Society and Personals or W ILLIAMSTON uvd M ARTIN COt'NTT PHONK Anything far Thi. - Ta 4 6 la Mem Hill Sunday Mrs W J. Smith visited in Merry Hill Sunday. Spends W eek-end Here Mr John L. Rodgerson, of Roan oke Rapids, spent the week-end here with his family. Visit Here Saturday Mrs. George Dowell and son. Mr Speight "'Powell. and Mrs Mint* Walker, of Raleigh, visited friends here Saturday In Ashland. Va.. Friday Mesdames Gaylord Harrison. Dick Woodard and Myrtle Brown visited in Ashland. Va.. Friday. Visit in Norfolk Mrs L. P. Lindsley and daughters Misses Helen and Carolyn, and son Law rence. visited in Norfolk Thurs day Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Jimmy Harris, of Raleigh, visited relative- here last week-end Getting Along Very Well Bobby?lluri'iaon?is getting- along, very well with a broken arm sus tained in a fall last week. W as in Philadelphia Mr. Milton Goldman visited lela tive i:, J'liila it Iph... last week-end Hfit Here Sunday Mr and Mrs. Miller Han-ell, of Plymouth, visited relatives here on iSunday. Visit at Virginia Beach Dr and Mrs John Williams and daughter. Miss Lucy, visited at Vir ginia Beach last week-end Returns from Detroit ?"""Mr"- Ruth r?nni-n~Tffs*~"'mrnt,d from a with- relatives in De troit and m Ohio. Move To tiaughton Street Mr and Mrs TAm Crawford have recently moved into an apartment on Haughton Street Visit At Pamlico Mr and Mrs Ernest Etheridge, Miss Rosalie Inman and Mr. Ross Front ribt rger. of Hickory, visited at Pamlico last week-end Move into New Home Mr and Mrs. W. T Martin have moved from their apartment ' on | Marshall Avenue to the home xe centlv completed by Mr. Herman B won on Warren Street. Attend Rice-Harris Wedding Mr, and Mrs Vernon Bunting at- j tended the Rice-Harris wedding in Greenville Saturday afternoon. H'u Business Visitor Here Mr J. C Kirkman, of Jamesville, was a business visitor here Friday afternoon. Returns from Grant ham Rev. Jim Smith returned from Grantham Wayne County, yester day where he spent a week holding ? a revival mo ting Visits Here Friday Mr. It Ma> ue Albright, director of i the N C State Employment Service, visited in Williaroston last Friday i and Saturday He left Saturday for the Edenton and Elizabeth City em ployment offices. While in William son. the director was the guest of C W. Bazemore. manager of the lo ! cal office Visit Here Saturday Mr. and Mrs Martin Gaudian, of I Raleigh, were the dinner guests of Mr and Mi Wheeler Martin here last Saturday, Mr. Gaudian is the executive secretary of the North Car olina Building and Loan League. Visiting m Greensboro Dr. John Biggs is visiting in Greensboi and Charlotte this week. Return to High Point Dr. and Mrs. P W Flagge. of High Point, hav returned to their home, nftor vki' herp with Dr arid Mrs. John Bigg Are Visiting Here Mlsse 1 y D Elmore and Doro thy Shield "f Scotland Neck, are visiting Mr John Biggs here this week. Spend Week end Here Mrs J E Alexander and daugh ter. Miss Frances, of Winston-Sal em, visited Dr. and Mrs. John Biggs here last week-end. Returns to Angier Miss Alt a Critcher has returned to Angler where she will continue her teaching duties. Visiting in Bear Grass Mr. Charlie Harrison, of Wilson, is visiting relatives in Bear Grass for a few days. Attend Family Reunion Mesdanv A. J. Manning and Ar thur White and Miss Reid White at tended a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodges, at Shady Banks Sunday. Visiting in Bear Grass Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mizelle and son. of Steubemville. Ohio, are visiting in Bear Grass for a few days. In Farmville Sunday Mrs. J. C Manning and sons vis ited relatives in Farmville Sunday. Returns from Chapel Hill Miss Audrey Williams has re turned from Chapel Hill where she attended -the University summer school. Leave for .Mars Hill J. E. Boykin and Joseph\Thigpen left Saturday for Mars Hill College. They were accompanied to Raleigh by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boykin and Miss Mary Helen Boykin. Leaves for Raleigh Miss Marjorie Fleming left this week for Raleigh where she will at tend Peace Junior College. Returns from Asheboro Mrs. P H Brown has returned from a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Paul Roy. and Mr. Roy. in Ashe noro Leave for Mars Hill Martin and Arthur Anderson and Frank Weaver, Jr, left this week for Mars HtH where they will attend school this fall. Returns from Randleman Mrs, Asa Crawford has returned from Randleinan and Asheboro. Is Visiting Here Mrs. Woodrow Lawrence, of Wind sor, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hardison, here for a few days. Visit Here Saturday Maim- and Mrs C H. Yost and Mrs. Stephen Gano, of Richmond, visited Mr. and Mi^. L. P. Lindsley here Sat urday and Sunday. Attends Kice-IlarrLs Wedding Miss Blanche Harrison attended the Ricejrtarris wedding in Green ville Saturday afternoon. Were Husinrss Visitors Here Henderson Mizelle, Joseph Holli day, C. C Walters, and Clyde Wal ters, of Jamesville, attended to bus iness here Friday afternoon. Tour Skyline Drive Misses Marie Griffin, Edna Barn hill and Marjorie Lindsley toured to Richmond and over the Skyline Drive last week-end. b Visiting Here? Whit Purvis, student at the Uni versity summer schooL is here to visit his mother, Mrs. Daisy Purvis, for a few days. Visit in Raleigh Mrs. D. L. Ilayman and Miss Na talie Gould visited in Raleigh and Manteo last week-end. Visit at Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Clayton visit ed at Pamlico over I^abor Day. Spend Week-end Hate Misses Marjorie Hagans, Mary V. Laughlin and Libber Ruffin, of Tar boro. visited Miss Lorene Weaver here last week-end. Return To Their Homes Mrs. Thomas Dupree, of Miami, and Mrs. G. M. Robcrson, of Nor folk, have returned to their homes following a visit here with Mrs. J. W Andrews and family. Is Visiting Here Mrs. Allen, of Raleigh, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Francis Barnes, and Mr. Barnes. Spends Week-end Here Miss Shirley Gurganus. of Nor folk, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrx. J. Sam Getiinger. Spending Few Days Here Mrs. John White and son, John, Jr., of Savannah, are spending a few days here with relatives and friends. In Hickory. Va., Sunday Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Spencer and little daughter visited in Hickory, Va., Sunday. Visits in the County Mr. C. B. Coltrain. of Norfolk, spent the week-end in the county. HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS Br Mary Brown Allfood, Homr Service Director. Virginia Electric And rower Company September brings to mind the fa miliar rhyme: "School days, school days. Dear old golden rule days. Reading and Writing and Arithmetic, Taught to the tune of a hickory stick " Only things aren't taught to the tune of a hickory stick any mnre. In fart htHe ran be taught unless the child in is a good condition physi cally. If he has had a happy, carefree vacation in the out-of d^ors, he is prob ably in a good condition, and you want to keep him so. A few simple health rules to be ob aefved While he is in school i...)? ii. L-unrt him Miss Allgood h,;Tthy 1. Three well balanced, regular meals which include fresh fruits, green vegetables, and at least a quart of milk each day. 2. Nine hours of sleep InHsTwell ventilated room. 3 Outdoor exercise each day. 4. Eight glasses of water daily. 5. Warm bath and fresh change of clothes each day. (i. Adequate and comfortable cloth ing All of the above help to maintain good health and keep him comfort able. However, it is well to have him checked by a doctor before school begins, to be sure that he is getting a good start. No child who is under weight, or who has defective eye sight. hearing, or decayed teeth can do his best work at school. Too of ten he is blamed for a poor report card when he is really not at fault. Sometimes he is judged by his teach er and classmates to be a trouble some child, when it is only a form of nervousness due to a physical de fect or to lack of some factor essen tial to good health. In a very few days school will start. It may be the first time for your child or it may be his last year in school, but regardless of his age or year in school, it is essential that he build up and maintain good health. Give him a good start each day with a nourishing, attractive break fast. He should have time to eat it without hurry or confusion. Mixed Cooked Fruit Mash thoroughly and soak for sev eral hours in water to cover evapor ated peaches, apricots and prunes. Cook very slowly in water in which they have been soaked. Cook until plump and tender. To add color mariaschine cherries may be added while cooking. Add small amount of sugar if needed. Soft Cooked Egg in Baking Cup Butter baking cup, break egg in it and season. Place small amount of butter on top of egg. Place cup in pan with small amount of warm wa ter in bottom. This can be placed in oven with muffins for 5 to 8 minutes. Serve in baking cup. Milk Toast 1 cup milk 1 tsp butter Few grains salt \ 2 slices crisp toast Scald milk, add butter and salt, and pour over toast. This takes the place of a breakfast cereal Returns to Baltimore Miss Cornelia Deal "has returned In h?r Iwimn in Rullimnrn affor visit in Hamilton with her sister. Mrs. E. M. Long, and Dr. Long In Robersonville Sunday Mrs. A. L. Roebuck visited rela tives in Robersonville Sunday. Continues III At His Home Mr. James L. Coltrain continues ill at his home in the Farm Life com munity. Visit in Portsmouth Mrs. Roy Peel and daughters spent the week-end in Portsmouth with friends. Continues Quite III Mr. W. D. Ambers continues quite ill at his home on West Main Street. Visit Here Last Week Mr. and Mrs. Bill Valentine had ft5 their guests fui the past wcrk the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs E. S. Peterson and Miss Lucille Peter-1 son, of Savannah, Ga. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eppes, of Norfolk, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Perry here last week-end. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Jones, Miss Rachel Johnson and Exum Ward vis ited in Rocky Mount Sunday. Return to Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bloom and daughter, Joyce, have returned to their home in Norfolk after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margolis here last week-end. Leave For New York City Mr. and Mrs. Norman Arenwald left today for their home in New York City after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margolis here for about ten days. Spend Week-end Here Misses Carrie Elizabeth Everett, Nell Jones and Emma Jean Smith, of Robersonville, visited Misses Ed na Earl James and Penny Rose Wa ters here last week-end. Visits Relatives Here John Pope, Jr., of Durham, visit ed relatives here last week-end. Returns from Raleigh Willie Cowin, of Bear Grass, has returned to his home after visiting in Raleigh for a few days. Attend "Lost Colony" Messrs. B T. Peele, W. R. Roe buck and John Daniel Biggs at tended the "Lost Colony" at Roan oke Island last week-end BO WEN-WRIGHT Hobbsville?The marriage of Miu Gordon Glenn Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowther Wright, of Hobbrville, to George Edward Bow en. son of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Ray mond Bowen. of Cleveland. Ohio, took place Tuesday. August 10, at 4 o'clock at the Hobbsville Baptist Church. Hobbsville, with the Rev. B. A. Mitchell officiating. The church was decorated with ferns, evergreens, candelabra and baskets of white cut flowers. The wedding music was played by Mrs Willie M. Spivey, of Hobbs ville. Miss Merle Blanchard, of Hobbsville. sang. The bride entered to the strains'of "The Wedding March" from Lohen grin "Because" was softly played while the wedding vows were being spoken. The wedding march from Mendelssohn was played during re cessional. The bride was given in marriage by her brother. James O. Wright. She wore a gown of white mousse line de soie over white duchess satin with a sweetheart neckline and long fitted sleeves with points over the hands, and a full skirt formed the train. Her veil of illusion was ar ranged from a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a white Bible showered with stephatonis tied with white satin rihhnn Her only orna ment was a cameo necklace, gift of the bridegroom. Miss Neda Pendleton, of William ston, was her maid of honor. She wore a gown of coral pink and car ried an old-fashioned arm bouquet of pink gladiolas. The bridegroom had as his best man, Samuel E. Myers, of Cleveland, Ohio. Ushers were Ray Hollowell and James W. Hudgins, Jr.. of Hobbs ville. Mrs. Wright, mother of the bride, wore a dress of black chiffon and a shoulder corsage of American beauty roses. Mrs. Bowen, mother of the bridegroom, wore a dress of beige triple sheer with a shoulder cor sage of talisman roses. The bride wore a traveling cos tume, a dress of royal blue linen made redingote style. Her accessor ies were white and her going away flowers were a corsage of lilies of the valley. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Bowen left for a wed ding trip which culminated in Cleve land, Ohio, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen are both for mer residents of Williamston. Announce Wedding Attendants Miss Vashti Starnes, whose mar riage to N. R. Manning will take place Saturday morning at eleven o'clock has announced the following attendants: Miss Helen Capps, of High Point, maid of honor; Misses Eva Gray Manning, of Farm Life, and Janet Thomas, of Durham, bridesmaids; James Prevost, of Raleigh, best man; Justus Coltrain. Howard Roberson, of Tarboro; Jack Manning and Jim Manning, ushers. Rev. S. J. Starnes .father of the bride-elect, assisted by Rev. L. B. Jones ,of Washington, will perform the ceremony. ? - Continues Quite III Mrs. George Harris, Sr., continues quite ill at the home of her son here. VUl la Rocky Maul Mrs Mary Bonner Gurganus and Mr George Hatton Gurganus visit ed Mrs. George Hatton Gurganus in a Rocky Mount Hospital Sunday Was Here Yesterday Mrs Earl P. Dixon, of Kinston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Garland Barn hill here yesterday and today In Reeky Meant Sunday Mr. H. R- Williams visited in Rocky Mount Sunday. Are Visiting in Hamilton Mr. John Cloman and daughter, Elizabeth, are visiting relatives and friends in Hamilton this week. Spend Week-end Here Mrs. W. O. McCluskay, of Greens boro, and Miss Ethel Taylor, of At lanta, visited their mother, Mrs. Laura Taylor, here over the week end. Is Visiting Here Mr. Bill Lindley, of Baltimore, is visiting Burras Critcher, Jr., here for a few days. la ItUara Sunday Mr. and Mn. Garland Woolard and on* visited in Belhaven Sunday let urn to Bear Grass Misses Vehna and Frances Bailey lave returned to their home in Bear eras* after a visit with relatives in steubensville, Ohio. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Holmes and laughter, Ruth, of Wilson, visited Mr. Holmes' sister, Mrs. Ellis N. Ra ney here Sunday. DR. V. H. MEWBORN OP-TOM-E-TR1ST Please Note Bate Changes Roberaonville office, Scott's Jew ?Iry Store, Tuesday, Sept. 10. Williamston office, Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed., 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Plymouth office, Liverman's Drug Store, Every Friday, 10 am. to 4 pm Eyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Tarboro Every Saturday. IS From ( lark's I\RGESTOCK SCHOOL SUPPLIES EEER) T/// VG TOf MEED? ?Tablet* ?Pencil* ?Ink ?Notebook* ?Hinder* ?Notebook Paper ?CI lie PEN and PENCIL SETS Clark's Drug Store I'HONKS .">2 ami .IS "In flniincM f or J our Ihuhl" AP FOOD STOtES COME SEE OUR PRICES ARE LOW! TOMATOES 5c SUGAR Orange. 25 ? $1 = KOI K SEASON SALT?Four I 1-2 ll?. pk*;*. ...... lOc FLOUR isi 48 ii '1= SALMON "*r 2 ~ 25c CHEESE Wlmlfsome - "> 1 9c PURE LARD 25 8 O'CLOCK 3! 3 a 39c OLEO