Society and Personals Of WD.UAMBTON Ud MAJtTTN COL'NTT Tm 4 6 Yfeitiaf in LitUeioo Mr and Mrs Jesse Wood and ~ fant son are visiting relatives in Littleton this week in-1 Spends Week-end Here Mr Ted Fleishman of Anderson., S. C-. visited relatives here last week end. , fjt iff! Return from Pamlico Mr and Mrs J. C Leggett and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Barnes have returned from a week's stay at Pam lico. . ? Visiting in Washington City Mrs. C D Pittman and son. and guests, Mrs Ted Fleishman and daughters, of Anderson, S. C . are visiting relatives in Washington City for a few days. Returns to Everett* Miss Edith Ayers has returned to her home in Everetts after a short stay at White Lake Was Here Saturday J P Woodard. of Swan Quarter, visited friends here Saturday. In Pendleton Sunday Mrs. Earl Dixon, of Kinston. and Mi and Mrs Garland Barnhill vis it? 1 in Pendleton Sunday. Mesdames Dixon and Barnhill remained there for a few days' visit Returns from Virginia Beach Mrs. E T Walker has returned fr< m a week's stay at Virginia Beach. In Portsmouth Sunday Miss Geneva Roberson and Mr. Fiank Edwards visited in Ports mouth Sunday Return from Pamlico Mrs. W E Warren. Misses Ann | Fowden. Mary O'Nucl Pope, Betsy Fowden, Mary O'Neal Pope. Betsy Turner and Delia Jane Mobley have leturned from a fe wdays' stay at Pamlico Return to Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hardj$on have returned to their home iu Laurin burg after a visit here with relatives. Return from Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. John Tulloss, Mr and Mrs C. B Clark. Jr., Mrs Blanche Anderson, of Leggetts, Mrsr' GrA. Harrison and Miss Blanche Har rison have returned from a week's stay near Pamlico, ' Clark's Specials Tlior* \ iluinin It Compound Tablet?. (>0c ami I .(Mi HEWITTS AM ACID POVIDEK. f.? Imligcnlioii. Heartburn. Sour Stomach __ 50c Aval Foot Halm, for wore. itrfttitjc. tciulrr feet Silc ABSORBENT COTTON?full pound ... 50. FLl LAX?for that r-iimiiicr eojd _ 25c and 50c ALBO W ?pant.'. III. 20c ii<|iiit Bath, lanaii the bride of Mr Hubert Louis Stevenson, and Miss amerette Lane, of near New Bern, became the bride of Mr Frank Ed ward Stevenson Hie bridegrooms ire brothers and both are of Waah ngton. The bridal parties entered the :hurch unattended and from separ ite aisles advanced to the altar where the marriage vows were spok ?n by the Rev. J. Q Beckwith, rec or of the church, in the presence >f immediate members of the fam iies. , Mrs Stevenson, nee Lane, was leautiful in an early fall ensemble if Soldier blue wool crepe. The fil ed dress was topped with a full englh coat of matching shade and ihe wore a small off-face hat of soldier blue. Her accessories were of slack and her shoulder corsage was it white bride's roses, tube roses and 3ristol Fairy tied with white Angel Skin. Mrs. Stevenson is the attractive laughter of Mr. and Mrs. William 3. B. Lane, of Craven County. She it tended the Woman's College at 3reensboro and for the past two fears has made her home in Wasli ngton where she has made a wide ircle of friends. Mr. Stevenson, a son of Mr. and drs. R. L. Stevenson, of Washing on, is manager of the Paul Auto iupply Company in Williamston. Immediately following the cere nony, Mr and Mrs. Stevenson left 11 a wedding trip to New York City ii be at home after September first n Williamston. Lateat Addition* To Tho Enterprise Moiling Uti Lasted among the recent additions to the Enterprise trailing list are the following: B M Haialip, Springfield. Mo.; Mrs. W U Taylor. Williasaston, Mrs Leon E Griffin. Williamston; W Hugh DanieL Jamesville; C L Wil son, Bobersonville, J. M. Andrews. Parmele; Mrs. W H. Mizelle, Rob ersonville; G. P Hughes, Williams ton; Leslie Hardison, Jamesville; Wallace Fleming. Jamesville; Mrs. J. L. Bailey, Belhaven. Interesting Bits Of Business In the US. Nation-wide check by National Re tail Dry Goods association brings prediction that September-November season will bring seven per cent sales increase . . Largest contract yet signed under national defense pro gram is just announced?with Chrys ler corporation, totaling $53,500,000 with 20 of those millions for plant and equipment, the balance for tanks; expected to be in quantity production in a year . It's esti mated auto production for the 1940 model year, now closing, was 4, 164.093 units?which is nearly 23 per cent more than in preceding model years; dealers are now mov ing stocks at extreme sacrifices to clear their floors . . . Leading em ployers of Santa Barbara, Cal., hold luyday on Monday instead of trudi-11 :ioual Friday or Saturday?on sug gestion by the credit bureau that :hus the temptation of week-end ; spending would be lessened and i more bills would get paid. Log-JanT In Plane Production Broken In view of the general recognition that the pace of national defense goods production is the chief govern ing factor in the state of business, news that the "log-jam" which has held up aircraft procurement appar ently has been broken up if of prime importance. An agreement has new been reached between the govern ment and the aircraft industry that will allow for awarding of contracts and immediate undertaking of pro duction without waiting for enact ment of the new tax bill covering excess profits .. . Within a few hours after the agreement was reached it A had borne fruit, in the form of an ' 111,000,000 contract with one firm for 700 planes, and other contracts were expected to be signed within a few days. These would involve about a dozen other aircraft, accessory and engine manufacturers, for produc tion of approximately 4,000 ships for the air corps?at a complete cost of around $400,000,000. This develop ment will almost surely open the way for similar arrangements with respect to production of many other kinds of munitions. * Seed Crimson Clover And Vetch Am Cover Crop$ Warren County farmers are now making plans for seeding crimson clover and vetch as winter cover crops, reports R. H. Bright, farm agent of the N. C. State College Ex tension Service ? Twenty-one persons were killed in 12 auto-train accidents in this state for the first six months of this yea r. BIG ANNIVERSARY / ' * BUY NOW! B,G BARGAINS -A. SALE (ENDS LABOR DAY) JUST THINK OF IT! I ! ttrntmr GUARANTEE EVERY Firestone Tire carries a written lifetime guarantee ? not limited to 12, 18 or 24 months, but for the full life of the tire without time or mileage limit. i' I AND YOUR OLD 1IRES Priced right down to bedrock ? and just before your Labor Day Trip! Here's the value sensation of 1940 built with patented Firsltons construetio n features to assure longer mileage and greater safety. At these low prices, equip your car with a full set today. Firestone CONVOY S1ZI ruci 471/i.N -11 I.B/I.M -W IJA1I ?sa ?**? ?6?S A MO TOW OLD IM NOW! The Famous Tirf$ltn? HIGH SFEEB TIKE At These LOW Prices What a buy! Millions M of new cars were ? originally equipped ^ with this great Firestone High Speed ? Tire ? now built to deliver still longer non skid mileage. Patented construction provides ?. maximum protection AND YOUR against blowouts. At OLD TIRB these low prices, MtSO 6.00-E6 the outstanding value of ? ' """"?Sole Cnds Sept. f GFT OUR LOW PRICES ON THE FAMOUS FIRESTONE STANDARD TRUCK TIRES IWh n Sw V*. d ISiSm ?Mi MMiarA ftnli, Mar, aril l,??ln taa Smusi OaaMlia lira. h aaM Mm ??????? tyataksay Oriliaalra. meter *a WaMlaa M MM ? Mm ISmMm SsMsry met laUMMaa ra.iala,.. ararUaMaa iMi H. A. C. tad MalaarM. HMm at Mm Haw Tar* Wart#. Mr. Central Service Station