CUk Society and Personals ?r WUAJAMSTON aad WITfl BOUNTY This T? 4 6 Returns from Philadelphia Hi Gurganua has returned from a visit with friends in Philadelphia Visit Along Skyline Drive 'Mr. and Mrs. O. L WRlard Miss Pattie Battle barer returned from a tour along the Skyline Drive. ?Man from World's Mr Messrs Eugene Rice, Ernest Mean, Wigg Watts and Roy Ward re turned from a trip to the World's Mr Friday. la Danville Last Waek-ead Mr. Eugeae Rice visited relatives in Danville last week-end Mm in Boeky Mount Mr. Ernest Mears visited relatives in Rocky Mount last week-end Spends Week end Here Haix/ Taylor, student in a Greens boro business school, visited his mo ther, Mrs Laura Taylor, here last week-end. BOturns front Lunberton Mleg Mary Rndgerson has return ed from a three weeks' visit with fMends in Lumberton. At Pamlico Per Few Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godwin are at Pamlico for a few weeks. Return to Georgia Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harris have returned to their home in Rome, Qe., Sunday, after a visit with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs Van Iky lor, in Everetts Visit in Greenville Mrs. George Taylor, Misses Thel ma Peele and Anna Louise Taylor, of Everetts, visited in Greenville on Wednesday. Visits at Pamlico /? Little Miss Katherine Batchelor visited at Pamlico last week-end. Was at Bsyview Mr. Buck Ayers, of Everetts, was at Bayview over the Fourth. At Pamlico Last Week-end Dr. and Mrs. Grover Godwin visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godwin at IMmlico last week-end. VWting at White Lake Maasrs. Dillon Cobb and Exum Ward are visiting at White Lake and Oarolina Beach this week, b Visiting Parents Here Bob Everett, of the U. S. Navy, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ftobert Everett, near here, for a few days. Arrive Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes, of Providence, R. L, arrived here yes terday to spend some time with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Roberson have returned from their wedding trip to the mountains of North Carolina and Virginia and are at home on Marsh all Avenue In Washington Sunday Mm Josephine Harrison was in Washington Sunday visiting Mr. Ed win Holding, who entered a hospi tal there Saturday for treatment of an old knee injury. Returns to Snow Hill Mias Sophia Frizzelle has return ed to her home In Snow Hill after a visit here with Miss Reid White. Vteit at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. W. A. James and Mrs. James Taylor, of Robersonville, spent the week-end at Nags Head with Dr. and Mrs Hathaway Is Visiting Here Mrs. George Stewart, of Siler City, is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Courtney She was accompanied by yesterday Marriage Ureases Issued Marriage licenses were issued last week by Register J Sam GeUinger in this county to, Johnnie Robert West and Minnie FiUingame, both of New Bern, end to J. Phillip Keel, of Robersonville and Williamston, eeaonville. mtursui from World's Fair Mils Lora Sleeper has returned fsom a trip to the World's Fair and ji. vhtt with relatives in the New Qigiand states. | Return from Farmvtlie Mrs. J. C Manning and sons, Asa and Richard, have returned from a visit with relatives in Farmville Mr. Dallas Taylor, of labwo. vis ited relatives here last week-end Miss Mary Brown Allgood has re turned from a visit with relatives and friends in Franklin, Va Visits la Norfolk Mrs. Mary Bonner Guiganns has returned frasn a visit with relatives in Norfolk. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs EMza -beth Copeland and daughter Visit in Fredericksburg Mr. and Mrs. Charles James visit ed in Fredericksburg last week-end. They were accompanied home by Mrs. H. C. James and aons. Was Business Visitor Here Messrs. J. P. Woodard and P. G. Gallop, of Swan Quarter, were here Saturday attending to business. , In Oriental Saturday Miss Catharine SpruHl visMad in Oriental Saturday and Sunday. Attend Keel-Jankins Wadding | Mi and Mm. D. V. Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Griffin attend ad the Keel Jenkins wedding in Robersonville Sunday. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Ed wards and ton, Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pittman visited in Rocky Mount Sunday. Returns from Mooresvtlte Miss Thelma Lilley has returned from Mooresville where she visited friends for several days. Visit at Famtico Beach ? Joe Thrower, Fenner Wallace. Joe TTiigpen and John Fleming Thigpen spent Saturday night at Pamlico | Beach. In Dunn Last Week-end Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sessoms and family visited in Dunn last week end. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chasson cele brated their 96th wedding anniver sary last Sunday. The family and many guests were entertained with a delicious barbecue dinner. Returns to Norfolk Mrs. F. R. Simpson has returned to her home in Norfolk after visiting her sisters, Mrs. Enoch Gardner and Mrs. Pearl Settlings in Jamesville. Recovering from Ulnem Miss Carrie Jones is recovering from an attack of malaria at her home near here. Visits in Franklin, Va. Mrs. Frank Storey Cutchin visited in Franklin. Va.. last week. Spend Week-end Hare Mrs. Simon D. Perry, of Cross Roads, and Mrs, Clyde Modlin, of | Jamesville, spent the week-end here with their mother, Mrs. W. L. Jones. Returns from Texas I Rev. Jack Vinson has returned from Texas where he spent saveral days visiting relatives. Visits at Pamlico Beach Or. J. T. Llewellyn spent the week end at Pamlico Beach At More head Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith spent I Sunday at Morehead City. Visits at Bayview Miss Grace Rogers, of Bear Grass, visited at Bayview last week-end. Return from Wedding Trip Reported Quite 111 Frank Jordan, of Gardens, is re ported to be quite ill in Duke Hospi tal, Durham. m Visits In Durham Miss Constance Rabin spent the week-end in Durham with friends. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Batchelor and daughter, Kiilhcnne, adn Misses Lois and Eleanor Taylor visited friends in Rocky Mount Sunday. Was Here Yesterday Mr. Claude T. Smith, of Roberson ville. was here yesterday attending to business DONALDSON-HOWARD Mr. and Mrs. Furney Howard an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter. Leu, to ltr. Clayton Donaldson, on Thursday, July 4th, in Baltimore. Md Mrs. Donaldson was becomingly attired in a powder blue disss with white accessories to match. The young couple will make their home in Baltimore where Mr. Don on is employed. Visit at Pamlico Beach Herbert Whitley and Billy Clark spent last week-end at Pamlico Beach with friends. Returns to Rocky Mount Miss Mildred Perry has returned to her home in Rocky Mount after spending several days near here with relatives. Visit at Nags Head Bill Conley, John RHey, Ben Court ney and Whit Hnrvis spent Saturday and Sunday Jn Nags Head. In Rocky Mannt Sunday ltr. and Mrs. Onward Hoberaon visited relatives in Rocky Mount on Sunday. Are VlsSUng Here Mrs. Harold Clark and daughter, Francos, of Jacksonville. Fla . are here visiting Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs Fannie Crawford. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Jr., visited friends in Rocky Mount Sun day. Visit at Mo re hand City Misses Vashti Starnes. Marjorie Lindsley, Marie Griffin and Helen Lindsley and N. R. Manning and Hershel Miller spent Sunday at Morehead City. Was Business Visitor Here Tom Gilliam, of Windsor, was a business visitor here yesterday. Fished At Morehead Messrs. Irving Margoiis, Jack Frank, H. O. Peel and Phil Robbins fished at Morehead City Sunday. At Nags Hand Last Week-end Messrs. Jack Manning, Howard Cone and Bud Crockett were vtsi tors at Nags Head last week-end Were Here Saturday Mrs. A. W Davenport and children, of Wilmington, visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bunn, of Roan, oke Rapids, were visitors here last week-end. Returns frem Raleigh - ?' Rev. Z. T. Piephoff has returned from Ruleigh where he attended the Presbyterian Young People's Con ference. Visits in Washington City Miss Lillian Breen spent last week, end in Washington City with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sorentrue Is Visiting Here Miss Lettie Jones, of Greensboro, is here spending several days with Mrs. Daisy Purvis. At Pamlico Saturday Messrs Hubert Cuburn, John A. Manning. George Harrison, Jr., and Titus Critcher spent last Saturday I fishing at Pamlico Beach. Visit at Nags Head | Mr. und Mrs. Charles Whitley spent Saturday and Sunday at Nags Head. Is Visiting Here Miss Kathleen Taylor, of Sanford, ' 'S the guest of Mr and Mrs W. L. . Taylor,__Mi*a Taylor Is the__n?ee of Mr. Taylor. Returns from Rocky Mount Ben Manning has returned from Rocky Mount where he visited friends for several days. Was Here Friday Miss Edith Smith, of Ahoskie, spent Friday and Saturday here with frienda. Is Home from Duke Reginald Manning is home from Duke University, where he attended summer school. Returns from Marten Miss Bolton Cowen has returned from Manteo where she visited Miss Nat Gould for several days. * In Morehead Sunday Miss Faye Gurganus. Mr. and Mrs. George Hatton Gurganus and daugh ter, Barbara, visited in Morehead City Sunday. Leaves for Durham Mrs. Mary Bell Osborne la leav ing today for Durham where she t*~ to receive medical treatment at Duke lioapilaL Returns to Halifax Mrs. Milton Norman has returned to her home in Halifax following a visit here with her mother, Mrs. A. H asset!. Return to Raleigh Mr. and Mr?. W P. Hodges and lit tle so nhave returned to their home in Raleigh following a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hodges Leave for New York Messrs. Leman BarnhilL Fred Tay lor and Vernon Bunting left today for New York where they will attend the World's Fair and -eee the sights Visiting at llj iRi Hearts Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Manning arc NOTHING UK? A slow-sukning camel FORHIMMWMH ANORIMHNMK THAT MUM SMOKNM IN I I CAMELS ISNtCCWMMM^TOO'] OCT THE "EXTHM" CAMELS j EXTRA MILDNESS EXTRA coolness EXTRA fuivor la recent Ubowwry test*, Camelsburned 25% tlowwr than the average of the 15 other of the largest* sail iag brands tested ?slew et than mmy of them. That means, on the average, a smoking plmt EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! CLARK'S Malarial Chill and Fever TONIC J $1.00 12 Cakea BILTMORE S9C SOAP?1.00 value 5 lbs. Wrisley's BATH AQr CRYSTALS?IAS value 4 rolls CHARM IN BATH f Or ROOM TISSUE HEINZ STRAINED VEGETABLES?3 rang for _ CLARK'S DIGESTIVE Kr COMPOUND _# CLARK'S DRUG STORE Let U? Fill Your Next Preecriptiotu PHONES 52 and 53 HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS % Mart Brown !? i In DlrweUc, July and vacation tune (or moat of ua. but to the home maker, that vacation time IMUJ UC" on her tn (or 'tis her pleasure to make the holiday of her family and friends s o m e thing of joy long to be remember ed. Picnics, lprgt' and small, have to be arranged for. Plan foods that are simple and wholes ome ? inings mat may mm AHgeed **? P"P?r?i tor in advance, so thai you loo may enjoy the outing. With the aid of a portable electric roaster a hot lunch or supper may be served?prepared and cooked at home?the insulated roaster will keep It hot lor houis. Iter a larg. group try this tasty recipe Spaghetti Aad Meat Balls For 25 People ? No. 2 1-2 cans tomato puree ? pour in cooking well of roaster 4 cans tomato paste?add to puree 2 lbs. onions diced and 6 large geren peppers diead, saturate in 1 cup olive oil and add to tomato 6 cloves garlic, out fine; 4 bay loaves, place in small cheesecloth bag and add to tomato Removing before serving. Salt to taate, .about 2 tablespoons Black pepper, 2 teaspoons Cayenne pepper, 1 teaspon 2 lb. sweet Italian sausage, cut in slices. Combine the above in the large removable inset of the roaster. Set temperature control at 35a* and cook while preparing the maat balls Meat Balls 6 lb. chuck beef; 3-4 lb. onions; 4 cloves garlic ? Voire through meat chopper twice. 1 cup line bread or cracker crumbs 6 eggs 2 tbsp salt 2 tsp pepper Mi* all together very thoroughly and shape in small balls. Brown in olive oil and add to tomato sauce to simmer for 2 hours. Serve over boiled spaghetti with grated Parmesan Cheese Spaghetti 6 lb. Italian Spaghetti boilad 20 minutes in rapidly boiling water. Served with hard rolls, pickles and olives, potato aalad. fruit and drink. [ Potato Salad 8 lb. 4 oz. potatoes, cooked 1-2 cup French dressing 1 1-2 qt celery, cut fine > U hard-cooked eggs 3-8 cup green onion, cut fine 3 tbsp salt 3 cups mayonnaise 3-8 cup prepared mustard 3 tbsp chopped parsley Dice the potatoes in half-inch cubes and marinate in the French dressing for about ten mllMRM. Cut the celery uniformly and the eggs Into half-inch cubes and add with the remaining ingredients to the po tatoes. Serve in lettuce cups. 52 servings, 4 ni each (appro*j mately 1-2 cup) For cold service try Tombeche sandwiches or a thin slice of Bmtth field ham and smoked turkey on white bread, spread thinly with may onnaise. Tombeohe Sandwiches 3 cups tomatoes, strained 12 nr dr'?d 12 oz. nippy cheese, chopped 00 bread slices 1 lb. butter, creamed Strain the tomatoes to remove the seeds. Grind the dried beef very line and mix with tomatoes and bring to a boil. When the beef is tender, add the.cheese and stir until it is melted. Let cool. Butter one slice of bread and spread the other alice with one ounce of the filling Place the other alice on top. Cut in half diagonally and garnish with water cress and ptcklea. Yield: 45 sandwiches, 1 oz. filling : (approximately 1-6 cup). Deviled Kggs 4 doz. eggs 4 tsp salt 2-3 cup vinegar 1 cup mayonnaise 1 tbsp mustard 2 tsp paprika In order to have the eggs firm but tender cook below the boiling point for about thirty minutes. Feel and cut in halves lengthwise. Remove the yolks. Put the yolks through a sieve and mix with the mayonnaise FOR SALE Certified PORTO RICO SWEET POTATO SPROUTS $1.00 Per M. SLA UK. RHODES & COMPANY HAMILTON, N. C. rtTTMAN Of interest to many friends in North Carolina and Virginia was the marriage of Miss Martha Everett Robinson, of Palmyra, to Harrell Jeaknis Ptttman. of Tartaaec the cu?lony was performed in suffalk. Va. Sunday. Jam 30th, at >even o clock in the evening. Or A. L. PrankMn officiated, using the ring ceremony. The bride wore a rose chiffon dress with white accessories Mrs Pittman is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs J. W Robinson, of Palmyra She is a graduate of Hob good High School and has just com pleted her third year at Greensboro College. Very popular in her school activities, she was May Day attend ant in her sophomore year. Mr. Pittman is the son of Mr John 11. Pittman and the late Mary Marks Pittman. He is a promising busine man in Tarboro. where the couple will make their . Visits in Philadelphia Mrs Frank Johnson visited Philadelphia last week-end Visit in Roanoke Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor and laughter. Patricia, visited friends in Roanoke Rapids last Sunday Visit in 31 ore head City Misses Mamie Clyde Taylor, Mane Griffin and Lorrne Weaver visited m Morehead City last week. Returns to Raleigh Mr. W. H. Johnson has returned to Raleigh where he will resume his work with the R. and S. company. Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Luther Walters, of Wake For est. spent last week-end near here with Mrs. W. H. Edwards Shop Here Saturday Mesdames C. H. Rabin and W. B. Starr, of Windsor, shopped here last Saturday. and seasonings. Refill the whites of the eggs with this mixture For dev iled egg salad, place two halves on u lettuce loaf and gamier with a pickle cut in half or with pimento strips. Yield: 48 servings (two halves each). Is Mr and Mrs TalK Qarris visited in Norfolk last week-end Spend Week-end Here Mr and Mrs Charles Herriott. of Washing ton. visited friends and rel atives here last week-end Viatt at Morehead City Messrs Ben and Lt-land Hardison spent Sunday at Morehead City. Was Business Visitor Here Mr Harry BarnhiU. of Colerain. was a business visitor here last Sat-1 urday. Visiting in Peters bum Miss Essie Peel is visiting rela tives in Petersburg for a few dsys. Visit st Shady Banks Messrs John Miller and Krtink Weaver spent last week at Shady Banks At Bayview Wednesday Mr. and Mrs W H Johnson. Miss Athlea Boone and Mrs. Lawrence Hyman spent last Wednesday and Thursday at Bayview Mrs John Henry Edward* visited her mother. Mrs W H Adains. >n a Rocky Mount hospital Sunday Mrs Adkiru is there tor treatment Mr Norma:. Hetiiesai returned home yesterday after undergoing treatment m a Richmond hospital Were Heee Yesterday Chief Edmund Early and son, Ed mond, Jr . and Mr Wilbur Barrett were here yesterday from Oak City on business. Visit at Caroline Beach Mrs W. C Valentine, Messrs G. P. Hall and Roy Ward visited friends at Carolina Beach last Thursday In Richmond Yesterday Messrs. C D and Sutton Carstar phen were in Richmond yesterday Visit at Bayview Mr. and Mrs Bill Howell. Miss Mamie Clyde Taylor, Messrs Gar ner House and Woodrow Ttce visit ed friends at Bayview last week-end. CURING BARNS DO BURN! Before Von Begin Firing. See Us Alton! Protecting Your Burns Ami Tolmcco Against Loss. J. E. POPE Rentals Insurance We Begin Our Greatest SALE Thursday, July 11th Every item of Hummer nicri'liuiidiM' ami Mearing apparel in our nlorr Mill go oil Hair ThurHiiay morning at 11:111). No exchange* Mill In* made ami everything during tlii* Hide Mill In- xold for rasli. Buy uom before |irici'H advance. Tltr item* Mr arc offering are all new and made areording to the late style*. Shop now, and here. and we Mill *a\e you money. KX'IHA SIMCCtAl.?2<Ht j>.iii? l.\l>lhV SlIOKS? ? ^ OO Value* to fW uikI 85?a* long a* ll?e\ lanl for - T ? (Children'* Untitle DRESSES 79c Value TWO FOR $1.00 i.hiltlri'ii'n llalinlf DRESSES Sizes 1 To 1(> 9 1.00 I tthu'?/Voir 79c (:hil,lr<n*Sl>un Kay on 1ml II <i*htihh' Sill; DRESSES 2.(Ml Yuliic?Now $1.48 EXTRA SPECIAL?LADIES' Spun Kayo.i DRESSES. Also C 1 AR Sheer Itutixit- and Waxhuhle Silk?. Regular 2.00 yuIiich ? LADIES' DRESSES fft.00 value, NOW $L9? $4.00 value. NOW $2.88 $5.00 value, NOW $8.88 Hoys WASH SUITS ?1.00 value, NOW 70e 79e value?2 for .?1.00 LADIES' POGKETBOOKS ami GLOVES?Our Bp Rnffiilar SI .00 value Special During Sule Fur Ladies' Hals JS/.4M value 79 c Lottie* Play Suite 2.(Ht value?/Voir *1.48 Children'* Flay Suits with Skirl. 1.25 value 79tj Ladies' Hats 2.00 value?/Vote $1.00 Children'? Sun Suits 69o value?Now 48c SLACKS with Blouses To Match $1.49 value 79c ALL BATHING SUITS REDUCED BELOW COST Ann's Variety Store

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