An Important Announcement Beginning OCTOBER 9th, we are featuring the biggest event of tile year ? Ol H \NM\KRS\R^ S U.K. ^e have two reasons for making special reductions during this event. First, because in the full of the year people think of buying furni ture for their homes, ami second, because it marks the second anniversary of the business which you have helped to build. If you will visit our store during this sale we will prove to you that ?e have outstanding values for your dollar. \\ e are running numerous special items below present day production costs and in addition, every item in our store will be reduc ed. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE I S BEFORE YOU BUY. (i. (f. WOOIiAlt I). Manager :ial ;Ff [skai, sum 5S | _5guaiy ^de by ic >ers o ? One to f. None ll < First Quality GOLD SEAL Rugs 9x12 ? Good Pat terns, Reduced to $6.69 50-POUND Cotton Mattress Double Bed Size $3.98 Springs 120-ooil Folding Springs. On Sale $2.99 EVERY ITEM IN OUR STORE ON SALE All orders muter $25.00 will bo delivered only on our reg ular weekly trip in your ter ritory. Sales tax is not in cluded in prices. Bed Springs Helical l op Reinforced Steel Frame ? Baked-on Enamel $6.75 I (HI PER CENT Felt Mattress Corded Edge?Fine Quality $9.95 ODD Dressers Isirge Size?Walnut Finish Plate Glaus Mirror $11.95 4 lay, yctoDcri uui Range Specials A Six-dap Range Large Liiough for Regular Size family, domplele with Warming dloset or IIi Shelf. Real Bargain! $29.50 KAYON FACE RUGS Look and wear like *>.">.( Ml Made l?y Bigelow San ford durpet do. 9x12 ?A Fine value for only $12.75 Oil Range Five automatic wiekless biirnerH. Built-in insulat ed oven made by tin* Unit ed Stove Company. x $29.95 Satisfaction Guaranteed BedroomSuit Solid IMulio Bedroom Suite? Bed. Vanity. and Chest. Mot the Best in the World. Inil a Solid. Sub stantial. Beautifully Built Suite for $65.00 PhilcoRadios Pliilro Kadios Are Keller. The l.? Millionth Philro reeentK sold. We Offer Yon a Oualil\ harm Padio Willi (luiiiplete Paller\ and Aerial al I he Aina/iii" Lou IViee of ? $24.95 Annivvrsarv Stih>' Duo - Therm Oil Heaters The humous Duo-Therm l url Oil Heater The Word You Near at Your Neighbors, on the Street and on the Air. Viiv si/e and price. $39.95 up Wo have ipiite a number of special items bought for this Sale such