Watch The Label On Your Paper. As It Carries The Date ? THE ENTERPRISE - Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over 1,9 \OLUME XLIII?NUMBER 46 WiUiamiton, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, June 7, I9-W. ESTABLISHED 1899 Recorder's Court In Lengthy Session Handling 10 Cases Harold Brown Take* Spot light in Court Proceed ing* Laat Monday Judge H O. Peel held the county recorder's court in session well into middle afternoon last Monday han dling ten cases. The trial of several of the cases was long drawn out, the court having often handled that many cases before the noon recess with time to spare. Harold Jones, Robersonville col ored man, held the spotlight in the proceedings when he appeared as defendant in three cases and denied the charges in every instance. The court disagreed with his pleas, and the man drew road sentences in all three cases. In the case charging him with larceny and receiving. Brown was sentenced to the roads for a term of six months. He drew an ex tra six months in the case charging him with an assault with a deadly weapon The sentence is to begin at the expiration of the term in the first case. In a third case charging him with being drunk and disorder ly and resisting arrest. Brown was sentenced to the roads for a term of three months, the sentence to run concurrently with that in the other cases. The cast- charging Willoughby | Jones wih bastardy was nol pressed A continuance was granted until June 10 in the case charging J. T. Perry with bastardy. Pleading not guilty in the case charging him with disposing of mort gaged property. Joe M. Hollis was found not guilty Levi McGowan was found not guil ty in the case charging him with an assault with a deadly weapon and with carrying a concealed weapon. Charged with reckless driving. Norman Lynn Pendleton pleaded not guilty. The court found him guilty of speeding and suspended judgment upon payment of the case costs, the court taxing the costs as "simple". Robert Lee, the young Colored man who While hrT a drunken condition took possession of the Bear Grass teacherage while the family was away last Sunday afternoon, plead ed guilty and was sentenced to the roads for thirty days. It was later reported that the road sentence was suspended upon the condition that the defendant pay a $10 fine and the case costs. The court invoked a previous sen tence in the case charging Harry Au gustus Robinson, young Bethel white man. Charged with drunken driving, hit-and-run driving and leaving the scene of an accident without mak ing known his identity, Robinson on May 20 was fined $50, taxed with the case cost, the court suspending a 12 months' term on the roads. Last Mon day he was directed to serve a ten months' road sentence. ? ? Advance Flans lo Help Relieve The Tobacco Situalion Conj(rett8ii' ti Warren Would ?Corporation To Ha die Purchase* : ? ^ Representative Lindsay Warren pointed out today another effort being made by Congress that may aid the tobacco and cotton situation. A bill has been unanimously report ed by the Banking and Currency Committees of both the House and Senate to amend the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act and permit the RFC to form corporations to ac quire critical and strategic war ma terials The Department of Agriculture and the State Department in collabora tion with Representatives Warren and Clark and a few other members of Congress succeeded in writing in to the bill the following paragraph: "Any corporation created or or ganized by the corporation under the preceding paragraph is also au thorized. with the approval of the President, to make payments against the purchase price to be paid for stiategic and critical materials in ad vance of the delivery of such mater ials. Whenever practicable, the cor poration may require the payments so made to be used for purchase* of raw or manufactured agricultural commodities to be exported from the United States " This, according to Mr. Warren, would permit a barter system where by cotton and tobacco could be ex changed for strategic war materials with foreign nations. The Depart ment of Agriculture believes that this legislation can greatly aid the ex uding situation. Mr. Warren stated today that the general outlook about the handling of the 1M0 tobacco crop looks somewhat brighter than it did two weeks ago. a Stolen Auto Found Stripped And Burned In Wooded Area ? The Mercury sedan stolen from Fred Chesson on West Main Street nearly a month ago was found a few days ago in a wooded area in Cross Roads Township. The machine had been stripped and the remaining parts burned. Martin County Is Not Playing Role of the Good Samaritan A recent check on Red Cross dona tions for the suffering millions trap ped in war-stricken countries across the seas clearly shows that Martin County people are not playing the role of the Good Samaritan. In fact, it is indeed evident that we are pass ing them by. leaving helpless chil dren to suffer and die when a small contribution would mean the tri umph of life over death. Reports from other counties state that a liberal people is coming to the aid of the suffering, but the cold figures clearly indicate that we here in Martin County are indifferent to the urgent needs of a down-trodden humanity. Martin County could well afford to give $4,000. even $40,000 when the need in the lands across the sea is considered in its real light It is in the name of suffering humanity that an appeal for donations is re newed. We have our misfortunes at home, but they are few and when we consider that entire nations have been destroyed and families separat ed we can better understand the need Traveling with the German armies in Flanders a few days ago, an Amer ican reporter said that despite the horrors associated with actual fight ing. the most pitiful aspect of the whole thing was the suffering ex perienced by old men, women and children as they trudged along the roads, their bodies blistered through the rags on their backs Make your donation today. Forward it to the Enterprise and it will be turned over to the proper authorities immediate ly Donations are acknowledged as fol lows: A Friend $ 5.00 Church of Advent ~~ 2 45 Henry Handy 1 00 N. K. Harrison 5.00 W. C Gardner . 5.00 Nat Israel 1.00 Previously reported 39.00 $58 45 Courtney Will Not Run For Treasurer's Office MOP COTTON For the first Umr in history. Martin County farmers are mop pint their cotton to effect a boll weevil control. Fanner VV A. Burnett, of Goose Nest, started the work this week and other farmers plan to start thr prac tice shortly. Farmer Jesse Crisp said this morninf. "Our farmers are buyinf molasses by thr bar rel and are roinc after the wee vil," Mr. Crisp said. While another dry season is threatening crop conditons in the county are considered fav orable today. Cotton and com are doing well and tobacco is look inr much better than tt did a week ago. There is a broken stand of tobacco, but the plants have doubled in size during thr past week. Reviews Work Of Public Library In appealing to the town commis sioners for a home for the public li brary, Rev. John L. Goff, chairman of the library board, interestingly re viewed the activities of the institu tion during the past 26 months The story, as revealed by the chairman, was really pathetic in places and quite encouraging in its connection with other phases. De spite a meagre financial support, the library circulated in its first year of existence more than 8,000 books. During its second year of operation, it circulated 11,000 volumes. More than 1,000 borrowers are listed pranng thp lihrnry pritri.i While the library owns no large number of books, its present quarters in the legion hutjwill hardly accom modate the institution longer. Unofficial reports now state that the library will be crowded out of the plans for remodeling the first floor of the town hall to provide a treasurer's office, mayor's head quarters and more room for the fire department. If the library is not provided space there and if the Legion Post demands its room which will be nothing more than a reasonable re quest, it is possible that the institu tion wifr be closed Williamstori9s ISew Population Count 18 Just Under 4,000 According to preliminary fig ures officially released by D. W l^ipion, supervisor of census. Williimston has a population count of 3,999. "The 1940 fig ures are preliminary and sab Ject to correction," Mr. I Tipton explained. With a few more days left in complete the drive, Mrs. L. H. Gurgantu .enumerator for this district, is anxious to round out the number to an even 4,099. A few have been added, it is un derstood around the boundary lines since the above report was released by Mr. Lupton. There is some doubt if the round figure can be reached, but anyone who has not been enumerated is earn estly urged to leave his name at The Enterprise office that a contact with the census taker can be effected immediately It la quite possible that a dosen or so people were away from home when the first and subse quent visits were aaade and their names are not Included in the list If anyone can help In rosnd ing out the count, notify The En No Second Primary Necessary In This County On June 22 Dirk Smith Concede<l Nomi nation By Courtney In Statement TihTuv In a public announcement releas ed today, Ben Courtney, candidate for treasurer of Murtin County, an nounced he was conceding the nom ination to Dick Smith and would not advance any further claim in n pri mary on June 22 Mr Courtney's an nouncement virtually brings to an end any political activities in this county for another two years. Of course the presidential and State election next November will possi hly he in the spotlight?in a?big way, but no county contests are scheduled, the nominations by the Democrats virtually being equal to election. Wilkins P Horton eliminated a state-wide primary from the politi cal calendar earlier in the week when he withdrew from the race for governor Mad he continued 111 the race it is very likely that Courtney would have entered the primary against Smith. Expressing his appreciation for the recognition givi'n him in the first primary and for the support pledged for a second contest, Mr. Courtney released the following statement to day "For the first few days after the Primary of May 25th, I counseled with my friends and supporters and they advised me to run in the second primary. I told them that I would, provided the candidate for governor had a run-off. "From the papers, I read that Mr tlorton was calling for a second pri mary, and thinking that there would be one, I filed my intentions with the Chairman of Elections and made other preparations. - "Then on Monday afternoon I learned that Mr. Horton had with drawn. Having the best interests of Martin County in mind, and not wish ing to put the county to trouble and expense of having a second primary for myself, I hereby withdraw my candidacy for the Tieasuiei uf Mgl - tin County." 1 Little Activity In Office Of Sheriff A marked reduction in crime activ ities was reported and business suf fered a pre-summer slump in the office of the county sheriff during last month, according to the officer's report filed a few days ago with the county commissioners. Tax collec tions dropped to a level indicative of a real depression period, and peace and quietness gained an apparent foothold over a county-wide front. The tax collections, 11.790.87. were considered insufficient to even pay the interest on the interest falling due On the county's outstanding ob ligations: The office force served only thir teen warrants during May. Hardly more than one arrest was effected each day throughout the county, the jail turn-key record showing 38 persons jailed. A dozen persons were called in as witnesses, and one was called to meet the terms of a judg ment of the court Eighteen civil pa pers were served on thirty-two per sons, and one owner repossessed property by the claim-and-delivery route. Two executions were served, and four persons were ejected. Thir ty-six jurors were summoned for ser vice in the court this month. The sheriff and his assistants did a great deal of investigating or poeetbiy snooping" during the period, their activities being centered around 13 cases. The group traveled 2,876 miles handling the varied duties of the of fice. Prominent Farmer Dies At Home In Griffins Township Last Kite* Held Ye*terday for Buck RoberMin. Reject ed County Citizen Buck Roberson, substantial coun ty citizen and prominent Griffins Township farmer, died at his home there Wednesday afternoon follow ing an illness of short duration. Suf fering Brights disease, he was taken ill about three weeks ago. Complies - tions developed and death was at tributable to uremic poisoning. Seventy-three years old. Mr. Rob-1 erson had enjoyed good health all I his life until a short time ago whiff nil his condition became critical almost overnight, his advanced age making ] | it impossible for him to overcome the disease and resulting complica tions. The son of the late Benjamin and Nancy Biggs Roberson, he was born m Griffins Township, where he lived all his life. Forty-eight years ago he was married to Miss Maggie Gct singer, w ho with one daughter. Mrs. Asa Hardison, of Farm Life, sur vives. He also leaves one brother, Mr. Harmon Roberson. of Griffins Township. Mr Roberson is remembered by a large acquaintance here as a good man, a dependable citizen, thought ful husband and an understanding father. His daily walk through life exemplified a Christ-like character, and his community and county are I richer in their heritage and better in their general make-up as a result of his humble presence during the 1 nearly three-quarters of a century it was his privilege to sojourn here. His being radiated peace and quiet in times of trouble, and his presence in any gathering, large or small, com manded the ii'spwi Ulifl aaiWation of everyone. While he never was an active leader, he was a dependable member of that group of men who have figured in the building of those things that are good in the sight of i the Creator and readily acceptable I in the advancement of all mankind. - Mr, Roberson was a hard Wofkef, one who found eontep*m?"f |n the I cultivation of tender plants and in | the knowledge that he was handling j his part in accordance with the great pattern of life. He befriended man ] kind from a willing heart, his kind 1 lies* reaching out to the m idy and" | the sorely distressed. His life, while unpretentious, was a guiding star for others to follow regardless of life's I station or whatever conditions that | may have existed. He was a faithful member of the church at Smithwicks Creyk for nearly a quarter of a cen tury, his daily living reflecting its teachings and doctrines. His humble acts, both spiritual and material, are not recorded in board memberships or on the political rolls, but they will be reflected in the acts of others for generations to come. It was good to have known Mr. Roberson, to have one's confidence renewed by a few well-spoken words that seemed to carry a new meaning from an under standing heart that held malice tow ard none but friendship and kindness for all. Funeral services were conducted at the home yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock by Elder J. L. Lee, of the Church at Four Oaks, assisted hy?Rev?W?&?Harrington, county Baptist minister. Interment wus in the Harmon Thomas Roberson ceme tery in the Farm Life Community of Griffins Township. Most Farmers In County Complying With Soil Program Full Survey Foree Kntera tin Field This Week To Rush Work Tliat Martin County farmers are complying cloaely with the terms of the 1940 soil conservation program is evidenced in unofficial reports coming from the farmers themselves These reports are verified in part by unofficial information gained from a comparison of the contracts and ac tual measurements recorded and filed in the office of the county agent during the past few days Out of about forty farms checked so far, only one owner is said to have intentionally increased the plantings in excess of the acreage allotments. The tobacco crop had been virtually doubted, it was unof ficially learned. In several other cases, farmers had exceeded their plantings by one or two tenths of an acre, but it is understood that in most of those cases the excess will be de stroyed to have the planted acreages balance with the allotments. While most of the over-planting is being centered on tobacco, farmers state that they are materially in creasing their peanut acreage with the anticipation of "hogging down" the excess. Excess plantings to pea nuts are permissable without penal ty, but certain conditions outlined [ in the soil program contracts must be met 14ie task of checking compliance is rapidly getting underway on a large scale in the county. About fifteen surveyors are now at work and by the end of this or early next week several more will have Joined the present forces. New Threat Against the Allies Pending As France Struggles to Halt Germans in Drive on Paris Enforcement Bureau Marks Up Activity Record For May Doubting their individual efforts , and aided by federal air maneuvers, members of the Martin County Al coholic Beverages Control Board En forcement Bureau chalked up a new I high record of activity for May when they wrecked sixteen illicit liquor distilleries last month Largt r catches have been reported in a single month j but they came along in the fall and winter periods. The May drive apparently was timed to meet a flare-up in the illicit business, and the records show that I the officers got the best end of the i record. Four plants were destroyed in a single day and five others were j wrecked in rapid succession follow ing a flight over the county by a ! special plane operated by an agent of the federal government The airplane is offering the illicit! business a run for its life, and while here on May 31 the federal men ex plain*^ thjft they unnlH?ho back defense may upset those plans a lid ! the enforcement work will have to I be continued on earth ?In addition to wrecking the six teen stills last month. A B. C. Offi cer J. 11. Roebuck and I ns assistants confiscated 48 gallons of white li quor and poured out 5.400 gallons of beer. Three men were arrested and they have been booked for trial in the federal courts The enforce ment force traveled 1.171 miles mak ing sixteen raids and handling in vestigations A Little Child Killed Accidentally by Auto Edmoiidson ( hiId Is Second Car Victim In County During MHO ?itruck by Oir Driver liv Curie In lliihHell VeHleriluv Morning I'lie duUiiimUile cIhmuhI iia swoiid lift' of the year in thus county yes terday morning at 9:30 o'clock when little Elmer Edmondson, Jr., was run over and fatally hurt on High No. 11 in Hassell. His head mashed. TFTe live-year-old child died while being carried to a doctor in Ruber sonville. Martin County's first high way fatality in the current year was recorded several weeks ago when 9 colored man was killed on U S. Highway No. 64 near Par melt Gaining permission to accompany his father to the Edmondson store in Hassell earlier that morning, the lit j tie fellow who lives about three miles from the small county town had planned to visit his little cous I in. Thinking it advisable not to let him go alone from the store, the child's uncle, Mr Ernest Edmund - son, took him in his car and carried him to the Edmondson home where he was to meet his cousin, Mr Ed mondson's daughter. The child hop ped out of the car, apparently ran around in front and stopped. Think ing the little fellow had already reached the yard, Mr. Edmondson started to drive away He thought his car hit a brick and glancing back he saw the moilonless body lying on the ground Completely unnerved by the ae cident, Mr. Edmondson called help and his wife and Staton Haislip im mediately started to a doctor with the child. The little fellow died on the way without regaining consciousness. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. El mer Edmondson, he was a bright lit lie fellow and a favorite playmate among the children of that commun ity. News of his death was received as a great shock to the family and I the entire community. Greatly up set, Mr. Edmondson, driver of the machine, was said to hav e hern plac-_ ed under medical care shortly after i the accident. After investigating the accident, Sergeant Jackson of the Highway Patrol, said it was the saddest one evefr called to his attention during his several years with the patrol. "It was just one of those unfortunate accidents that apparently no one could help," he added. Funeral services are being eon ducted at the home near Hassell this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock by He v. J. M. Perry, pastor of the Hassell Chris tian Church. Interment will follow in the family plot in the Koberson- i ville Cemetery. To Vote On Leal Control July 2 Saturday, July 20, was the date tentatively fixed this week for hold ing the 1940 tobacco control referen dum. . This year the growers will vote on three questions in accordance with amendment* to the program regulat ing sale of the leaf The amendments are before President Roosevelt who is expected to sign them. The three questions to be decided by the farmers will be whether they want ttre marketing quota^trrextend over a three-year period, a one-year period as heretofore ,or do not want them at all. Quotas must be approv by two-thirds of those participating in the election. I NEXT TREASURER Conceded the nomination this week, Dick Smith will be Mar tin County's next treasurer in ti tie as well as. ill deed. He has? handled the hooks under three former treasurers and will take over after his own right next December. Another Round-Up 0! Dogs Scheduled Determined to *>???? that the law n quiring tin Miri innlion nf d"gn u. complied with but hesitant of taking action that will carry alleged viola tors into the courts, Sheriff C. B. Roebuck has scheduled another dog round-up at the office of Dr. A. J Oh teen here tomorrow. A similar lound-up was held last Saturday when 24B canines went under the needle. To date, approximately 2,500 dogs have been vaccinated in this county. Th" "ff"'* ' iloii?there aren't many left to vaccinate, but the round-up must be complete and dog owners are being given another chance to comply with the law. pared a list carrying the names of owners who have not had their dogs vaccinated. If those owners do not comply with the law within the next two or three weyks, warrants will be drawn and the alleged violators call ed in to explain why. /fig Variation la PotaUf Prices As Season Is Of umed Opening on a fairly large but no record sue wale, the Irish potato markets headed into a jit tery price situation this week, reports declaring that the prices varied as much as ft or more per 100 pounds In some cases. Hold ing fairly strong until Eastern Carolina started moving its crop on an appreciable scale this week, the market Is said to have weakened with prices ranging from about 11.00 to 12.10 with the average holding around SI.75-11.00 at loading points through a greater part of yes terday. The Columbia area moved out a dozen ran yesterday to start the marketing season. Shipments, as a whole, are comparatively light, reports stating that the acreage has been reduced and that the yield was curtailed by dry weather In May. Ital\ Ordering Its Ships Into !Neutral Ports Immediately: rrciirh (l.i lining Suri'etwful PfffMe tuirnl Huff f'.iTiiiiiii TanL- 1 Their hacks almost to the wall in their attempt to stem a drive on Par is in the second major phase of the Nevv World War. the Allies today re ceived an aggravated threat from Mussolini when he issued an order directing all Italian ships to seek shelter immediately in neutral ports. Mussolim's often-repeated threat to join with Germany is expected to take definite form shortly. In addi tion to ordering all Italian ships to neutral ports. II Duce canceled fu ture sailings. There are those who continue to believe, however, that Italy will not enter the war just yet. Others think Italy's entry is to be ex pected not later than Saturday of next week, that an Italian move will eSctend the war front into Egypt and draw the Balkan States and Russia into the conflict At the' present time Germany is making a desperate drive toward Paris and a bloody conflict is raging over a IJO-mile front Artillery fire from German guns, described as the most concerted in all military his tiny, is being Mumped on a dhMi'iirea where the Muginot and Weygand lines form Smbke shells, turning day into night, have been dumped into the area possibly <js a cover for what is expected to be the main push toward Paris hardly 6& miles away. rtmg to all kinds of methods, claims 'to have penetrated thnSoTnfffe RTver line at many points hut the Allies maintain that no vi tal points haw-been lost ,to the in-' vadeis "Our hue is holding admir ably." a high command declared at noon It is apparent that the Alliec. especially the French, are being tax ed to capacity in trying to hold the invaders in check, that Italy's entry may hold or may not hold the key to German victory in France. Germany is resorting to more pro paganda, and is now telling the French that they have beep fui.oken by England It ix trite that Germany has driven a fairly effective wedge between the two countries, but it is claimed that the two are working and fighting m greater harmony to day than ever. Realizing the danger of the situa-* (Continued on page aix) T. (!. Allsbrooks Funeral Is Held In Oak (lily Tuesday Wt'll-know ?? Citizen I lit-- In Ho?pilul l ulliv, ny l-onx III llfHH Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon at 3 .'10 o'clock from the home in Oak City for T Cleve land Allsbrooks, well known county citizen. Mr Allsbrooks died in a Tar boro hospital early last Monday fol lowihg a long period of dccllrtlhg health He suffered an heart attack about a year ago, hut his condition yvas not considered critical until the early part of this year when he ex periencert a relapse and his conrli tion gradually became worse. Mr. Allsbrooks was born in Hali fax County about 55 years ago. He married Miss Mattie Cherry there and moved to Oak City about a quar ter of a century ago and entered the ginning and milling, business which he successfully operated for a long number of years or until failing health forced him into virtual retire ment. More recently he had under taken farming operations on a small scale. A high-toned Christian gentleman, Mr. AHsbrooks was held in high esteem by all who knew him He was -waUX-known throughout the upper suction the -county and^ enjoyed a large friendship circle there and in his native county. He was a member of the Baptist Church. No children survive the union. ^ Elder A. B Benson,"Rocky Mount minister, conducted the last rites. Interment was in the Oak City cem etery OwbN Televiiion I* Heady For The Market* "Television hus been perfected and ita introduction throughout - the country is anticipated ere long," Joe David Thrower said upon his return from a RCA dealers' meeting held tot Rocky Mount Wednesday when the 1941 radio models were shown. Mr. Thrower was accompanied by Mr. B. S. Courtney, local dealer, and they attended a large banquet while in Rocky Mount.

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