Wedding* ret Club I Society and Personals OF W I1.I.1AMSTON and MAJRTLN COUNT* PHONB A QT thinf tor This Dcptrtwsl 4 6 leavr for Georgia Mr and Mrs R H Clayton and --sort Dicltie. loave this week-pnd fur, Uw Oak. Ga . where Mr Clayton u'iH he located on the tobacco mar ket. Mrs Clay tun and son will spericT most of the time at Jacksonville eh. v<.rw'* In Raleigh Yrsterda> Messrs George Hat ton and Eli Gurganu- visited in Raleigh vest* i day Visit Here Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. R L Thompson, of High Point, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fen ner Wrallace here Wednesday. Is Visiting Here Mr. Boh Singh : Boston, is vuiii&e Mr.- A R. Dunning and daughter. Miss Mary Alic(\ here for a fyv\ days Leave for World's lair Rev. Z. T. Piephoff. John Watts. Zack Piephoff. Jack Booker and George Cunningham leave Monday -for...ft week's y|sjt p> the World' Fair 1- Visiting Hrrr Mr? Z V Brown of Greenville, i v isiting Mrs John Cooke here for ii few ' lias Here Monday 1 Mrs Sam Gurganus. of Norfolk. I visited Mm. Mary Bonner Gurganu* here Monday. Little Mis.- Mary Lou Coltrain has i returned to Norloiis after a visit here jwith her mothei. Mrs Mary Col i train In Wilson This W eek-end Miss Henme Gurganus is^isiting j Mr. and Mrs Tom Anderson^^ Wil Uor. thi*- weekend Return to Lexington Miss Louise Ri?b<TM>n. Noah and Jiil Hoherson have returned to their hmi < TFTT^Tgrnptnrr^Tfter ? rtsit here with Mr and Mrs. Ed Hardison. In |ilf||h Wednesday Mesdana s John Peel and J. O. Manning visited in Raleigh Wednes Leaves lor New York City Mr Frank Margolis leaves Sunday loi a huying trip to New.York City. IT'S THE BIGGEST CAR FOR THE MONEY! Tilts is Detroit delivered I price and incledis all Fed | AND *rai *??*?? >"4 standard equipment. Transperta DP lien, strfta amd-toc#! taxes (It any), extra. T?M Id Ml Maior Iomi, Columbia Network. Kv.ry Tbwr ??!??. ? ?? ?0 P. I. O. ft. T. Hurry! Drive in for Appraisal Today WHENK else will your money buy the luxury, roominess, pride and economy that this big Dodge Luxury Liner gives you ? Think of it! A full 119Vi - inch wheelbase, wider seats,' gorgeous interiors, and Dodge world-famous gas and oil savings! Come if 1 now for a grand trade-in allowance. DIXIE MOTORS, Inc V\ II I.I VMS'I OX. N<>11111 CAROLINA | fetecJz up. WASTEFUL, DANGEROUS CONGESTION ? ? ? widen crowded streets wi,h CONCRETE When your streets jam up with traffic, there is just one thing to be done ?WIDEN THEM! The addition of new lanes of smooth-riding concrete helps traffic flow easily and safely. Makes it easier to go shopping, visit friends, reach school and church. Property values improve when congestion is elimi natcd, and the whole city progresses. And when street widening is done with concrete you get a pavement low in hrst cost, saving in maintenance, clean and modern looking ? </?</ skid-resistant rain or shine. Ask your city officials about widening your streets with concrete ?the real low cost pavement. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Stato Planters Bank Bldg., Richmond/ Va. A national oeganixatioa #? improv ond ?xtand tha mi of concrete ... through itiomtifit t* march mid eiipwwrw Visiting in Saluda Mr. and Mrs Herbert Taylor and , daughter. Patricia, are visiting in SaludA for a few days day and Thursday. Visit at Summer Haven Mesdames James Manning, George Harrison, George Harrison, Jr., and J D. Woolard visited at Summer Haven yesterday. Enjoy Picnic at Colerain Mesdames Walter Bailey. Buck Barnhill, A P Barnhill, Misses Ed na Barnhill, Hazel Faulkner. Mary Virginia Daniels, of-Everetts, Mr. and Mrs W- T Ross, Miss Mane Griffin, Kitty Riddick and Joseph Barnhill. of Everett*. enjoyed a pic nic at Colerain Beach Wednesday afternoon.??? ??? Visiting at Nags Head Mrs. Happy Ross and Miss Elva Grace Barnhill are visiting at Nags Head for a few days. At Manteo Wednesday Mrs. Duke Critcher. Mr. J. E. Pope and Warren Pope visited at Manteo Visiting Friends Here Pap Diem, of Waverly, Va . is vis iting friends here for a few days. Leaves for Fayetteville Mr. John McCord left this week for Fayetteville to assume his duties there with the Retail Credit Corpor ation. Mr. Dan Sharpe. of Weldon, is taking Mr. McCord's place here. Is Visiting Here Mrs. Lee Pardo, of Norfolk, is vis iting Mr. and Mrs Charles Godwin. Sr.. here. Was Here This Week Mrs. Don Drew, of Norfolk, visit ed her sister. Miss Ethel Mae James, a few days here thus week. Are Expected Here Tomorrow Mr.' and Mrs. J. O. Bowen, of West Palm Beach, Fla., are expect ed tomorrow for a visit with the former's mother, Mrs. J. R. Robert son. Attend Game in Greenville Mr. and Mrs Jack Horner, Mrs. James Bailey Peel and Mr. Dick Miller attended the baseball game in Greenville Wednesday night. Visiting in Norfolk Miss Ethel Mae James is visiting in Norfolk and Washington for a few days Returns from Hospital Mr. Hardy Rose has returned from Rocky Mount where he received treatment in a hospital. Spend Week-end Here Misses Helen and Coralie Briggs, of WhaleyvUl^, Va., and Messrs! Ed Wgrd Mertig and Mack Dowdy, of! Suffolk, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. W Bazenvore here last week-end. At Nags Head This Week Mesdames Art Kent and Fred Poole, of Hamilton, are voting at Nags Head this week. Attending Furniture Show Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Courtney are attending the furniture show in High Point for a few days. Are Attending Camp Miss Helen Weaver and Bennie Weaver are attending camp at Ridge crest for about ten days. Attend Ix>st Colony Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linville John sun attended the 1 ost Colony at Manteo last week-end. Returns from Roanoke Rapids Mrs. Thurman Griffin has re turned to her home here after a two weeks' visit with friends and rela tives in Roanoke Rapids and Wash mgton City. Is_yisitiqf Here Mrs. Carrie Lou Johnson, of Au gusta. Ga., is spending a few days here with her sister, Mrs. T. B. Brandon, and family. Is Visiting Here Howard Earo. who is?playing baseball with Waverly, Va., this sea son. visited friends here yesterday and today. SOLII) CAR load WIRE FENCING BARBED WIRE GALVANIZED ROOFING Ami NAILS Huyiriff in car lota ire ran sell the aliove itema cheaper ? ('.ALI. LIS. <:. L. WILSON -K0BKR90NV1LLK AMMENS PRICKLY HEAT POWDER ___ NYAL FOOT BALM SOC (For Athlete a Fool) WRISLEY BATH SALTS?5 pound* _ WRISLEY BATH 7 3C Start That Fall Garden PLANT NOW Turnip*, Kutabugna, (iabbage, Kale, CollurtU. Kali KeanH ami Muatarfl CLARK'S DRUG STORE Let l!? Fill Your Next Pretcripiioiu - PHONES 52 and_S3_ Returns from Elk Park. N. C. Mr David Modlin ha* returned from a few day*' *tay at Elk Park, N C. Attending House Party Mi*s Millie Bigs*, accompanied by friends from Enfield, is attending a house party at White Lake' Returns from Suffolk Mrs. Garland Barnhill has return I i d from a visit with relatives in Suffolk. _ J i Construction Begins i Construction was begun Wednes day on South Haughton Street on a home for Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Lang ley. Visit at Ocean View Mesdames J, E Griffin and Grace Maynard visited at Ocean View last week-end. Visiting at Virginia Beach Misses Marie Griffin, Lorene Wea ver and Evelyn Lilley are spending the week-end at Virginia Beach. Was Business Visitor Here Commissioner R A Haislip. of Oak City, was a business visitor j here yesterday. Visits Here This Week Mr J. W. Hight. of Rocky Mount, former resident of Williamston, vis lied friends here this week Returns from Blowing Rock Mr. John Henry Edwards has re turned from Blowing Rock where he attended a Chevrolet dealers' In Robersonville Yesterday Mrs. John L Rodgerson and daughter. Miss Mary, and Mrs. W. B Dawes, of Richmond, visited in Robersonville yesterday Visiting in Oak City Mrs E K. Harrell. of Camille. Ga., is visiting Mr and Mrs. Luther Dav enport in Oak City Return from Virginia Beach Mr and Mrs J E Edmondson and daughter, Mildred Thomas, return-1 ed yesterday from Virginia Beach where they spent several days. Visits Near Here Miss Eva McKeel has returned to her home in Washington, after a vis it near here with Mr. and Mrs J Eason Lilley. Visits in Richmond Mrs. L. P Lindsley has returned from a visit with relatives in Rich mond. Miss Carolyn Lindsley returned this week from a visit with friends at Virginia Beach. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. Under ar)d by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a'certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed trustee by N R Daniel and wife. j Elizabeth Daniel, on the 2nd day of April, 1927, and of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in Book K-3. page 350. said deed of trust having been given for the I purpose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the' payment of said note, and the stipu lations contained in said deed of j trust not having been complied with and at the request of the owner of said note, the .undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, 3rd day of August, 1940, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, offer for sale to the high est bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in Martin Coun ty, Griffins Township, State of North Carolina. Bounded on the North by Hattie Ellis, on the East by Phillips Lumber ?ompany, on the South by the lands of W. D. Daniel, on the West by Sarah Frances Roberson heirs, containing 125 acres more or less, and being the land whereon William Harmon Daniel and wife lived and died and being known as their homeplace. This 2nd day of July. 1940. E. S. PEEL, Trustee. Peel & Manning, Attys. j5-4t U? NOTICE OF SALE Niirtli Carolina. Martin -County, Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed trustee by Fannie B. Moore and M D. Beech and wife. Marion W. Beech, on the 1st day of January, 1(137, und of record in the public rug ixtry of Martin County in Book S-2, at page 376. said deed of trust hav ing been given for the purpose of securing a certain note of even date therewith, the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been com plied with, and default having been made in the payment of said note, and at the request of the interested parties, the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, the 3rd day of August, 1Mb, at 12 o'cloek noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston. offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Watson B. Sherrod and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at Conoho Creek at J. J. Sherrod's corner, now Wat son and Sherrod's corner, at a gum and maple, thence North 160 poles to a pine, thence East 21 1-2 poles to a pine, thence South 71 West 52 poles to a pine, thence North 76 East 66 poles to a cypress on the old Ever ett-Mill Branch, thence down the various courses of said branch to said Conoho Creek, thence up the various cources of said Conoho Creek to the beginning, containing 240 acres, more or less, this being the same land deeded to Henry Gas kin by J. P. Boyle and wife, Margar et B. Boyle. January 2, 1911. This the 2nd day of July, 1940. F. U I1AIBLIP. Trustee. PeelA. Manning, Attys j3-<t TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE (By Substituted Trustee) Pursuant to the power ana author ity contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 14th day of Decem ber, T934, executed by Coler Or mond and wife, Carrie Ormond, to C. S. Noble, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Martin County, North Carolina, in Book N-3, page 465, securing a cer tain note payable to Home Owners Loan Corporation, default having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the payment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of certain coven ants set out in said deed of trust and demand of foreeieetwe having been made by the holder of said indebted ness the undersigned Trustee, hav ing been substituted as Trustee, for C. S. Noble, said substitution being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County, North Carolina, In Book Y-3. page 313, will offer for aale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Martin County, Williams ton. North Caro lina, at 13 o'clock Noon on the 10th day of August, 1940, the following described real estate to wit: Lying and being in the Town of Williams ton, Wilfiamston Township, County of Martin, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined as follows: Adjoining the lands of G. Purvis, Willie Bunch, a public alley and Martin Street in the Town of Williamston, and be ginning at a stake on the north side of Martin Street on the line between Goler Ormond and G- Purvis; thence North 45* East 80 feet along the line of G. Purvis to a stake in the line of Willie Bunch; thence along the line of Willie Bunch South 45* East 100 feet to a public alley; thence along said public alley South 45* West 80 feet to a stake on Martin Street; thence along Martin Street North 45* West 100 feet to the begin ning, and being the same lands con veyed to Goler Ormond by J. G. God ard and wife, Carrie G. Godard, by deed bearing date April 22. 1927, and recorded in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book V-2, at page 433, and being the same premises de scribed on a map or plat of the same made by D. Mcidlin, Surveyor, on February 22. 1934, now on file with the Home Owners Loan Corpora tion. This property will be sold sub ject to 1940 taxes. The purchaser at tin? sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 5 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith. This the 5th day of July, 1940. T. C ABERNATHY, Substituted Trustee. Hugh G. Horton, Atty. jy5-5t APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF GAITHER LOCKE. Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the parole of Gaither Locke, convicted at the July 8, 1940, Term of the Re corder's Court of Martin County for engaging in the manufacture of il legal and intoxicating liquor and sentenced to work the roads of the State for a term of twelve months. All persons who oppose the grant ing of the said parole are invited to forward their protest to the Gover nor without delay. This the 18th day of July, 1940 jy!9-2t GAITHER LOCKE. r \ T. WUX1AMSTOM In ^ MACCCLI/ CUOlMLf '? IMAtT Kr<n~ JULY Clearance SALE! FURTHER REDUCTIONS FOR QUICK CLEARANCE THROUGHOUT OUR DRESS DEPARTMENT 9L95 DRESSES. Reduced lu 81.29 82.95 DRESSES. Reduced to 81.94 83.95 DRESSES. Reduced to 82.69 86.50 DRESSES. Reduced to 83.88 87.95 DRESSES, Reduced to 84.88 10.95 DRESSES. Reduced to 86.88 HUM)REDS OF OTHER VALUES OFFERED AT LESS THAIS COST. HUtofotisBwtkw STORE-WIDE SPECIALS At Barnhill Bros, Not Just A Weekly Sate But A Real Honest-To-Cioodness (lut In All Prices. LatUpg' Bath Suits 3.50 vuluen 31.00 I.adipk' I oil a Dresses 3.95 value 31.98 Vanity Fair Panties 79c value 59e I .adieu' Full-Fashioned SILK HOSE 59c value, Now 48o 79e value. Now 59c 1 .OO value, Now 79c LADIES' SLIPS l.oomcroft Kiwtnni-Fil 1.79 value, Now 81.29 VANITY FAIR SLIPS 2.00 vulue. Now SI 1.29 Men's Bathing Trunks 2.(M) value $1.00 Men's Sport Trousers 5.00 value $3.50 Men's Sport Shirts 79c .Men'i Straw HATS 2.00 value 81.00 1.00 value . .79c Men'i Aetna SHIRTS 2.00 value $1.39 1.65 value $1.19 Men * Big OVERALLS Sizes up to 50 Special for 89c Big Lot Print Dresses 1.00 value 69c? 81x90 Sheets 2 FOR $1.00 Men's Sport SWEATERS 1.00 value, Now ... 69c BEACH CHAIRS 1.00 value, Now . . . 69c BOYS' OVERALLS 18c and 58c Bath Mat Set. Assorted colors. 1.00 val. 79c Children'? Assorted colors Sandals 2.00 value 79c WINDOW Shades Ivory ? Err it 50c value 32c All SUMMER SHOES At COST Boys'' Dress Shorts With Belt?All Siaes 38c ALL LUGGAGE ON SALE ALL WORK PANTS Both Boy' and Men's CUT BELOW COST Men't Overall Pants 79c Hanrs Shirts and Shorts Only 19c EACH BARNH1LL BROS. * Williamston

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