Society and Personals OF WIl.LIAMSTON and M All TIN COCNT* PHONE Anrthinf for This Department m 4 6 Returns from Lexington Mrs T S Critcher returned Sat urday from a visit with relatives in Lexington Arrives Here Saturday Professor Bryant B Carstarphen. of Austin. Texas, arrived last Satur. day evening to spend several weeks with his mother. Mrs Eliza Carstar phen. He was accompanied home by Misses Gertrude and Helen Mooney who are spending a few days here before continuing to New York and thence to their home in Arizona Returns from Greensboro Mrs. Daisy Purvis returned Satui - day from a visit with Miss Lettie Jomv- in Greensboro Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. B B Newell ami children, of Hoxboro. spent the wi'ek-end here with relatives Was Business Visitor Here Mi". Eli Edmondson. of Hassell.; was a business visitor here y ester - day Visit in Manteo Sunday Misses Gertrude and Helen Moon ey and Messrs Bryant and C D Carstarphen visited in Manteo and the Lost Colony Sunday Visiting at Bavview Mr Charlie Bowers is spending this week at Bay view with Mis ' Bowers and infant daughter Returns To Norfolk Jerry Manning has returned to the naval training station at Nor folk after a visit here with his par ents. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Manning In Raleigh Sunday Mr and Mrs Fenner Wallace and Mr Charlie Clark attended the annual Royal Baking Company pic nic in Raleigh Sunday Returns from Camp Leach Miss Barbara Margolis has r . turned from a week's stay at Camp Leach She accompanied her par ents. Mr. and Mrs Frank Margolis. home Sunday Attention! Tobacco Farmers hru in ured of to llHI'l'O fllH'h. Hi ll UH. W4i x|MH'iali/.t" ill inak iiif; a pood ft nr. \sk tin* mull who lia>- IIMil thrill. Vi r Mill hr plud to rrpuir any old flm-K ill our nlio|i._Vi r ?lotirr a pood many old flur? tliroMii aMay that ran lir iimiI. in tlir furuirr ulio rrally Maul to ri-ouo inizr. mi- ii- for tlii*. mt \ irr. H r a/iiireeiate your or der* ? I .or fie or mnull I. C. NOKKIS Attending Short ( our* Assistant County Agent John Ea [#les attending the short course I in Raleigh this week Is Visiting Here Mrs Mark Ruffm.-of Tarboro, is visiting her sister. Mrs C. B Sice loff and Mr. Siceloff here Visit in Greenville Misses Mary Gwynn Osborne, j Mary Churles Godwin. Eleanor Brown and Mary Ruth Ward visited in Greenville Sunday. In Rocky Mount Sunday Miss Mary Lewis Manning visited friends in Rocky Mount Sunday. Were Here Friday Godfrey Stancil and S D Parker, of Washington, visited friends here Friday Returns from Tennessee Miss Alta Critchor 'has returned from Nashville, Tenn., where she attended summer school at Pea bod v. Spends Week-end Here Whit Purvis, student at the Uni-1 versity summer school. Chapel Hill. I visited his mother. Mrs Daisy Pur vis. here last week-end. Visit Here Sunday Mr and Mrs Marvin Edwards and sons. Edgar and J. T., of Henderson, visited relatives here Sunday Visiting in Michigan Miss Ruth Norton is visiting rel atives and friends in Buttle Creek. Michigan, and points in Ohio. Arc Visiting at Nags Head Mr and Mrs Dick Taylor and family, and Mr and Mrs. Roy Ward and son, are visiting at Nags Head for two weeks. >+? Returns to Philadelphia Mpis Victory Bain has returned to her home in Philadelphia after feu days' visit here with friends W ere Here Saturday Mi and Mrs Hubert Rawls, of Roanoke Rapids, visited Mrs. Har ry Moador here Saturday and Sun day Attending Dealers C onvention Mr. John Henry Edwards is at tending a Chevrolet dealers' con vention in Blowing Hock this week. At Nags Head Sunday at Nags Head Sunday. Mr. Jones re mained there for a few days' visit Spend Sunday at Nags Head Messrs. Marvin Koberson and' John Mutton Gurgunus spent Sunday , at Nags Head. Visit at Nags Head Mr and Mrs Harry Hughes and Mi and Mrs. Joe David Throwei visile dat Nags Head lust week end At Paiuhco Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Woolard visit ed at Pamlico Sunday. ? Visit in Tarboro Mrs Dave Matthews and Miss Ef tie Waldo visited in Tarboro last week. Nature Is Generous. Nature ban iiiveu u? limitless renniirrpn and endless rnrrfty. lint it is man who ruutrrts those forres into wealth. You ran comi rl your.earniugi* into personal wealth, aud make yourself independent when astr demands rest from work . . . hv swim; regularly. Guaranty Bank& Trust Company WILLIAMSTON. N. C. ELECTRIC FANS _ SI.65 up Tek Toollibrushes 23c 2 for 43c STAWAY LOTION ? Prevents mosquito bites 35e POLORIOD DAY GLASSES -- S1.95 OTHER GOGGLES _ 25e up CLARK'S RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL? (genuine imported) pt. 75r i|l. 1.25 Park and Tilford PERFUMED DEODORANT 25c HINDS HONEY and ALMOND CREAM S 1 .(Ki-W, Clark's Corrective Compound for diarrhea and dysentery _ 25r and 5De CLARK'S DRUG STORE Itei 11$ Fill Your Next Prescription* PHONES 52 ind S3 ' Visiting in Aaheville Mr and Mrs Bill Howell are visit ing in A sheville and Marion for a few days this week Leave for Norfolk Dr. and Mrs. John Williams left [ yesterday for Norfolk where they will take the boat for New York for a few days. At Pamlico This Week Mr. and Mrs Ernest Etheridge, Miss Rosalie Inman and Mr. Ross Fronenberger, of Hickory, are visit ing at Pamlico this week. Are Visiting in Hamilton Mi and Mrs Darden Jones, of Neu York City, are visiting Mrs. Dave Matthews in Hamilton At Pamlico Sunday Joe David Thrower visited at Pamlico Sunday Returns from Pamlico Joseph Thigpen has returned from a weelstay at Pamlico Visit in Washington Mrs. Dave Matthews, Mrs. Bennie Ballard and Miss Effie Waldo visit | ed in Washington Friday. I * At Pamlico Saturday Mr. and Mrs. B B. Rogerson visit Jed friends at Pamlico Saturday. Visits in Burlington Miss Evelyn Lilley visited friends in Burlington and Greensboro last week-end. Visits in Philadelphia Mr. Milton Goldman visited rela tives in Philadelphia last week-end. Visiting at Virginia Beach Mr .and Mrs Irving Margolis and daughter. Sandra, are spending this week at Virginia Beach. Visiting in Asheville Miss Lucy Williams is visiting friends in Asheville for two weeks. Was Here Saturday Miss Natalie Gould visited friends here Saturday She was accompan- j led to her home in Manteo, by Miss Gloria Hayman, who will visit her for a few days. Was Here Saturday Mrs. Hugh Befanett, of Oak City, visited here Saturday. Returned from Pamlico Miss Nell Harrison lias returned from a few days' stay at Pamlico. Visiting at Pamlico John Fleming Thigpen is visiting at Pamlico this week. At Virginia Beach This Week Misses Mamie Clyde Taylor and Marjorie Lindsley are spending the week at Virginia Beach Visit Here Sunday Miss Rita Thompson and Mr. Fred Williams, of Washington visited Dr. and Mr*. John Williams here Sun day In St. Louis This Week Mr. L. P. Lindsley, Mr Van Tay lor. of Everetts, and Mr. Robert Ev erett on business this week. Visiting in Robersonville Mrs. John Henry Edwards and son. Jack, are visiting relatives in Robersonville this week Return from Myrtle Beach Mr and Mrs Clyde Griffin have returned from a visit to Myrtle Beach and Oriental At Pamlico Sunday Mr and Mrs C. D Pittman and son. Jamie, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Clayton at Pamlico Sunday Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. B. Goldstein, of Windsor, visited friends here Sun day Was Here Saturday Mr John Rodgerson. of Roanoke Rapids, visited Mrs. Rodgerson here Saturday and Sunday. Spend Week-end Here Miss Vivian Taylor and Mr. Har ry Taylor, of Greensboro, visited their mother, Mrs. Laura Taylor, here last week-end. Mrs. Taylor ac companied them home for a two weeks' visit. Visit Near Plymouth Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison vis ited near Plymouth last week-end. Visit in LeggetU This Week Mrs. Louie Harrison and daugh ter. Miss Blanche, visited in Leg gctts a few days this week LILLET BENNETT Mia* Ruby Dare Bennett and Brink ley Lilley were married on the Presbyterian Church here vrith Rev Z. T. Piephoff officiating. Wednes day night, July IT, at eight o'clock The young couple waa unattended and the ceremony wa* witnessed by close relatives and friends. The of ficiating minister used the ring cer emony The bride, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Hugh Bennett, of Oak City, at tended the Robersonville schools and has made her home in this coun ty her entire life She wore for her wedding a becoming mode] of gray crepe with all navy accessories. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs Alexander Lilley, of Williams ton. and attended the local schools He is employed here with Quality Grocery Company ? Mr and Mrs. Lilley have an apart ment in the home of Mrs Ethel An derson on Elm Street. Scavenger Hunt Misses Neda Pendleton and Mary | Elizabeth Keel entertained at a J scavenger hunt and a linen shower I Thursday night, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linville Johnson, new | lvweds, at the home of Mrs. P H. Brown here. Winners of the highest score were I Mrs Carrol Jones and Mrs James > Bullock; the booby prize was award ed to Miss Mary Carstarphen and Mr John Eagles for the scavenger hunt. Mints and peanuts were served 1 throughout the evening. The hostesses- later served ice cream and cake to Mr and Mrs. Johnson, honorees, Mr and Mrs James Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. David Modlin, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Jones, Misses Ethel Mae James, Annie Mae Bailey and Mary Carstarphen, and Messrs John Eagles, Cotton Davis, Oswald Stalls and Wilbur Woolard. S Engagement Announced Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Starnes an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Vashti, to Nicholas Rich ard Manning, so 1 of Mrs. Mittie Manning, of Jamesville. and the late Mr Manning The wedding will take place in the Methodist Church in Wilharnston on Saturday, Sep tember 7 In Raleigh Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whedbee visited in Raleigh Saturday. Attend Camp at Junaluska Mrs W. E. Warren and daughter. Miss Mary, and Rev. S. J. Starnes are attending a ten-day camp at Lake Junaluska in the mountains of North Carolina. Return from Delaware Mrs J N Taylor and huU' Mls!' Madeline Taylor have "'lurried from B two months' stay in Sraford. Beta ware. Leave for New York City 1 MV and Mrs: J Sam GeUinger leave tomorrow tor a trip to World's Fair. New York City Visit at Virginia Beach Messrs Bill Haislip. Pete fowden Jr., Herbert Whitley and Billy Clark visited at Virginia Beach last week end. Are Visiting Here Mis Jack Robot*..!, mid family. ,,f P,n tsmoutb, are visiting Mr and Mrs J. A. Robertson here. In Durham Yesterday Mrs. Herbert Clark. Miss Betty Sue Clark and Jerry Clark visited jn p^rhnm yf?teHav * ? <$> Spends Week-end Here Miss Betty Haywood. ol Wake Forest, visited Miss Trulah Ward Page here last week-end In Robersonville Sunday ?Mr and Mis. PltllUp Reel vo"^J the latter* mother in Robersonville Sunday. Visit at Virginia Beach Mr and Mrs Vernon Bunting, Miss Emelyne Evans and Mr Henry Grill in visited at Virginia Beach last week-end. $?? Attends Game in Tarboro R?y Goodmon, Jr., attended the baseball game in Tarboro last eve ning. -t In Robersonville Sunday Mr and Mrs. Roy Bailey andlam ;ily visited in Robersonville Sunday. Attend Funeral In Kinaton Mesdames Gaylord and G. H. Har | risen attended the luneral service for their uncle in Kinston Saturday. Visiting in Sulfolk Mrs Garland Barnhill is visiting relatives in Suffolk. W^sHRus.^ R^dsand^ <^dren^ sXr"s% isrszs ciusnd Sunday Nctr Here and Mrs. Wilmer Malone of Roxboro, spent Sunday near JEJ Mr Malone's parenta, Mr. and Mrs Ellis Malone^ Return Irotn Norfolk Mrs Sam Mobley and Mrs. Bill Howell returned Saturday from a few days' sUy in Norfolk. Visits in Bear Gram Miss Grace Rogers, student at E C T C., Greenville, visited rela tives in Bear Grass over the week end. ^"pT^Tnd sister. Mr. Fulgham. of Wilton. Cone have returned from a wee* ? ?tay at Pamlico. HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS By Mary Brown Allgood, Service DiraeUr. Virgiaia H Hot weather often fu*is ui with jaded appetites and lagging energies j -| but even in hot | weather we have to have nourish ing foods. Try one hot dish, soup and crackers or Brunswick stew the latter canned or left over in a casserole with biscuits baked on. A green sal ad, fruit and J drink, or a more i filling salad with j Miss Allgood cheese biscuits Chicken Salad Supreme 1 cup chicken 3 eggs (hard cooked) 1-2 cup celery 1-2 cup nut meats 1-2 lb seedless white grapes 1 tbsp gelatin 1-2 cup chicken 1-4 to 1-2 tsp salt 1-3 cup mayonnaise Cut the chicken into small pieces, chop eggs, slice the celery and nut meats and add white grapes. Soak the gelatin in half of the chicken stock, and dissolve in remaining stock which has been heated. Mix above ingredients and pack into an eight-inch ring mold. Serve with julliene strips of carrot. Fill the center with shredded lettuce and cut tomatoes, garnish with mayon naise. Supper Salad Bowl 5 cups shredded cabbage 3 large tomatoes 1 cucumber 1 onion 3-4 cup bolongna sausage, cubed I 1-2 green pepper, diced 1 can kidney beans 1-2 cup French dressing 1-2 cup mayonnaise Prepare the cabbage and place in a large bowl. Slice the tomatoes and cucumber; chop the onion, or slice and separate into rings. Add the bo logna and green pepper. Drain the beans and add. Combine the French Dressing with mayonnaise and add to the salad bowl gradually, tossing the salad until well blended. Deviled Eggs in Tomato Aspic 3 hard-cooked eggs 2 tbsp mayonnaise 1-8 tsp salt 1 -8 tsp pepper Dash of paprika 1 thsp gelatin ?_ 1-2 cup cold water 1-2 tsp salt Dash of Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp scraped onion 1 1-2 cups cooked or canned to matoes Cut hard-cooked eggs in half lengthwise and remove yolks. Blend yolks with mayonnaise, salt, pepper and paprika. Refill whites. Soak gel atin in cold water. Cook tomatoes and seasonings 10 minutes and strain off liquid. Dissolve gelatin in hot li quid. Cool. Put deviled eggs in in dividual molds (one half ln each). Then pour tomato jelly over each. Chill in automatic refrigerator un til firm Unmold on crisp lettuce. Serve with additional mayonnaise. Deviled Smithfield Ham with Eggs On Toast Use the ham at room temperature, undiluted as it comes from the jar. 8 hard cooked eggs 5 tbsp butter 6 tbsp flour 1-2 tsp salt 1-4 tsp pepper o tsp deviled Smithfield ham 2 green peppers, minced 2 tsp minced parsley 4 cups milk 8 slices toast Cut the eggs "in halves, length wise, and keep them warm. Melt the butter, stir in the flour and season ings and gradually add the milk, green pepper and parsley. Cook ten jninutes. Spread slices of toast with a thin layer of deviled Smithfield ham Arrange two egg halves on each slice, pour the sauce over and serve. Returns to New York Dr. W. F. Evans, of New York, returned Sunday following a visit here with friends. Viaiting at Myrtle Miss Annie Mae ODell is spend ing this week at Myrtle Beach with friends. Is Visiting Here Miss Cornelia Coward, of Day tona Beach, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. E. Hines, and Mr Hinea, here for a few days. Mrs. J. B. Taylor has returned from a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. S. Tilley in Winston Salem. She was accompanied home by Mrs Tilley and Mrs. W K. Fra zier. of Winston-Salem, who will visit here this week. ? > Visiting Relatives Here Mrs. John Bfowning, of Raleigh, is visiting relatives here and in the county this week. Here from Enfield Rev. B. Duke Critcher, of Enfteld, is visiting relatives here this week. . * ii / ? Recovering from Operation Jakie Zemon is recovering from tonsil operation performed 4Mb morning. ? la Visiting Near Hero Miss Eva Price Keel, of W ashing 'ton, is visiting relatives near here. Latest Addition* To The Enterprise Mailing List Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the following: Mrs. Belle Waldo, Hamilton? Mrs Javan Rogers, Williamston; Bruce Edwards. Williamston: G. H. Harri son, Williamston: Mrs J. L Brown. Jamesville; Sally Roberson, Wil liamston: R. G Sexton, Jamesville, Murphy Barnes. Arlington, Va.; L L Peel, Oak City: Mariana Whit ley, Williamston: Mrs. M D Hix, Durham; C B Coltrain. Norfolk. W G. Gaylord, Windsor. ? In Lexington Sunday Mr and Mrs B A. Critcher and Miss Cora Proctor visited in Lexing ton Sunday. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin Against Carrie Williams and others. The defendant. Carrie Williams, above named, will take notice that en action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose the taxes on land in Martin County in which said defendant has an interest; and the said defendant will further, take notice that she is required to appear before L. B Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamston, North Carolina, within thirty (301 days after the completion of this service of publication by no tice and to answer or demur to the complaint of the plaiptiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 22nd day of July, 1940. L. B WYNNE. Clerk Superior Court of jy 23-4t Martin County. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin Against Claire Hodges and others. The defendants, heirs at law of Fountain Lipscomb, above named, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose the taxes on land in Martin County m which said dclcndants iiave an interest; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before L. B Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamston. North Carolina, within thirty (30) days after the comple tion of thii aervice of publication by notice and to aniwer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint. This the 19th day of July. 1940 U B WYNNE. Clerk Superior Court jy23-4t of Matrin County THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD $1.00 FULL PtN ^*g!B*VtAPSOin^ OLD V 90 COM. 1*4*, tin OM ttHAKM COMPANY. I MM ANA NOW Is a Good Time to /STOP RENTING! Do Your Pun* A Favor By Financing Your Home With Our Modern Plan Let lis Help You OWN YOUR HOME Martin County Building & Loan Association YOU SAVE MUiu, ? ? Sinclair Motor Oils I Ot^yrifkbd 1*4# ky Smrimir He fining ( <>mpan v (Int.-) Agont Sinclair *? fining Company (Inc.) N. C. GREEN, Agent

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