Club tttB Society and Personals OF W I1.I.IAMSTON uad MAtTtN COUNTY Thi? Dtputani T? 4 6 RfUns from Virginia Beach Charles Daniel has returned to - home here after working at Vir ginia Beach during the summer In Washington Tuesday Mr and Mrs Don Matthews, of Hamilton, visited Mr Dave Mat thews in a Washington hospital (w Tuesday afternoon > tsiting in Boston TVIr and Mrs Arthur Bertolett and family are visiting in Boston this week. Visit in Rockv Mount Mrs Bill Helvin and daughter, Billie Frances, visited in Rocky Mount a few days thus week Making His Home Here J. D Bunting of Palmyra, is making his home here with Mr and Mrs. Garland Coltram on Haugh i >n Street and is employed with the ?ackage company In Washington Wednesda> Mr and Mrs. W H. Williams' vis ted in Washington Wednesday leaves for New York Ben Manning leaves Monday for Vew York where ht will continue us studies in music at Columbia Jmversity. Return from Wedding Trip Mr and Mrs N. R Manning have returned from their wedding trip (to Washington City. Attend Funeral Services Mi and Mrs. Eddie Trahey at tended the funeral services for Mr ? George Little in Pactolus Tuesday l afternoon Spends Week-end Here Mr . Pate Nelson, of Petersburg, visited friends here last week-end. Visits Relatives in Apex Miss Louise Kellev visited rela tives in Apex last week-end Having Open House Rev and Mrs S J Starnes are having "open house" at the new Methodist parsonage tonight from 8 to 11 Tlie public- is invited Move to Marshall Avenue Miss Geraldine Hollingsworth and her mother and brother have moved into the apartment on Marshall Ave nue recently vacated by Mr and Mrs W R Martin spending Week-end Here George Culbreth. of New Bern, and George D. Culbreth. of Chapel Hill, are visiting Ben Manning here this week-end In Washing-ton Wednesday Mr and Mrs B F Lilley. of James ville, visited Mrs E. N Hardison in a Washington Hospital Wednesday night Visit in Tarboro Tuesday Mrs. John L Rodgerson and daugh ter, Hiss Mary, visited relatives in Tarboro Tuesday afternoon^ In Colerain Yesterday Mrs Frank Weston visited rela tives in Colerain yesterday Was Here Wednesday Robert Earl Ange. of Dardens vis it?*d friends here Wednesday Visit Here Wednesday Mr and Mrs. B Goldstein, of Windsor, unri daughter. Miss Doris, of Baltimore visited friends here Wednesdaj Was Here Tuesday Clyde LI* acham, of Washington, visited his cousin. Miss Annie Mae Bailey, here Tuesday afternoon In Rocky Mount Tuesday Mrs C D Pittman and son. Ja rnie. Mrs F E Buff lap and children. Sondra and Eddie, visited in Rocky Mount Tuesday and Wednesday. Visits Here Wednesday Mrs. Jerrj Hayes, of Plymouth visited here Wednesday afternoon Returns to Norfolk M iss Jane Parker has returned to her home in Norfolk after visiting friends here for a few days. Move to Church Street Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harrison moved this week into the apartment with Mrs. Betty Gurganus. on Church Street. Transferred To Lawa! Store Mi B B. White, of Raleigh, has been transferred to the A. and P. Co store here He will be joined by Mrs White and small son on Monday and will make their home in one of Frank Carstarphen's apartments on Wil liams Street Mr and Mrs. Parrott' are returning to New Bern. In Greenville Tuesday Messrs Charlie Bowers and Er nest Mears visited in Greenville on Tuesday night. Visits in Kobersonville Mrs. J. H Edwards visited rela tives in Robersonville yesterday. In Washington Wednesday Jack Manning and Shelbpn Hall visited in Washington Wednesday evening. Is Visiting Here Dick Hill, of Greensboro, is visit ing Reg Manning here for a few days Visit Here This Week Mr. and Mrs. Chas White, of Myr tle Beach. S C , visited Mr and Mrs Joe Cowen here this week. Was Business Visitor Here \ Mr. C. C Coltrain, of Farm Life, was a business visitor in town yes terday. Visits Here Yesterday Mr. Bowers, of Washington, visit ed his son. Charlie Bowers, and Mrs Bowers, here yesterday. W as Business Visitor Here Mr. Garland Bainhill was a busi ness visitor in Lynchburg this week. RUPTURED? Trusses Fitted By Experienced Fitter Alxlominal HHts ? Sacro-lliar Supports ? Wrist. Anklr. knee. Klliovt Supports Clark's Drug Store PHONUS 32 auil 53 "t'rfsvrifttitm Hpnili/narter*" GRAPE MARKET BEGINNING \BOI I SEFI'EIVIBEK 16th. WE WILL START Bl A INC SOUND. KIPE, CLEAN WHITE Scuppernong Grapes PRICK TO CROWKRS: S2.(HI PKR UN) POUNDS? v? i 11 >tarl htiyiiif: uhont Srplrinhrr 16th. All Hi|>.e Varieties of Blark (>ra|ie?. 1} I .(16 PtT IIMI I'oiiikI-. NO GREEN CRAPES OH STICKS OR LEAVES ACCEPTED Buyers listed below will furnish von grape picking boxes Huyinfi For The Forwent liter Iff ('?rape* In The II. S. .4. JOHN HABIT EDENTON, N. C RALEIGH I'LL! ROCKY HOCK, N. C. V. E. BOYCE VAL HALLA, N. C. FARMERS SUPPLY CO. COl.ERAIN, N. C. E. J. PRUDEN MERRY HILL, N. C. K. W. ASKKW WINDSOR, Nv r.? CHAPLIN BROS. STORK COLUMBIA, N. C. H. W. PRITC'.HETTE CRF.SWELL. N. C. PHELPS & FREEMAN ROPER, N. C. B, G. CAMPBKIX WHOLESALE CO. PLYMOUTH, N. C. SEXTON'S STORE JAMESVIU.E, N. C. I.. It. WILLIAMS * CO. KOBEKSONVII.I.E. N. C. J. S. PEEL & CO. EVERKTTS, N. C. FLOYD M. COX STORE WASHINGTON. N. C. LINDSLEY ICE CO. WII.I.1AMSTON. N. C. LINDSLEY ICE CO. Phone 99 Central Crushing Plant Willlamaton, N. C. Married in County Recently Mr. and Mrs. Jesst Franklin Goins, Jr., whu were married iu the Baptist Church, in Rober sonville. Friday evening. August .10. Mrs. Goias is the former Miss Doris Wm.slow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K Winslow, of Rob ersonville. Woman's Club In First Fall Meeting The first meeting of the woman's | club was held Wednesday afternoon | with 34 attending. America was sung before the bus iness session began, and Mrs. G. H. Harrison, treasurer .reported $72 99 in the treasury. On Motion of Mrs. F. J Margolis and Mrs. John Ward the club decid ed to sponsor a paint demonstration given by the Martin Supply Com pany at 10 o'clock, Sept. 20th It was decided to adopt a new project for this year, and after dis cussion the club voted t obeautify all the highways leading into Wil liamston The motion for {he project embodied the idea of a unified ef fort by each and every member and not by committees. Another project for the immediate future was turned over to the Am erican Citizenship Department. This committee was requested to appear before the Town Fathers and ask them to zone the town and place public rest rooms at certain inter vals fo rthe convenience of out-of town shoppers. After the business was concluded the meeting was turned over to the members of the social committee. Mrs C G. Crockett, chairman. They had as special guests the faculties . ly meeting, with Mrs Charles K 1 Davenport, the president, presiding. | The Junior Auxiliary met at the same | time. Mrs. W. H. Gray, a past president of tlie organization, in a very im pressive manner installed the offi cers for the ensuing year. The regu lar business' of the meeting was gone into and it was decided to hold future meetings at three o'clock on the second Saturday afternoon of each month. The president outlined plans for the coming year and read out the names of the new comrtiit tees. FAREWELL PARTY Mrs. J. A. Eason entertained at a farewell party Saturday night for her niece, Miss Katherine Turner, who returned to tier home in Cheri ton, Va., Sunday. The entire lower | floor of the Eason home was decor ated with gladioli and chrysanthe mums. During the evening games and dancing was enjoyed and punch wus Assisting the hostess was Mrs. I Henry Crawford, Misses Mary Tay lor and Kuth Manning, who seived block ice cream, individual cakes mints and nuts. Guests present were Misses Mary 1 O'Neal Pope, Mary Warren, Ann Fowden, Ray Leggett, Delia Jane Mobley, Millie Biggs. Nancy Mer cer, Elizabeth Parker and Nancy Biggs, Stuart and Jim Crilcher, Jim Manning, John Miller, Jimmy Watts, J. D. Woolard, Jr., Bennie Weaver, Carlyle Langley, Buddy Weir, Jer ry TMark and Billy Mercer Returns from Greensboro Mrs. Roger Critcher has returned from a visit in Greensboro. #-ff lleef t.alj Project Is Shotei/if Improvement Baby beet,calves being cared for by 4 11 Club members at Anson County as a part of project work are growing and fattening rapidly, says Clarence Barley, assistant farm it. Lists Menu In The Loral School? For Coming Week 6 Vegetable soup and crackers ev ery day, 5c; plate lunch 10c, plain and chocolate milk every day, 5c. Monday, Sept. 16? Fried liver fresh lima beans, stewed corn, slic ed tomatoes, hot rolls, potato salad, deviled egg sandwiches, banana pud ding Tuesday, Sept. 17?Italian spaghet ti, collard, candied yams, slaw, corn bread, Waldorf salad, banana sand wiches, chocolate pie Wednesday, Sept. IB?Baked chick en with dressing and gravy, green peas, cream potatoes, pickles, hot rolls, potato salad, pineapple short cake, potted ham sandwiches. Thursday, Sept. 19?Bacon, green field peas, buttered carrots, potato salad, sliced tomatoes, corn bread, peach salad coconut pie, tomato and lettuce sandwiches. Friday, Sept. 20?Roast pork, fresh string beans, apple sauce, mashed po tatoes, hot rolls, pineapple salad, pea nut butter and raisin sandwiches, pimento cheese sandwiches, choco late cake. IVIarriage License Issued A marriage license was issued on Wednesday in this county to Starr C Busbee, of Springfield, S. C., and Mary Elizabeth Koberson, of Rob ersonville. For Houae GuM Mrs. D. R Davis complimented her buim facet, Mn W. C Vine with throe tables ol bridge at her hone here on Wednesday nifht. The hon ored was remembered with bath powder and prizes were won by Mrs Joe Glenn, cards for high, Mrs Irv ing Margolis, candy tor low, and Mrs K. D Worrell, bath powder, floating prize. Following the progressions *n Davis served a salad plate "Mi hat coffee to the fallowing guests- Mm dunes W C. Winn, honoree: Sam Woolford. Irving Margolin, Bill Har rison. Hoke Roberaon, Jim Cook, H. O. Peel, V. E. Brown, J. L. Spencer, K D. Worrell and Joe Glenn and Mins Trulah Ward Page FOOD STORES LOOK WHAT VALVES SALMON ?"?r 2 ill 25c CHEESE -as Lb 19c SPARKLE ssS> 3 Pkg*. 10c FLOUR 48 Lb Ba? 'iu 8 0'CI.OCX ae 2 ? 1 -lb Pkgs. 25c ? A 5 tu? 4 bars 15c PURE LARD?50-lb. tin $3.65 SUGAR?-25 pounds $1.15 MALA(iA GRAPES'?pound .... 5c STRING BEANS?2 lbs 13c CO(X)NUTS ? large wiser?4 for 25c BANANAS?pound 5c GRAPEFRUIT? No. 70's?2 for L5c BUTLER BEANS?5 pounds . 25c CAULIFLOWER?head 20c ONIONS?3 pounds 10c A&P FOOD STORES OWNED AND operated RY THE GREaT aTi_ANtC * paCIFiC TEa CO list again Roanoke Chevrolet Company WILLIAMSTON, N. C.