Watch The Label On Your | Paper, As It Carries The Date Your Subscription Expires. THE ENTERPRISE Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over 1,(00 Homes Of lfartin County. VOLUME XLIII?NUMBER 54 Williamston, Martin County, North Carotin*, Friday, July 5, 1940. ESTABLISHED 1899 Judge H. 0. Peele Calls Seven Cases In County Court Defendant Appears in Court For Second Time in Little Over a Week Judge H. O. Peel called aeven cases in the county court last Monday, the proceedings attracting no great at tention from the general public. So licitor D. E. Johnson prosecuted the docket. An aaanuIt and trespass ehargo ? against Elmer Hassell, young white man, was a center of interest in the proceedings. Tried in the court on! Monday of last week for trespassing on the land of Farmer L. R. Donald son and striking his daughter who was working in the field. Hassell had his case continued under pray er for judgment. Returning to his home, the young man a day or two later is alleged to have attacked his mother and beat his father-in-law. Rearrested. Hassell was placed In jail to await another trip before the judge. At the last session he was sentenced to the roads for a term of six months. It is reported that Hassell, running afoul of the law in Washington County, had been or dered out of that county by Record er Darden. Pleading; guilty in the case charg ing him with an assault on a female, Edgar Goss was sentenced to the roads for a term of three months and | directed to pay the costs. The sen tence was suspended for two years, but the term is to begin at any time during that period if Goss is ad judged guilty of violating any crim inal law. Entering a plea of not guilty in the case charging him with issuing a worthless check, Fred Ayers was found not guilty. The case charging Richard Da vis with being drunk and disorder ly was remanded to the inferior courts for trial Thurman "Teeny Bud" Bell, charged with an assault with a dead ly weapon, was found not guilty. Willie Ampey, Robersonville col ored man. faced the court in two cases, each charging him with as sault. The first case was nol pross ed. In the second case, Ampey plead ed guilty of simple assault. The plea was accepted and judgment was sus pended upon payment of the cost. ? Hickman Returns to Bear Grass School Tendering hi> resignation last spring, Professor T. O. Hickman has reconsidered and is returning for his ninth year as head of the Bear Grass schools. County school authorities were said to have been pleased with the recent action taken by Mr. Hick man. The school at Bear Grass will have several new faces in its faculty this coming term, several of the teach ers having resigned C. C. Waters, teacher in the Mars Hill High School during the past two terms, is succeeding John Glover as teacher of history and science. Mr. Waters, a graduate of A. C. College, Wilson, is from Jamesville. Miss Kate Lawrence, of Qates viTTe, is succeeding Miss Doris Jen kins, as second grade teacher. Miss Virginia Dare Smith, a recent graduate of E. C. Teachers' College, is the new third grade teacher. Miss Smith, a resident of Robersonville, succeeds Miss Josephine Clayton. TTie names of other faculty mem bers are: Miss Doris Davis, of Fremont, high school; Miss Dorothy Owens ,of Big Stone Gap, Va., seventh grade; Miss Madlyn Barnes, of Rocky Mount, sixth grade; Miss Caroline Davis, of Rocky Mount, fifth grade; Miss Ruby Malone, of Bear Grass, fourtts grade, and Miss Virginia Shindler, of Greenville and Illinois, first grade. Three Lose Lives Riding On Trucks Three fatal accidents in North Carolina last month called attention to the danger of riding on the back of a truck, Ronald Hocutt, Director of the Highway Safety Division, re ported this week. Accident records from June show that a 33-year-old woman, a 36-year old man and a 15-year-old boy were killed durihg the month as a result of fallirfg off or being thrown out of trucks on the rear of which they were riding. "Riding on the back end of trucks and on the running boards of pas senger vehicles is a practice which should be discouraged by every driver in North Carolina," said Ron ald Hocutt, Director of the Safety Division. "The danger of someone falling off or being thrown off a moving ve hicle if they are riding on the run ning board or outaide the cab when the vehicle strikes a hard bump or swerves unexpectedly is obvious," he added, "and the most effective means of combatting this highly dan gerous practice is for every motor vehicle driver to refuse to cany any passengers for whom they cannot find a seat inside." "Drivers who permit passengers to ride on the outside of their cars or trucks are at least morally re ^snsihle U parsons so riding should Timely Questions and A nswers On the Tobacco Referendum Timely questions and answers hav ing to do with the tobacco referen dum to be held on Saturday, July 20, are submitted for consideration by Martin County farmers, as fol lows: If marketing quotas are voted for a three-year period will allotments be stabilized? Farm allotments for each of the three years will be up or down by the same percentage that the Na tional quota goes up or down from the quota for the preceding year. No farm allotment, however, can be cut more than 10 per cent from the 1940 allotment during the entire three year period and no reduction wilt be made in any allotment which was 2 acres or less in 1940. Tills guar antee does not apply to those grow ers who violate the marketing quo tas. Up to 2 per cent of the 1940 allot ment for each state can be used in each year for adjustment of individ ual farm allotments which are low as compared with the allotments for similar neighboring farms. This al lotment would be in addition to the National and State allotments. Any new farm allotments will be limited primarily to farms operated by old tobacco growers who have lost their farms .and only a very small acreage will be available for this purpose. Holiday Observance Is Without Incident Here NOMINEE Wendell l.ewls Wlllkie, El wood (Indiana) native who now maintain* hi* residence near Wall Street, New Fork City, IS making extensive plans (or launching his campaign as stan dardhearer of the Republican party. Twelve Billions Appropriated For Materials Of War! Increased Amounts Likely in j Support of National De fense Program Washington, D. C.?In its survey of recent legislation. Farm Research finds that armaments bills totaling $12 billions have already been pass ed or approved by Congressional committees since the President made his original request in January tor $1,832,000,000 for national defense. The next request on May 17 in which the President issued his call for 50,000 airplanes asked for an appropriation of $1,182,000,000. He also asked for $272,000,000 to be added to this year's budget. This brought the total to $3,286,000,000, but before Congress got through these appropriations had been raised la Asa e?n nnn AAA ? I to ??J,03W,IK/U,ut/U. To mechanize the Army, the Pres ident called for another $750,000,000 on May 29, but the very next day he increased this to $1,000,000,000. Con gress raised the amount to $1,706, 000,000. Then the Senate passed a measure amounting to $50,000,000 for war relief and the House approved. Thus the total already approved by both Houses of Congress amounts to $5,315,000,000. Another seven bil lions have already been approved by appropriate committees and have been marked for rush passage Chairman Vinson of the House Committee on Naval Affairs, intro duced a bill calling for 84 new war ships at a cost of $1,000,000,000. The President raised this to $4,000,000, 000 and the Committee approved. On June 20 the Army put in its re quest for $3,000,000,000. Despite the staggering size of these appropriations, no provision has yet been made for the 50,000 air planes or for the compulsory train ing of the 2,000,000 young people the President has asked for. Though it was commonly assumed that these 50,000 airplanes would be paid for out of the $1,182,000,000 defense bill, it actually appropriated only a small part of this sum for airplanes leaving the item for later action. Local Church To Hold Revival. Next Week The local Pentecostal Holiness Church will hold a revival meeting beginning Monday night, July 8th. |Hev. J D. 1 little, of Chocowinity. as sisted by the regular pastor. Rev. J. G. Crocker, will conduct the serv ices. The meeting will continue for a week or ten days and the public is cordially invited to attend each serv ice. Freakisli Weather Turns Thousands From The Resorts Travel Through Here Hardly One-fourth What It Wan i A Year Ago Freakish weather that sent the mercury bounding down into the sixties figured prominent in the ob servance of the Glorious Fourth in this section yesterday and served to enhance the safety factor for thous ands. Preliminary reports from pa trol headquarters, sheriff's office and police departments state that the observance was without incident in this county. Not a single accident 2*1 any type was reported during the day or during the early hours pre ceding the holiday. A tone drunk, falling helpless beside the highway, was picked up and lodged in the lo cal jail that afternoon, the entry marring the jail records for the day. Thorn iimm ti unrnl irlin turned tn the bottle as a means of observing the holiday and of showing their in dependence, but their number was small. A few bursting firecrackers were heard at long intervals during the I .day, and two or three rockets light-1 ed the sky in the early evening, but for the most part, the Fourth was quietly observed on all fronts. The freakish weather turned thousands from the resorts and up set holiday plans in general. Travel on the main highways running through here was hardly a fourth as great as it was a year ago, and bus travel was off two thirds. Fair sized crowds attended the ball games on the eastern schedule, but no records were established in any of the parks. Some of the fans car fled their overcoats, and with the exception of straw tops others were generally attired In fall or winter garb. ? The municipal swimming pool marfcoH Hr>u/r^ a low record in its business for a single day Less than twenty swimmers dared the ele ments and patronized the local bath house. Holding close to their homes, numbers of local people kindled small fires in their fireplaces and spent the day within the family cir cle. After getting off to a slow start, the holiday schedule for local busi ness was generally observed. Con struction work was continued with out interruption on several projects, and while some farmers held to their work schedule, comparative ly few farmers were seen in their fields during the day. No figures have been released in connection with the national acci dent toll for the day, but the num ber of untimely deaths is believed to be'considerably under the figure for the corresponding day in 1939. Tuberculosis Cases Flare Up In County Tuberculosis, recently claiming several lives in this county, is ap parently flaring up in new cases scattered tn several districts, ac cording to the monthly health re port released by Dr. John Williams, health officer. During the month of June five cases of the disease were reported, two among the white and three among the colored population. Two cases were found in Roberson ville, two in Williamston, and one in Jamesville Township. Accurate statistics are not im mediately available, but it would ap pear from recent reports that tuber culosis after reaching a fairly low point in the causes of death is claim ing more lives than it did a short while back in the county. The health report for the past month carries a record number of tuberculosis cases. Whooping cough, at one time in the epidemic stage, is at a low point, but even now the cough hangs on in some sections. Last month there were two cases reported among the white population in Hamilton and Goose Nest Townships. Local Happenings 46 Years Ago in the Martin County Sun From a scrapbook kept by Mrs C. D. Carstarphen and her mother, the following items are copied as they appeared in H. J. Herrick's "Martin County Sun," a newspaper publish ed here in 1894 J. L. Barnhill was in town Mon day. There are 17 inmates in the coun-j ty poor house. Try country water ground meal at1 W. C. Proctor's. Mrs. Gayner, of Bethel, was the guest of Mrs. George Blount last Saturday. Proctor's 25 cents a pound tobacco takes the cake. It is better than ever. Go to W. C. Proctor to buy your clover and hay. He will sell cheap for cash. Wilson G. Lamb, Esq.. attended the Episcopal Council at Edenton last week. For cold beer and a good drink of whiskey or a Moss Rose cigar go to W. C. Proctor's. Destructive fire at Jamesville on Tuesday night./ Will give full par ticulars next week. ^ Miss Mary Coffield. of Everetts, was the guest of Miss Pattie Craw ford Tuesday. Quite a number of our people at tended the May meeting at Smith wick's Creek last Sunday. L. L. Roberson, one of our most successful farmers, returned Sunday from a trip to Mocksville, Davie County. Miss Marina Whitley has return ed home from Washington where for some time she has been visiting rel atives. Why will not Populism and Dem ocracy unite? Because water seeks its level, and Populism tends down ward, not upward. Now that the hot* weather has set in in earnest buy your ice of Anson J. Mizell. He always has a large sup ply on hand The best sugar can be had for 5 cents a pound, and the best coffee for 20 cents at W. C. Proctor's. Try this money saver. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson spent last Sunday and Monday in Pacto lus, at the residence of Mrs. Ander sun's fathei. Miss Lillian Whitaker, who is trav eling for subscriptions to the Or phan's Friend, was here a few days ago. Did the boys run? Miss Nellie Bond, who was a pu pil of Prof. Hasscll's here some years ago, stopped over Friday night with Miss Eliza Haughton. James H. Roberson has moved from his residence in the country, and is now occupying what is known as the "Ray house" near the land ing hill. Misses Pattie Hardison and Lena Tucker and Messrs. Sam Harrell and (Continued on page six) Establishes A New Record For June Thirteen Illicit l.i<|ii?r SHIIh Are Dettlroyetl During The Perintl The enforcement unit of the Mar tin County ABC board, headed by Alcoholic Beverages Control Offi cer J. H. Roebuck, established a new high record in its activities during the month of June. The relentless drive against the illicit business net ted thirteen stills, 4,350 gallons of beer, two gallons of white liquor and a number of pieces of equip ment. The officer, assisted by Dep uty Bill Haislip and Jailer Roy Peel on most of the raids and by federal officers in Several instances, trav eled 1,074 miles in his work direct ed against the liquor traffic. A major part of the work was han dled last week when the raiders wrecked seven plants in four town ships. Conducting their first night raid in years, if not the first on record, the officers wrecked a large plant in Bear Grass Township between 2 o'clock and five last Friday morn ing. The plant consisted of one 50 gallon capacity copper still, two 50 gallon capacity wood stills, three fermenters, 1,000 gallons of beer, one gallon of raw liquor, five 5-gal lon oil cans, five gallons of oil, tan gallons of cider, a weeding hoc and a complete oil burner. In a raid conducted in the Free Union section of Jamesville Town ship the day before, the officers wrecked four plants and captured two 50-gallon and one 100-gallon ca pacity copper kettles a_nd poured out 1,450 gallons of beer. The officers also went into Cross Roads and Hamilton Townships last week, wrecking a plant in each dis trict, including the capture of a 100 gallon capacity copper kettle in the latter township. Very little beer and equipment were found at the two plants. No arrests wars made. The enforcement unit employed no blitzkrieg tactics as it did in the previous month, but consistent plug ging day after day by the land forces netted about as many stills, beer and equipment as the air raids netted in Great Britain Takes Over The French Fleet and Declares She Will Prosecute War Unto Death Ten Marriages In The County During The Month Of June LirenM* Ihsuuikt Ik SI inlitly Below Noniiml for Month In I en-V ear Period s Juno marriages in Martin Coun ty while showing a slight gain over the issuance in the corresponding month of last year continue to hold to a figure below the normal aver age for the particular month over a ten-year period. Last month there were ten licenses issued by the Mar tin County register of deeds as com pared with nine in June of last year. For the first time this year, the num ber of licenses issued to white cou ples was larger than the number is sued to colored couples, the count standing at six and four, respective ly. Only in two months, January and March, has the licenses issuance ex ceeded the number recorded for June. Licenses were issued last month to the following couples: White William F. Martin and Miriam Mi zelle, both of Robersonville. James Arthur Gurganus and Beu lah Elizabeth Roberson. both of Wil liams ton. William LeRoy Hadley. of Wil liamston, and Lyda Marie Ballard, of Robersonville. Abner Herbert Brown and Mary Ann Crockett, both of Williamston. Cecil H. Bland and Evelyn Ed mondson, both pf Williamston. Mack L. Roberson and Leona Grif fin. both of Williamston Colored Augustus Rollins and Naomi As kew, both of Robersonville Robert Jasper Rodgers, ul Wil liamston, and Magnolia Fleming, of Sink es Willie Jones and Joanna Overton, both of Windsor. Thomas Ryan and Frances Scott, both of Williomston. The Farm Research Bureau states that reports from all over the coun try indicate that Dan Cupid is scor ing a blitzkrieg and that marriage applications increase with every new threat of war. For the country as a whole, a 50 per cent, increase iii_iipplicutions is reported over the same period last year, indicating that Americans pre fer marital to martial discord Fifteen Youwr Men Enter CCC Serv ice Fifteen Martin County young men, eleven white and four colored, entered the Civilian Conservation Corps service at Washington this Week, a sixteenth?young uwin r|is appearing after making the trip to the neighboring town. Several oth ers were refused admittance on ac count of physical disabilities. Earl James, of HasseU. made the trip to Washington and then disap peared possibly because he seriously considered the fantastic tales told him by other boys in the group. Wei fare forces searched the town for young James but he was not found. The names of those entering the service are: Lindsay Stroud, of Pal myra; Thurman Stalls, Henry Wynn, Arthur Bullock and Murry Manning, of Oak City; James Heal, of Ham ton; Billy John Davis, of HasseU; William Vernon WynnT of Everetts; Elton Carson, of Robersonville, Jesse Bell Harrison, of Jamesvillo, and Arch Theodore HarreJI. of Palmy ra. The names of the colored enrollees are: Norman Sherrod, of Oak City; Clayfield Williams, Lewis Brown and James Hagins, of Williamston. It is understood the group will be located in camps in Califor Two Lose Lives In Bridge Accident Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Hod son, young Elizabeth City couple, were drowned late last night when their car. a 1936 Buick sedan, tore down fourteen feet of the Wright Memorial Bridge railing and plung ed into the Currituck Sound. Wit neaaea aaid the car was being driven at a rapid apeed. Sideawiping a car driven by Em eraon Rodgers, of Duck, the Hodaon machine went out of control, trav eled about 20 yarda down the bridge before it plowed into the railing and plunged bottom aide up into the aound 23 feet from the bridge The Coast Guard was called and the bodies later. Hodaon came to North Carolina from Indiana and about a year ago married Miaa Edna Griffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Herbert Griffin, of Elizabeth City. Slight Decline hi Postoffice Income In Second {Quarter l- o c a I pus loftier receipts, reaching ?n all-time high for u?e second quarter in 1939. were slightly smaller during the cor responding three months of this year, according to Postmastrr Leslie T. Fowdrn. A year ago an unusually large order for stamp ed goods was received by the of fice. The receipts during the last three months were made up al most entirely of small Iransae lions, and once these facts are considered, it is quite evident that the record this past quar ter is really better than that for the same three months a year ago as far as general business is con cerned. A year ago, stamp sales to taled $5,395.02 as compared with $5,238.74 last quarter, a decrrase of $56.28. .Money order business de creased from $19,793.53 a year ago to $17,885.76 last quarter a drop of $1,907.77. Floyd Points Out Facts Supporting Control Programs Consumption Increases Thir teen Million I'otiinls: Sur plus Is IIMI Million Funnels have been growing more tlue-curcd tuhuceu than the demand called for. K Y. Floyd. AAA execu tive officer of N. C. Slate College. "'"Ill 111 1 ' III inline ? 111- nmiou u-,l| vote in a leaf referendum July 20. Consumption of flue-cured tobac co in cigarettes and smoking and chewing tobacco increased about 13, (100,00(1 pounds in 11139 over 1938. However, the 1939 crop was nearly 400.000.000 pounds larger than the current estimated level of world consumption. This surplus will con tinue to depress prices until it run be eliminated. "This-is why 11 is so important," Floyd stated. "Ibni North Carolina growers should continue their ef forts to adjust the supply to the de mand under the proposed 3-year marketing quota program "Flue cured tobacco," lie coritin iied, "is a benefit to farmers only if il returns an income above the ex pense of growing il While surplus supplies are on the market, Tt is less profitable than it should be, and may even be unprofitable. There fore. the quicker supplies arc brought in line witli demand, and kept in I'"'', the better farmers' income from llue-cuied IhbUlTil will lie." Floyd quoted J H Ilutsoli, assist ant AAA administrator, as saying that three years may be needed to eliminate the 1939 surplus if con sumption remains at normal levels along with normal yields and allot ments rqtnrf-be those for HMO. A two-thirds majority will be ne cessary to pass the 3-year program. It more than nni -Unrfl voir apqiniq any control, either the 3-ycar pro gram or control for 1941 only, to bacco will be produced without Federal regulation. Hold First T. B. Clinic In Comity The first in a series of clinics be ing held in the county in an effort to locate and combat tuberculosis cases in their early stages was com pleted in RbTiefsoiivilfe Wednesday afternoon, Dr. John W. Williams, health officer, stating that the work was very successful Examining ap proximately 150 persons, Dr CJrov er Godwin, former physician in this county, but who is now connected with the State Sanatorium, found a few cases of the disease, Dr. Wil Tiams said. The second clinic will be held in Oak City next Monday at 8:30 a. m., 12:00 noon, 1:00 and 4:00 p. m. The clinic there will be held in the school building, Dr Williams pointing out that quarters for the health depart ment there had not been completed. "Tuesday the clinic will open at 9 o'clock at the grammar school in Williamston and run until Friday af ternoon. Preference will be given physicians for consultation with their private patients. Those having appointments will be taken care of. All contacts with recent open cases will be examined but to save time we are not inviting anyone to oome In Kn rnmffig in a rTIrilr nnTy want those who have a reason to be Interested in tuberculosis and the ones we have made appointments for. It will make work easier if all will come on appointment dates," Dr. Williams said. Four French Ships Sunk In Battle By Britain This Week \<-l Ki'yurilril <if Major Im portance to Safety of tlie United State* The ownership of the French fleet has been determined in one of the greatest shake-ups in all 'history. Great Britain through its head. Win ston Churchill, writing the gruphic faets into the books of time as it took over the major portion of the once proud fleet Ownership was not de termined peaceably as rpany had hoped, the. first phase m the final showdown taking place this week when Britain's seapower destroyed four large French battleships. Determined to keep the fleet out of Germany's hands, the English laid down its ultimatum to Petain's trait or government in ordering the French to surrender their fleet, scut tle it. interne it in neutral ports or suffer the consequences. Many of the 210 French ships now in British hands were already in English ports, but the pride of the fleet wus in the Mediterranean where this week Brit ain asserted its sea power-find struck a heavy blow after the deadline had been reached. Italy's yellow-dog navy, hurrying to the fight, chang ed its course when its leaders saw what was happening. Only one bat tleship and a few cruisers escaped. This, the strangest of all naval ac tibiis in the world's history, was an nounced yesterday in the House of Commons by Prime Minister Wins ton CTiurchiTT in a % speech thai was like no other ever heard in its an cient halls With tears on Ins heavy cheeks and hts votrr tifcht to?prtde- and sor row, Churchill told Commons how with "aching hearts'" the British gov crmnent?has seen?to it that?the French surrender cabinet of Marshal Henri Philippe Petain would never carry out its promise to turn its bat tle vessels over to Germany?which only now awaits the chance to strike a last great hlow at Britain across the channel. ? The action of the French naval leaders and the traitor government adds to the seriousness of the war. While it places England in a better position to defend itself against Germany and adds to the ultimate safety of our own country, it is pos sible that the war will spread to this hemisphere shortly. Britain has established a blocudc at Martinique, a French possession just 1,000 miles mil shun s In prevent the ship ment <>t planes and gold to France II is possible that a naval battle will follow there "between Brifaih ~ and her recent ally. The few remaining French fighting ships are said to be taking on added supplies and am munition apparently for an attack on England: All connections belWchh England and the Petain government of France have been severed, and the two forces are now at war with bach "other The attack on the French fleet gave mute evidence to the claim by England that she would prosecute the war unto death, that if the Brit ish Isles are over run by the barbar continue (lib war from its posses sions. Bitterly assailed by Germany for its capture of the French fleet, Eng land today continued its prepara tions for an attack and possible in vasion by the Hitler forces. The first raids by dive bombers were report id on British naval bases, one re port stating that eleven lives were lost and considerable damage done to property. In further anticipation of a blitzkrieg, England is moving (Continued on page six) Little Activity In Office Of Sheriff Compared with activities in other month*, the June report schedule re flects a quiet period in the office of County Sheriff C. B. Roebuck. Even with a term of superior court to handle during the period, the high .sheriff had it fairly quiet. The num ber of business visitors dropped to a near-low record. Despite the financial situation, the office collected $2,438.12 during the month, or about one-tenth en ough to run the government of the comparatively small political sub division for thirty days. The officer and his deputy serv?l quite a few papers, including eight State war runts, a lone capias, 42 subpoenas. 12 civil papers and a single claim and delivery paper. The law en/orce ment headquarters made tan jaw ligations and served one ejectment paper. There were 39 persons jailed during the period. The officers traveled 2,481 miles in two cars handling the duties of the office. , ?

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