The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMS TON, NORTH CAROLINA. W. c. MANNING Editor ? IM? 19? SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY? One year $175 Six months . 1.00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $2 25 Six months 1.25 -Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston. N C , as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Friday. lugunt HO. IV W. I'raise For The ISetr Deal It came from an unexpected source all right, but the highest praise so far heard for ^he New Deal was broadcast by Republican Pres idential Nominee Wendell Willkie in his speech at El wood. Indiana, recently After reading what the opposition party champion has to say, one can't help but sympathize with the old guarders as they hang far out on the pro verbial limb. Willkie, taking his text from the very heart of the New Deal, said. -I believe that the forces of free enterprise must be regulalfctf. I am opposed- to business monopolies. ? I believe in collective bargaining by the rep resentatives of labor's, own free choice, without anv interference and in full protection of those obvious rights. "I believe 111 the maintenance ol minimum standards for wages and of maximum standards for hours. 1 believe that such requirements should constantly rise "I believe in Federal regulation of interstate utilities, of securities markets, and of banking. 1 believe in Federal pensions, m adequate old age benefits, and in unemployment allowances "1 believe that the Federal Government has a responsibility to equalize the lot of the farm er with that of the manufacturer. "I believe in the encouragement of coopera tive buying and selling and in the full exten sion of rural electrification." Commenting on the "remarkable" address, the Columbia State of recent date, said; These policies in which Mi Willkie states his definite belief are New Deal policies, some out of the very heart of the New Deal Could any adminlQfcation receive higher praise than ance. h> li'L And Mr. Willkie ap of afl jflrriiiitland short of war, and of selective service. Remove paragraphs of gen eral denunciation from the address, and it might be used by Democratic campaign orators. It was a strange political address. Old line, deeply sincere Republicans, the State imagines, suffered under it Here was their man describ ing himself as a liberal Democrat Isolationists alsp must have suffered. for here was their hope, the Republican candidate, doing precise ly what they?and he?condemned the Presi dent for doing, denouncing and threatening for eign powers. And Republican logicians un doubtedly suffered because the address had in it so many contradictions. The New Deal de clared Mr. Willkie "preaches the doctrine of division." That's not his doctrine, he said. But immediately after the impressive list of "I be lieves," that list of New Deal policies, the Re publican candidate reached this conclusion: "The purpose of all such measures (those he had approved) is indeed to obtain a better dis tributjon of the wealth and the earning power of the country." Mr. Willkie made no direct appeal to the rank and file of the Republican Party. He even avoided calling himself a Republican, and most of the former Presidents he praised, or seem ed to admire, were Democrats. In one sentence he grouped Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lin coln, Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, and Wood row Wilson Not a word about the once idoliz ed (by big business) Cal Coolidge. Not a word, and for good reason about "Normalcy" Hard ing Not even a word?was there??about the only living former President, the relentless Lfighler .agamst the-New Deal, Mr Hoover. Probably Mr. Willkie believes the rank-and lile Republicans will go along, anyway, because | they have nowhere else to go, and that his ap peal must be mainly and pointedly to Demo crats and to independents This may be good strategy?if the regular party leaders do not become indifferent or resentful under the lead i ership of a man who does not do as they would i have hirri do If they do become indifferent, if the Republican organizations or machines fail to run smoothly, Mr Willkie will lose millions of votes. Will he gain more millions by his de parture from political technique? The answei will be known next November. The sharpest summery of the Willkie ad dress the State has seen tomes from Mr. Nor man Thomas, the Socialist candidate for Presi dent: "Mr Willkie made a speech," said Mr Thomas "which was a synthesis of Guffey's Kust Rentier, the genealogy of Indiana, the collected speeches of Tom Girdler and the New Republic. He agreed with Mr. Roosevelt's en tire program of social reform, and said it was leading to disaster. The peech was a class u; example of the time-honored principle of a stick of candy for everybody." That summary is more than sharp it also is intelligent. The address brought to mind some of those made by Mr. Landon, the Kepublican candidate in 1936. He. too, ran on a New Deal platform, from which he uttered hot criticisms of the New Deal. Mr Landon gave the country no real issue in 1936. Mr. Willkie gives it none in 1940. Not yet. anyway. Perhaps, as the cam paign develops, there will aA>e genuine differ ences between the two m^lr candidates on some important domestic matter pr on foreign policy. But today these lwo splendid gentle men are. close together in foreign policy and in political philosophy, and they seem close akin even in personalities. There are differences, of course, one of which is that President Roose velt has had thorough experience,in public life. Also President Roosevelt is the tallest remain ing symbol of democracy as a dynamic force that can take care of its own followers, and th,at is not afraid of its alien enemies. Tobarro Markrlinfi Muddlv Kvi'ii at it's best, tobacco marketing as it is advanced in this day and age, is bad. No criti cism is offered of any one. but as the observer watches the activities he can only see one big muddle. Certain phases of the marketing pro gram constitute what mav be termed a racket. The had situation is traceable to several sources, and only the fanner can clear up the situation Warehousemen, struggling to make a living, and it can be said right here that their Ijisk is not an easy one, offer certain induce ment's to certain groups Certain fellows, who would make money out of the farmer and the warehousemen, too, form contacts and haul to bacco to designated houses. Somebody must pay the bill, and nine times out of ten the far mer pays. The farmer whose tobacco is sold on act "off" day?is told that Ins tobacco was a lit tle loo high in order or something else was wrong By stretching the truth, the truckers ex plain away those bad sales and insist that more tobacco be delivered to a certain town and a certain house. It is the farmer's right to sell tobacco on any market or in any house he chooses, but he should get wise to some of the tricks that are pulled at his expense. Some plans, no doubt, are legitimate and work to the advantage of both the tobacco farmer and the warehousemen, but all plans should be scrutinized closely by the farmer before he agrees to pay out money that he could well save by serving himself. The Prayer of a Righteous Man.. By REV. JAMES H SMITH Pastor, Wllllsmston Memorial BaptiM Church When Aaron sinned in helping the Israelites make a golden calf for idol worship the Lord's anger was kindled against him and he was in danger of being destroyed by God's wrath. But Moses interceded to God in his behalf and Aaron was spared the destruction of the Lord's dis pleasured?Elijah. a man who could be terribly despondent at times and who, as James said, was subjecCTo like passions as we are, prayed earn estly that it might not rain and it rained not for the space of three and one half years. Then he prayed for rain "and it came to pass that the heaven was black with clouds and there was a great rathHezeklah was very ill and was told to make out his last will and testament, but as a result of sincere prayer the Lord added fifteen more years to his life. James said that the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him (James 5:15). Jesus said: If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you (John 15:7). The President of the United States has set aside Sunday, September 8. as a day of prayer when Americans of every creed and denomination should ask God to grant to this land and to this troubled world a right eous and enduring peace. What a noble proclamation is this request for prayer. We believe the Lord wants us to have peace, but are we willing to accept and do His right eousness? The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). This call to prayer for the salvation of our sons and our very civilization will put our righteousness to the test. More things arc wrought by pray er than this world dreams of. Where fore let thy voice rise like a foun tain for me night and day. For what are men better than sheep and goats that nourish a blind life within the b>ain, if, knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer both for themselves and those who call them friend? For so the whole r,ound earth is every way bound by gold chains about the feet of God." NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. County of Martin vs. Sudie Jones and W. W. Griffin. Under and by virtue of a judg mcnt in the above entitled proceed ing on the 5th day of August, 1940, by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Super ior Court of Martin County, the un dersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, te 9th day of September, 1940, at twelve -o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: A tract of land lying and being in Williams Township. Martin County, N\ C ., containing 5 acres, more or less, bounded On the West by the Lanier heirs, on the North by the Lanier heirs and Frank Barber, on the East by the Settler Jones land, and on the South by the Lanier heirs and being the same land listed to Su die Roberts for taxes in the year 1931 and being described on said tax re ceipt as 5 acres of Island land This-the 8th dav of August. 1940. CHAS H. MANNING. a9-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin Cnunty. 4? The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. William Stokes And Others. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and judgment in the above entitled proceeding made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County on the 12th day of August, 1940, the undersigned cum missioner will, on Saturday, tfte i4th day of September. 1940. at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the court house door in the town of Williams ton, offer for sail- to the highest bid der for cash the following described real estate, to wit: CHURCH NEWS BAPTIST Sunday school, 9 45 a. m j Morning worship, U a. m. B. T. U. 7 p m. The evening service will be a spec ial mwical program ? CHRISTIAN Bible school, 9:45 a. m Morning worship, 11 a. m The Woman's Council meets at the church on Monday afternoon at four o'clock. Regular mid-week prayer service will be resumed on Wednesday eve ning at eight o'clock. Rev, Gilbert D. Davis, of Bell Ar thur, will speak at the morning wor ship There will be no evening serv ice at the local church due to the pastor being engaged in evangelis tic services at Timothy Church in Gnfton, N. C. ??? CHURCH OF THE ADVENT 15th Sunday after Trinity. Celebration of the Holy Commun ion, 8 a. m Church school, 9:45 a. m. Celebration of the Holy Commun ion and sermon, 11 a. m. PRESBYTERIAN - All tlie regular service* will be hcld at all points this Sunday. The Rev. F. E. Manning, of Union, S. C-, wiil conduct the services ordinarily conducted by Rev. J W Vinson, Jr. It is hoped that all the members of Bear Grass and Roberson\s Chapel churches will hear Mr. Manning The Gold Point and Poplar Point Chapels will go on their annual Sun day School picnic this afternoon. The fall evangelistic meetings, con ducted by the Presbyterian Church throughout the county, will begin next Thursday night at 8 p. m., in the church at Bear Grass. The Rev S. B M. Ghiselin, of Salem, Va., will bring the messages. Following the meeting at Bear Grass, the one at Poplar Point will be held and fol lowing it the one -at Roberson's Chapel. Mr. Ghiselin will be with us One lot in the town of Williams ton adjoining the lands of Chas. H. Jenkins, R. A. Lloyd and others, be ginning at a stake on Washington Street and running 50 feet along said street and being 210 feet deep, said land being more fully describ ed in deed from Wheeler Martin, commissioner, to Wiliikm Stokes and wife, Hannah Stokes, recorded in Book D-3, at page 231. This the 14th day of August, 1940. CHAS. H. MANNING, al6-4t Commissioner. for around five weeks and it is hoped that everyone will avail himself of the opportunity to hear him regu larly. The young people of Albemarle Presbytery will meet for their fall conference in New Bern on Satur day of this week. Large groups us ually go from Martin County to these conferences and it is hoped that we will be well represented at this one. ST. MARTIVS, HAMILTON 19th Sunday after Trinity. Evening prayer and sermon, at 8 p. m CEDAR BRANCH Regular services Sunday at 11 a m. and ? p. m All members are urged to be present and the public is invited. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. County of Martin against Tom Fer rv and others The defendant*, Annie Perry Mob ley and husband. John Mobley. and Whichard Bros, a corporation, above named, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose the taxes on land in Mar tin County in which said defendants have an interest: and the said defend ants will further take notice that they are required to appear before L. B Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his of fice in Williamston, North Carolina, within thirty (30) days after the completion of this service of publi cation by notice and to answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff in this section, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 13th day of August, 1940. L. B WYNNE. Clerk Superior Court of al6-4t Martin County. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. County of Martin vs. C. D. Perkins, and wife, Blanche Perkins, T. B. Slade, trustee, W. S. Rhodes, 1). G. Matthews, II. G. Horton, trustee. Standard Oil Company ot New Jersey, G. H. Harrison and C. A. Harrison, partners trading as Har rison Oil Company, Paul Auto Supply Company and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co, Under and by virtue of a judgment 9th day of September, 1940. at twelve o'clock noon, in front of thd'court liouse door in the town of Williams-' ton, the following described tracts of jjarcebMjMand^U^wit^^^^^^^^^ First Tract: That parcel of land situated in Hamilton, N. C., and be ing on Main Street, bounded by J. P. Boyle land and others, and being known as the Perkins garage lot, containing one-half acre, mora or leas, and known as the 11th tract ia the W. L. Sherrod heirs partition. Second Tract: A lot in the town of Hamilton, N. C , deeded by D. G. Matthews and wife to Anthony and Bryan, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book RRR at page 204 Said two above described tracts in the above entitled proceeding on the 5th day of August, 1940, by L B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, the under signed will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, on Monday, the of land being the same laid describ ed in deed of trust from C. D. Per kins and wife to T. B. Slade, Jr., trustee for Slade Rhodes and Co., and of record in Book S-2, at page 68. This the 8th day of August, 1940. CHAS H MANNING. a9-4t Commisioner. emu At ItrM lymftom ?4 <yn Athlete's Foot / Do as many othara do to ?"*?? this tntMM Itching. ?For Sale At Davis Pharmacy OCTACON GRANULATID ?St r SOCttCM! H CKANULATfD SOAP Ujl Palmolive 3 for 20c Su|>er Suds (blue box) sm 3 fr 25c Super Suds (blue box) Ik 2 (or 43c Octagon Soap, giant 6 'or 25c Octagon Soap, small 10 for 23c Octagon Powder, large 6 (or 25c Octagon Powder, small 10 for 23c Octagon Toilet C (or Ue Octagon Cleanser 2 (or 9c Octagon Flakes 2 for 18c Octagon Granulated 2 for 18c Crystal White Soap 3 (or 14c Klex (Pumice) Soap 3 for 14c Crrme Oil Soap 3 for 14c Universal Soap 3 for 14c rriple Cake Soap 3 for 19c McClees Brothers c"'"\ M*IA i f??'ODD OCTAGON in OCTAGON ?1 Palmolive 3 for Mc Super Suds (blue box) sm 3 fr 25c Super Suds (blue box) If 2 (or 43c Octagon Soap, giant 6 for 25c Octagon Soap, small 10 (or 23c Octagon Powder, large 6 (or 25c Octagon Powder, small 10 (or 23c Octagon Toilet ti (or 25c Octagon Cleanser 2 for 9c Octagon Flakes 2 (or 18e Octagon Granulated 2 (or 18c Crystal White Soap 3 (or 14c Klex (Pumice) Soap 3 (or 14c Creme Oil Soap 3 for 14c I'niversal Soap 3 for 14c Triple Cake Soap 3 for 10c Vogue 3 (or 14e Fairsex 4 for 16e Moore Grocery Co. Believe me. t| TJ?4. 4-1 Hot weather driving can bring trouble unless your car is ready for it. So why not play safe and have your car Sinclair-ized for Summer today? See your nearby Sinclair Dealer. SINCLAIR-ize YOUR CAR FOR SUMMER dtpptigkud 1940 bp r N. C. GREEN, Agent Turnage Theatre ? Washington, N. C. Sunday-Monday September 1-2 "The Man 1 Married" JOAN BENNETT and FRANCIS LEDERER Tuesday -Wedneaday September 3-4 "Women In War" ??? etrsir Thursday r?epirmorr 3 "Blomlir Ha* Servant Trouble" Penny slmleton, Arthur Lake. Larry Simms Friday-Saturday September 6-7 "Andy Hardy Merit Debutante" Micltev Kxmnrv. Judv Garland. Lewis Stone I V r. 1' l univiviK Ma** ? ??-" ? g - ? AUtO SKLKCTKD SHOUT 8UBIECT8 New Series Opens Saturday, September 7 A LITTLE SAVED EACH WEEK WILL EVENTUALLY BUILD YOU A HOME The average safe investment today is yielding a very low rate of interest. Building and Loan shares (depression test ed) si ill offer a good yield w ith safety. We invite you to snhserihe for shares in our new series, which will open on Saturday. September 7th. For Stability, Prosperity and Protection SAVE WITH US 26 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL OPERATION $AVE THE BUILDING & LOAN WAY Martin County Building & Loan Association

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