Watch The Label On Your Paper, Am It Carriaa The Data | Your Subscription Expiree THE ENTERPRISE Advertiser* Will rind Our Obi umnt A Latchkey To Over 1.800 Homea Of Martin County. VOLUME XLIII?NUMBER 49 IFUliamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 18, 1940. ESTABLISHED 1899 Agriculture Voices Opposition To Any Tobacco Sur-Taxes Commissioners of Agricul ture Meet at Washing ton Last Week ? Speaking to a meeting of the As sociation of Southern Commission era of Agriculture in Washington last week, C. C. Hanson, secretary of the organization, discussed the schedule of super-taxes levied on tobacco in support of the national defense program. It has been argued that tobacco is not trying to shirk its share of the defense cost, but it cries out for justice along with oth er commodities and industry. Mr. Hanson's statement, offering enlightening information on the to bacco tax topic, follows: "Many of our tobacco farmers to day," Secretary Hanson declared, ' are already living on the border line of poverty." If, instead of raising the tax?the tobacco tax were low ered by 16 2-3 per cent and the far mer got this difference, it would more than double the income of the average tobacco planter and in that way do much tp increase the pur chasing power of our rural popula tion in the tobacco country. "How many of our city people realize that a farmer receives less than a penny for all the tobacco in a package of cigarettes, and that the present government tax upon that 1 cent worth of cigarette tobacco is 6 cents right now?" How many know that while the tobacco grower only receives an average of 16 cents a pound for his tobacco, the Federal tax on that single pound of tobac co already amounts to $1.00 a pound. "Is it any wonder that our tobac co farmers are distressed?" he ask ed. "A farmer raises about 1,000 pounds of tobacco per acre. He sells it all for $159.00 and at the present rate of taxes imposed oij/ cigarettes the government collects approxi mately $1,000 on that acre of tobac co. This makes the taxes collected by the government about six times the value of the tobacco and about fifty times the value of the land on which the tobacco was produced." Mr. Hanson then went on to (mint out that the present Federal tax of six cents per package on cigarettes, plus the State sales taxes imposed, would make the taxes about?eight times as much as the farmer got for the tobacco. "If a wheat farmer," he said, "wants to swap a bushel of 75 cents wheat for 5 packages of 15 cent cig arettes (containing less than five cents worth of tobacco), he actually has to pay Uncle Sam 30 cents and in some instances, the State govern ment 10 cents for the privilege of swapping his bushel of wheat for five cents worth of manufactured ciggrpttc tnbacf?t 4?v4?n if hp, him self, raised the tobacco in the cigar ettes." In conclusion, Mr. Hanson ask ed, "What is the sense of the gov ernment levying super-taxes upon tobacco now, and then in a few months when the farmers sell what they can of their tobacco crop this year at what they can get for it ? the government has to place many of the producers upon the rolls of (Continued on page six) Lee Brooks Hurt In Auto Accident Friday Afternoon Wedding Scheduled for Last Postponed Lee Broolu, 32 years old, was bad ly shocked and painfully bruised last Friday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock when his automobile crashed into a bridge abutment at Collie Swamp between Everetts and Roberson ville on U. S. Highway No. 17. His marriage to Miss Ruth Norton, scheduled to have taken place the following day, was necessarily post poned, no second date for the event having been announced. Driving at a fairly moderate speed, Brooks apparently dropped off to sleep and the car swerved to the right and made a direct hit on the bridge, turning over once or twice. A former employee of a cash regis ter company, Brooks suffered no broken bones or cuts, but he suffer ed severe shock according to a re port released from the Brown Com munity Hospital where he was re moved for treatment immediately following the aocident. He was d charged from the Institution Sun day afternoon about 5 o'clock and accompanied his sister, Mrs. Lewis Loveland, and Mr. Loveland, to their home in Durham where, it was said, he will continue under a doc tor's care for some time. Making ready for his wedding the following day, Brooks was to have been returning to Williams ton from Raleigh where he was said to have purchased a ring and made financial arrangements for a wedding trip. He was reported to have been carry ma l| 400 in cash in a brief case which could not be found following the wreck. The wedding ring and a suit of clothes were also said to have been missing. The car was wrecked almost be yond repair. Company to Rebuild Lumber Plant Here DRAGGING Hie Red Cross movement In the Martin County chapter con tinues to drag, a late report from the chapter chairman, Harry A. Bills, showing that a total of only B146.2S had been con tributed in behalf of suffering humanity ?/??*?? the sea. It has been reported that the local Junior Woman's Club will establish headquarters on the streets of Williamston not to launch a canvass but to present a direct appeal to the citizens. The action of the club in taking charge of the work is commend able, to say the least. Donations not previously ac knowledged: Mary Taylor | 2.00 V. O. Godwin l.M Mrs. J. A. Eason 5.60 Mrs. Susan Taylor 1,60 Siloan Sunday School.. 2.00 Junior Woman's Club 10.00 Tuberculosis Clinic Will Be Held In The County Next Month Dr. G. C. Godwin Scheduled .To Make Examinations At Three Outer* Having already made considerable progress, the Martin County Health Department will continue its drive against tuberculosis in this county next month when Dr. G. C. Godwin, tuberculosis specialist with the State Sanatorium, will conduct a series of clinics in three community centers. The clinics are open to the general public, and the health au thorities are anxious that the people will take advantage of the facilities. Announcing the" clinics, Dr. J. W. Williams, head of the county health department, said: "At these clinics he hopes to ex amine every arrested case and every rnntart of rases of tuberculosis in Ih? county. Thirty-five or forty exami nations will be made every day and all persons interested in the disease are invited to take advantage of the opportunity by making appointment dates through the health department. Appointments must be made so that program will run on schedule. The nurses are now busy visiting homes of contacts and cases." "The tuberculosis death rate for the United States is 52 per 100,000. The rate for Martin County is 76 per 100,000. In other words, iy per sons died from the disease last year and before they died infected more than a hundred "The purpose of our clinic is to learn just how much, if any damage, was done to the people who have been in contact with the diseases. "The clinic is for all persons, white or colored, over 13 years of age. "Appointments must be made. Ex amination is tree. We are particu larly interested in the young men and women. There will not be an other such opportunity for two years." The schedule for the clinics Is, as follows: Robersonville: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 1, 2 and 3 in the health department at 8:30, 12:00, 1:00 and 4:00 o'clock. Oak City: Friday and Monday, July 5 and 8 in the white school building during the same hours announced J for the clinics at Robersonville. Williamston: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, July 9, 10, 11 and 12 at the same hours announced for the clinics in Robersonville and Oak City. THE RECORD SPEAKS . ... Motorists on Martin County highways are having more than twice as many wrecks this year as they had last, but by some strange turn of fate they are holding down the figures in the grim death column and cutting the per unit property damage ?C"t'y r/w,lil?ntg~ln the cor responding period a year ago added $1,900 to the damage fig ure and today the loss in the first 24 weeks of 1939 is greater than it is for the same number of weeks in 1940. While Martin motorists can boast of their record as it relates to fatal accidents and property losses when compared with the record for 1939, they have much to do in making the highways and streets safer. The following tabulations of fer a comparison of the accident trend: first, by corresponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. i InJ'd Killed Daaa'ge 1940 2 3 0 $ 650 1939 2 3 0 1900 Comparison To Data 1940 46 32 2 *6030 1939 21 17 6 6050 Work On Project Is Started This Week By Owner Saunders Plant, Burnesl Week Ago, To Be Running Again in About 90 Days The large sawmill of the Saunders and Co* Lumber Company, destroy ed by fire a week ago this afternoon, will be replaced and the new unit made ready for operation in about ninety days, according to informa tion gained from Mr. J McKimmon Saunders, owner-manager, today. In fact, work on replacing the mill has been started already, the manage ment deciding on a course of action only last Friday A replacement, slightly larger and possibly more modern than the unit that went up in smoke in the town's most disastrous fire in more than a dozen years, has been purchased and is being loaded this week for im mediate shipment. The burned de bris is being removed from the mill site, and it is understood that an or der for lumber is being prepared. Work on a new home for Mr. and Mrs. George Harris to replace the one destroyed in the fire last Tues day has already been started, and they are planning to have it ready for occupancy within a very few weeks. Plans are nearing comple tion for the rebuilding of the Tex aco service station operated by Mr. Harris just across the street from the lumber mill. Colfex Speller, the colored man who lost his home in the fire, is living with the neighbors and has little assurance that he will be able to rebuild. The man and his wife are out scouting for odds in Furniture and and a little cash from j liberal people. According to reports coming from the management, the big lumber mill will be replaced to virtually its iriginal form both as to plans and iize. Just how long the rebuilding will require is dependent upon the -nnHition of the old mill foundation, [f the heavy concrete blocks art1 nut oadly damaged as a result of the [ire, the replacement will go for ward fairly rapidly. If the old foun dations are to be torn away and new jnes laid, the task will go into sev eral extra weeks. "We arc anxious to rush the work to completion so that all our men will be able to return to work," Mr. Saunders said yesterday. He is em ploying about fifty of his force of B few more than a hundred men in the rebuilding work, and it is un derstood that regular advances are being made to the others. Steam has been raised in the old boilers, a report stating that they were not damaged by the fire The targe dry kiln will be placed into use for drying lumber to be used in the rebuilding of the mill, and it might be said that the mill was not out of operation entirely for more than a few days. Employment Unit Delivers Cheeks The Williamston Employment Service office, serving the area em braced in Beaufort, Tyde, Tyrrell, Washington and Martin Counties, has delivered 27,676 checks for $161, 516.32 to unemployed or partially un "mp'nyd """-trers in that, area in the two years and five months of benefit payments through May, fig ures compiled in the central office of the N. C. Unemployment Com pensation Commission sfiOw. The 48 white offices, with 10 col ored branches in as many cities with large colored populations, distribut ed 2,186,856 checks for $14,154,197.59 in the same 29 months, in addition to 22,994 checks for $258,260 82 sent from the Central UCC office to res idents outside the State who had previously accumulated reserves by work in the State. April distributions were 82,995 checks for $417,426.27, as compared with May distributions of 87,689 checks for $438,712.05, both sets of figures including out-of-state checks The April niit-nf-state checks numbered 1,584 for $15,630.39 and the May out-of-state checks reached 1,364 for $12496.50. The Williamston Employment of fice in the month of April delivered 1,213 checks for $7,173.00, as com pared with the May distribution of 948 checks for $5,469, it is reported by C. W. Bazemore, office manager. The ten colored branch offices serve colored claimants in their im mediate area only, the 46 white of fices serving white claimants in the immediate area, in addition to both white and colored claimants at about 125 "service" points and now about 175 "spot" points, through itinerant service to these points. The "service" points are regular weekly points of call of a representative from the local office for registering unemployed workers, taking claims hacks. The and delivering checks. The "spot" points are temporary points of call, to mills or plants in the rural areas, or in suburban areas, where it is more convenient for representatives of the employment office to visit the Superior Court Is Nearing Close Of Brief Term Today Lewd Case* in Number* Strik ening To Member* of Trial Jurymen With only one criminal case to be cleared from the docket and with a virtual agreement that most of the civil docket will be "skipped" for the time being, the regular one week mixed term of the Martin County Superior Court is drawing to a rapid close, reports coming from the old hall of justice at noon to day indicated. Although there were few cases on the docket, the nature of those cases was of such a lewd and base nature, that jurymen declared they ware really sickening. The cases were of such a common nature that any thing smacking of sensationalism was wiped out, and the testimony was ruled as disgusting. Not only did the cases prove that innocent mi nors had fallen victims of a wild life, but it was established in open court that the father of a minor daughter had violated the laws of common decency "If this country doesn't fall vic tim to Hitler, it will have to change its ways to prevent falling victim to indecency and corruption," an observer was quoted as saying. Proceedings in the court: Charged with abusing a female and bastardy, James Roberson was sentenced to the roads for a term of twelve months, the court suspend ing judgment upon condition that he pay $8 a month until further notice to Ernestine Knight, the prosecut ing witness. The defendant is to pay the case costs. No true bill was found in the ease charging W C. Bedwell with hit and-run driving. ,He was charged with striking a cart in which Mrs. Jane Perry was riding several weeks ago near Williams ton. The aged wuman, apparently recovered from injuries received * in the accident, was. present for the case Roosevelt Fagan, charged with forgery, was sentenced to the roads for a term of four months. No true bill was found in the case charging Tobe Rogers with bas-' tardy. It was reported that the col ored mother appeared in court with a baby leaning well luwaid the white side. Curtis Mobley, colored man charg ed with breaking and entering, pleaded guilty of forcible trespass and was sentenced to the roads for sixty days Judge Q. K Nimocks, presiding, suspended the judgment for a period of three years upon the pledged good behavior of the defen dant. Guy Rollins, charged with secret assault with intent to kill, pleaded guilty of an assault with a deadly weapon The plea wax accepted by Solicitor Donnell Gilliam, and the defendant was sentenced to the roads for a term of twelve months. John Robert Lawrence, the victim of the attack, did not appear in court to prosecute the case. Charged with Incest, Rex White head was sentenced to the State's Prison for a term of five years. The case charging Worth Mobley with an assault was nolprossed. (Continued on page six) Dillon Padgett Dies In County Dillon Padgett, retired country merchant and a citizen of James ville Township, died in the Martin rnnnty homo, nfgf yilliamstfin, last Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock fol lowing a lung period of declining health. Tuberculosis was given as the cause of his death: Padgett, handicapped by physical disabilities, tried to carry on despite ill health, but last April he was forc ed to give up his duties and enter the county home for treatment, the end coming gradually. He was al most 46 years old. He was devoted to his family ar.d shared liberally of his little means with his brother, Willie, who had his bladder shot out and who died sev eral months ago after remaining helpless for many months. His widow, the former Miss Sallie Hardison, survives with five chil dren, Molly, Emir;!, Sarah. Sallie and Elsie, the youngest being only one year old. He also leaves two sis ters, Mrs. Vera Williams, of Dardens, and Mrs. Calcia Starks, of Norfolk. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon from the home near Jamesville, by Daniel Hardi son Interment was in the family cemetery, near the home. Christian Endeavor To Hold Convention The Martin County Chriatian En deavor Convention will be held in the Macedonia church on Saturday of thia week at 10:30 o'clock, it was announced this week. Rev. L. B. Scarboro, of Rocky Mount, jWill address the morning session, and Rev. Robert Jarman, of Kinston, will appear on the after noon program. Young people from all of the churches in the county are urged to attend. A basket picnic will be serv ed. German Hordes Continue Their March of Slaughter As Hitler And Mussolini Talk Peace Plan Jurymen Urged To Make Closer Cheek On I^aw Violations Judge Q. K. Nimook* Outline* Grand Jury Untie* in Brief Gharge Speaking to the Martin County Grand Jury in session here yester day, Judge Q K Nimocks again urged the jurymen to make a clos er check on alleged law violations and present any charges to the so licitor. Finding a small docket awaiting the attention of the court, the Fayetteville jurist made only a brief charge in outlining the duties of the jury and ordering an inspec tion of all accounts held by admin istrators. executors and guardians. No inspection of public properties was ordered, the jurist explaining that a thorough job had been han dled by the March jury and that it was' hardly necessary to go over ' the work at this time Following a brief outline of the jury duties. Judge Nimocks urged the jurymen to report any law vio lations known to them to the court "It is your solemn and sworn duty to make presentment of any and all violations of the criminal laws com ing to your knowledge," the jurist declared. Continuing, he said. "Com ing from all parts of the county as you do, it is highly probable that you know about some conditions that should be remedied, but you fail to act because of fear. There is also a tendency to hesitate to cite any apparent violation because there is a general opinion that officers are paid to ..enforce the laws, that it is none of your business " Judge Nimocks made it quite plain thai it was the duty of the juryman to| re port any and all crimes coming to niB knowledge, that there is no need for fear since the jurymen are sworn to secrecy. "I do not have to tell you what a member of your body has done if he mentions anything outside of the grand jury room in violation of his oath," the jurist said, itnimating that he was subject to prosecution in the courts. "There has. been much money squandered and unwisely spent be cause of improper safeguards against such practices," Judge Nim ocks said in ordering the jurymen to make a complete investigation of all guardians', administrators' and executors' accounts. "I understand the law is being ad hered to in Martin County, but I direct you men to make sure," the jurist said in ordering the jurymen to see that no minors were being held in the common jail with sea soned criminals In the list of grand jury dui}ea outlined by Judge Nimocks, he mentioned the handling of bills of indictments, how twelve of the body of eighteen men must pass on a bill and that every witness must be amined before a bill could be turn ed in as a true one. Concluding his thirty-minute charge, Judge Nimocks urged the jurymen to diligently enter upon their work and investigate all mat ters called to their attention. Mr. Joshua L. Coltrain, of Wil liams Township, was named fore man of the body. The names of oth er members are: W. O. Peel, R. S. Pruce, Jr., Julian Fagan, Kader Xilley, P. M. Matthews, S W , Mar shall, S. A. Perry. Hugh Daniel, Har vey Medford, Frank Carstarphen, ^Ollie Keel, George A. Oglesby, J. D. Hawls, Russell Turner, L. W7 James, Joseph G Corey and W. Berkley Rogers For the first time in many courts no one asked to be relieved of jury duty Two Are Hurt In Car Wreck Sunday I Harry Stubbs, Jr., was badly cut on his left arm and suffered a slight head injury and Miss Mary Kather W hpnilll was bruised nil hi'l head when their car went out of con trol and turned over twice un "dead man's curve" near Colli* Swamp be tween Everetts and Robersonville about 10:30 o'clock Sunday night Miss Spruill, driver of the Olds mobile, was said to have lost con trol of the machine when it ran off the hard surface unto the wet shoulder. j The accident victims were car ried to their home in Windsor where tjieir injuries were treated. Damage to the car was estimated at $350 a Drought Broken Ini'l.ounty By Shntreri Early Tinlay Intermittent showers falling gen erally over the county early this morning and again m the early af ternoon have given what farmers call a "good season" for crops. "It's too wet to plow out home, but we could stand a little more rain," Far mer Joshua Coltrain said today. LIBRARY HOURS During the summer months the library hours will be from 9-12 in the morning and 7-8 at night. All patrons are requested to notice this change of sched ule. Plans are going forward for moving the librarv from the Le gion Hut on Watts Street to the town hall, but no definite ac tion has been taken in that di rection so far Graham Advocates Immediate Aid To Victims Of Hitler University Man Sees Urgent Need for Uxtemling Aid To The Allies By DR. FRANK P. GRAHAM President, t'ni. of North Carolina We favor immediate material aid to the Allies with equipment and supplies because the democracies, with all their own injustices, frus trations and failures give the world's people, including the German peo ple. more hope of the opportunity to struggle for peace, freedom, democ racy and humane religion as the ba sis of them all The dictators ex pressly despise democracy, magnify the philosophy of force, and glorify war as an instrument of totalitarian powerrAlthough we realize that the case for the dictators is not all black and that the case for the democracies is not all white, yet, in these times, when freedom and democracy are half the world, we vigorously join the President of the United States in voicing the sympathies ??f Ami'in with the Allied peoples struggling to save the freedom to struggle for freedom The dictators have made clear to all the world the primary essentials of freedom by striking down those institutions and ideas which stood across the way of their ruthless march to-tota+tttmtm power. Mark up as our democratic necessities the democratic inst itut uuis winch tt dictators struck down; the decent freedom ol the church, legislative assembly, labor union, business en terprise, press, radio, school and uni versity. Let us resolutely go ahead in our present emergency with plans for adequate national defense, not only as protection against potential en emies without but also as protection against alarms, fears and some times hysteria within. National hys teria can cause us to tear down the, very freedom and democracy which are now the chief justification of more adequate defenses of America in a disorganized world of lawless 'force ;itid ruthless dictators One of our main jobs is to be the strong hold of freedom and democracy as the basis for the reconstruction of n stricken workf-America must hold the line for democracy in America and send the equipment and sup plies immediately most needed by Great Britain and Frande, holding the line for democracy in Europe, fateful with the hopes of the peo ples of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Den mark, Norway, Holland and Bel (Continued on page six) And The Barber Kept On Shaving The Court Judge "Will you five me a quirk shave " a midd.-c-agrd man ask ed Barber Bob Taylor In Pete Hall's barber shop yesterday morning the customer explain in* he had to be in court at 10 o'clock. Always anxious to relieve one**- anxiety, Barber Taylor not knowing his customer, assured him lt_ would be perfectly all rifht if he did not ret there rifht on the dot and went on to explain, "the judfe is always late fettinf here Monday morn laf." "But I happen to be that judfe," Ills Honor Q. K. Nlm orks explained and the barber kept on shevIn* but with a quickened pace. Barber Phelpa stated that Taylor sluf lather like unto a brick mason sllnfln* mortar. It was apparent that Barber Taylor had talked too much, that he had become excited and when the Judfe handed him a fS bill he forfot to offer him but M cent* In change. But the barber was rifht when he said the judfe la always lata on Monday morning for at the time the shave was started the Western Union clock recorded the time at IliU, Defeat Of Franee Shifts Attention To British Shores l)i*|M>*itioii of French Navy t iicertuin in Fact* of Bit ter Peace Acceptance Experiencing another costly blow in the surrender of France on Sun day at the hands of a barbarian of the first water and a traitor that would make Benedict Arnold appear j eligible for the role of a saint, the Allied Cause today grimly awaits the pleasure of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini m drawing up peace terms for the prostrate French people It is necessary to try to end the fighting," Marshall Henri Petain, the 84-ycar:old hero of the Battle of Verdun in the World War, told the French people m a broadcast soon after he succeeded Premier Reynaud. resigned. "I made contact with the adversary asking him as soldier-to-soldier to seek with me the means to stop the fight," the saddened 84 year-old man told his people yesterday. But today late reports stated that the German barbarian hordes con tinued their march of slaughter and destruction deep into the south of France, leaving the German swas> tika flying over Paris, Versailles and the Eiffel Tower, France's half billion dollar hope of security, is gone and the rich industrial centers of Fiance art' in the hands of the in vaders. Still later bulletins, based on ru mors and without official confirma turn, state thatHitler's peace terms .were so strong that the first answer offered by the Fernch was a contin uation of the fight, that French lead ' ers and French people preferred to continue the fight unto death rather than submit to terms of bondage Proposed hv Hitler. the world's scoundrel and enemy to mankind. With France all but prostrate at the feet of the Teutonic barbarians, interest shifted to the shores sur rounding the tiny British Isles. Hit ler says he will bring English peo ple to their knees within six weeks ufter starting his attack in that sec tion. Prime Minister Churchill in an address thus morning stated that England would continue the fight even though France has been forced from her side as an ally. The momentous question before the Allied Cause and the world to day centers around the French navy. Will Hitler get it? Will the French seamen revolt and join the British sea forces'.' Will England cap ture it and maintain a small hope for victory by keeping the fleet out of German hands? They are the questions that are being asked. It is apparent that Hitler is demanding (Continued on page six) (llmrcli Attendance Picture Here Not At All Complimentary Vt illiiiniHloii Man i fc>l* Little liilcrctl in Support of TtfTTTHurrTieti By REV. S. J. STARNES Pastor, Methodist Church With wiirlii conditions as they are today Christian people should re double their efforts and reconsecrate their lives to exalt God and to make Christian principles basic in all life. Williamston still has no ground for boasting when it comes to the inter est it manifests in its churches. No finer citizenship ran be found any where when it comes to the ordi nary matters of friendship and con geniality, but there seems to be a distressing lack of interest in the re ligious life of the community as ex pressed in church attendance. II IS said that Nero Rome burned. In a community of 4.1X10 people, 386 were found in all six of the?churches last Sunday morning, 104 in the evening serv ices, 18 in young people's meetings, and 463 in all the Sunday schools. Many of these were people who at tend both church services as well as Sunday school, so the percentage is miserably low for such a fine com munity. There are many very loyal people, but so many others who are irregular, and some others who nev er go to church, until the picture is not complimentary. The figures for the various churches are as follows: Church S.8. V P A.M. FM Baptist 123 67 Christian 106 80 Episcopalian II IT Holinesa 125 ,100 ? Methodist 88 II 49 M Presbyterian 22 23 Totals 463 II 386 194

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