Opening of Schools Brings A Warning To N.C. Car Drivers The opening of schools throughout the State drew this week from Ron ald Hocutt, director of the Highway Safety Division a reminder that pe destrian fatalities among school-age children have taken an upward trend in North Carolina in the past few years. "As a matter of fact," the safety director stated, the percentage of pedestrian deaths in the school-age group in this State is more than dou ble the percentage of pedestrian fa talities in all age groups." During the 1937-38 school year, he pointed out, a total of 91 school-age children were killed on North Caro lina streets and highways. Of these. 58 were pedestrians, that is, they were walking to and from school, playing in the street or roadway, and running into the street. This was approximately 64 per cent of the total fatalities in that age group. During the 1938-39 school term, 79 school-age children were killed, nris was a 13 per cent reduction from the 91 killed the previous school year. But?67 of the 79 fatalities were pedestrians, this representing 84 per cent of the total number. During the 1939-40 school year. 56 of the 71 school-age children killed in traffic accidents were pedestrians, this being 80 per cent of the total. "This high ratio of pedestrian fa talities among school-age children is most alarming," Safety Director Hocutt said, "especially in view of the fact that only about 35 per cent of all traffic accident victims in the State and nation are pedestrians. "These figures speak for them selves," he added, "in challenging parents of all school-age children to train their children not to play in the street and not to run into the sreet or road or attempt o cross with out first looking both ways to be sure the way is clear." Lists Uncle Sam's Strategic Materials Manganese, rubber and tin are the "Big Three" of Uncle Sam's strate gic materials?so called because they are vital to national defense, but surrounded with difficult procure ment problems. The U. S. faced near disaster in 1918 because of lack of manganese? the ore that puts the "starch" in steel?and until recently nearly all of our manganese has had to be imported from such far-off sources as BussiA. India, Africa and Brazil. The Cuban-American Man ganese corporation is expanding the capacity of its plant near Santiago from 100,000 tons to 130,000 tons an nually, effective next January 1. Langbourne M. Williams, Jr., pres ident of Freeport Sulphur Company, of which the manganese corporation is a subsidiary, said that when de velopment of the low-grade Cuban ores was started, 10 years agy, it was with the knowledge that a large, nearby source of manganese was thus being established as a bolster f trust is duly registered in the of rice of the Register of Deeds of Mar tin County. North Carolina, in Book T-3. page 596-599. securing a certain note payable to Home Owners' Loan Corporation, default having been made for a period of more than thir ty (SO) days in the payment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of certain covenants set out in said deed of trust, and demand if foreclosure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for rash at the Court House door in Martin County. Williamston. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on the 27th day of September. 1040. the billowing described real estate, to wit: Lying and being in the Town of Parmele. County of Martin. State of North Carolina, and more particu larly described and defined as fol lows: Adioining the lands of Jenkins Chapel Church. W. T. Andrews. W C. Chance and the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company jn the town if Parmrlr. N C . and beginning at a corner between the Atlantic Coa^t Line Railroad Company. Jenkins Chapel Church and W C. Chance at a stake, thence along the line of ihe Jenkins Chapel Church North 4*1X1' West 194 feet to the line of W T Andrews; thence along the line of | W T Andrews North XI* 30' Kast 44 j feet to the line of W (' Chance; thence along the line of W C Chance I South 4* 00' Kast 194 feet to the line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, a comer: thence along the line of the Atlantic Coast Line Rail road Company South 81* 30' West 44 feet to a stake, the beginning, being the same lands conveyed to W C. Chance by deed from the trus tees of the Parmele Holiness Church dated January 5. 1928. filed for rec ord on Feb 10, 1926. and recorded in the public registry of Martin Coun ty in Book V 2 at page 128. and be ing the same premises described on a map or plat of the same made by D. G Modlin. Surveyor, on October 12 1934. and which is now on file with the Hume Owners' Loan Cor poration And being the same prop erty conveyed by T. C Abernethy, Trustee, to Home Owners' Loan Cor poration by that certain deed of rec ord in Book W-3, page 339, Martin CduntyRegatry = This property will be sold subject to 1940 taxes. The purchaser at this sale will bo required to make a cash deposit of 5 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith This the 24tn day of August. 1940 T C. AHEKNKTHY Trustee Hugh G Morton. Atty u27 S3-10-17-24 New Series Opens Saturday, September 7 A LITTLE SAVED EACH WEEK WILL EVENTUALLY BUILD YOU A HOME Tlie average safe investment today is yielding a very low rate of interest. Building and Loan shares (depression test ed) still offer a good yield with safety. We invite you to subserihe for shares in our new series, which will open on Saturday. September 7th. For Stability, Prosperity and Protection SAVE WITH US -26 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL OFF RATION SAVK TIIE BUILDING & LOAN WAY Martin Count y Building t? Loan Association GRAPE MARKET BEGINNING ABOUT SEPTEMBER lOtli. WE WILE START BUYING SOUND. RIPE. CLEAN. WHITE Scuppernong Grapes PRICE TO GROWERS: $2.00 Per 100 Pounds We Will Start Buying About September 2.'5rd. All Bipe Varieties Of Blaek . CAMPBELL J. s. ffthL & iai. COLUMBIA, N. C, WIIOLESAI.E CO. E\ ERETTS, N. C. H. W. PRITCHE1TE SKXTOIN's'1 STORE ELOVI) M. COX STORE CRESWELL, N. C. JAMKSVIII E IN < WASHINGTON, IN. C. RUE LPS X EHEEMAIN L. R. WILLIAMS X CO. LIINDSLEY ICE CO. ROPER, N. C. KOBEKSONVII.I.E, IN. C. WILLI AMSTON, IN. O. LINDSLEY ICE CO. (Irntral ('.rushing I'lanl PHONE 99 WILLIAMSTON, N. C