ClBh Society and Personals Or WTl l.IAMSTON and MAKTLN COCMTT Aaythtar tor Thin Department Ta 4 6 In Cwsuell Sunday Mr. and Mrs Woodrow Lawrence, Mr Ed Hardison. Miss Louise Rob erson, Messrs Noah and Bill Rob erson, visited in Creswell Sunday Returns to Greenville Miss Lou Allie Whitehurst has re turned to her home in Greenville after a visit here with Mrs. Gladys Taylor. At Pamlico This Week Mrs. P B Cone and sister, Mrs. Fulgham of Wilson. Misses Sara Cone and Nell Harrison are visiting at Pamlico this week. Returns to Tarboro Mrs Blanche Anderson has rr turned t< Tarboro aftet visit here with relatives At Pamlico Sunday Misses Thelma Lilley and Ernest ine Barber. Messrs. Carroll Crockett and Huislip visited at Pam lico Sunday hi Visiting Friends Here Miss Victory Bain, of Philadel phia.- is?visiting?friends?here?this week. . Attend Plant Opening Here Mr. and Mrs Suai Guldman i4 Philadelphia. Mr. Oliver Newcombe, of Gr en lock. N J Mr Fielding, c?f Collins wood, and Mr Meyer Levine, of Glassboro, N. J., attended the opening of the Goldman Package Manufacturing Company plant here yesterday. Visting Relatives Here Miss Natalie Gould, of Manteo, is visiting relatives hen for a few' days Leaves for Raleigh Mrs. William?Henry ??Johnson leaves this, week for Raleigh where Mr. Johnson is nov\ employed Return from Miami Mr. and Mrs Eddie Tialiey re turned Sunday from a visit with rel atives in Miami Attend Homecoming Miss Rather me Hardisoig Miss Mary Caistarphen, Messrs. C D. Bill and Sutton Caistarphen at tended the Methodist homecoming, in Hamilton Sunday. In Tennessee Tkis Week Mr J G. Staton is in Ten nets*-*1 this week purchasing cattle for hu> farms Attend Homecoming Rev and Mrs S J Starnes and family attended th? Methodist Church homecoming in Hamilton on Sunday. Return from World's Fair Messrs. Fred Taylor and Leman Barnhill have returned from a week's trip to the World's Fan Visiting in Raleigh Mrs Paul Jones is visiting in Ral eigh for a few days Returns from Virginia Beach Miss Lorene Weaver has returned from < week's stay at Virginia Beach Was Here sui?da> Mass Frances Barnhill. uf Durham, visited Miss Mamie Clyde Taylor here Sunday. Return to Norfolk Mrs. Steven Copelarul and daugh ter have returned to Norfolk after a week's visit here with Mrs Mary Btinner tiurganus. Attend Homecoming in Hamilton Mr and Mrs Abner Brown attend ed the homecoming in Hamilton on Sunday. Visiting in Hamilton Mrs J A Kent and daughter, Bobby, of Lyons. N Y . are visiting Mr and Mrs .1 \ Poole, in Hamil ton. Mr. and Mrs Charles Godwin. | Misses Mary Charles Godwin Vir ginia Williams and Maud Taylor j have returned from frw w eks' i stay at Pamlico. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. Ernest Meai. visited in Rocky i Mount Sunday Is Visiting Here Mrs. A H. Goodmon. of Raleigh, is visting Mr and Mrs Ray Good rnon here. Visits in Roanoke Rapids Ray Goodmon, Jr., visited in Ro lanoke Rapids and Tarboro Thurs ?' day ; Spends Week-end Here Whit Purvis. student at the Uni-1 versify, Chapel Hill, visited his mo ther. Mrs Daisy Purvis, here last week-end. Returns to Greensboro M ias Lettie Jones has returned to her home in Greensboro after a vis it here with Mrs Daisy Purvis. In Ply month Sunday Miss Ella Mae Gaylord and Mr Bill Abbitt visited in Plymouth on Sunday. Return from Tarboro Mrs Irving Margolis and daugh ter, Sandra, have returned from a visit in Tarboro. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Margolis' mother i> improving from a recent illness. Recovers from llloew Miss Rachel Johnson has recover ed from an attack of malaria At Nags Head l? W eek-end Misses Ruby Harrison, Ella Wynne Critcher, Elya Grace BarntyHl, Lola Phillips, Buck Handy and Gertrude Rogers visited at Nags Head last ? - . Attend Game Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Garland Yelverton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberson and Mr and Mrs. Bill Manlcv. of Goldsboro. attended the game here Sunday and visited Mrs. Daisy Purvis. In Visiting Here Miss Margaret Everett, of Wash ington. w visiting here for a few days Return from Georgia Mrs. Bob Eve/ett and Miss Ruth Norton have returned from a two weeks' stay in Clayton, Ga. Little Miss Judy Sullivan, of Apderson. S. C.. accompanied them home for a visit Returns to Norfolk Bob Everett, Jr., has returned to the Norfolk Naval Training school after a visit here with his parents. Mr' and Mis. Bob Everett. Visit at Nags Head Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Walker accom panied Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin, of Raleigh, to Nags Head for Sunday and Monday. ? Johntum urn! Johnson SOAP. BAM Oil- T\LC All 3 for Ale I.WTEEN l*BOI)ll(,TS fur I Hxfiiciii- ? \*k fur Booklet' Viiiiii?*ii- I'riekK Ural Powder _ 25c \ rluur Powder I'uffn ,3 fur I Or Njul Anlaeid Powder ? ilrartburn. Bridling. Sour Sloinacli, D\?|>epMU 25c and 50c Kh Ded liiH-t i Powder, (i w. 1 Or CLARK'S DRUG STORE Lfl I s Ull Your \rxl I'riscri/tiion* PHONES 52 and 55 VOl B PRESCRIPTION FILLED EYACTIA AS * Ol II DOCTOR PRESCRIBES, Willi TIIE BEST AND PI BEST DRUGS OBTAINABLE. Our Mid-Summer Clearance SALE! iiif> apparel far Im-Ioh tin' 1'ixl mark. Vllrml llii- iilorr-wiili' wile ami share in tin- mam fiur liaryain> hi- Iium- to offer. LA INKS' DRESSES SHOES Our Kiyuliir l.OO DrM1*. Q On Sale For Onlv ^ Out' Table Shoe*? Rroken Sizrs. Our Our liM DRESSES?On Salt' Nebular 2 AH) Shop* $1.49?$1.79 59c WOMEN'S M WNISII SI1TS?\ll w.*,l. in airi|M>? and xhark *kin rumhinalimiM. On Sale $2.98 HATS FOR THE LADIES On Sale? 69c CHILDREN'S PRESSES Regular 1.00 DRESSES 49c Regular 2.00 DRESSES ?1.00 Clearance On All Summer Wearing Apjtarel ISRAEL'S Williamston Miss Rebecca Harrison Weds John Tulloss Here Saturday Yow? Spoken in Private Ore- J mony Before Rn. Smith In Baptist* Church Mrs. C A. Harrison announces the marriage of her daughter, Rebecca I Elizabeth, to John William Tuiloss, on Saturday, the thirteenth of July, in the Memorial Baptist Church in an impressive ceremony in the pres ence of members of the families. Rev James H Smith, pastor of the bride, officiated. The church was decorated with j white gladioli, potted plants and ivy. A tall standard with seven can dles formed a background and it was flanked on each side by graduated sized baskets of white gladioli and fever few around which were used potted ferns. Mrs. Wheeler Martin rendered a program of nuptial music before the entrance of the bride and groom un attended to the strains of the wed ding march from Lohengrin. I The bride wore a white spectator I cable cord net suit with an English ! cut coat and brown and white ac ! cessories. Her corsage was of brown 1 orchid# ? Mrs Tuiloss is the daughter of ! Mrs. Claudius Augustus Harrison arid i the late Mr. Harrison. She is prom i inently connected in this county as j well as in Edgecombe where her ? maternal ancestors lived. She at I tended Salem College, Winston-Sul ! em. and is a graduate of the Woman's i College of the University of North | Carolina. For two years she was a member of the Williamston primary school faculty and the past year was a member of the faculty of the city schools of High Point. Mr. Tuiloss is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tuiloss, of Hay Springs. I Nebraska. He attended the Univer sity, of Nebraska in Omaha and is j now district representative for the ! John Deere Company, of Atlanta. He has been in Williamston for sev ; eral years and has made many j friends here. The couple left immediately after j the ceremony for a three weeks' trip ! in the west. After August 5th they ! will be at home in Williamston. No announcements were issued in town. Ls Visiting Here Miss Frances Daley, of Wilson, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Co burn here for a few days Visit in Norfolk M rs. Rush Bondurant and Mrs. Fenner Wallace visited in Norfolk last week-endr Visiting in-Richmond^ Mrs. L. P. Lindsley is"Visiting rel atives in Richmond fen a few days. Return from New York Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hardison and children, ^ally and Fred. Mrs. Geo. Williams and little Miss Editn An drews have returned from a WHikY visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. R Rob erson and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kelly, on l.<ong Island, N. Y. At ('amp Leach Yesterday Mesdames Frank Margolis and N. C. Green accompanied their daugh ters. Barbara and Sylvia, to Camp Leach, where they will stay this week, yesterday. Spending This Week Here Mr Frank Johnson, of Philadel | phia. is spending this week lieie with Mrs. Johnson. Spend Week-end Here Mrs. John A Miller and daughter, Betty Jean, Misses Margaret and Frances Grayson, of High Point, vis ited Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Biggs here over the week-end. Return to High Point Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller have returned to their home in High Point, after a visit here with Dr. and Mrs. John D. Biggs. Visit Here Last Week Dr. and Mrs. R. IV?Bonner,?ef High Point, visited Dr. and Mrs. John D. Biggs here last week. Enters Washington Hospital Mrs. Raymond McKenzie entered a Washington hoepital last week for treatment. ' Visiting at Montreal Dr. and Mrs. R. G. McAllister are spending two week6 at Mdntreat and Saluda Gap, S. C. a Quicksteps Win On Foreign Territory Sunday afternoon the Williamston Quicksteps, local colored semi-pro organization trounced Princeville's Grays, 8-6, on foreign soil. Owner Charlie Mack Johnson and Mose Williams collaborated in pitching the win. The Grays grabbed a 2-1 lead in the fourth off Owner Johnson, but at this point Johnson exited and Wil liams held them in check over the rest of the route as the locals quick ly stepped into the lead on barrages in the sixth and seventh stanzas. ?fOng-rtear'advantage ttr the Quicfc steps was their invaluable umpire, Lugene Bell, whose stellar work on the bases pulled them from many a bad hole. Manager Horace Respass also did well by poling two of Williamston's nine hits while the two Quickstep rlbowers were spreading five hits nmnr.g as many players. No record of the errors was retained, but it is un derstood that it would have made interesting reading. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Grays will return the visit and it is reported by reliable quarters, with blood in their eyes. But Man ager Respass has been preparing for the invasion, and the anonymous lefthander, who Owner Johnson says he knows on sight, but for the sake of him cannot think of his name, will pitch. Having lost only one gams and ah owing great improvement, it is as Respass says, "Me and my boys on the Quicksteps, like the Martins, art he ad ad for the top." rmwux PASTY Mrs. John R Pwte entertained at a farewell party at her home on Main Street here TYiureday night, honor ing Miss Bertie Martin, who left Sat urday to make ber home in L>oe Angeles About 25 guests were present and presented Miss Martin with a num ber of lovely gifts. Soft drinks, sandwiches and cook ies were served by the hostess. ? ICE CREAM SUPPER Members of the Vernon Methodist Church, near here, will serve an ice cream supper there on Friday night at 8 o'clock for the benefit of the building fund. The public is cordial ly invited. An extensive improve ment program is underway, includ ing a new roof and a painting and remodeling project, it was announc ed by the pastor, Rev. Daniel C Boone. Move into New Kaac Mr and Mrs. Garland Coltrain have moved into their new home on South Haughton Street. Recovering from Malaria Miss Eva Peel is recovering from an attack of malaria. Leaves for las Aagetes Miss Bertie Martin left Saturday for Los Angeles where she will make her home in the future. She was accompanied to Raleigh by Misses Elizabeth Pate and Myrtle Liggett. Return to Tennessee Mr and Mrs. Tom Morris and lit tle son have returned to their home in'Mooresville. Tenn' after visiting Mr. and Mrs. B F. Perry here for Lime. Visits Relatives Near Here Mr. Wesley Peel, located on the tobacco market in Hughesville, vis ited relatives near here last week end. He was accompanied back to the Maryland city by Mrs. Peel. 5^rs. J. S. Rhodes is spending some time at Pamlico Beach Master Jamie Pittman is getting along nicely following an operation for tonsils this morning. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust dated January 2, 1930, ex- i ecu ted by Augustus Moore to S. C. Bragaw and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County in Book B-3, page 316 (the undersigned having been substitut ed as trustee in the place of the said S. C Bragaw) I will sell before the eourthouse door of Martin County Martins Climbing In League Rating When that estimated million dol lar rain hit Martin and surrounding counties, the WTTliainatoa baseball club was forced to remain idle by the epidemic of wet grounds which swept eastern Carolina. However, by virtue of the Martins' recent winning streak while Greenville's Green tea and several other second division clubs have been hitting the skids, the locals are now in a aoch more advantageous position in regard to an opportunity for a post season play off berth. Yesterday, the Martins reclining on the cellar, plagrmg at a 359 clip, just three and one-half games be hind Greenville, eight behind Snow Hill and New Bern, who are dead locked for the fifth position, were but 11 and 1 -2 games behind the fourth place Kinston Eagles. This year the Coastal Plain league boasts a 128 game schedule, of which 78 contests have already been play ed by the local club. To end the sea son with the 300 average that will probably be necessary for a berth in the playoffs, the Martins will have to win at least 36 of the fifty remaining scheduled games Such actum would represent a 720 aver age for the remainder of the season and would allow the once downtrod den Martins to end the year with a 64-64 record. Though .720 far sur passes the .684 at which Wilson's league leading Tubs have been play nV-throughout the season, it would nut be in the realm of an impossi bility for the Martins to come through and you can lay your bot tom dollar they'll be in there fight ing toward just that end. on Friday. August 16. 1940. at twelve to o'clock noon for cash that said tract or parcel of land lying and being in Williams Township, Martin County, North Carolina, which is described as follows, to wit: Adjoining the lands of Major Gardner, Church Hardison and J. L. Hardison and located on the "New Road" which lead; from the Griffin Road to the Washington Road and being well known as the Augustus Moore home place, and containing 37 acres more or less The above described land will be sold subject to a first mortgage to the North Carolina Joint Stock L; nd Bank of Durham The unpaid balance of the indebtedness thereby secured is $7^1 37 plus interest from May 1, 1940 at a rate of 6 per cent, said mortgage being recorded in the Martin County records. Book 0-2, pags 527 This July 15, 1940. W. B. CARTER, jy!6-4t Substituted Trustee. Lot's Do Business Together7~ HARRISON OIL CO. M "?? WILLIAMSTON It, % [ M4PCOIIJ ] f- SMART Uyim~ OUR JULY ClearanceSale /< In FULL BLAST HUNDREDS OF SHOPPERS HAVE MARVELED AT THE Grand Values AND BOUGHT! There are thousands of exceptional val ues awaiting your inspection. Come and make your purchases while your sice is here. Be Wise ? Buy Here And Save! tkvifoiisBwtkw Belk Tyler Co. Williamgton, N. C. The Season's Big Event Belk Tyler's Big JULY SALE! ?We ? Have ) A Store Full of Bargains Belk Tyler Co* WilLiamstoii, N. C.

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