The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMS TON, NORTH CAROLINA W C. MANNING Editor ? 190$ 19M SUBSCRIPTION R4TES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year $1.75 Six months ] 00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $2.25 Six months 1 25 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston. N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3,1879. Address all communications to Tlie Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Fr'ula\. June T. /'> lit. 4 rid 1Iwre Mm* \?? /(mini Strange as it ina> seem it tins Ihch from time immemorial the practice of crowding out the fin er things in life, and holding open the door to things of lesser value Surely all the things that are housed or taken in and readily accept ed by society are not bad. but we have a pecu liar way of determining values The Christ child was born in a stable because his mother was crowded out of the inn. Down through the ages the peoples have crowded out the things that really count to give way for those things possibly thought t he more impor tant but really were not In the court of the last quarter of century we have crowded oui most of those things that were good and promoted the things of question able value Possibly w< are reaping our re ward today more as a result of our own ac tions than tor any other re ason, lui History rec ords no more than one major war witlrn the span of 25 years Williamston's public library is about to be crowded out i$e the plans for remodeling the town hall. Maybe it will be closed. The author it ICS to- handle the 1 affairs, new headquarters for the police and more space for the firemen All that is good, no doubt, but aren't we overlooking something equally as impuriam as any oi wncn we say there'll hardly be room for the library? We a"- spuvlir ?j too li tc'i in an ; tt"mpt to punish crime instead of trvinu to check and prevent crime. It-has been estimated that each arrest m Witlianiston and Martin County costs, on an average, about $25. And, yet. we spend less than 25 cents a day in support of the pub lic library. Regulations require the maintenance of cer we spend 50 cents each day to feed one prison er while the poor devil on the outside who la bors to pay the tax and abide by the laws of society lives on as little as three cents a meal and sometimes even less We are providing the common criminal better care than the fellow who is paying the bill and is. in many cases, dying for the want of medical aid. All of this goes to show that we are crowding out the good in too many cases and trying to build up from the top by paying tribute first to the lesser things. imerica Today /* Not The 4 m erica Of Old Once upon a time America was looked upon as the land of the brave and the free, a land where downtrodden souls in other lands looked longingly to as a haven of refuge an3 pgace. Am erica then held the respect of the world. People sought to plant their homes here, grow with Am erica and help in its development. Those days have past and we have become the melting pot of the world, but not by an in crease of foreigners who entered our portals past the Statue of Liberty. They came here to be good citizens, but a cruel fate soon met them and they turned traitor. They were misled in their beliefs and gradually hatred multiplied until today America, the land of the brave and free, is reaping unrest and the uncertainty that t.a tared the little Balkan nations for centur ies We are in the middle of unrest, and we can ?i it with any degree of ease explain away the acts that caused this unrest. A few years ago the United States was ship ping around 2.0(H) tons of scrap iron to Italy annually. Last year we robbed the points from the plow in the field and remved the fixtures from engines and shipped 425,000 tons of scrap iron to Italy. Only this week we, in our anxious and never-failing grab for a dollar, continued to load scrap iron for Italy where it will be re shipped to Germany and made into weapons for use in ripping the last Mm from around civ ilization. Just a few days ago it was learned that the United States and England had made 75 per cent of the machines used by Japan in her ruthless rape of China What explanation can we give the hundreds of thousands of little children in that great country? Or do we consider our acts beyond question and deny the victim of our greed for extra money the right to question our acts.' ' Even m this ne\v crisis there are still those who would sell to Japan and to Germany the weapons 'that could and possibly will?who knows? be turned 011 us, a defenseless people. There are those who warned against the damnable practice. But those warnings went unheeded-.--and- today it appears as if the time is not far off when we will pay and pay dearly for the many acts that were against the laws of God and humanity. Wuhin our own borders the iess-lortunate have been ignored while we reached out at the expense of suffering humanity and even at the risk of our own lives for an extra profit dol lar. The principles propounded by the Master 011 Calvary and the things for which our fore fathers were cast aside while we blated about added profits. This is not the America of old; it is the America builded upon suffering human ity and today jt stands at the Cross Roads with gn at doubt if its moral strength will withstand the pressure that is now about to be applied against it. v?nngkted 1940 6y BincUU Metming Lumping line ) leading the parade -Sinclair SuperFlame fuel oil. It gives maximum usable heat per ? gallon. r ? You'll like our reliable delivery service, too! /f5h **v \ > k ...\ Mw\ i / 1/ \ A Agonl Sinclair RmRning Company (Inc.) N. C. GREEN, Agent Williamston, N. C. The True Source Of Peace . . . By REV- JOHN HARDY Church Of The Advent The great purpose of the Christian Church is to promote and interpret the life of a person whose birth was announced to the world by the great strains of "Glory to God Toward Men." In these words the program for the life of Jesus of Nazareth was i proclaimed to the world. This comes | not as a challenge to Him but to im- j press upon H:s parents their supreme privilege and honor of ushering in the beginning of a new day This was the realization that again God was speaking in such a way that His voice might be heard. The challenge that comes from these words is to the people who grope in the darkness of life trying to find that which | brings to humanity its supreme goal ?.f life These word> Kt forth the grounds along which all our thinking should ; progress, about the tragic situation that now shrouds the world. Too of-1 ten when we think abbot catastroph-1 les which are caused by men, we al- j low hatred, selfishness, greed and the determinationto seek revenge, col or our thoughts rather than the high er motives of life. We are now being faced withthis very situation and ? unless we are careful we will again allow these lower traits to control our thoughts. That is exactly what happened after theTast great war afHt as the result we are reenacting it with even more devastating and cruel results. We must begin now to search for that which will enable us to find a means of bringing the world to a unity of nations. Humanity must be brought to the realization of its supreme task?"To do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God." (Misah 6:8j! . The miseries of the world will nev er be cured by force. It is only when people learn to give and forgive, to make sacrifices and control anger, that we are able to understand the liberty of the sons of God. We will never help the oppressed merely by ensuring the oppressor. It is only as we love all men that we can make a contribution to a world in which there is so much knowledge and so little wisdom. It is only as we call good evil, and evil good, that we be gin to sin against the Holy Spirit. It is this offense that is responsible for the cnaps'iir Euro^.Tr is this same" sin that we need to avoid in our own land. Men cannot long disregard God without showing a scar in their lives; BAPTIST Bible school, 9:45 a. m Morning worship, 11 a m Ser mon: "Christ in Behalf of His Church." Training Union Assembly. 7 p.m. Evening worship. 8 p. m. Sermon, ? Between God and Us." All in the intermediate training union group are urged to be present Sunday night for the first meeting to be conducted by Mr. Carlyle Hall. You will find the basement of the church a cool place for your pro gram METHODIST Regular services will be held at the Methodist Church next Sunday. Church school, 9:45 a m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening worship, 8 p m. The pas rtor will preach at both aenices. [Young peoples league, 7:15 p. m. Piney Grove Baptist me pastor, He v. W. B. Harrington, ? irRsem Tor several weeks on account I of a serious illness, will return to j the pulpit at Piney Grove Saturday inorning at 11 o'clock. At the 3 o'clock service Sunday I afternoon, the pastor will l>e assist I ed by Kev. J. H. Smith, Williams I ton minister. The public is invited. neither can nations. When good will toward men is disregarded there cannot be for long a peace of mind I for the individual or peaceful activ ity between nations. The same sins which cause international conflicts cause internal conflicts within the souls and personalities of men. The only difference is that so often they are overshadowed by tangling alli ances and treacherous treaties be tween nations that the root evil is not readily seen. So often as we crit icize nations wo are using arguments 'that would condemn us if we both ered to look upon ourselves to see our secret faults. As we live by the laws of nature, so must we live by the spiritual laws of God. Hatred and selfishness can never overcome love and fellowship without bringing suf iHH pc fort fig! Peace of mind "arid peace among nationscan only come by giv ing God a place in life and by show ing active truth and love in our daily relationships. CHURCH OF THE ADVENT "nurd Sunday after Trinity. Church school. 9 43 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon. 8 p m. HOLY TRINITY MISSION BEAK GRASS Regular second Sunday afternoon service at 3 p. m CHRISTIAN Bible school, 9:43 a. m. Morning worship. 11a. m. Subject, For Better or for Worse (Marriage) At 3 o'clock the pastor speaks at Martin County Prison Camp Young People's meeting, 7 p. m. Subject, "Youth Around the World Wide Fellowship. Evening praise and worship serv ice, 8 p. m Subject, "Companionship, Human and Divine." Pastor speaks at both services. On Monday evening at 8 o'clock the Junior Philathea Class meets with Miss Kathleen Price. Mid-week service, Thursday, 8 p m. Subject, "What the Church Means To Me " ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of J. If. Hyman, de ceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons! r having claims against estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Oak City, N. C., on or before the 14th day of May, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 14th day of May, 1940. LIZZIE HYMAN, Administratrix of J. B. Hyman, Deceased. B. A. Critcher, Atty.. ml7-6t ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of C.\J. Griffin, deceas ed, late of Martin County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 17th day of May, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 17th day of May, 1940. ELEANOR LORETA BROWN, Administratrix of the estate of m24-6t C. J. Griffin, deceased. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In County of Martin against Etherlene Carson, William Carson, Rachel Burton, Martha Webbs, James Car son, J. G. Godard and Mrs. Carrie Godard, Administratrix, and Annie The defendant*. Ktheriaoe Canon. William Canon, Rachel Burton. Kir tha Webbs and Annie Dickens, above named, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced m the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose the taxes on land in Mar tin County in which said defendants have an interest; and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before L. B- Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his of fice in Williamston, North Carolina, within thirty (30) days after the completion of this service of publi cation by notice and to answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint This the 15th day of May, 1940. L. B. WYNNE, Clerk Superior Court of ml7-4t Martin County. KRIA k IN /DAYS jjjS666 Take a Hp, Drink 77V2 5^ ?M Par ? taote treat, try I IP today. Uoiqaa in flavor ... invigorat ing. . . rafraahing. Aak for TIP at drag Mono, grocerr, lu ' TN VNIOUE MINK with the TAN6Y FLAVOR ] DODGE TWO-TONE You simply haven't mm "TWO-TONE" at its best until you sn how Dodga has interpreted it! It's utterly new...difiisrent... entirely unlike any color finish you've ever seen on mny car, at any price 1 leading style experts call it an achievement in Color Harmony that's * year ahead of base! See "TWO-TONE" now at your Do?fce dealer's! On the Biggest " Value Package99 Your Car Dollars Ever Bought! New-Car Buyer*! You can save plenty at your Dodge Dealer's right now! ROUT here in town cnsmy new oar buyers are switching from anudl ears to the magnificent, big Dodge Luxury Liner that gives you the beauty and luxury of expensive cars?for just a few dollars more than the smaller, low-priced makes! And look what those few dollars give you?the biggest^ finest car that Dodge ever built! A full 119tt-inch wheel base, wider seats, gorgeous On top of this, you get the sav ings on gas and oil for which Dodge has long been famous. You get the low-cost upkeep and high trade-in value that mean money in your pocket. LJrive in to your Dodge dealer today. Ask for a money- , . ?aving appraisal I fl on your present / car. Very likely it / COUPE will cover the full down-payment on a 1940 Dodge? balance on easy || SEDAN *755* I SEDAN budget terms. I POPGE^^y^ataxy Titbs MnkMv MMl tmuimi i . , _l imm mmd al ? Hadard a^alpatal. DIXIE MOTORS, INC. ? Williamston, N. C.

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