Harry Bryant. Nath v of MePoycll - Hcrt' Monday (Continued nom page one) about ten years ago after a long stay in Bertie County. After leaving his native home, he worked for a while in Richmond and after a short stay in Williamston he decided to spend the remainder of his days hero Hej married Miss Lena Mizelle in Bertie County. During the last fourteen years of her life she was an invalid, and in that time he ever remained devoted to her An able cabinet mak=?p er and builder, he never accepted a job that would not permit him to vis it her at certain hours ijottr morntng ; and afternoon Sixty-two years old. Mr. Bryant j was an upright citizen and one who , appreciated the simple yet finer things' in life. His difficulties and j troubles were met with a smile and J with a marked determination. Even in death, he managed a smile for Mr vjohn Bland- keeper of the home who j was at his bedside administering w hat little aid he could adniinistei j Sunday morning Mi . Bryant made many friends [ nere. He attended the Episcopal church regularly until his health i tailed. He thought little ahout his j own Welfare hut he wa? always ? greatly in teres ted i n the welfare and i' ? appiner - ef. others He Is survived 1>> an aged sister in Norfolk arki a ? nei.ee in Richmond Funeral services will be conduct- i ed by Re\ John W Hardy at the Biggs Funeral Home on West Main Street- tomorrow nft>-rnpoc . \at two. , o'clock. Interment wi)I follow beside ! lus wifem tin M-izeiie cemetery on Uu Lew iston road, near Windsor. Mrs. James Daniel Die* Early Sunday In Local Hospital (Continued from page one) and found time to be a helpful neigh bor She was thoughtful of others and always considered her own wel fare last. She was one of those good souls who apparently found happi ness and contentment in doing for her children and in helping others, her kind and sympathetic under experiencing hardships or sorrows regardless of the station they held in life. A few years ago she joined the Baptist church at Piney Grove, but her humble walk all through life in cluded her in the list of Christian women long before that time. In the absence of her pastor, Rev W B Harrington, who continues quite ill1 in a Washington hospital. Rev D i W Arnold, Christian minister, and Elder P. E. Getsinger. of the Prnni-1 live Baptist church, conducted the last rites at the home. Sunday after noon at 3:30 o'clock Interment was 1 in the Danie l family 'Cemetery in j Griffins Township. Mrx? Daniel is survivt-d bv three children. Mi.ss Myrtle Daniel, of J Williamston; Hugh Daniel, of Grif- j I ins Township, and James Daniel, of Washmgt< >n~Shc?eo also su?? yived by three sisters. Mrs Harmon Knbrrson Mrs J J Iioberson and Mi- W C Whitley, all of Griffins Township, and four brothers. Messrs. Join :' i bison, of Farm Life; Lu 1 ? and Hemy <>f Tarboro, and J Walter (Sam) Hardisori, of New j York: Store Enlarged! W <? liiix- i'ii!iirp'<l our -lio|i ami liuw aililnl a <'oiM|ili'l<' -lock of I oili-l krlirlo ami I'alriil Mriliciuo. M \ZI\I KINKS ? II i; CHKAM I II, VK.S -I II, VKKI IKS ? JOB\< < OS The Soda Shop JOHN II. (.1 H(. I nil \i>. .'{ htir I'rom/tl Ih'liverirx " \. M. I I l\ M. COKKKCTLI SIZED HATS / o Keep You dool-H ended ill Summer! STRAWS LEGHORNS PANAMAS NOVELTIES \x ??fH a Kclrrlion of liat xlylex ax you ran find at any price. Plen ty new Snap, t'uxiiat & Ho 11 I trim xtylex. if voil (jo for the nrwrxt thing in hrailgcur. Margolis Br'thers THE RECORD SPEAKS For the first time this year. Martin County motorists went through an entire week without a highway accident. Patrolman Whit Saunders explaining that it was apparent that Martin County motorists could drive carefully, and that it is possible to prevent accidents But Martin motorists will have to maintain the record of last week if they will make a favorable showing against the record for 1939 up to the corresponding date. There have been more than twice as _ many accidents so far this year as last and twice as many people hfcve been injured. The property loss is greater this year, but in the grim death column, the 1940 record is so much better than that for 1939 The following tabulations of fer a comparison of the accident trend: first, by corresponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. Nineteenth Week C omparison Accidents Inj'd Killed Dam'ge 1940 0 0 0 $ 000 1939 11 0 230 ( omparison To Date 1940 37 26 1 $4615 1*39 10 13 4 3195 Board Of Education Appointment Made Subject To Primary * (Continued from page one) people from the depths of depression and despondency to the high place of recovery and hope; and "Whereas, in this time of fear, and amidst the horrors of war abroad, the American people took to Frank lin Delano Roosevelt to protect us and preserve our peace; and Whereas, full confidence of the people is well founded in him; Now. therefore, we the Democrats of Martin County in convention as sembled. do hereby resolve, that: "The delegates from this county to the State'Democratic Convention 5Uppui 1 j involution tr> 111M1 utt tin (astmg of North Carolina's delegate vote al Chicago on every presidont lal ballot when and as long as his name shall be presented, for the world's greatest humanitarian, the champftpi of Americanism.. the great Democratic statesman. Franklin Del Following the true principles of the Democratic Party, the executive committee named an aonointee to the position made vacant on the Mar tin County Board of Education by tin- resignation of K 11 Ange, sub ject to the wishes of the people to be expressed in the Democratic pri mary on May 25. The appointment will center either on J Linwood Knowles. of Dardens, or Leslie Har- j dison, of Jamesville. The other two candidates for places on the educa- I tion board are seeking the re-nomi nation. The candidate polling the largest number of votes will auto matically become the party's nomi nee and will take office at the next meeting to complete the unexpired term. : f bookmobile Docs A Bi<! business In County Recently (Continued iTom page one) mobile was in the county she road fifty books. "Fiction leads in the type of books i bring read, bul a good many men and women asked for books on var ious topics. The service was gladly received at every point and borrow ers requested the latest books. The people are very sorry that it will not remain in the county all the sum mer and they are very anxious to have it return next fall. We think that it has been a great success as it has given so many people an op- j portunity to that that they would not have, had the bookmobile not been ' in the county." (fermans Said To Have Penetrated Freneh Territory (Continued from page one) scattered territory, the Germans ap parently holding the advantage at every turn. I .and connexions lie tween Holland and Belgium have just about been severed The Allied : eauae apparently is in a muddle, hut' the combined forces of England, France and Belgium are trying des perately to form their lines in north ern and western Belgium for a grim stand. Italy is adding tension to the pre carious situation by increasing . its attacks upon England and France and clamoring for war. Allied, eiti- . sens in the country are leaving in numbers. Official Washington is now ex pressing uneasiness Secretary of State points out that the position of war is seen as a four-alarm fire sweeping toward the New World. Washington it considering ?? 34- { hour day for the navy ship yards, and , the seriousness of the situation is beginning to sink into the heads of | dumbells in and around the United I Filsli i CilllglWi. 1 FOR SALE: TOKIO AND BROWN Boloxi aoja beans. $1.29 per bush el. Salsbury Supply Co. Hastell m!4-4t Voting Strength Is Estimated To Be 83 Per Cent of Normal (Continued from page one) registration with the old as based on estimates, follows: New Reg. Old Reg James vi lie 538 650 Williams 261 300 Griffins *30 510 Bear Grass 412 500 Wilhamston 1 681 800 Wilhamston 2 739 920 Cross Roads 400 430 Robersonvilie 963 1125 Gold Point 94 175 Poplar Point 206 249 Hamilton 150* 300 Hassell 150 190 Goose Nest 402 450 Totals 5426 6599 A review of the new books shows a marked increase in the number of colored registrations and a decided swing from the Republican party to the Democratic ranks. The white Re publican registration is believed to have reached a new record low with only 84 registered. A fairly heavy registration, considering everything, was reported amUHg the independent class, Wilhamston leading the field with 10 such registrations. Heavy registrations were reported in nearly all the*preeincts. especially in Cross Roads Following is the total registration by parties and races, several of the precinct totals being estimates: White Colored Precinct I) R D R JamcsviJle 505 26 4 3 Williams 259 0 2 0 Griffins 430 0 0 0 Bear Grass 396 16 0 0 Wilhamston 1 644 2 32 3 Wilhamston 2 686 14 37 2 Cross Roads 386 0 4 0 Robersonvilie 903 19 40 1 Gold Point 93 1 0 0 Poplar Point 206 0 0 0 Hamilton 150* 0 0 0 Hassell 155 1 0 0 Goose Nest 396 6 0 0 Totals 5209 85 119 9 * Estimated' Four Plants Are Wrecked In Bear Crass Yesterday (Continued frofti page one) aii airplane u'l mgrnffTu^tlie Federal Government and equipped with radio telephone, flew over East Lake, con radio and di ected the agents to two large disti'lories. Leaving that ter lni y?llie plane flew into the Boa Grass section of this county at 2 p. m and within a very few minutes contacted a second land force of two ears equipped with two way radio service. The search was on, and ten minutes later the wrecking crew re ceived its traveling orders. "Go ahead, turn to the left at next cross roads, turn right, then left, park ear and walk 75 yards to the still," the plane pilot instructed the land forces. During the meantime, the land force was in communication with the pilot and helped direct the search into ureas under suspicion. The enforcement officers, led by A B C. Officer J II Roebuck on the ground, had their day all right, and it was really a bad attack for the manufacturers. At one plant, the op erators heard the plane and started dismantling the equipment. The plane pilot saw and noted the hiding places, instructing the wrecking crew to pick up a bag of sugar behind an old stump fifty yards from the beaten path to the still 1 he Supply ol dynamite was ex hausted fairly early in the afternoon OLo Jetv/y. I X"t"' - I mum 11 con?"* SCHINUY DISYIUIRS CORP. NEW YORK, N. Y. from the air. The (round force munding uijp its work today. Similar raids have been effected before in the county, but yesterday was the first time that two-way ra dio equipment was brought into ser vice to make the raids more effect ive. or before the grr.nnH fnri^K were half up with the schedule maintained Dft. V. H. MEWBORN OP-TOM E-TRIST Please Note Date Changes Robersonville office, Scott's Jew elry Store, Tuesday, May 21st. Williamston office, Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed., 10 a.m. to Sun. Plymouth of/ice, Liverman's Drug Store, Every Friday. 10 a.m. to 4 pjn. Eyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Tarboro Every Saturday. Wants BABY CHICKS ? CHICKS FROM U. S. Approved and N. C. tested flocks. Hatches Tuesday and Thurs- ! days. All popular breeds. New sum- ! mer prices now prevailing. $7.45 a hundred. 8c per chick. Telephone ; 241-1, Lancaster's Hatchery. Wind- j sor. a26-tf C. J. SAWYER, M. I). WINDSOR. N. C. Practice Limited To Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office Hours: 9 to 12; 2 to 5 m!5-tf LOST ? BLACK POC KETBOOK with two snaps, between Everett* 1 and Hamilton. Tuesday morning Re- j ward is returned to Jasper J. Ben- \ nett, Everetts. m!4-2t RADIOS FOB S5.M. MILL PLAY and in good condition Large num ber in any make or model. See John Roger. Wilhamston. N. C Shop front Lmdstey Tee Co. ml0-2t LOST: S9.5# IN BLACK ZIPPER change purse between Dr. Osteen's office and post office Saturday. Find er please return to Julia Clyde Ward and receive reward. JUST RECEIVED: FRESH SUPPLY Pabium Spec ml 39e this week. See -we for r"nr bahy'i nfftlf J. C- Leg gett. ml4-2t NOTICE: FOR THE BEST FRUIT tree* and nursery products of all kinds, see or write W. H. Holliday, Robersonville, N. C. aS-tf PIANO: VERY ATTRACTIVE UP right piano, nationally known make in perfect condition to be trans ferred to responsible party who can assume monthly payments on bal ance due. For particulars write, Cred it Department. Lee Piano Company, Lynchburg, Va. m!0-3t 0. BRADFORD FEARING Candidate For State Senate 2nd Senatorial District Your Active Support and Vote Will Be Appreciated 6.00-16 7 1 , - AND YOUR X OLD TIRI For Your Holiday Trip . . . TODAY'S BIG BUY! STANDARD TIRES LIFETIME GUARANTEE Every Firestone Tire carries a written lifetime guarantee ? not limited to 12, 18 or 24 months, but for the full life of the tire without time or mileage limit. Heres the biggest tire news of the year! Just imagine ? the famous Firestone Standard Tire, hacked by a written lifetime guarantee, at 2 5?o discount from list price. You get extra protection against blowouts because the tire body is made of pateuteJ Firestone Gum-Dipped cords. And the tough, silent, long wearing tread gives you longer mileage with non-skid safety. Put a set on your car today! PICK YOUR SIZI AT THISI LOW PRICES SIZE LIST PPICE rou PAY ONLY 4 40/4.S0-21 475/5.10*1$ 4.50/475/5 00-20 575/540-17 5.25/5.50*1$ 0.25/1.50*11 $7.70 7.95 8.60 9.75 9.20 $s.st 5.78 4.21 7.08 4.75 ?J? 12.90 Wti InclwdM Your Old Tlr. Odw ShM Proportion.!#!. Low SENSATIONAL NEW LOW PRICES Tireston* CONVOY TIRES 4.75/5.00-19^^?^^^ 6.OO-I6 ~ 3.25/5.50 17 '95 ***> rout OLD V W ANO rout Oi0 mi 'out <HD ,?, BUY A GOOD TIBi LOW PRKB ? IASY TItMS NO DfUY " UMi I# AW Vataa af Firaaiama vttt JKefcW Or*#fc?, VarparM - **? FiraaUma Champion T(raa m*f, .? tA? Firaataaa Faeiar* l9tuLi -f N. J. C. JtW Natvork w tad ?*Ait>lfien BnUdim* at tka Nam Yark Waalfa Fair Central Service Station

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