Watch The Label On Your Paper, Ai It Carries The Date Your Subscription Expires. THE ENTERPRISE Advertiaer* Will Pied Our Col umn* A Latchkey To Over 1.800 Hume* Of Martin County. VOLUME XLIII??NUMBER 50 ffilliamtton, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, June 21, ESTABLISHED 1899 Everetts To Appeal To Education Board For School Building Patrons Present Strong Case To School Commission In Raleigh Appearing before the State School Commission in Raleigh recently pa trons of the Everetts School encoun tered a new obstacle in their strong drive for the reestablishment of a high school in their community. Ad vised that they could take no ac tion until adequate housing facili ties were provided, the group of about thirty representative citizens are now expected to address an ap peal to the county board of educa tion at its next meeting on July 1. As far as it could be learned today no definite plans for presenting the ap peal to the county board have been formulated, but realizing the move ment to have the high school re established will meet with failure unless adequate housing facilities are made available, the Everetts cit izens are expected to direct a strong appeal to the county authorities at the July meeting. Reports from the recent Raleigh meeting indicate that the school community representatives offered a strong plea in support of their case. The facts were presented, and Paul Bailey, recognized leader of the del egation, stated the case and appar ently gained a following among the commission membership. The group was also represented on the program by Attorneys Horton and Peel who voiced the sentiments of the com munity. Several members of the commis sion were quoted after the meeting as saying they would support the community in its efforts to advance its interests, but others expressed themselves as being opposed to the movement on the grounds that the average dally atendance of 68 pu pils was not large enough to' justify the reestablishment of tiui?-hig*i school. Lloyd Griffin, commission secre tary, stated that no high school has been reestablished in the State where the average daily attendance fell blow 85 pupils. It was ihtimated that the commission, as a whole, would hardly grant a request where the daily attendance would not support a faculty uf four teaehori The commission did not commit itself, but reserved action pending the outcome of the community's ap peal for an enlarged building or a separate housing unit for the high school. In other words, the commun ity might be successful in its appeal for adequate housing facilities, and then the commission would refuse to reestablish the high school there. However, many of those attending the Raleigh meeting were impress ed by the attitude expressed by members of the commission, and they still maintain they have a chance to have the school reestab lished. Twelve of the fourteen commis sion members were present and heard the appeal. Bombshell Explodes In Republican Camp Recognized as a movement to ad vance a strong solidarity of the na tion to cope with defense problems and other emergencies, the appoint ment of Henry L. Stimson and Frank Knox to cabinet posts by President Roosevelt yesterday was regarded by others as being an exploding bombshell in the face of the Repub lican National Convention opening in Philadelphia next week. Considered able men regard less of party affiliations, both Mr. Stim son and Mr Knox are believed to be in a position to handle a problem of far greater significance than that attached to politics just at this time. The Republicans immediaately complained that the Democrats had builded a war party and declared that they would make it an issue in the presidential campaign now at hand. Commenting on the appointments of Mr. Stimson as Secretary of the War and Mr. Knox as Secretary of the Navy, President Roosevelt said: "The appointments to the cabinet are in line with the overwhelming sentiment of the nation for national solidarity in time of world crisis and in behalf of national defense and nothing else." Messrs. Stimson and Knox, their appointment subject to confirms te by the Senate, were immediately read out of the Republican Party where they had been recognized as leaders for a long number of years. A few Republicans laughed about the appointments, declaring that able men could not be found in the Democratic Party for the posts. A congressional investigation into the cause for Woodring's resignation as Secretary of War was demanded by a disgruntled group in Washing ton today. Factory Official Called Home By Death In Family Mr. O p. Newcombe, an official turing Company, was called to Glen lock, N. J., yesterday morning about 1 o'clock by the sudden death of Mrs. Newcombe. He was accompanied home by Mr. Milton Goldman. Rids Received for Improving Two Highways in ThisCounty Digs w ere received by the North Carolina Highways and Public Works Commission in Raleigh yes terday for the improvement of two highways in this county, action on the bids pending a routine inspection by the highway officials. The largest of the two proposed projects calls for the widening of V. S. Highway No. 64 from a point near Everetts to the Pitt County line, a few miles this side of Bethel The low bid. totaling $18.335.50. was sub-1 j mitted by the r. A Triplett Com pany, of Chester. S. C. About six miles of the road from Williamston to a paint near Everetts was widen ed some time ago by a Chapel Hill contractor The newly proposed project simply calls for a continua tion of the first, the present 16-foot concrete strip to be widened to 20 feet. It has been suggested that the road be widened to about 40 feet across Collie Swamp and at "Dead Man's Curve", near the swamp It could not be learned when work would be started on the proj ect but one unoflcial report stated that definite action could be ex pected immediately, and that the company's distribution plant would possibly be set up and maintained in Robersonville. The second project in this county and one figuring in the million-dol lar letting this week calls for the widening of a bridge across Ready Swamp at the Old Mill Inn on U. S Highway No. 17. R. B. Tyler, of Louisville. Ky.. was low bidder on the project with a proposed con tract price amounting to $3,461 38 Work oh this project is also slated to get underway within a short lime. No mention of secondary or farm to-market roads was made, but a program for the improvement of that type of roads in the county is expected to receive consideration early in the next fiscal year begin ning July 1. Jurymen Urge Action Against Drunkenness Fete County lioys Seeking Positions In the CCC Camps For the first time sincr thr Civilian ( onservation Corps was established in the country, Mar tin County apparently will not fill its recently assigned quota of eleven white and four color ed youths,' according to thr wel fare office. Only ten white youths have asked for places in thr ramps. Eight colored boys have applied for the four openings in their ranks, but there is some doubt if all the applicants will qualify or pass the physical examinations. The youths are scheduled for a rree trip to tiie West Coast, and must have their parents' per mission to enter thr service. It is possible that the white youths are afraid they will be drafted into military service, hut the Congress just recently ruled against any such action, and un der the present law the CCC youth will not be called to the colors any sooner than thr youth on the outside. Superior Tribunal In Final Session Of Brief TermTuesdav Two Diorcrs Granted and a Ixine Civil (lane Handled By Court After clearing the criminal docket arid handling a lone civil case, the Martin County Superior Court ad journed Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the court personnel work ing only a fraction of two days of the one-week mixed term. Several cases, given priority rights by the calendar makers last April, were forgotten in eht midst of mid-sum mer heat and disheartening reports lantic. The grand jury completed its work and submitted its report short ly after 1 o'clock, the tribunal work ing right on through the lunch hour to complete its work and adjourn at 2:30 o'clock. Judge Q. K Nim ocks, finding no other work on the calendar, left early in the afternoon for KQ home in Fayetteville Two divorces were granted dur ing the short term, each being based on two years of separation. Fannie Grandy, colored, was granted an absolute divorce in her case against Lionel Grandy. William Alton White, white, was granted a divorce in his case against Jane Perry White. In connection with a real estate mortgage given ~io secure a hand, for George Perkins who stands charged with robbing the Peele Jew elry Store m Williamston, Judge Nimocks ordered the acceptance of $50 cash in discharge of the bond and surety. It appeared to the court that the cash offer was fair and the clerk was ordered to cancel the mort gage on certain porperties. Charged with having carnal knowledge of a girl under sixteen years, Felton Whitfield after a fair ly lengthy trial was found not guil ty. Arrested about noon Tuesday, John Robert Lawrence, colored, was fined $20 for failing to appear as a prosecuting witness in the case charging Guy Rollina with secret assault with intent to kill. Unable to pay the fine, Lawrence was or dered confined to the common jail for twenty days. Nearly shot to death by Rollins a few months ago, Lawrence was said to have renewed his assailant's friendship and that (Continued on paga dx) Judge Ni mocks Had Urged Jurymen To Report Violations Gruml Jury Report Filed in Open Uourt Tuesday Afternoon Acting in accordance with a sug gestion made by Judge Q., K Nim ocks urging them*to present cases of alleged law violations, the mem bers of the Martin County Grand Jury Tuesday directed a short but forceful order to all enforcement of- j ficers directing them to "take more precaution in checking public drunk enness in the county at large." When the jurist urged the jurymen to make a closer check on alleged law violations, He dtd not single out public drunkenness, but the grand jury, according to one law enforce ment officer, "hit the nail on the head when they called attention to the deplorable conditions as they re late to public drunkenness". v It is possible that the jury had certain cases in mtnd; tout apparent ly to avoid a direct issue and elimi-1 nate any sensationalism the entire] law enforcement body including pa trolmen* police officers and ABC of ficers were directed to conduct a drive against the common practice reported on such a staggering scale in some sections of the county. The grand jury report, as it ap pears over the signature of Foreman Joshua L. Coltrain, follows, in de tail: "AH bills have been disposed that came into our hand. "We find tliat all Justices of the Peace filed their reports, and all fines paid to the county treasurer, except L. J. Hardison, of Williams Township: j. s. Ayers and c. B. Rid dick, of Cross Roads Township. "We fihd that all guardians have filed their reports as required ex cept George M Stevenson, of Has sell, who qualified as guardian of Stevenson children and Parker children on April 17, 1937, and no report or account of any kind has been filed. "We inspected the offices of the sheriff, clerk of court, register of deeds,?and?county?tieasuiei?and found same in good order and gen eral conditions very good. "We have inspected the jail and find same in fair condition. ' We examined the County Home and went over it with the keeper and found same in good condition and talked with several of the in mates and they were well satisfied as being cared for as well as could be expected. We also found the prison camp in good condition. We, the Grand Jury, do hereby make the following recommenda tions: That the screens to the coun ty court house and jail be repaired, TTiat chairs be furnished the county home for the dining room and front |porch; That the patrolmen, police officers and ABC officers take more precaution in checking public drunk enness in the county at large. Williams Resigns Factory Job Here C. E. Williams, head of the loci plant of the Goldman Package Man ufacturing Company, this week ten dered his resignation to return t duties in Virginia, it was learned to day Mr. Williams had been i charge of the construction of th plant since it was started here a fe\ months ago. He is being succeede by E. E. Bateman, assistant manage of the plant. Mr. Bateman moved his famil here from SoffitHf Oil*. wneit an I they are now at home in a Carstar phen apartment on Williams Stree According to the new mfnager, th plant will be made ready for opera tion within the next fifteen days o three weeks. Current Tobacco Crop Listed With Latest On Record Curinp Operation* Were Get ting Underway On l^arge Scale June 21, La*! Year The current tobacco crop in Mar tin County, described by some as the poorest in a number of years, ranking with the latest for the time of season on record. Certainly this is true as far as the comparison is made to the crop for recent years. Delayed first by cold weather, then by blue mold attacks, the crop was placed in the ftetd anywhere from 20 days to a month late. In the few case? where farmers were able to transplant their crops on time, the cold weather hampered the growth and in most cases late transplantings are just as large now as the early crop. The worms caused a noticeable damage, and heavy re-settings were necessitated, a few farmers actually filling in the vacant spots as late as last week. Tins latter practice, the farmeis explain, is not allowed in an effort to boost production but as a fertilizer equalizer. QH year at this time. Martin far- j mers were starting their harvesting [operations, reports stating that the task was well underway in a num ber of nearby counties. This year numbers of farmers maintain that | their tobacco is hardly large enough I to plow, that they are not certain l when they will be able to start har vesting the crop. An early worm attack is being generally reported, and even though recent rains have started the crop growing rapidly, farmers, as a whole, are not very optimistic over the production prospects, not to even mention the marketing outlook. A recent report from Nashville, Ga... states that farmers there are setting about the task of curing tl^e 1940 crop of bright leaf tobacco for the auction sales, but without much expectation of hijgh prices* Over the territory, some farmers already are-firing barns, Others -wttt be putting Their leaf through the process shortly. The crop is describ ed generally as m good shape, with ] leaf of good quality and only small, ! spotted damage from weather. Despite the high quality, the lack I f British buying added to the plus leaf from previous years is ex pected to have an adverse effect on prices. Warehousemen and buyers will get together within the next few weeks on opening dates for the mar kfftf ?-? ? ? Surplus Of Farm Produce Nearing Peak In Country RfHcrvc Supplier Now llclil By Federal Agency Val ued at Nearly Billion Washington ? The ever-normal granary reserve supply of surplus agricultural products has reached record levels and is expected to be materially increased ihis year, ae cording to Department of Agricul ture reports. The reserve supply of these prod ucts held by the Community Credit Corporation under loans to produc ers, or owned by the corporation, is valued at nearly $1,000,000,000, ac cording to latest reports by the cor poration. The corporation disclosed that it has taken over products valued at $471,033,000- nr default of Ibtths to" growers. It has loans outstanding on products having a hook value of $478,761,000 Both groups are com prised chiefly of cotton. corn-wheat and tobacco. Last year the corporation made loans to producers on 12 commodi ties. These were: cotton, corn, wheat, rye, tobacco, peanuts, figs, butter, | wool, mohair, turpentine and resin. These loans totaled approximately $300,000,000. The corporation's plans to expand 1940 loans were indicated in its re quest to Congress for authorization to increase its almost exhausted bor rowing power from $900,000.000 to $1,400,000,000. ?Secielaiy of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace has authorized the corpora tion to make loans averaging 64 cents a bushel on 1940 wheat, about 35 cents a bushel on rye and 30 cents a bushel on bafley. This is the first time that a barley loan has been au thorized. Loans arc considered virtually cer tain on 1940 cotton and corn, as well as most, if not all, other commodi ties on which 1939 loans were made. The cotton loan is expected to be around 9 cents a pound and corn at between 57 and 62 cents a bushel. The corporation now owns approx imately 6,600,000 bales of cotton val ued at $375,000,000 and has loans out standing on 2,700,000 bales valued at about $132,000,000 All except 22,000 bales of that total was produced pri or to 1939. .- Since the first loin program in to farmers on 857,268,000 bushels of corn. It now either owns or has loans outstanding on 514,000,000 bushels of that total valued at $307,150,000. (Continued on page six) Uncertainty Hangs Heavy Over The Allied Cause As Weak Peace Talk Is Heard in Europe's War Millions, Faring Starvation, Appealing to the Red Cross -n Members of the local Junior Wo man's Club went into action this week in behalfof a needy people re duced to bondage in Europe, and during the remainder of this and next week they will direct the ap peals of the hungry to people on Wil liamston's main street. A small booth has been set up. and donations of any amount will be received Up until yesterday noon, the booth had col lected a total of $30.80. boosting the grand total to $171.08 in tin- Martin j County chapter of tin- American Red Cross. The chapter is more than $200 be hind it* original quota, indicating that our people have not awakened to the serious situation facing help less millions in the war-torn coun tries of Europe. A news commenta tor said only this week that one of the most extensive famines in mod ern times is facing millions of help less men. women and children 111 Europe. Starvation has already start * 4 ed gnawing al the empty stomachs j of thousands, and hundreds of other thousands art1 doomed to an early T death because such simple diseases as whooping cnugh and other- -ml-; tttctiIS cannot be properly cared for under the perilous conditions exist- ! ing in the subdued territories. The Enterprise willingly acknowl edges donations made up until noon yesterday and earnestly appeals for a growing support in behalf of suf fering humanity. The contributors W. L. Brown ? $ 1:00 Garland Woulard 100 E. M Ti alley 2.00 Mrs. K 11 Clayton __LUiL Mrs AH. Dunniiil; 2 no Mrs Eason Lilley 1.00 Garland Coltrain 100 Reginald Simpson 100 Irving Margolis 100 J. E. Corey .25 J. 11. Edwards 1.00 Sylvester Lilley 1.00 j Bruce Wynne 1.00 j I Anonymous lb 55 | Farmers Are Urged lo Comply with Urogram Much DejiendeiH T Is Being Placed In Program Payments Martin FarinerH in l.iiic \\ itli Tobacco, But llutr Km-ohh I'cannt Acreage With an Uncertain future facing agriculture, farm leaders every where are again stressing the im portance of the soil conservation program and it* allied benefit pro granv-Uu*--group appeakog to?the farmers and urging them to comply strictly with the terms of the 1940 Agricultural Adjustment Adminis tration program Mure dependence, is being placed in the soil program than there was shown just a few* months ago, one farm leader ex plaining that the payments under the program would be of great ma terial help to the farmer in absorb ing any adverse shock on the mar kets this coming fall Early report* un compliance m this county as obtained from about one-third of the contracts indicate thaf Martin farmers are adhering closely to the tobacco allotments but are strong on excess peanut plant ings. Cotton quotas will stand close inspection, unofficial reports stat ing that in only one or two cases have the plantings even slightly ex ceeded the allotments. While a few farmers have planted slightly in ex cess of their quotas, only one farm has deliberately increased its to bacco acreage in excess of the al lotted quota. In that case the plant ings were said to be about double those of a year ago Firmly believing the program will have a greater meaning and value for the farmers this year, Mr T. B. Slade, chief clerk of the Martin -County?Agricultural Conservation Association, is addressing a letter to those farmers who have exceeded their acreage quotas, advising them of any excess plantings and listing the deductions from the soil con - servation payments and accompany ing penalties. Mr. Slade's letter, in part, follows: "If you wish you may destroy- the excess acreage before harvest "Should you destroy any tobacco or cotton, please notify us as soon as (Continued on page six) Leaf Producers Will Hear Hoey Raleigh?Governor -iloey suit?be the principal speaker at the unnual tobacco test farm field day at Ox ford July 2, Commissioner of Agri culture W Kerr Scott announced Approximately 8,110(1 farmers and their friends arc expected for the evfent which will he held as a part of the Granville County Centennial Celebration. With the addition of laboratories, the Oxford tobacco test farm is now regarded as the largest tobacco research station in the na tion. -?Df. T.'B- thttchesoii, rhtef of thr agronomy department at th? Vir ginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacks burg, Va , and J B. Hutson of Wash ington, D. C, chief of the southeast ern division, marketing section of the AAA, will also be among the speakers. SOMMKK I IMIC Officially and by the eaten dur, the k Taken Over By Niiziit; Navy Still In Hiding Peace proposals for Prance are following a slow course while Hit ler's snarling swine continue to grind their heavy heel of death into the soul of France, late reports stating that the terms of the harsh peace are expected at any moment, but that there is no assurance of a defi nite hour. Three purposes are embodied in the peace proposals which were briefly discussed by French and Ger man representatives in the old rail road car that served as u meeting place for the 1918 Armistice group in Compiegne Forest. The first pur pose is to redress the alleged wrongs done Germany after the Kaiser's forces had killed millions and de stroyed properties that have not af ?tor nearly a quarter of a Century been rebuilt The seeond purpose is to guarantee peace for Germany, and that the French will not support England in prosecuting the war. Whether France will accept the terms remains to be seen, but the German hordes continue their slaughter and it may be that France [will be whipped into submission I The government, jumping from [ pillar to post w hile the terms are. be ing debated, will, possibly go to Africa and continue to offer resist ance from that point if the terms are unlieajablc. Or she poght sec the hopelessness of the fight and sur render its all lp the barbarians. Hitler was at the peace meeting -for a few minutes. .ittd--afr'he left the German national .e ihcm was play ed a' lui ; insult ;o the injury ai r? 'i'1 v 'inflicted upon a battered French people. As tie war France draws to a rapid close, toe Germans dealt a severe blow to the Allied Cause when they captured two new French warships in dry dock. The capture is recognized as another factor that I will he combined 111 the bloody at tack that is already underway against the British Isles and the heart of the fast great democracy standing between the barbarians and lilt- I billed Slates Uncertainty grows day by day over the w-orld wide front Kussia is mov ing millions of men into the Balkan country evidently in preparation for action once the French peace terms are made public Italy's Dago Mus solini is said to be a bit peeved by Hitler's secret way of doing things when it comes to dtytding the spoils. Over in this part of the world, un rest grows to the south of us. Some have predicted that Mexico will be m tin midst of a revolution during Hie course of a lew months ui pok-'" sibly weeks Subversive elements continue to augment the unrest in South Aim ricim?e*uniti-itr*;- jmvsahly with the intent of attracting the forces of the United States while Germany overruns England and then to pave the way for a migration of the barbarians to these, shores Slitters Injury In Vutomohile Wreck Julius Brown, about 3ft years old, ? suffered a broken leg when he dart ed into the highway near Hopkins' filling station between Oak City and Hamilton about 10 o'clock Wednes day morning and was struck by a car driven by Max Schulsinger. clothing salesman, of 2355 Sher brook Street, Pittsburgh. Picked up by the salesman, Brown, a colored man, was brought to a local doctor and was later moved to a Washing ton hospital His injuries, confined principally to his leg, are not re garded as serious. Investigating the'accident, Patrol man Whit Saunders and Deputy bill Haislip stated that Brown was walk ing down the middle of the highway, turned to the right shoulder and darted mtu the road upon lhe ap^ proach of the Schulsinger car. The colored man, said to be slightly un balanced mentally, was known to have gam b led with hts life on the highways and in other places on previous occasions, and acquaint ances were not surprised when they learned he had fallen victim to an automobile. After making a thorough investi gation, the officers released the Pittsburgh man, and the welfare department assumed responsibility for the patient. Mr. Anil Mr*. Cmrganu* Continue III In Ho*pi to! Mr. Robert Qurjami* iunUlllM~ seriously ill in a Rocky Mount hos pital following an operation there earlier in the week for a kidney ail ment. Mrs Gurganus. who has besn in the hospital two months, also con tinue, quite sick.