Meats visited in Rocky Mount Sunday Visit In Washing ton Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bowers vis ited relatives in Washington Sun day. Was Here Last Week-end Mr. William James, of Washington City, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. James, here last week end. Were Here Friday Mesdames Harry and Ben Stephen pson, of Pendleton, and Mrs. Henry Madre, of Severn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Garland Barnhill here Friday. Are Visiting Here Mrs. M. J. Richardson and Mrs. C R. Speight, of Spring Hope, are visit ing their daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs Dean Snrieht. Ii-rr for m vit.iI days. Is Getting Along Well ?Mrs.-Oscar- Peel; of Bear Grass Township, is getting along very well following an operation in a Washing ton hospital yesterday. HONOR MRS. Bt'CK Mrs J T Harris frwmit anH rela, tives of the community and distant points honored the birthday of Mrs Annie Buck, mother of Mrs Harris This proven devotion to this beloved lady was shown by the number of people who crowded the lawn at Mrs Harriet Harris' home where the enor mous picnic dinner was served at 1 30 o'clock One of the three tables which were heavily laden, was decorated with a beautiful white cake bearing 72 pink candles. The Rev. Abroms de livered a very appropriate talk be fore dinner. Mrs. Buck received many useful and treasured gifts Aside from the community which was very well represented, other guests were Mr. and Mrs Jack Bul lock and daughter, of Rocky Mount; Mr. and Mrs. Tump Lewis and son, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson and children. Mrs. Lena Wilson, Mrs Marvin Wilson, Mrs. Fannie Hart and daughter and Miss Cora Matthews, all of Vanceboro: Mrs. Ed Williams and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Mizelle, of Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mizelle and family, Mrs Jennie Davenport, of Bethel. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs J H Bidriirk win singularly honored on her sixtieth birthday last Sunday when her children cave her a surprise birthday party at the home of Mr and Mrs. Leo Roberson in Williams Township A picnic din ner was enjoyed. Those attending were: Mr and Mrs. Herbert Roberson. Mr. and Mrs C. B. Riddick. Mr. and Mrs Sam Jones. Mr and Mrs. Hasley Hardison and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkins and family. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Roberson and family, Mr. and Mrs. C B. Roberson and family, Mr and Mrs Arthur Simpson and family, Mr and Mrs. N. S Riddick and family. Mrs Ottis Hardison and children. Mrs. Annie Roberson, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Bland and family, Misses Gladys Tayloe, Sallie Roberson. Dare Perry. Bertha Hardison. Messrs. John Manning.1 Alonza Bland. Dalburg Riddick, Ben-1 nie Holland, Reuben Williams, Pete Hardison. Many other friends called during the afternoon and wished Mrs Riddick many more happy birthdays. PROGRESS and Thrift... Once, oil lamps were the only common source of illumination. Today, electric power gives us daylight through the dark est night. So has banking progressed, taking our incomes into the light of sav ing for independence. Be Modern?Save Now Guaranty Bank? Trust Company WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Pfcfc'L M INBOR.N'E Mrs Mary Layman Win borne of n-.-.i, v? , Ur PmI, of this place, were married in DeLand, Fla.. laat Saturday, friends of the couple were advised here over the week-end by a message of scant words. Mr and Mrs Peel are expected here within the next ten days to make their home. Better quality chicks, as well as better feeding and management prac tices, have enabled Lenoir County farmers to raise a higher percentage of their chicks this year THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD 85* FULL MMT^ -^i^VURSOU^ OUT 1 mte* l ?0 ?iOOF COM. 1940, 1*1 OlO OUAKM COMPANY, UWtOCIWt, INDIANA at todays Price Your Dodge Dealer Has The Year's Big Value Package, and Great Money-Saving Mewsl SALES ARE BLAZIN'! IN MOTOR-WISE DETROIT, Automo Cwtir of the World, Dodgt leads all othar cart in aatet for lha year to data, except only tha thraa moat popular lowest priced cam! Detroit buyers know cam...know automotive values and their tribute to Dodge is convincing evidence of Dodge value, de pendability, economy and striking beauty I And Dodge Solos Aro Zooming Right Assess America! ..So Your Dodge Dealer Meeds Good Used Cars NOW! BIG ALLOWANCES ??;???? used eais in nai'e gn the new Dodge Luxury. Liner. You will save plenty By Trading now. Drive in for an appraisal today or tomorrow. They need good used cam including? FORDS ? SUICKS e CMEVROLETS OLOIMOBHJU ? PONT1ACS ? DOOMS ? PLYMOUTH* 1940 D*4fe Laiurr Uarr, l-Fatirngrr, 2-Door Sedan ttlS, dtlivtrtd to Ditraft.* Its the Best Dodge Ever Built... and the Biggest Car for the Money! Things are humming at Dodge dealers' show rooms! For right now, new car buyers are being offered the biggest money-saving opportunity in years! In addition to getting the finest car Dodge ever built ? and the biggest car for die money?motorists are receiving allowances on their old cars that are a surprise I And don't forget?when you select the 1940 Dodge, you get all the style, room iness and luxury features of cars costing hundreds of dollars more. Do you know what your present car is worth toward this b4j 1940 Dodge? Why not drop in at your Dodge dealer's today and find out? KFOR a SWELL TRADK-M ALLOWANCES HI YOUR POPOR PKALBR TODAY!} DODGE'S 755 ? SaJmt '815 "Siiggfa DIXIE MOTORS, lixci. ? w liliamston, N. C.

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