Watch The Label On Your Paper. Aa It Carriea The Data Your Subscription E z p 1 r a a THE ENTERPRISE Advertisers Will Find Our Col umn! A Latchkey To Over 1.800 Homes Of Martin County. \OLUME X LI 11?NUMBER 87 W illiamtlon, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. October 2V, IVUt. ESTABLISHED 1899 Democratic Rallies Are Creating Much Interest In County Campaign To Continue Right Up To Election Day in Voting Preeinets While opposition party leaders are jeering and sneering at the Presi dent and trying to belittle his ad ministration over a nation-wide front, Martin County Democratic party leaders and nominees are out in a campaign extolling the cause of democracy in the various voting pre cincts. Already the campaign has been carried into two precincts, Has sell and Hamilton, and first reports maintain that the people in those areas have not forgotten the trou blous and trying times of the early thirties and they are proving that the political bunk offered by Willkie and Company is not good for them and this nation. While the Democrats are without opposition In the county, they are making every effort to get out one of the largest votes ever recorded in the several precincts Thirty faithful memoers of the party greeted the campaigners at Hassell last Saturday evening, and direct reports from the session stat ed that the old flag of Democracy is still flying high there. The speakers were well received and J. Lawrence's Peel's poetry made quite a hit. "Ev ery one was enthusiastic about the entire ticket from constable to Pres- I ident, and every one pledged him self to work unceasingly to get out a record vote for Franklin D Roose velt whose admiration has meant so much for this county and section." Executive Committee Chairman E. S. Peel reported. Last evening the campaigners took their stand in Hamilton where half hundred loyal party men were on hand to offer their cooperation in upholding the cause of Democracy and in getting out a large vote next Tuesday. Hamilton was one of four precincts in the county to cast a solid vote for Mr. Roosevelt in 1936 party leaders believe the feat will ] be repeated this year. Short, peppy talks feature the programs which are necessarily Itm- j ited. In the campaigning group are party leaders and nominees, includ ing E. S. Peel, chairman of the Mar tin County Democratic Executive Committee; John L. Hassell, mayor of Williamston and an old war horse in the cause of the Democratic par- j ty; H. G. Horton, senatorial nominee. Clarence Griffin, house nominee; R H. Smith, nominee for treasurer; J Sam Getsinger, register of deeds nominee; C. D Carstarphen, nomi- j nee for county commissioner, and Charles H. Manning, atturney. Oth ers will join the party as the cam paign progresses right up until the night before election. A cordial invitation is extended the general public, especially the ladies, to attend the meetings. The following schedule will be observ ed: Bear Grass. Tuesday. October 29; Jamesville, Wednesday, October 30, Oak City, Thursday, October 31; Farm Life, Friday, November 1; Wil liams, Saturday. November 2, and Everetts, Monday, November 4th. Each of the meetings will be held promptly at 8 o'clock in the various school houses except in Williams Township where Democrnrv's praises will be heard in the little township house across the way from "Grady Godard's filling station. Late Registration Cards Are Received Late registrations (or selective service were reported at noon today by the Martin County Draft Board, Chairman Goodmon explaining that the registration cards were filled in on time but were late reaching here. Names of late regsitrants and their numbers follow: 32S8 John Walter Moore, col.. Wil liamston R.F.D. 3. 3239 John Henry Taylor, col., Rob eraonville. 3280 Billy John Davis, white, Hassell. 2181 Jeffrey Benjamin Spruill, col., Robersonville. 3282 Lester Lathan Whitaker, white, Robersonville Route 1. 3283 John Bill Leggett, white, Wil liamston Route 2. 3284 Raymond Tebo Whitaker, white, Williamston Route 3 3263 Andrew Lloyd, col., Williams ton. 3368 Jeremiah Fulford, white, Wil liamston 3. 3287 Lonnie Edmondson, white. Oak City 3288 Dennis Robus Coltrain, white, Williamston. Billy John Davis registered out in Diss ton, Oregon. Dennis Coltrain registered in Philadelphia. Lonnie Edmondson registered in Idaho. The other registrations were in North Carolina. The list as announced by the board chairman at noon today in cluded 3,288 registrations. e Special Service In The Church Of Advent Friday Friday, November 1st, being All Saints Day, there will be a celebra tion of the Holy Communion at the Church of the Advent at 10 o'clock. Everyone is cordially invited to at tend this service. Draft Registration and County SeriallNl umbers Marked Shortage I n Sweet Potato Crop Now Certain Late reports from the field point to a marked shortage in the county's sweet potato crop, some farmers stating that there will be hardly more than half of a normal crop of the tubers har vested in the county this season. The harvesting work has possi bly passed its peak in the coun ty, and in some instances farm ers reasoned that the production was so limited that harvesting was only an added expense and stopped the work. Early reports pointed to a re duction in yields, but not until digging got underway the latter part of last week that the reduc tion was found to be far more extensive than was first predict ed. Last year the county harvest ed nearly 250,000 bushels of sweet potatoes or about 75.000 bushels more than the average for the three previous years. Outside estimates place the pro duction this year at about 150, 000 bushels. Early plantings are produc ing fairly good yields, and some farmers are reporting a produc tion above normal, but in most cases the crop is short especially in those cases where plantings were late. Association Meeting At Smith wick Creek By ELDER S. B. DENNY The second annual service of the Eastern North Carolina was held with the Smith wicks Church on Oc tober 26th and 27th This meeting was largely attended and much en joyed by all who were present. The service was opened by their much beloved and high-esteemed pastor, Elder P. E. Getsinger, follow ed by a beautiful discourse by El der E. C Oaks, Leasburg, N. C. After an intermission of one hour, the members and friends met in the church. After prayer by Brother Herman Edwards, of Galax, Va., the meeting was called to order, and El der S. B. Denny, pastor of the Wilson Primitive Baptist Church, was un animously elected moderator, and Elder O. S. Young, of Angier, was chosen clerk. Every church in the correspondence was represented and seated including the visitors from the sister churches and associations. The church at Rose Bay, Swan quarter, petitioned to become a member of the correspondence, and said petition was granted. Sunday morning the congregation met at 10:30 and after a lovely song service of thirty minutes the service was opened by Elder J. B Lee, pas tor of Juniper Church, Four Oaks. Elder C. W. Miller,?of the Ketoi'tan Association of Arlington, Va., deliv ered a most powerful discourse and many hearts were made to rejoice in God, their Savior. Elder Miller was followed by El der R. P. Vass, of Woodlawn, Va., who came laden with the good things from the Master's table. We have never witnessed more love, harmony and sweet fellowship than was man ifested in this meeting. The weath er was fine, the order could not have been better, and the hospitality was equal to anything we have ever seen in the 30 years we have been visit ing unions and associations. The next fifth Sunday meeting in March will be held with Juniper Church, Johnston County, and the fifth Sunday meeting in June will be held with Great Swamp Church, Greenville, and the next annual meeting wiH be held with Rose Bay Church, Hyde County, on the sec ond Saturday and Sunday in Octo ber. 1941. May all of us be favored with many more such meetings, and may we be enabled to emulate the exam ples of our forefathers, and walk in such a manner as to show that we have been led by the divine hand of God Alleged Tobacco Thief Placed Under $300 Bond Bob Smallwood, wanted in con nection with a aeries of tobacco thefts in this county, surrendered yesterday to county officers. He was later released under bond in the sum of $300. JameBville Parentt And Teachert In Regular Meet The Jamesville P.T.A. held its regular meeting in the school audi torium Friday evening, October 11. The children of the elementary de partment presented a short pro gram. Mr. D. N. Hix, principal of the Wil liamston school, gave an interesting and beneficial talk on what a par eat-teacher association can mean to a school. Order Numbers Are To Be Added After I National Drawings | 3257 Young Men Are Subject To Selective Service in Martin Countv ? Martin County's master registra tion list was announced virtually complete early today by R H. Good mon. chairman of the draft board, the receipt of late registration cards from other counties and states boost ing the total count to 3.257 in this county. "It is likely we will receive a few more cards from distant states, but it is our opinion that the regis tration in the county is now within ten or twelve numbers of the ab solute maximum The registration list carrying the names after a numerical fashion was posted at the courthouse last week end, the registrants crowding and jamming the place in an effort to get their serial numbers. There were no fights?the boys agreeing to wait for such overt acts?but there was much pushing and crowding until one group was advised the list would be published today by addresses and in alphabetical order. Death has already cheated the draft in at least one instance in this county, a young registrant dying in Robersonville last week. But that call is one that all will answer, soon er or later. The young man's answer to the call of his country was among the last acts of his life His registra tion number, "44" will be removed j from the active registration list to I await others. The number will not I be used again. Several other num bers, including those of young men who have volunteered in the aorv ice, will be removed from the draft list. James Artliur Wynne, drawing serial number "1" has enlisted along with quite a few others. As a public service, this paper has rearranged the registration list to show the names of registrants by postoffices, rural free delivery routes and by races It is quite possbile and likely that there are some errors, i Some of them are traceable to the original registration, some were pos sibly made in copying the master list from the registration cards and some in the rearrangement by the print ers. The list, while virtually correct, is not offered as officiul. The list, starting below and con tinuing on pages six and seven, gives the names of the registrants and their serial numbers. The names and numbers are listed in alphabetical order, by races, under the registrants' postoffice addresses Those names listed under postoffices out of the county are those of registrants liv ing within the county. It was sur prising to check the list and learn how many men did not know their postoffice addresses. In those in stances where registrants said they lived R F I) No. 2 or 3 HMiell, Ilumilton,?tbnr names wer. placed under the Hassell or Hamilton post office, respectively, there being no regular R F D routes out of those towns. It should be remembered that the numbers appearing at the end of the names are konwn as serial numbers and make up what is known as the main registration list. Order num bers are now being drawn in Wash ington. If John Doe has serial num ber "10" and that number is drawn first, then John Doe is slated to re ceive the first questionnaire and will be subject to the first call, pro vided he has no concrete grounds for deferment. Late reports state that numbers of men have traveled quite a dis tance to get their serial numbers. It is not necessary for them to do so The draft board will contact the men by direct mail The registration list: Hardens?White Paul Woodrow Allen James Pennell Bland Benjamin A. Daniel Grady H. Davenport Irvin R. Davenport Daniel L. Pagan Dallas Murry Harden Marion T. Hardison Henry A. Hardison Robert W Harden William Roy Harden Charles Amos Hough Joseph E. Hardison James L. Knowles Joseph E. Mizell Robert T. Pritchett Benjamin F. Reason Carlton L. Reason James Elmer Stalls Joseph C. Williams Herbert S Williams Kenneth F. Woolard Hardens?Colored Aulander Brooks Robert Butts Robert Clark Booker T. Hill Bernard Moore Nehemiah Moore Sam Moore Queen Moore Sylvester Moore Triomas Moore Richard W. Moore Charles Henry Peel Julian Smith Charlie Williams (Continued on pafe sis) Name Assistants To Assist In Filling In Questionnaires Advisory Group and Number Of Aftftiataiit* Pledge Cooperation Machinery for handling the next step in connection with the selective service act has been set up, the ad visory committee and a number of assistants now standing by for in structions in assisting registrants in filling in their questionnaires. No questionnaire forms have been received in this county but as soon as the proper forms are delivered to the draft board a meeting of the ad visory committee and assistants will be called. The committee and assistants have pledged their cooperation in helping registrants in filling in the answers to the questions each registrants will be asked However, any registrant may prepare his answers and fill 111 the forms without the assistance of the committee of its assistants. The committee and assistants are serv ing without I KI N Committee Member Charles Dav enport announces the following as sistants: Hardens: C. B. Fagan; Jamesvillo. G. M Anderson, O. G. Carson and Ira L. Alexander; Wil liams, Joshua L. Coltrain and Chas. L. Daniel; Griffins, W B Harring ton, George C Griffin and S Oscar Peel. Committee Chairman W H Co burn announces the following as sistants: Williamston Township: Ollie Marie Whedbee, Peel & Manning law of fice; Sara Cope, courthouse; Mrs. Jim Andrews, register of deeds of fice; Mary E. Keel, clerk of superior court's office; Lorene Weaver, coun ty superitnendent's office; Mildred Heddrick. sheriff's office; Irene Tet terton, Roanoke Chevrolet Co.; Hul da Roberson, Williamston Motor Co.; Ella Wynne Critcher, J. Paul Simp son Insurance office; Edith Stallings, B A Critcher's law office; Trulah Ward Page, Hugh G. Horton law of fiee: J I, Hassell. mayor of William ston; Ethel H. Wynne, Branch Bank ing and Trust Co.; R. W. BonduraTit, Standard Fertilizer Co.; D. V. Clay ton, Guaranty Bank and Trust Co.; Bill Carstarphen, Harrison and Car starphen office; W H Coburn, Co burn and Coburn law office; Mrs. I) G Modlin and Mary Carstarphen, Martin County Agricultural Build ing Bear Grass Township: Prof T O. Hickman, Bear Grass school; A. B. Ayers. Ruby Malone, Willie Brown. Virginia Shindler, Mlrs Russell Rogers, Rogers Bros, store. Poplar Point Township: LeRoy Taylor, Taylor farms; W Mayo Har dison, Allen's Filling station, Ham ilton road Mr. J. C. Smith announces the fol lowing assistants: Oak City: Miss Martha Daniel Johnson at the post office; Claude Savage at the ABC store. Hassell: N. B. Parker at the ACL. station; George H. Leggett, at the postoffice. Hamilton: Wade E. Everett, at Johnson's store; W J. Beach. Gold Point: Harry H Roberson, at his store. Rohorsonvilie: Allen Osborne and MTiui Pauline Jenkins in the tax col lector's office; John L. Edmondson in Nathan Roberson's store. Everetts: J. B. Barnhill, Jr., at Barnhill's filling station, and Dick Cherry at pool room or at John Cher ry's store. County Gets Credit On Its Draft Quota Martin County is almost certain to get credit for three men on its draft quota, Board Chairman R. It. Good mon announcing today that two young draftees had volunteered yes terday and that little Pete Fowden went with the National Guard sev eral weeks ago. A fourth draftee wanted to volunteer but his accept ance is pending. The young man is married, but it was not stated wheth er he preferred war to married fife. He could not register without the consent of his wife. It is possible that she will help him enter the service. Grover Moore and Ellis Crofton Wynne volunteered yesterday. BIG SALE Contrary to reports claiming that the crop had Just about been sold in Its entirety, the Wil liamston market yesterday had one of its largest and most sat isfactory sales of the past sever al days. Nearly 176,004 pounds were sold for an average sllfhtly be low 19 cents a pound, an average that was retarded hifti consid ering the quality of the offer ings. Comparatively light sales were reported by the market to day, and It is generally agreed that hardly one out of ten farm ers has any tobacco left for sale. No definite closing date for the markets has been determin ed. but It la possible' that sales will be suspended possibly the last of next week or early In the following week. Democratic Call to Arms Heard Over the Nation At Noon Today: Malgram Barefoot First Called Pa rty Leaders A re .-1 ppea ling For A Record Vote In County While it is fairly certain that Mar- ( I tip County will gp democratic in big way. party leaders are appeal ing to and urging all citizens to par ticipate in the elect 101 next Tuesday. Briefly stated, the size of the Vote | cast will reflect the popularity of1 Franklin Hoosevelt in Martin Coun ty. ? Present indications point to a close' presidential election at best, and it ! is possible that .1 strong vote will In needed in this section to offset the j contrary vote in other sections. Four years ago. Martin County cit izens polled one of the largest votes ' in the history of the county, 4.477 of the 4.5HK votes going to Mr House volt- It can be said here and now that ! that record will be hard to beat, but 1 party leaders are now working and urging the voters to deliver the cre dentials in a big way. Four precincts, I Williams. Griffins, Hamilton and Popular Point, were solid in their ' Match Is Applied To Balkan Powder Ke,r Bv The Axis Group Crerrr Offering Sold,- Kijslit As Rurburiaii llortlo Start Southward Hitler's and Mussolini's barbarian hordes are now knocking at the dt>or of about ~fTie last fret* little country in Europe; the w;n machine of Mus SQlini having moved un CJieece e uly Monday to mark a shift in the scene of struggle Outnumbered and fight ing at odds, the determined Greeks were said to have stood their ground and inflicted heavy losses among the first invading Italians. There was 110 sign early today of capitulation hy the stalwart defenders of Greece Britain moved in to offer tin- little country all possible aid. but unless | Turkey comes 111 there is not much I hope for the brave defenders. With hardly more than 100.000 | armed men, a few more than 100 planes and a limited number of old ships, the Greeks are fighting a strong machine. Mussolini says he will devour Greece in three weeks, | but it is apparent that he will have j to fight to got control there. A state of confusion and unrer j tainty still grips the Balkan situa I tion. Turkey remains undecided Rus I sia is not talking, and it now appears 1 that the Axis combination will first take Greece, then the Dardaru lies I and continue into Syria and the Suez Canal During the meantime Spain lis to give a __xight'-of^way?to Nazi troops across its lands for an attack on Gibraltar. It is now apparent that the match has been applied to the Balkan pow der keg, that war and death are now out of control and that the end is not in sight. The struggle has reached that stage where Turkey and Rus sia will write important words into world history for centuries to come If Russia will give Turkey the ad vance signal, the Greeks can expect aid. If Russia denies German's claim to the Dardanelles, a turning point of far-reaching consequence will have come in the war. Just now the Balkan situation offers a dark pic ture not only for Europe but also for the world. Air warfare continues on a small er scale over England, but the Brit ish apparently are expanding their activities. The Skoda munitions fac tory in Czechoslovakia, one of the largest in Europe, has been bombed by the R.A.F. Gives Figures On Church Attendance By REV. S. J. STARNES Pastor, Methodist Church The following figures represent the attendance at the various Wil liamston churches last Sunday. Chure Baptist Christian Episco-pal Holiness Methodist Presbyterian 7 packer* To del Sproinl Month Salarie? Tomorrow The approximately 200 Mar^n County teachers and other scbdol employees will receive their"second TOW. month salaries tomor rbw. Checks are being drawn in the office of the superintendent today. The salary schedule will make available slight ly more than $21,000 to the teachers ?nd other school employees. support of Mr. Roosevelt four years ago. Will he hold his strength there? j Will he add to his strength in other precincts? The voters hold the an-! swers to the questions, and party leaders are hopeful that the answers will come in certain and definite terms. A review of the 1936 presidential vote follows, by precincts: Precinct Roosevelt Landon Jamosville 443 ? 14] Williams 203 Griffins 387 Bear Grass 318 Williamston 1060 Cross Roads 341 Robersonvillo 695 Gold Point 139 Poplar Point 177 Hamilton 216 Hassell 142 Goose Nest 350 TOTALS 4477 NOT NKCKSSUO Quite a few of those men who registered for selective service at the direction of the govern ment are of opinion that they must learn their registration ser ial number. It is not necessary for the registrant to voluntarily get his serial number, lie will he notified by direct mall as to what he is to do. Naturally, it will he interesting for the regis trant to learn his serial number, hut it Ls not necevsary for him to is. \ The registration was serially numbered to make what is known as the "master list" from which order numbers will he de termined. Welfare Hoard In Monthly Meeting The Martin County Welfare hoard held its monthly meeting in the of fices of the Welfare Department at the court house last Thursday The meeting was called to order hy the chairman. Rev K C. Shoe, of Rob ersonville, who then asked for a re port on the present status and the quota* Cm () A A , ADC and Aid to the Blind Since there were a few vacancies in each division. new cases were presented and approved as follows six for O A A , two for A DC. involving 10 children and one Aid to Blind case. A review of the eye clinic, the home visiis, ihe-county home and the recent State Wide Meeting for the county welfare hoard members which was held in Raleigh was pre sented to the hoard Miss Nell Johnston, field repre sentative from the Stall- Board of Charities, made a brief talk to the hoard on the subject, of "The Coun ty Welfare Board and the Commun ity " ' ' Those present for the meeting in addition to Miss Johnson were Rev. K. C. Shoe, Mrs Wheeler Martin, Mr W Robert Everett and all members of the county welfare department staff Work Is Underway On The River Fill Repair work and the construction of four bridges on the Roanoke Riv er fill got underway yesterday when construction forces started clearing a right-of-way for. widening the fill and when workmen started building temporary bridges for handling traffic during the construc tion of the concrete structures R. L. Rice, superintendent for the Kiker and Yount* Contracting firm, stated yesterday that most of this week would be spent in clearing a 1 right-of-way for the enlarged fill. TTbgJitt^Mcks are now in operation, : and a number of others along with modern shovels and pans will be placed in operation within a week or ten days The company just re ently purchased u number of new (machines of modern design and ac cording to Mr. Rice the project can completed within the allotted 75 orking days. Eon Enforcement Amende* Report A Quiet Week-end Little activity-was reported on the crime front in this county during the past week-end, the combined law enforcement agencies making only four arrests during the period. Three of the four persons were listed as habitual drunkards and were pick ed up on Willikmston streets. Draft Is Regarded As A (?reat Move For Nations Peace National Drawing in Wa*hiti? ton W ill llanlly lie Cimi plrtrd ill I.) Honrs The democartic call to arms was heard thimrgtunit the length and breadth of the nation today at noon as the first numbers of registrants were drawn for the budding up of . the greatest peace time army in Am erican history. Following an address to the nation by President Franklin D Roosevelt. Secretary of War Stim son drew the first number from the gold fish bowl. The number, "158" struck home in every draft board | area in the nation, the first call go ing to Malgrum Barefoot in this county It was an-exciting time in Wash ington and one of those present for the drawing. Mrs. Mildred Bell, heard her son's number called. She uttered a scream, but a few minutes later she said that she was willing for her son to serve his country Mr. Bell said that he was glad to have a son physically able to serve his coun try in the present crisis, and wished that he had more to offer Harry Robert Bell was 21 in August He is single and without dependents; he is as good as in the army now. In his address to the nation, Pres ident Roosevelt stated that the gov ernment was mindful of its responsi bility to all men. that those who are called to the service of their country are to profit by their One year of service. The motive behind the draft -y?thought?h-??t4+c? ment is for maintaining the peace of America. "The one- purpose is to de fend a freedom we have come to enjoy, and the call to arms is being answered for that purpose only," the President said in Iris talk just prior to the drawing **f the first number "The task for all is to keep peace," I he concluded. The serial number, "158", belong ing to Malgrum Barefoot, young white married farmer of Williams ton R.F.D No. 3. was called first, and he gets what is known as Order No. 1 The next number called was "192" and that means that every registrant in every county or draft board throughout the United*'States will i get Order No 2 In this county the serial number "192" belongs to Hur j se.l Clyde Miller, young white man who manages Lilley's Laundry in ? Willinmsfon Mr Millet is a single ; man. Martin County's registration list has no numbers in excess of 3,268, and the next several drawings did not affect any registrants in this .county. The number "105" was the nineteenth one ca 11 < -d, and that num 1 her belongs lo Hubert A Sallei'fleld, Williamston chain store manager and man led man The drawing, handled by men high in government service, was off to a slow start, and will last for about 15 hours or until about 3 or 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. Up until 2:30 o'clock this afternoon eight numbers belonging to registrants in this county had been drawn. The names of the last five and their ser ial numbers are as follows Wesley Edward Baker, of Hamil ton, 2441; James Epps Bullock, 2563, of Williamston; Chester Felton Dav is, 188, of Williamston, R.F.D. No. 2; James Dalburgh Riddick, 120, of Williamston; Wiley Nobles Craft, 2914, of Oak City; Bert Lee Rober son, 2070, of Jamesville, R.F.D. 1. All of the above are white. The first colored man drawn S Jodie Oaynor, I of Williamston. His serial number is 2451 Cluy Randolph Waters, 2748 of Jamesville, was the next man call ed. The names of others whose num bers were drawn are, Lance Dutton Hardy, 2698, white, of Williamston Route 2, Walter Freeman, 846, col ored of Williamston; Joseph Carl Williams, 2764,. white of Hardens; Jesse LaFayette Bunch, 2470, white, of Palmyra. It does not necessarily mean that the men whose numbers appear here and others to be drawn will be call ed into service. On an average 10 per cent will be called, and hardly more than five out of each 100 will actually see service. Questionnaires will be mailed according to order numbers, the first questionnaire go ing to Registrant Barefoot. He is a married man and will likely be elig ible for No. 3 classification. Hershel Miller will receive the second ques tionnaire and on down the line. Questionnaire forms have not yet been received by the board in this county, und the registrants will hardly be contacted within the next several days. The questionnairee will be mailed at the rate of 50 a day af ter they are received, meaning that it will take three weeks or more be fore the distribution is effected in its entirety. Order numbers will be published as rapidly as possible, and they will be followed by classifications.

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