Housewives Sweep \w av Good Soi Brooms wielded by energet housewives is one of the reasor given by John Harris, landsrapt spe< laiist of the State College Extensiu Service, for the extremely pen; soil in the yards of hundreds c North Carolina farmsteads "Th; fertile soil which has been swej away, together with that blown an washed away, is why it is difficu! to have pretty lawns in front c clared. Continuing the specialist aic The best solution to this profiler i> tht use of Bermuda grass Thi grass should be propagated by plant ing the roots during the fali or earl; spring However, there art sonv farmers who refuse to us* Bermud. because it spreads rapidly in thei crop In this case, tht following pro cedure is recommended A one t< two-inch layer of bam man tin should be spread over the- yard Tin soil should* then be scarified as deej as possible and the yard sown n peas. Topsoil should be hauled 11 to any places that have become erod ed " "The peas should be disced or turn ed into the soil in August or Sep tember. After allowing the soil tt settle for two Or three weeks, tht yard should be raked level and com mercial fertilizer applied at the rate of 500 to 000 pounds pet acre Then 25 to 30 pounds of Italian rye grass be followed in the spr v v-th 20 pounds of common losj? <1* v.t >?-ed per acre " "Native grass such as crab glass, foxtail grass and other? will, auto matically come up - and if kept mown, will furnish a fairly nice summer lawn. In some sections, w here there is enough rnoistur* . 15 pounds of carpet grass should be sown with 15 pounds of common les pedeza Mrs. J H Saunders has returned from a visit with relatives in Vn gima ??????; :, '?r... This wh.skey is 4 years old. 86 8 proof Green Kiver Distilled Dry Cin.85 proof 100% distilled from American {ram neutral spirits Oldetymc Distillers Corporation New York. N Y Summer Project A Success '! A very successful gardening an tfa Willuimston School during the sponsorship of the Works Progress j Parent-Teuchei Association Made MIMSTKK > Hey. Preston Cay ton will sup ply the pulpit at Sweet Home Christian Church in Williams Township next year, it was an nouneed recently* The minister, whose home is in Kdenton, re cently conducted a meeting in the county church with Garland Bland leading the song services. Happenings Jn 'l'lie Farm Life School Tin SoniOi class of the Farm Life school met recently and elected their . "Mice! . mascots, grade mothers, and j discussed other' matters of interest. Vela I'ear I Williams was elected president; Lala Smith wick, vice prevalent.. 1 ,au?a?Lilley. secretary 'and ti? usurer Mesdames W A Hodges and A T Whitley will serve the senioiis as grade mothers; Dale Lilley and 'Foggy" Gurkin. young .son. of Mr and Mrs Frank Lilley and Mr and Mrs Raymond Gurkm. are mascots 'I'll- sweet pea will be their flow er. and they will use rainbow colors. Tlm senioi class mil this year is , follows Vera Pearl Williams. Flo**- Hodges, I^aura Lilley, Lala Smithuiek. Marie Hodges, Vera Ruth Griffin, Kathleen Hodges. Le ona Griffin, Chloe Hardison, Cecil Browi Harry Peele. Benny Daniel, . Bhio Peolo. Cailvlc Manning and Robeii Whitley I Mr Russell Martin is sponsor of the class. A laboratory lias been established in Charleston, S C . for the purpose ol developing high quality, disease resistant varieties and strains of vegetables adapted to Southern con ditions Rugs and Druggets Housewives. Waul To Save Money? Then M-?- our beautiful lint* of Hug- ami DrugjtelK. We liuve unylliiiifc from u Sfillcr Kiift to a larpe Druppel. Onal ity Guaranteed. Don't l>uy until you hate tteen ulial we have to offer. WE'LL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY! Martin Supply Co. WILLI AMSTON, N. C. d cunnnii: projt ct was carried on for summi i months through) the joint Administration and the Wilhamston possible b\ it grant (tf land use by "B A Criteher and Marshall Wilson, the garden project was conducted by Labor furnished by the WPA. Messrs Criteher and Wilson gave the Pun nt-Teacher Association the use of lour acres of the Roberson land without charge and C. G. Crockett and V J Spivey donated liberal quantities of fertilizer. The vegetables were canned in the grammar school lunch room under the direction of Mrs. Carrie Delle the preparation of the free lunches being ser ved children daily at the 'grammar school. Results of the gar 1 dening and canning are as fellows: String beans, 210 quarts; soup mix 'ture. 402 quarts; tomatoes and corn, 29 quarts, cucumber pickles, 50 (quarts; tomatoes, 741 quarts; toma i toes and lima beans, 01 quarts, to | tal 1493 quarts. A few of the nearly 1.500 jars of vegetables stored in the school pan try for use tbis fall and winter are I shown above. Even'tis Parents \imI Teachers Meet Monday evening the Everetts P T A met in the school auditorium with Mrs A P. Barnhill, president in charge. The meeting was opened with the leading of scripture and prayer by Mr. H. L. Roebuck, chairman of the school board. fr" Three projects were outlined in the principal's report, which the school hopes to carry out this year The first one is to build up the school library. Although considerable im provement was made in the library last year it is still not graded as a standard elementary library. The ?ond project is a sick room where children may be cared for when taken sick at school until transpor tation may be arranged to return them tk>h of earefal, precision manufat tniinc and workmanship; Dodge fuoUtp that Ask 70m Dodo dealer bow aheat the right track to At your job ... the best track you MONfr.' DIXIE MOTORS, INC.?Williamston, N. C.