Opposition To The New Deal Dares To Work Against Part\ (Continued from page one) anti-third term Democrats left scant room for doubt that he would take steps to meet opposition blows with counter punches of his ewte He could have exercised his skill in blocking questions with political implications at his first press con terence since he said "yes" tt* the de mand of the Democratic convention that he run for a_lhird term. Instead, led on by the inquiries, he swung verbally on Senator Ed ward R Burke, former Senator James A. Reed, of Missouri, and two erstwhile administration officials. Lewis W Douglas and John W Hanes All of them have offer?*d their support t wtiikn The word "bolt" he said, did not describe accurately tT?? actum oT" Burke, who yielded tin Democratic SenaTorial nomination 16" GnVernoi R. L- Cochran in tin- Nebraska pri mary. Mr Roosevelt >aid he understood the Democratic party had bolted Burke Describing Douglas and Hanes as honorable and amiable young men s:ml in thought Hi* concensus of opinion in (Tie liovern ment was thai their slant ot mind .ran mor< to dollars than to human ity. Reed came in l-u hare of Pres idential attention when ?i reporter asserted that tin lorinei legislator had called on "Gras. Root Jeffei sonian Democrats" ~to aSRCinhu in Chicago The Missourian did about tin same thing in 11)32 and 1936 and pei baps in 1923. Mr. Roosevelt sard, and consequently was we'll" qualified by experience. Mrs. Old Quite III Mrs Melissa Old. who lias been confined by illness at the home of her son. Mr W E Old. on Church Street here foi several month: , sttf fered a relapse this week and her condition is now grave. TEXACO MOTOR Oil. AT 25c PER quart Yon cannot buy a bettei motor oil at any pi n? Come to see me for quality products fine seiv ice and Texaco Grovei Liiley at tin Two-Way Service Station \ev*s Of Interest In Sweet Home Church The Young People's c lass of Sweet Home Christian Church have on a drive to increase the number on | roll It is one of the county's larg est Sunday school classes. Nat Cher j ry and J D Taylor art teachers. The church grounds are being worked this week Announcement of a ten day revival will be made at the next quarterly meeting. At ii short business session, pre sided over by Luther Britton and J. I). Taylor Sunday. Rev. Preston Cay ton was elected pastor of the church foj the remaining church year, succeeding Williaip Marlin. who has moved t(. Atlanta Christian Endeavor was organiz ed Sunda\ evening and the follow ing officers elected: Marie Harrison president: Viola Hamsun, vice pres ident. Sam Williams, secretary; Lucy Knox assistant^?Uehue - Harrison, treasurer and Nina Lee Britton. as sistrnTT .11) TayTffi presented the j temporary officers and Rev.. Cay-ton ? charged the permanent ones then duties. The Sweet Home Sunday School 11- planning on placing a truck in operation next month to bring the I-pt?<?j>Jc who liv e some distiilice aw4iy diei her [ WiHuims is y Charges \re Filed ? \gaiiist Miimber (M Tobacco Companies (Continued from page one) attempt to try any legal issues jn new spapers *"i elsewhere than in 'court, hut ue take this opportunity to -ay that our chief interest in the ? .ioce?-dirig reported as started by Mr Thurman Arnold at Lexington, K\ . is that it be handled as expe ditiously as possible in order that our Inends and cili/ens generally may know as promptly as pos-tble tthat It J Keyuolds Tobacco Corn (paii\ and the officers and directors pnmrred; as individual defendants are entirely clear of the charges ' Nevertheless, there was no par ticular surprise to us in the an nouncement made by Mr Arnold, i He and members of his staff have Reita Theatre?Washington Sunday Monday , July 2K-29 ? I III MW WITH MM I IN l>" uilh Burls Karlaff ami Jt*?Lmt ><m >er Dili HIT ITATIRK Jnl.v 30 "Dr. (lirisliun Meets I lie Women". Jean ilerslioll "Mail Men <>f l.uro|>e". I.dm. 4>uemi. M. Mafinire Wednesday Thursday July 31 August 1 ?nil CU'I'VIN IS \ I \DV with ( hatha I ahum ami Billic Burke Friday-Saturday August 3-3 Till Kill K If ONI S\M \ II" in'l/? Jack Bamlull m VOL KNOW THE LEADER IN TRUCK MUST BE THE LEADER IN TRUCK I'AWE Truck buyers are careful buy ers?they thor oughly analyze and compare aM types of truck ing equipment ?they want to certain that they'll get the make and type of truck best suited to their business requirements. It is a significant fact that more truck users choose Chevrolet than any other make of truck . . . because Chevrolet trucks could not have established their record of leadership In 1940 and maintained it for six out of the last eight years had it not been that Chevrolet trucks deliver ) dollar-for-dollar value than any other make. AO models and types of Chevrolet trucks may 1 be purchased at today's low price levels, so it would be wiae to consider replacing some of your equipment with new Chevrolet! now. TRUCK OWNERS WANT FACTS...CHEVROLET GIVES Certified Prodfl i On the longest test run ever con 1 ducted under the tupervWtmirfTlte L Amti lcaii Automobile Association, I s stock Chevrolet 1%-ton truck 1 Ttirued in a marvelous performance J and economy record. The facts of this test run are clearly outlined In an interesting booklet entitled "Says Who?" You may obtain this booklet from your Chevrolet d ? ? ? - - ur by """ngtoChey. ?'on. C*n*r*| Motor* S*l?, t-orpor?t|?n Motor* KSi.'""""' Roanoke Chevrolet Company John Thomas Bland Passes At His Home Near Robersonville Funeral Services Are Held At Hi?? Ijite Home Thi* Afternoon Robersonville, N. C . July 24. ? ! John Thomas Bland, son of Reu , hen Bland, died at his home near here Tuesday morning, July 23. at fi:3& o'clock. Mr Bland was 59 years old and . although he had been in ill health ' for several months, his sudden de j mise came as a shock and surprise t to his many friends and relatives I throughout the county and section. Last Easter Sunday morning he suf i fered a stroke of paralysis and since then had been incapacitated and ' practieaHy an invalid Funeral services were held at the ; Jioim* this afternoon at 3 o'clock With Rev E C. Shoe, his pttator. conduct in}l the last rites Interment was ' made in the family burying plot on i th? .Jesse Roebuck lurm Although Mr Bland was born and raised in humble circumstances and J was not fortunate enough -ty. have ! heeij educated, he was considered I a- ?'?d citizen tmd was highly re | spCfTf-'ft t?y TiTw Trii-rifTw .r?l?neigh" ! bnrr llr was-honest and reliable and I his passing will be felt by the com I rmmity in which he lived for more i than a half-century M# is survived by his widow. Mat |iie Spruill Bland, and 13 children: Mrs V A Jones. Mrs George Rob I erson and Mis Hazel Bulloek, of i Robersonville; Mis Arthur White i hurst. of Greenville; Mrs. Cleve Hai 1 lip. of Bethel, und Mrs. Bill Saw l.ver.' of Enfield; Misses Jesse Flor j enc Bland and Elsie Louise Bland, of Robersonville; Danford and Lin wood Bland, of Stokes; John D. Bland and Hubert Bland. U. S. Army and stationed in New York, and J. T Bland, Jr., of Robersonville. He is also survived by fourteen grandchildren and was one of. 34 children. He is survived by fifteen living brothers and sisters who are: Will If land. Robersonville; George Washington Bland. Robersonville; Simon Bland, Bethel; Rubin Bland, Robersonville; Jodie Bland. New Bern; Fennel Bland, Dardens; Jesse Bland, Winston-Salem; Albert Bland. Norfolk; Woodrow Bland. New Bern; Wiley Bland. "Bethel; Mrs. Bettie Bnley, Bethel; Mrs. Ida Bunting, Bethel. Mrs. Elena Bland. Bethel; and Mrs Christie White. Halifax. been carrying oil investigations of various phases of the tobacco indus try for approaching two years, and the proceeding just started is pre sumably only another instance of the pursuit of the policy under which, since he has held the office of assistant attorney-genenri~~uf~ the United States hi- h-ir mIhi li'il pin. ceedings against many hundreds of other business concerns and indi viduals throughout the country." CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank my friends for the beautiful flowers-and the baskets of fruit given me while I was conval escing in the local hospital. I par ticularly wis hto thank Dr. Brown and his fine corps of nurses for the splendid attention given me while in their care. W 11. Walters. COME TO SEE ME AT THE TWO Way Service Station for Texaco Kire Chief gasoline. Grover Lilley. Government Calls Radio Operators In the Government's preparedness program, steps are being taken to co ordinate all the physical and natur al resources of the nation in addition to. conscripting the country's man power as a protective measure This first evidence of the mater ialization of this vast program was realized here this week when Gil-! bert Smith, Elever Roberson, John Ray Edmondson and Simon Brown W<#olurd. local amateur radio opera tors. were registered by Sergeant Jackson, representing the U. S. Gov ernment. They were fingerprinted, required to supply the government with ei ther an affidavit or birth certificate, and the bad feature about the whole thing, according to Gilbert Smith, "you had to give them a picture of yourself." Warns The United States To Accept His Trade Terms rom page one) ish centers and shipping was done, according to Nazi claims. Japan came to the front again this morning when she warned Amer ica against shutting off shipments of scrap iron which she has been using in large quantities in the drive against poor old China. The Japan ese had the audacity to tell this country that if scrap iron shipments are stopped, Japan would see that tin and rubber shipments from the Dutch Indies would be discontinued. Down in Havana where represen tatives of 21 nations in the Western World are trying to advance some plan for mutual protection against actual warfare and economic domi nation, no iron-clad policies have been formulated and none is like ly That the conference will create a better understanding among the nations is to be expected, but when the group adjourns next Tuesday the problem will not be solved in its entirety. Storm Damages Farm Property Lute Tuesday afternoon a combi nation stable and packhouse, be longing to Mrs, Orphic Date, of near Leens, in Pitt County, was destroy* od by a wind storm. In the compact one mule was killed and another seriously injured. . In addition toiht- luss of the mule, tin damage to the barn was esti mated at about $500. No windstorm insurance was carried by Mrs. Dale. Tyrrell Farmer a Interested In Producing Better Poultry ? H H. Harris, Extension farm agent in Tyrrell County, says far mers of that section are vitally in terested in better methods of pro ducing poultry. R. R. Bennett, Pitt County farm agent of the State College Exten sion Service, reports that red spid - err. hove?damaged cuttun?in the lied Spider* Damage (lotion In Pitt (lounty Bethel, Winterville and Farmville soctirms of his county. FOR SALE: GROCERY BUSINESS in desirable location. Reason for si lling, interest in other business. Write Box 224. Williamston. jy 16-19 NOTICE OF RESALE In Hi.' Superior Court. County of Martin vs. Joe White home, Thomas Whitehorne. Cath erine Whitehorne, Mimic J. I.il ley and husband, Frank I.illey, Annie II. Rue, Marthena H. Daie and husband, T. E. Dale, Dorothy Hargrove Holden and husband. Haul H. Holden. Racharl Hargrove Brown and husband, Silas Brown. Under and by virtue of an order of resale in the above entitled nrnrcd ings made by L B. Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County on the 25th day of July, 1940. the undersigned commissioner will, on the 10th day of August. 1940, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston. N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate, to wit: Bounded on the North by Hines land, on the East by the Hines land, on the South by the Alex Haislip land, on the west by the Pat Haskctt land, containing 3011 acres, more or less. lying and being in Goose Nest Township. Martin County, this be ing the same land listed for taxes m the name of M. L. Haskett. This the 25th day of July,/1940 CHAS. H. MANNING, jy26-2t Commisioner ~~ NOTICE North* Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin against Bertha Pur vis and others. The defendants. Rosa Purvis and Essit Purvis, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina ,to foreclose the taxes on land in Martin County in Which said defendants have an interest; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before L. B. Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamston. North Carolina, within thirty (SO) days after the completion of this service of publication by notice and to answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the Uth day of July, 1M0. L. B WYNNt Cleric Superior Court of )yl2-4t Martin County. Wants The ENTERPRISE WANT AD RATES One cent a word (this type) each insertion. 25c Minimum Charge 2c a word this size Cash must accompany all or ders unless you have an open ac count with us. We reserve the right to revise or reject any copy. The ENTERPRISE PHONE 46 SEVERAL 1940 REPOSSESSED RE frigerators for sale at greatly re duced prices. Taylor Electric Co.. Atlantic Hotel Building. SEE THE NEW 1940 GENERAL MO tors Frigidaire on our floor. At tric Company. IIAVOLINE, THE FINEST MOTOR oil that money can buy. Only 30c per quart. Grover Lilley at the Two Way Service Station WATER HEATERS FOR SALE Reasonable. Marvin Britton. jy 16-19. RECEIPT BOOKS FOR SALE: EN terprise Publishing Company. Tel ephone 46. a26-tf SEE THE ENTERPRISE FOR WED ding announcements or invita tions. m21-tf HAVE YOU TRIED "AMERICA'S Best Flour." We have a large stock. The quality is high and the price low. Martin Supply Company. jy23-2t FINE QUALITY PEANUT HAY for sale. Larg? supply on hand and will sell reasonable. See or call John A. Manning. Williamston, N. C jy26-2t LARGE STOCK TOBACCO TWINE Best quality. Get our prices be fore you buy. Martin Supply Com pany. jy23-2t ETftA SPECIAL?STEEL GLIDERS for sale. Weatherproof and water proof. Coiled springs and sits as com fortabie as living room sofa. Ball bearing action. Baked-on enamel frame. Smart colors. Our regular $31.50 values on sale for $19.95. <24 50 values on sale for >14 95 Woolard Furniture Co jy23-2t WISH TO SAY TO MY FRIENDS and customers that I have taken over the Two-Way Service Station. Come to see me?your business and patronage will be appreciated. I sell good Texaco products. Grover Lilley. STEEL CHAIRS FOR SALE: FINE values and they look good. Very comfortable. $4.98 values on sale for $2 98. $3.98 values on sale for $1.98 Woolard Furniture Company. jy23-2t FOR SALE: 300 BALES PEANUT hay at 20c per bale or $8.00 per ton. R W Salsbury and Bro., Ham ilton, N. C. jy23-26 EXECUTOR'S NC aving qualified as executor un der the will of the late L, G. God urd, deceased, lute of Martin Coun ty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at William ston, N C.. R.F.D., on or before the ?>7lh rluy Time 1QX1 i.r this nntiru will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of June, 1940. E. G. GODARD. _ Executor of L. G. Godard, deceased. B. A. Critcher, Atty. j28-6t TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE (By Substituted Trustee) Pursuant to the power and author 1ty~ contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 16th day of Novem ber, 1934, executed by Roy Ormond and wife, Helen Ormond, to C. S. Noble. Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County, North Carolina, in Book N-3, page 445, securing a certain note payable to Home Owners' Loan Corporation, default having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the payment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of certain cove nants set out in said deed of trust and demand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said in debtedness, the undersigned trustee, having been substituted as Trustee, for C S. Noble, said substitution be ing duly recorded in the office of the Register of?Doedo of Martin County, North Carolina, in Book Y-3, page 314, wit! offer for sate ST pub lice auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Mar tin County, Williamston, North Car olina, at 12 o'clock noon on 10th day of August, 1940, the following de scribed real estate, to wit: All that certain lot, tract or par cel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Williamston. Wil liamston Township, County of Mar tin, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and de fined as follows: Adjoining the lands of Herbert H. Cowan, Kate B. York. John Res pass . and Sycamore Street, in Wil liamston, N. C. Beginning at a stake on Sycamore Street; thence along the line of Mrs. Kate B. York South 60 dee. 30 min. West 210 feet to the line of Herbert H. Cowen; thence along the line of Herbert H. Cowen North 29 deg. 10 min. West 49 feet to the line of John Res pass; thence along the line of John Respass North 60 deg. 30 min. East 210 feet to said Sycamore Street; thence along Sycamore Street South 29 deg. 10 min East 49 feet to ti line of Kate B York, the beginning, and being the same lands conveyed to Roy Ormond by deed from J. D. Slade and wife, Beriaaia Siade, dated March 1, 1929, and recorded in the public registry of Martin County in Book A-J at page 178, and which wai filed for record on April 9, 1929, and being the same premises described on a certain map or plat of said premises made by D G. Modlin, Surveyor, on July 6, 1934. and which is now on file with the Home Own ers' Loan Corporation. This property will be sold subject to 1940 taxes. The purchaser at this sale will he m^uin^Jcwnak^^aslwiegosirtji]^ 9 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith. This the 9th day of July. 1940 T. C. ABERNATHY. Substituted Trustee. Hugh G Horton. Atty jy9-9t DR. V. H. OPTOMETRIST Please Note Date Changes Robersonville office. Scott's Jew elry Store. Tuesday, August 9. Williamston office. Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed., 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Plymouth office. Liverman's Drug Store, Every Friday. 10 am. to 4 pm. Eyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Tarboro Every Saturday. ihaccoiw BBOTHPf GREAT SAYINGS THROUGHOUT OUR Men's Department ALL MEN'S STRAW HATS HALF PRICE ALL SUMMER SUITS At Unusually LOW PRICES HlMQClisBwltiW JL~ ' ?l'~ TO FVFRy CUSTO/yiTV OKtAT) "PURCHASING GROCFRHS.... PENDER Qua/i ty ~?ocn] Slote i After you've com pleted and paid for 18-Ot. Loaf? your rerular grocery Our Pride 2 lor 15c SLC-S ? . , ? failed to titration or Ut-Oa. lataf su?,e?t Triple-Freah Sandwich . 2 for 15c K uou. your favorite kind? With Vitamin Bl absolutely FREE! Colonial. 16-oz. loaf 7c Frid*y'^ th? ' W " ' """ ? 'W Saturday, Ausuat 3. COLONIAL Apple Sauce ... 3 No. 2 cans 19c Light Neat Tuna 2 cans 27c NEW TREAT Salad Dressing, 32-oz. jar : . .19c Lynnhaven Mustard . 2 qt. jars 17c SEALO SWEET Orange Juice 4 No. 2 cans 25c ANGLO BRAND Corned Beef No. 1 can 18c SOUTHERN MANOR ^ A! nn VI A "DELICIOUS ICED" ? #(# TEA %-lb. Package IJY Tender Sliced Bologna ^JLlbs. 27c (ifouml Corn Meal Two 5-lb. bags 27c Colonial Grape Juice 2 pt. bot?. 27c White Hoiue Apple Butter 2 38-oz. jars 27c RED MILL?FULL 8TRENGTH g MA ^ VINEGAR.ihali gallon 17* Colonial Cut Beets No. 21-2 can 9c N.B.C. Premium Crackers 2 plcgs. 29c Devil's Food Layer Cake, lg. size 35c d. r. BLEND MMA COFFEE, 2 lbs. 35*

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