The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PI BUSHING CO. WILLIAMS TON NORTH CAROLINA M C MANNING Editor ? 1908-1938 SI BSCRIPTION K\TFS (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year ? $175 Six monthK 1 00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $2 25 Six months 1 25 SMhsmpttM* R?cr-veH Under f Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office u. Williamston, N C a: second-class matter under the act of Con press of March 3. 1879 Address alTcdmSnin; 1t at ion.' to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm TuvhIux. .Srptrtit ln-r 17. 1*^14^. 4iil I <" I neluml \Vh:i. Pugiand during la-i lilt arid death s-truggh 'a barbs'.' i >? i petting.'s*?ri\c aid frdm tht I ruled Stab .t g tin average cit 1 r: bur:..' u west t ? .y< mOl'i aid extended ! i tiara pt csxeu i our try According to unofficial but -fairly reliable few: s-'Utt'os lilt- L PIlva State. ha:. -Sclll tXi. l.ngiaiidkduritig the past tin following mat materia 2,200 airplanes. half milium ri fle.- 150.000.000 round: ot ammunition. 7(1.(1111) g.. ?..., s 1; 'H in ! ii i'i arUi 1'i-ry ltd lis The leport uocs lift 1111 Iuch- Hit all ovt 1-age uesiroy t ts that art now plowing tin seas in an effort t help n ne\> the pre; sun against Knglund Kecgr.!.mi tin fact: a they an and weigh ing th? evidence. a it is louinl it would seem advisablt ! a tins cuii'.rt in double and redou bt' its aid t Britain. Possibly TTdolt Hitler WOU1 iiayt niori respect for Us tl we did just that instead of crunching down with 'our 1ail_ betwecr our legs playing the appeasement role that has- brought natio- after tuition ??? starva tion and disjstet 4 s/rone / or The >cil Heal h,!!iie! Yttti P Dow is of HushVI111 Ind . had ; j tin following t< s,i\ a the Indianapolis Star:' recently II 11a money that was toils than wasted in the last ltd vears.had be inv ested in some good hie msuraliei company very few m tins coum try would lei ni-edy I "rt'-ad" tin tu'lsiea bill is over Su aim 1 1.mi. tin i ?tt'-/e biti V-.Wpu 000.000 alio 1 ph lit bill lust between these twn P " . 1 " is- I lolisii mone\ pent would j h.; 0 i ? ? about 2 ii rr- In 1932 when 1 eee' w.i- all I 1 01 lit si II my t orn lor wl-used I Vl la tut (.' i ? w.i e-.s thai. $3 a ton In Pebruarv Its w i ' we.had our farm alt 1 (-10 bushels -Would i ,iv' )-.ioie thati?paid tltfi t a \."p samm fain: and persona pioptriy 1 veal las was di'Wl I1 nit $181'.:>n t $11' 1 ? >> torn tip from 10 Cents to .$1,113 a bushel It. 1; y tow nship not? far from out home 2.900 at 1't-s ' tau'i wets lost ill Harding Uotdidgc. ai.u Hoover aoiutre-tttrt-trrm- Yes 1?voted?fur 'niio'l ''a ?h. ' i ,1' '' 'I la'd m Klvli land t"wnship. Hu 1 County, ha; hisn los1 in the last 7 years 1 tl :11k tniec life msuluiH'e pol ities wen what saved us Oiu $2,500 poiiyy had u lmyt.ii aveumulatt it dividend Through '.la three adm,: ..-nations 1 had voted h i Harding. Coolidgt. and Hoover, the best offei 'we could get on our 80 at 11 > w as $4,800. Ii. August. 1936. 1 priced it and ^n less than 2 lioji's it was sold lor $9,235. $4,433 proiit-, should have asked $10,000 Why should I go back on the Nt w Deal program'' "It is a pdor compliment to the intelligence of the 40.000.000 workers 111 the United States to have the Republicans say they will more ef ficiently and conscientiously t nforeo laws pass ed by the Democratic Administration in behalf of iabor, when they art tin very ones who lought. with every legislative and financial means at their command, every out u! these very same laws" Democrat (Boston Mass) ).-ii. 1 Nothing is more noble, nothing moie vener able. than fidelitv. -Cicero. P i thouI I'roof Republican campaigners are really having a difficult'task tltc.v1 days They are talking about conditions as they i xist today but they do not dare compare the present with those grim real ities i spent-need by the common millions back it. the- early thirties The campaigners talk i u hut they aren't able to offer any convinc ing pi-id to support th'ut talk - II ill llilli'i imrrica? By Dr. George Macklenhurg. A?i .no. to no?u-a?i ii stioii involves three p.. ? t iD th( military 'rategy of it (2) tin statement! of Hitler an t.j-. Nazis; (.1) the rev olution;,rv natun "j N; i-ism and its ambition 1 ? v ? i Id empir e ;?Tin nnlu..p. i spi r.ce of the past year lead u to he.-.itate to i."et the word ' lmpossi hlr Wt do riot know that anything is lmpos yihli .,r:\ rnoii A thiiii1 ' .ght he possible with out heirn. probable W* know, that Ciermany will not attack us ui.n 1 hngland collapses Kiiglaiio h.i to! a cert .did more been oui first 11ri" if d'dens, When that defense is (low;I then , what wu appen" According to what t hi Nazi' say. tin - i e hent on blotting out the eiitlri Knglish Kmpm root, branch and all Now e it possibly t ? Gerhianv tu success tully attack the Unite States" Some military i \pi it say that.if she n fmd a landing place in Newfoundland and u the Caribbean Sea. -.In cannot only attack v. but she tan conquer us it wt are unprepate' Nazi-ism has only the .utmost disgust for tin race mixture called the ?Ainern. an rur-1 ftru\ pot \\j._ ate classed as an in brioi i ace and thereto! i should be subservient i Germany When w< "went into hysteria last winti i o'vei a radio program on tin end of the v a i<i the (lennans said Well, those imbeciles eat ' a .ty l.o conquered" I would say that uti leas we become stroligi i mail wo are. H is not possible tut Germ, i \ to attack us, but it i vi i \ prohabti that !,?:? will, it Knglynd col lapses . ' v; 2 The World has learned to pay a lot of at tent a in what the Nazi saj During the past yeat they havi done I what thev boasted the-, would tlo during the past years They arc not given to wayuig an empty gun like our ail tr i! rtiation at Washington often doe: The .Nazi guns are loaded. Wt will do well to pay attention to what they say They are so fanati _ca.l arid believi so much in their program of world i-(i if it 11 that they boast of it night and day Kvery one of the Hitler threats today trad: like an understatement Hitler said the tilhci day "There will 1? a Nationalist-Social ist civilization for the next 10 cclituries, or there w ill hi no civilization at all." If Germany is te in defeated: she w ' leave behind a world fli ruins . A few uicks ago whcr it was pointed, out to Hit lei that America was helping Kngland, he said "Aihwica had belief keep her nose out of Cicrman affairs For I have it in my power t<? pjCTifge the I'nited Staff s into chaos and civil war by merely pressing a button on inv desk " The doetline, the faith, or the religion ol the Nazis is so ievolutionary and so unlike what Christian civilization has been thinking about thai it is difficult for us to realize that any man w< >ulij soriodsiy t hink o 1 world domrniori./Giiel) 4 m Is said tin other day. We have eiuCified Ju dea Now u? will scour 11?e stink of CI all lee tmbi our souls " i What men will do under the urge of the pride ol i act and t he hegemony over inferior races e- bey'oiid our < omprelw-Mon today-: 1 11r 111)i ha, been qm ii ,i. by a vibrant laith in rac? superiority It has bet/n coiiquring a Eu i ope without faith, a cynical, pleasure-bent Europe could not standout against Nazi faith Decaying: democracies -have bowed to rejuven ated autocracy 1 am as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow that oui only assurance of the continuance of a liberal, individualistic Christian democracy is to make our Christianity vital, believing, and sacnticial Wc must again have the courage to sing. "Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching as to War" We will entirely?succumb to harbar? ism or we are on the threshold of higher forms of civilization. 1 do pray the democratic coun tries will awaken from idle stupor and com placent steam-heat eon:forts to take up the lugged \ ignis necessary to maintain a free civ ilization And (lod is oh our sua "He will shake the heavens and the earth- Hr IST shaking the earth low; perhaps HitU i is one of His tools shaking ihi eai lh: The heavens?will '1'cspuiid?' as soon as we do our part It takes the cooper ation of heaven and earth to maintain Christ lan civilization ? ? m:\\i:n \\nou;s\u: comi?\m II mthiiiftlon. V CT?? f'/iowi* 127 This is one of jhe leading con cerns of this section of the State and enjoys an ever increasing patronage Because of the great volume of business transacted through their ex tensive" wholesale establishment and \ because of the up-to-date business methods and the high quality of. products handled, the Bennett Wholesale Company, of Washington, I has gained for this section a com mcrcial prestige as an excellent mar ket for retailers Thousands of dollars are brought into this section each year through the trade channels presided over by 1 this well known house. A number of ( people are also given employment ' by this well known concern. The fact that their trade extends! o\e7 ioT adjoining territory, this is their special field, brings new faces and new business and adds prosper ity to the city in which they art lo cated. Their products will be found in the leading Stores and shops The story of the success of this firjn is one that many business men would find profitable reading The firm began its career only three years ago with the belief that success could be obtained by furnishing merchandise of quality at a reason able margin of profits With this method in nund, and with reduced expenses and with the advantage of their location, they proceeded upon their career having the solid foundation of good values i ami reasonable prices. So extensive and established has become their trade that their brands of goods are'known all over eastern ! counties From their large office and wan house merchants in this sec tion receive their supplies, spch as Coca-Cola and sundry items | for soda fountains, drugs, cigars. i This well known house is in charge ltd a man thoroughly conversant with ; wholesale conditions and has w ide experience in the buying world j The Bennett Wholesale Company, of Washington, has been instrument | al in upbuilding this section of the state, and the institution should re ceive the patronage of the entire I retail trade lONTER MAY IT WAVE!" I ' 4? ? \ fV I 1 Willi ubu-ndar ' apple - of ft-id km'hand. A Y Cold . >1 Windsol I Route 1 plans to feed Hi to 12 beef | calves for market ibis winter. n I ports As vis la n't Farm Agent H '!> j I Smith of B- rne C mty NOTIf I Ol SA1.I ! North Carolina* Mailt* County It The Supei iuj Court Countv of Martin vs. Katie Simp kins. Pearl Roberson. Warrel Wells and Mary Dare Tuffnell. ??Under and hy .virtue -ofthi pnv.a r of sale <??.fit;t nod in 1 M certain judgment ? tit i t led a> ah"\ < signed by L. B Wynne. Clerk nf the Su perior Court, on the . 2nd^dafV of September. 194(1 tl undersigned commissioner Will, on the-2nd day of October. 194 i. at twclv. o'< lock noon, -to?front?of tin ci iui 11?in .i' dour of Martin Countvv- *<: llCiti, the highest j bidder lot cash the following de Scribed n il < :tat? to wit . A certain ti.n l or pare. I et land in Williams Township. Martin County, containing 2 1 2 arte. more oi less, adjoining tHe lands o| LeIaridvKol>< t son, Iiermis Sminoai: Lumber Co. Jamesvifle and Wi'lhamsto-i High way and Cat dot i' Creek. and be tug a part < t tra< t No. 3 as d. scribed in the Register ot I iced of fine in Book .JJJ a*v parte 90. This the 2nd dav of Sept 194" ' ('HAS- ! 1 MAN NINO. s'3-4t Con tntsiom-r (IIKKS MAI.Mil \ in 7 days and relieves] t: o l ii s symptoms first day Tr>\ "Kub My Tism"?- a Wonderful Liniment 666 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the. power - t ah contained in a certain deed of trust "I xeciiled to the undersigned Trust* ? . dated Nov* mix r 2 1939, and ul record ui the K? Ulster of Deeds Office in Hook 1* 2. pan* 525 to se . in certain not* < f even date there with and tin- stipulations in said D< < d of Trust lo t having been com piled with and at the request ol the holder of said bonds. the under . nined Tried* < will, on Monday, SephTvb' 1 1)'). 194,0. at 12-'o'clock. N x.'i. m front of the Courthouse door Martin County, offei for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the ! ow:mii' rii MmI>< <i tract of land: Adjoining the lands of K W Sals o try and Brother. Mis J B. Ever ett Fred Barnhill. Harry Waldo, B B Sh. nod and others, and comix?s ? i of jhe ,following tracts or parcels -! land: conveyed to O T F.v* rett b> Jos* ph I'uia i.s and wife, deed ml. d S< pti ruber 10, 1919, and re corded ir. the Martin County Regis try in Book Y I, pag? 363. Julius The bigger drink with the better ^ flavor) I 12 OZ. BOTTll Hooker and Harry Davis and wives bv deed dated February 1. 1918. and recorded in said registry in Book T-l. page 314. J B Anthony and wife by deed dated January 22. and of record in Book Irl. page 436. M P Taylor and wife by Deed dated November 3. 1919. and of record in Book YYY. page 400. Joseph Purvis and wife by Deed dated September 10. 1919. and of record in Bock Y-l. page 362; A Sherrod and wife by deed dated December 6, 1905. and of record in Book MMM. page 471. Clara Ever ett by Deed dated December 15. 1919. and recorded in Book B-2, page 471. Containing 284 82 acres, more or less. TTns 30th day of August. 1940. B A CRITCHER, s3^4t___^^_^ttorne^^^^^^^^ The World's News Seen Through Tin: Christian Sciknce Monitor An International Daily Nt'Uipaper is lruiMul?Constructive?Unbiased? Free from Sensational ism? Editorials Are I utiely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Motive. I lie- Christian Science I'liMisiunK S?Hiety One, Norway Street, lioston, M.iss.n husctts Prill! $100 Yearly, or Jfl.tH) a Month Saturday issue, iiulmhny M.iy. i/inr Si < tuni, JC 00 a Year. IrMiodut lory OHer . o issues JVUeiUi. Name. .. ____ ? \ Add rew ?i SAMI'I I COPY ON REQUEST TEXACO VOl CANT BUY A BETTER OIL FOR 2r, CENTS. HARRISON OIL CO. NOTICE! Lilleys Laundry and Dry Cleaning XllllOIIIICO Tin- 0|M'lli|l<r Ol A N e w Cash & Carry Branch Office Monday, Sept. 16 Loctitrtl In The OldAtlanticHotel (hi Tin' ('ornrr (If \\ VSIIIV;TON X M \IN STRKK'fS ^ on W ill 11c Ciivt'ii \ 20 Per CViit DiHCounl C A S II \\l> C \ KIM ? f (Of/4* J?C/?//? c/fV, jf**Z)jF9Y SON LILLEV OWNER 1 W I III \>ISIOV V ( III HMII I Mil I.I K. Manuftrr J. I; AM IN . Own.r r mhv mart* tmoa rair or 7b/fffac Torpedo soar and UGH7S/ Climaxing its greatest year, Pontiac presents its greatest line of cars?every one available as either a Six or an Eight! nn,Wr THAT'S RIGHT ?now there's s whole fleet of Pontiac "Torpedoes"! Because every moJel of Pontiac's ntw line for 1941, even the new low-priced De Luxe Six, offers Pontiac's daringly different "Torpedo" body styling which took America by storm this year! And every model in Pontiac's 194 1 line offers you a </xiite of a Six or Light engine. Both engines are more powerful, more responsive ? both power a car that's bigger in every way ? yet both give you the same record economy which made this year's Pootiacs such sensa tional sales successes! See these new !*Torpedoes'- today! Only $13 www ft mm KlfM-cytMw wgfcM to Hm mm o PONTIAC PRICES BEGIN AT *828 FOR DF LUXE -TORPEDO SIX BUSINESS COUPS Delit-ered a! Pontine, Micb. Transportation based on rail rates, state and local taxes (if any), optional ei/nipment and accessories?extra. Prices subject to change without notice. ?f, omnia mum /*>J jw mr* rf*t i E 1. I I ? s. A.1 ?. I ?*. ana op a ! ? am mom c ???????< V>/ 99 ?Omr I fltlA ????(? ?< C'VAS. II. JENKINS ti CO., WILUAMSTON, N. C. CHAS. H. JENKINS h CO., AHOSKIE, N. C. CHAS. H. JENKINS & CO., Main Street, ACLANOER, N. C. CHAS. H. JENKINS & CO., WINDSOR, N. C. CHAS. H. JENKINS MOTOR CO., 412 S. Broad Street, EDENTON, N. C.

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