OPEMNCS n Mill IDC( la the Civilian (unarm tioa C or p. lor Martin (ounli ?outh? Mia Mar> Taylor wei far* drpartxnrni head, aid to day Any unemployed youth ia eligible to apply far a plarr in the cam pa the welfare officer captaining that heretofore placca were open only to thoae youth* w hooe faailiea were on direct or indirect relief The twelvr white and four colored youtha who are accept ed will be etationed on the Meat (oaat Applications must be filed immediately if the appli ran la are to leas e neat week .S2.")(H) Damage Suit Filed hi Sujierior (iourl List Frida\ (Continued?from?page uric) believes and upon such information and belief alleges thai the defend nut liy-riffi rni|f miiH meat for sale. warranted to the plaintiff and to the world that said "meat was fit fof fiuman Ctiris urn]Jft?Jfi Ttiat said meat was alive and working with* mug got. That said meat was not fit for human consumption, and that the defendant knew or should have known that said meat, if eaten by a human being, would make the eater of same sick Thai by selling to the plaintiff meat which was alive and working with maggots and meat which was totally unfit for human consumption, the defendant has vi olated .its warranty id the plaintiff, and as a result of plaintiffs' outing .said meat, the plaintiff became sick atid was damaged in the manner and m the amount otherwise set out in this complaint "That by reason .of the negligence hereinbefore complained of, and as the direct and proximate result thereof, the plaintiff was made ill and kick as aforesaid, vomited and suffered excruciating pain, both m mind and in body, and for some time after same happened was un able to eat without being nauseated and was tnrrrri t,r siu-uia.- Ipi- MTVILC!! of two physicians, and that as a di rect and proximate result thereof plaintiff has been injured and dam aged in tin. sum of $2500.00 " Ow nership Of The French Fleet Not Definitely Known ?? (Continued from page one) hav<*?s against A2H f,,, Cilia! Britairl^ r If Ihr French fl.il has fullt-n in to l.ermati s hands. Hi. fail ,,f the Hrilish Isles is believed to have al ready gotten w.,j. ? speech by _ I'rinic Minister Churchill today ll is now. appal rut jl.at Britain's Atlanta which kept till S, as ap.il t,. Cnnim. ic, and clns ? d t,. la vat lie craft, made this hem I isphcle seem, A Ihltlsh .lefea! .a..- I sibly Will bring this country face In i face with an enemy w box, sol, aim I l*-|fvrd t.> call for the complete mastery of th, world To oppose this unbounded ambition th. ??I.lcs lias ..III) a sTTTTui t now m tbc J acific Its an Ls ,. I y r With th... g la t lug facts Staling lis iiriheTa.c during the! preset cisis. ? ,s now thought that Arnel lea s seel,lil t LS a.tllMlv threat cited High navy off,,,ah apparently 'C|>.g,,l""g ,|,. p,? .iii ..us situation ar aslung a 7.) ,?ereas. dill sCa p,,W't'l 1 Fir,men ( all, ,I To Sam* //???*#? Ttrice I,i Too lh,\? Laical \ olunteer firemen we.e call ed to the J B Spell,, pn perty Washington street last Saturday noon for the aecond time . ! tbrealen.il th. . Id fir. tiao I It. but ned n the roof, but thr flrc was brought under control 111 a large group ?f ' befon, much-dam^e L An orde, directing Ihc removal of ?I tail! prop, rt ICS the area lias been temporarily vaeat.il bv town! officials tliat the owners might have I an oppoituiuty to dispose uf theii holdings to, b..,,,.,. advjm N(); order has beer, issued directing the removal of the old fir. trap, on ?,e ^ 'r hul '*"??? on suc Umn L ?yS a d#"*,'r "re has M.h cvtdent and it ,s poaal-1 whin th u Ch,"'f *111 action meeting h?'d Fiirttt, t.olorrri Mao. I? ? irlim Of Tuhrrrulotjg .fVrvu M-year otd colored g*"? 'n 'be Martin County u?? l y*fIfW*v mofning al 7 JO ^fmcdmh^^.ir:1; HU life inU?J institution*0 **"" ?' Purvis wa. pUc.d ln lh(, Su(p Sanatorium last year for treatment reported to lie getting bet lutoll IUlI" PP*d OU' ,h'' lru" *nd tbumbed '.d'd no? w*m to .u ,LWmy ,rom Pur vi? told welfare worker* w.^rVh~Tl0r,*.by * '?*?? b?d * to"? "umber of f.Tlhdj"?''^ by h'S w,d(lvk and in? ~"01)1101 M) OVK.RVl.Ls All Sizes to .SO 89c Boy*' DRKSS SHIR I S Faat Colors 48c Boy*' HATHING TRUNKS l.astex?All colors ii sizes 98c-$1.48 Boy*' mm siiiRrs Fancy knits In while and assorted color combinations 48c Boy*' UNDKKWKAK SHORTS ? SHIRTS ? Fancy broadcloth ahorta ? knit shift*. All aiaaa?Raah . 15c Belk - Tyler's June Super - Values 800 SMART SILK Dresses Just in for this special event . Be sure to see these lovely styles first. Sharkskins. Printed Bembergs! Triple Sheers! Washable Crepes ?In a wonderful collection of bright, new styles. MISSES* WOMEN'S $2.98 NEW SILK FROCKS Jl'ST UN PACKED New Bembergs. Triple Sheers. S p o r I ? Sharkskins. Novelty Crepes. In a host of new styles for summer wear. ALL SIZES $4.98 $5.95 $7.95 "Budget" SILK HOSE Purr thread "ilk hose, service ahlr foot and top. Semi-sheer Height. All neu summer "hades ?Kxeeptional values! 48c *The Talk Of The Town" BELK-TYLEK'S Lovely 7 7 . Sen COTTON FROCKS 7(H) TO CHOOSE FROM . . . Dotted Swiss. Powder Puff Muslins. Sheer Lawns, ( hambrays, Blister Sheers and Tissue Gingham* ... A glorious collection of new styles to choose fu>m. l i /9? ?nt? torv linens and novelty leathers. Beauti 1 ful styles. 48c 97c WASH BLOUSES Biilintm, Broadcloth* and SInIt Broad rloths. Fart colors. All niin 48c NOVELTY WHITES SanriaU. Sport Puniptt. Spectator Pumps. In white nu burk. white kid* and ronibination leathern. Medium and low heels. Many attractive styles to choose from. AAA to C widths. 2.95 CHILDREN'S SHOES Sandals. Straps and Oxfords. All leather. Sev eral attractive styles. All sties to blc fa They are real values! 97c BELK^TYLER COMPANY 'WlliJAMSTON'S SHOPPING CENTER"