Watch The Paper. As Your Subscription ID THE ENTERPRISI Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over 1.600 Homes Of Martin County. VOLUME XL11I?NUMBER 57 ffilliamtton, Martin County, North Carolina, Tueulay, July 16, I9W. ESTABLISHED 1899 Indifference Threatens Planned Program For Tobacco t ? ^ ^ - - Goldman Package Manufacturing! Company Makes First Basket At Its New Factory Here Yesterday Hundreds Attend Opening Of New Industrial Plant Official)* Make Special Vii*it Here from New Jersey For Openiup New life was added to Williams ton's industrial front yesterday morning when the Goldman Pack age Manufacturing Company turn ed out the first basket in its new plant here on East Main Street, near the river. The formal opening, at tracting well over a thousand visi tors from this and neighboring com munites as well as several officials from the company's headquatrers in New Jersey, was quite successful and without incident, according to a statement released by M. L. Gold man, assistant secretary and head of southern operations. From early morning until late af ternoon, crowds visited the plant to observe the hundreds of operations necessary in the manufacture of simple basket containers. Many of them were amazed when they saw long rows of machines and were ad vised that everyone of them was needed in the manufacture of the various types of packages and crates. Without Incident Depending on a "green" crew, the plant management was well pleas ed with the developments of the first day's operation. Gradually the workers tuned their efforts to the speed of the machines and operations settled down to a Smooth schedule. There were the minor adjustments, and delays and Interruptions were tairlv treqnent miring me early hours, but by noon and later in the day operations were speeding up. The formal opening was without in cident, the visitors handling them selves well and the new workers adapting themselves to their tasks in a remarkably short time. No ac cidents marred the program, and officials were quoted as saying they were well pleased, that the opening had been very successful, and that they enjoyed and appreciated the cooperation and friendly interest shown by the general public. $39,000 Basket That $30,000 basket, a bushel con tainer, rolled off the machines by mid-morning, and officials moved! it immediately to the office where it now stands on exhibition. The cost will be materially lowered as?the plant approaches normal operations and baskets are turned out by the tens of thousands. Normal Schedule Today the factory is gradually moving toward a normal nparatinn schedule which will likely be reach ed within the next three or four weeks. Additional employees will be added from time to time until around 150 are on the company's payroll. Commenting on the labor situation, a representative of the company ex plained that they had been literally swamped by applications, that suf ficent help could be had from the (Continued on page six) > Farmers To Decide Price for Tobacco Flue-cured tobacco grower* will go to the poll* Saturday and decide whether they want three-year mar keting quota*, one-year quota*, or no quotas at all. They al*o will be deciding to a large extent the price they will receive (or their 1940 crop of tobacco, it ia pointed out by E. Y. Floyd, AAA executive of (jeer of N. C. State College. If quota* are approved for a three year period, 1941 through 1943, the Federal government ha* promised to protect price* of the 1940 crop "at or slightly above last year's 14.9 cents per pound level." The Tripte A officials also have announced that ' if three-year quotas are voted, the allotments in 1941 will be the same as in 1940. Recent amendments to the crop control law provide that no quota can be reduced more than 10 per cent Without any quotas, pre dictions of the price the 1940 crop would bring range from 5 to 10 cents per pound. Floyd said that any person who will share in the proceeds of the 1940 crop of flue-cured tobacco is eligible to vote in the referendum Saturday. Community polling place* will be set up, to be opened not la ter than 9 a m. and to close not earlier than 5 p. m. It will require a vote of two thirds or more of those voting do not favor three-year quotas, but the total of the three-year and one-year votes is two-thirds or more of the total vote cast, then one-year quota* will be in effect. | OFFICIALS HERE FOR FACTORY OPENING v : Heading an official party, Messrs. M. L. Levin, vice presi dent, right and Samuel Goldman, secretary-treasurer of the Gold nun Package Manufacturing Company, were here from New Jersey for the formal opening of the company's new factory on East Main Street. Commission Maintains School Consolidations Warrant Is Issued A warrant, charging an assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, was issued in Justice J. L. Has sehfs court here yesterday against Edgar Harrell, Oak City filling sta tion owner-operator. The warrant was drawn at the direction of Her man Manning, Oak City man who was crtically shot by Harrell in his filling station on the night of March 40*, ? No date for a hearing in the case has been determined, and as far us it could be learned here today the warrant had not be served on the de fendant who continues at liberty The case is expected to occasion much interest in the upper part of the county where the two men are well known Harrell, shortly after the attack, alleged that he shot the man in self defense. No direct state ment was offered by the victim who lav in a critical condition in u T?r boro hospital for weeks and later continued gravely ill at his home in Oak City. Hobgood Lumber Plant Destroyed The large plant of the Farmville Woodward Lumber Company at Hobgood, was destroyed by fire late last Friday afternoon, resulting in a loss estimated at approximately $100,000. Several hundred employ ees were thrown out of work Officials of the company are meet ing in Suffolk today to determine future plans. Unofficial reports state that the plant will not be rebuilt in Hobgood, that a new site will pos sibly be selected. The fire swept over the large plant in a very short time, destroying the mill house, dry kilns and thousands of feet of timber on the yard. Timber, coming through the fire little damaged, is being brought to the company's plant here for man ufacture. Everetts' Appeal =To^&e-estahlish School Is Rejected ( IokihoIidation Program C,on tinner To Hold Favor of Stair School Group Started nearly two decades ago, the program to tear down small school hinisps shift community interests to centralized points con tinues to hold the favor of the State School Commission judging from a recent decision of that body refus ng an appeal of citizens for the re establishment of a high school at Everetis. The siand of the commis sion was further substantiated by -action denying a community Moore County a high school. Earnestly prosecuting their claim, a large number of interested Ever etts citizens will be forced to ac cent the Hurisinn r?f fh H Robcrson I M Little, John A. Powell; Wiiliamston-Poplar Point: W. L. Taylor, Mayo Hardison, R. T. Ortf Williams: C. L. Daniel, R. J. Har dison, O. S. Green. The polls will open promptly at 7 a. m Saturday morning and close at sunset. Surrender Or Faee Destruction. Italy Warns The English Lull (!on?n in Attack By the German* On Sea ami In the Air A boastful and yet frightening declaration came out of Italy yes terday through semi-official sources, warning Great Britain that she would within the next .few days be given an ppportunty of surrender ing or face total destruction. Authorative fascist editor. Virginio Gayda. indicated that Mussolini and Hitler would serve an ultimatum on England shortly, offering her a choice between surrender and de struction. ''Preparations will be completed in a very few days." he said- "Brit ain will have to settle her last ac count. She will have to choose be tween submission to the renovating, restorative forces of Europe or ex tremely grim violent war in which inexorable destruction a fateful pre cipitous step toward final overthrow will be measured not by years or weeks of which Churchill spoke but by days or hours. Apparently anticipating a merci less attack sooner or later. England today called for American volun teers who are trained for air service and radio. A general lull in air raids over Britain was reported today, but late reports maintain that a heavy damage is being inflicted upon the British shipping and that the British Navy is bearing a heavy blow from Italian and German planes. George Bernard Shaw, world-re nowned author, said today England will fall without aid from the United States, and that if thus country stays out it will fall in due time into the hands of Hitler. English land forces suffered de feat in Ethiopia yesterday, but Ital lan properties taken from Halle Se lassie were damaged by British air men. A late report released late yes- j terday on a bombing in France be- j fore that country surrendered stat-1 ed that 4,200 bodies bad been ivr-j moved from the debris in Riems as a result of an air attack by German forces. Arrest Three For Alleged Violation 01 the Liquor Law Two Tukt'ii at Mamifui'liiury in Boar Craws Saturday By Offircrs consumption end to production, county and loeal officers Last week, end dealt another blow against the illicit liquor business in this coun ty. Two men were taken at u man ufactory in Bear Grass Township and two others were cited to the courts for the poinieeaion of illegal liquor allegedly for sale The courthouse law-enforcement group went into action in Bear Grass Saturday morning and inter rupted illicit operations there. Hen ry Nathan Bailey and John L. Wynn were taken into custody after n spil ited dash for freedom, and a huge plant was wrecked. Bringing the prisoners in for a hearing before U. S. Commissioner Walter Halber stadt, officers took a truck and went back for the plant which included a 100 gallon capacity copper still, twelve fermenters, 1,400 gallons of beer, fifteen gallons of liquor, a few gallons of fuel oil, a number of oil cans and a complete oil burner. Jailer Roy Peel did most of the footwork, it was reported. The case was turned over to federal officers, and the two men were released un der bond in the sum of $500 each. They are to appear before Judge Meekins in federal court at Wash ington next October. That afternoon, ABC. Officer J H. Roebuck raided the home of Bud dy Rogers and confiscated half gal lon of illicit liquor. Charges are pending against Rogers Saturday night local officers raid ed the home of Charles Francis Gray and found a small quantity of illicit liquor. Only two drunks were arrested and jailed during the week-end. Unconfirmed reports maintain, however, that there were numerous drunks, that the spirit-laden hap pened to "pass out" at those spots little frequented by officers. NO CUSTOMERS For the first time on a reg ular business day, the local mu nicipal swimming pool went Without A a|| last Saturday and Saturday eve ning. Rainy weather and fall ing temperatures during the day ran the bathers to cover. Reducing the price of season tickets and favored by warmer weather yesterday and today, the pool management is report ing a gain In Democratic Party Oyens Convention In Chicago Monday Balloting For President in I Nominee Slated To (ict CiiderHUV Thursday Opening in Chicago yesterday at noon for the selection of its stan dardbearers and to battle over a meaningless platform, the Nation al Democratic Convention had not progressed very far before there was a Roosevelt third-term outburst. Welcoming the convention. Chi cago's Mayor Kelly and the senior senator from Illinois yesterday noon dug deeply into the ranks of the op position party and assailed Insulism and the power trusts No blows were drawn by the speakers as they as sailed the Republican platform and pointed with pride to the eight year record of the present adminis tration. : -- Calling for an aggressive cam paign on the "record" of perform ance, Speaker William B Bank head voiced last night a 1940 Dem ocratic keynote of uncompromising resistance to "malignant" aggressors abroad and assailed the Republican platform as "political subterfuge". He spoke a few minutes after Chairman James A Farley, of the Democratic National Committee, de livering an address which sounded to some like a formal farewell to his party colleagues, had denounced Re publican leaders for "an effort" to "pin the odious label War Party' upon the Democratic Party." Both speakers joined in asserting that the coming campaign against Wendell L. Willkie and the Repub lican party must be waged upon the record of eight Democratic years in office. Farley asserted that "unless we give the country a ticket and a platform that will satisfy the ma jority, we have no certainty of vic tor\ Auditorium Packed Bothspeakers addressed a crowd which packed the big red-white-and blue-decked stadium to the rafters. The .seating capacity exceeds 20.000 The addresses closed a day Which had seen third term leaders consid ering a plan to win renomination for President Roosevelt without so much as placing his name in formal nomination; and an opening session transformed from the usually dull routine to a rousing Roosevelt rally by an address of welcome fjroni May or Edward J. Kelly, which was. in effect, u nominating speech High spots in Senator Bankhead's keynote speech follow: The Republican platform . . is a document filled with equivocation and political subterfuge but the most remarkable significance of that platform is the fact that despite then clamorous and bitter denunciation of the legislative program ol this ad ministration. they did not have the confidence or courage to demand the repeal or abolition of any single one of the major laws we have passed for liberal government and a better state of life for the masses of the American people How can the Republican party go before Hie electorate in November, urging the removal from power of that party whose wisdom and pro gressive policies they were compell ed, even if by indirection, to en dont? My Iellow countrymen, we anr assembled at the most fateful mo ment in the history of mankind. The sinister shadow of a cruel, savage and ruthless despotism hangs like a pall of doom over the homes and the lives of every citizen of democratic and liberty-loving peo ple. I do not know what attitude this convention may take on that sub ject, but I know that it is the atti tude of the American people that we will resist to the death any com promise of our domestic principles will those malgnant disturbers of the peace of the world; that w?- do not propose to appease those aggressors whose doctrines wage war upon ev ery principle of liberty for a free (Continued on page six) Rain, Valued Around Million Dollars; Falls in This County With a value estimated to range from one-half to a million dollars, the first rains in weeks fell in this section last Friday nghl and Satur day .bringing relief to rapidly de teriorating field crops und renewing hopes for farmers, and others, too Approximating three and one-half inches, the week-end rainfall at this point was nearly twice as large as it was for the entire month of June and the first eleven days m this month. According to the wea ther station on the Roanoke River here, 2.67 inrhes of rain fell during Friday night and .73 of an inch fell Saturday. Fanner faces and those -of others, too, for that matter, were covered with smiles as threatening clouds covered the heavens early Saturday evening. A new world greeted this agricultural section Sunday morn Community Meetings Vre Poorlv Attended Examine J\ early MM) Persons At C.onnty Clinics Nearly 4011 persons were ex amined in a series of tubercu losis clinics conducted in this county recently by the county health department in cooperu tion with the State Sanatorium, it was announced today by Dr. John W Williams, health de partment head. Commenting on the work. Dr. Williams said: "Of the 244 whites and 139 colored adults examined at the tuberculosis clinic conducted hy Dr. (iodwin, of the State Sana torium. 29 w hite and 10 colored were referred to the health de partment for follow-up work regarding advice, sanatorium care, and home visits." Another clinic will be asked for in six months. Mrs. W. H. Adkins Dies In Hospital Mrs. W. H. Ad kins, highly esteem ed citizen of Robersonville, died in a Rocky Mount hospital about four o'clock yesterday morning following u major operation performed almost two weeks ago. ;.Born and reared in Tyrrell Coun ty, Mrs Adkins moved to Martin about 40 years ago, locating tn Rob ersonville whery Mr Adkins was prominently associated in the found ing and operation of the tobacco market Holding membership in the Baptist Church, sin- was in deed and truth a Christian woman, one hose goodness, line ami thought fulness of others gained for her a warm place in the hearts of the many. She leaves besides her husband, three children, Mrs W M Smith, of Red Springs; Mrs. J H Kdwards, ? if Williamston, and Mr Robert K. Adkins, of Robersonville. She also leaves three brothers, Messrs R. A Knight, of Durham. R S Knight, of Columbia, and W A Knight, of Norfolk. Funeral services are being con ducted in the Robersonville Baptist Church this afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. K C. Shoe and Rev. Dan iel Boone Interment will follow in the cemetery there Motorists Escape Injury In Wrecks No one was hurt tut a property damage. estimated at $350, resulted in two road accidents in this coun ty last week-end. The two wrackftj were the first reported in the coun ty in nearly two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Waldron, of H I 'a 11 a nt Avenue. London. N. J., i -did not receive a scratch-when their l car, a 1935 Studebaker, turned over on the Washington road near the home of Commissioner B L. Per ry Saturday afternoon about one I o'clock They were traveling south When their car skidded on the pave ment and turned over in a ditch. Damage to the car was estimated at $250. Traveling through Jamesville late Saturday night, William Randolph Gardner, of Williamston Route 1, side-swiped a truck that was back ing out of a filling station. Attempt ing to run around the truck, Gard ner ran on th?shoulders of the road, the car skidded and tore into a post, causing a damage io his car of about $100 William Noah Perry was driv ing the truck No one was hurt and no damage was done to the truck ing as some of the crops showed ef fects of the rains which checked threats of marked shortages in all crops. While some damage resulted to the corn crop, it Is generally be lieved that other crops will show no great ill effect from the long dry season The tobacco crop was al ready late, and the rains will possi bly delay harvesting for another few days, but the outlook for a bet ter leuf crop is fur better than it was last Friday when u blistering sun and hot winds were sapping the life out of all crops. While one or two farmers express ed fear that since the heavens had opened up the rains might come to often and damage the crops, the ma jority were so thankful for the break in the weather that they ex pressed no concern over future wea ther possibilities. __ t Hold \lnios|>li?mre Is Reported in INuiiiIrt Of Farmer Meetings _ r Frank I>i-rii?-ion of Problem Farinjj Tolmrrii llrhl in Oak Citv l,a*t Ni?lii Reliable ivports front community meetings in this unit many other counties in the tobacco territory maintain that indifference on the part of the growers is threatening a planned program for the crop dur ing the next three years. Few far mers are attending the meetings in this county, and comparatively lit tle interest is being shown in the program. t,he reports declare. Agri cultural leaders are of the opinion that Martin farmers will favor a three-year program for tobacco in the referendum on Saturday of this week, but unless there is a marked increase in interest a comparative ly small vote will be cast in this county. While this county is expected to favor the plan, reports from other counties are said to be not at all en couraging. Some of the counties bor dering the main tobacco territory will hardly give the program 50 per cent of the vote, reports declare, and m some of the counties where very little tobacco is raised, the opposi tion vote will exceed more than 50 per cent of the total. Some are doubtful that the program will car ry These reports are not offered to build up support tor. tin- program, but to inform the farmers that if they want a three-year program Uieyr will have to get out and vote for it next- Saturday ?? A cool atmosphere* is surrounding the campaign being conducted now 11>i> county m hchulf of tin1 pro grillh. Thri'c ISn i ihe interest in the program that was shown last Oc tober .when the 'farmers had their tobacco in the packhouses and could not sell it and they were given an oppbrtunity to vote -for a- programs There is no tobacco left unsold in the packhouses in this county "But there will he some next fall if we don't carry the referendum Sutur day." tobacco fanners said in a corn munily meeting at Oak City last night The group of fift? farmers there diseu,ssed the program after a frank fashion, and while they ex pressed a 100 per cent support the attendance was hardly large enough to offer a representative opinion of the farming?hiU il.sIs in mat com munity ?Fantu'i' Hums plcaririi ^ low farmers to support the program. He explained that industry had cur tailed production, that steel mills at one-time were running less than 17 per cent of capacity, that tobacco f.iiinei h mui.t advance a planned pro gram if they are to avoid disaster. In Jaim'svllle lliST Friday evening there were hardly a dozen farmers present for a discussion of the prob lem The meeting was of the opin ion that the program would be car ricd by a sizable majority and that a substantial vote would be cast. Later reports declare that the oppo sition there will poll a stronger vote than many believe will be cast. At meetings held in Everetts and lla.