Clob Society and Personals OF WILUAMSTON and MARTIN COCNTT PHONE Anything for Thii - *? 4 6 is Visitinf lis Hamilton ? Mrs. John Bateman. of Elizabeth City, is visiting Mr and Mrs Ken White in Hamilton this week. Visit Here Sunday Mr and Mrs T. E. Miller and daughter, Ann. of Norfolk, visited relatives here Sunday. Were Here Saturday Mrs. Lee Brewer and daughter. Sally Lee, of Windsor, visited friends here Saturday. Visit in Hamilton Mr and Mrs. Sidney Sitterson, of Norfolk, visited the latter's parents. Mr and Mrs. Henry Johnson, in Hamilton, last week-end. Returns from Norfolk Mrs. Clyde Ward has returned from a visit with relatives in Nor folk. Visiting Here This Week Mrs Raymond Mitchell, of Dur ham, is visiting Mrs. Daisy Purvis here this week. Attend Wake Forest-Duke Game Albert Cooke, Howard Cone and Jack Manning attended the Wake Forest-Duke game Saturday. Attend Football Game Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Griffin at tended the Carolina-Tulane game in Chapel Hill Saturday. Returns to Hamilton Miss Dorothy Perkins has return ed to her home in Hamilton after a visit with relatives in Raleigh Attend Football Game Misses Natalie Gould and Bolton Cowen and Mr. Robert Cowen at tended the Wake Forest-Duke game Saturday. Visiting in Jamesville Mrs. N. S. Lockhart, of Ayden, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Will Moore, in Jamesville this week. Attend Football Game Messrs. Fred Taylor, Tom Skin ner, Edwin Holding, Ralph Taylor, George Harrison, Jr., Eli Marion Taylor, C. B. Roebuck and Joe Mc Cotter, of Washington, attended the Wake Forest-Duke game Saturday. In Hamilton Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Berry House and daughter, of Robersonville; Mr. and Mrs. Jasper House, of Warrenton, and Mr. Huwell House, of Rober sonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Johnson. Jr., in Hamilton Sun day. Visiting in Norfolk Mrs. H. R. Williams and daughter, Janet, are visiting in Norfolk this week. Visits in Rocky Mount Mr. Ernest Mears visited in Rocky Attends Police Institute A. B. C. Officer J. H. Roebuck at tended a police institute in Chapel Hill last week-end. Leaves for Texas Mrs. Hattie Harrison left Sunday for an extended visit with relatives in Bryan, Texas. She was accom panied to Durham by Mr and Mrs W H. Harrison and daughter, Ann, and Mrs. Charlie Mobley In Greenville Sunday Mr. Jack Frank visited in Green ville Sunday. Are Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. Darvin Henry, of Kentucky, are visiting friends here for a few days. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Modlin. of Plymouth, visited friends here Sun day. Spends Week-end Here Pete Fowden, Jr., stationed at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S. C., visited his parents here last week-end Was Here Last Week-end Miss Virgil Ward, student at E. C- T. C., Greenville, visited her mo ther. Mrs. Lucy Ward, here lasti week-end. In Pactolus Sunday Mrs. W E- Warren and daughter, Mary, and Miss Sophie Little visit ed in Pactolus Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Marjorie Fleming, student at Peace College. Raleigh, visited rela tives here last week-end. In Wilson Sunday Mrs. Paul Jones. Misses Mary Ben son and Dorcas Knowles and Mr. C D. Carstarphen visited in Wilson Sunday. Friends of Mrs. Clayton House will be glad to learn that she is improv ing from a recent illness at her home in Hamilton. In Washington Sunday Misses Lucy Williams. Marie Grif fin, Mary Rodgerson, Mamie Clyde Taylor and Evelyn Lilley visited in Washington Sunday. Marriage License Issued \ A marriage license was issued in this county last Friday to Alonzo Edward Bland and Virginia Dare Perry, both of Williamston. Visiting in Jamesville Mr an<J Mrs. Howard Gaylord and little daughter, Nancy Sue, oh Laurel Springs, are spending sever al days with relatives in Jamesville. Visiting in Jamesville Or. and Mrs. June Vann and daughter, of Spring Hope, and Mrs Joel Mayo, of Clayton, are visiting relatives in Jamesville. Attend Circus in Raleigh Mrs John Tullos, Miss Sara Cone and Mr Harry Biggs attended the circus in Raleigh last night. In Plymouth Sunday Miss Mary Stokes Robinson and Mrs. Janie Lehew visited in Plym- j outh Sunday. Was Here Saturday Mrs. Melrose Gay lor, of Windsor, visited here Saturday. Improving from Illness Attend Celebration Among those attending the Lind say Warren Day celebration Ifi Washington Friday were Misses Lala Smith wick. Vera Williams. Eloise Hodges. Laura Lilley and Leona Griffin from Farm Life. Attend Football Game Mr. and Mrs. fcill Howell and Mr. Oscar Anderson attended the Caro lina-Tulane game Saturday and spent the week-end in Durham and Chapel Hill. Returns to Georgia Mrs. Charles Harris. Jr.. has re turned to her home in Rome,' Ga . after visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. G Taylor, in Everetts for two weeks. Was Here Friday Mr. R. L. Bryant, of Oak City, vis ited here Friday afternoon. Attend Football Game Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Matining attended the Carolina-Tulane game Saturday and visited relatives in Micro last week-end. Spends Week-end Here Miss Blanche Harrison, student at the University, Chapel Hill, visited her mother, Mrs. Lossie Harrison, here last week-end. Return from Henderson Mrs. William Everett and daugh ters have returned from a visit with relatives in Henderson. Visit Here Saturday Mrs. J. G. Castlelow and daugh ter, of Windsor, visited here Satur day. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pope, of Robersonville, visited here Sunday. I Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Sallie Gurganus, of Norfolk, spent the week-end here with rela tives. Missionary Society To Meet The Baptist Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. Lonnie Peel at her home on the Bear Grass Road Friday evening at 8 o'clock, it was announced today. In Plymouth Sunday Mr.*and Mrs. J. Sam Getsinger, _Mcs, -S^S^-Brown, Mrs.John A, Ward and Mrs. Sallie Gurganus. of Nor folk, visited relatives in Plymouth j Sunday. ! Return lo noutli Carolina Miss Doris Evecrtt and Mr Hilton Everett have returned to Springfield, S. C., after visiting their father in Hamilton for a few days In Washington Sunday Mr and Mrs Jack Horner and Miss Editli Stalhngs visited in Wash ington Sunday Visits in Washington Miss Pattie Porter visited relatives in Washington last week-end. Was Here Sunday Dr. Marvin Evans, of llocky Mount, visited friends here Sunday. Attend Football (lame Messrs. Eugene Rice, Ernest Mears, Roy Ward, John Eagles, Al bert Cook and Dick Miller attended the State Kreshman-E.C.T.C. foot ball game in Greenville on Friday night. Visits in Rich Square Miss Maggie Brown, teacher in the Hamilton school, visited in Rich Square last week-end. Visit Here Sunday ?Me:?mid?Mrs.?Mwrvin Felton, of Rocky Mount, visited here Sunduy. Attend Game at Wake Forest Mr and Mrs E P. Cunningham and son, George, attended the Wake Forest-Duke game Saturday. NOTICE North Carolina Martin County. Having this day qualified as ex ecutrix of the estate of Nora Rice, deceased, late of Martin County, N. C, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned ex ecutrix or her attorneys within twelve months from the date of this notice or same will be pleaded as a bar to any recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 11th day of October, 1940 CALLIE LITTLE, Executrix. Peel & Manning, Attys. olS-6t NOTICE OF.SALE North Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed trustee on the 1st day of March, 1919, by Henry L. Reddick and wife, Rebecca Reddick, said deed of trust securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of said note, the stipulations contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of the said note, the un dersigned trustee will, on Tuesday, the 19th day of November, 1940, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to wit: First Tract: Containing 33 acres, more or less, and being the same land bought of T. S. and S. S. Hadley, and bounded by the lands of Gus I-anicr on the North, and on the East, South, and West by the lands of C. O. Godard, Delia Reddick and oth ers. Second Tract: Our interest, con taining 50 acres, bounded on the East by the lands of John Williams, on the South by the Eason land, on the West by Rubin Spruill, on the North by the lands of Isaac Nichols, and known as the Burgess land, and heired by Rebecca Reddick from her father's estate. This the 19th day of October, 1940. R. G. HARRISON, Trustee. Peel & Manning, Attys. o22-4t Italian RyeGrassSeed Plant Notv For Winter Lawn CLARK'S DRUG STORE PhoiM'H 52 & 55 l-ct uh fill your prescription This Work's ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 50-pound COTTON MATTRESSES DOUBLE BED SIZE Q O A Fine Value For y JiJIO WOOLARI) FURNITURE CO. H A V () 1.1 N K The ff'orld't Largeat Selling Motor Oil. HARRISON OIL CO. Personal m I)o<*tor'? Bills Pile Up? A Temporary Business Jam? Getting Married? For whatever reason you need extra cash ? GET IT HERE! LOW INTEREST RATE - i No bonus or extra interest charged on small loans. All you need is eollateral or some good endorsement. Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. > Late?t .Additions To The Enterprise Mailing List Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the following: Mrs. Emily Teel, Robersonville! Addie Bailey. WilUamston: Simon Lilley, Williamston; L. A Bullock. J. C. Williams, Oak City: Sarah Get singer. Wilson: Willie Modlin. James ville; W. D. Manning. Williamston: Ira F Griffin. Williamston: Lawrence J. Lilley, Williamston: Ira S Price. Williamston: Mrs George Johnson. Robersonville: Mrs Ben H James. Williamston; Mrs A R Dunning. Williamston; W. D Daniel, James ville; N. S. Cherry. Williamston: J. R. Bullock. Williamston. Levi James. Williamston; J. B Whitaker. Wil liamston. Mattie Reevs, Williamston: Marguerite Ayers, Greensboro: Mary Sossoms, Robersonville; Mrs Frank Johnson, Harrisburg. Pa.; R. L. Bry ant, Oak City; Mrs. H. C. Chapman. Chesterfield. S. C-; Mrs. J. R. Junes. Williamston; Ira T Hardison, Wil liamston; John T Hadley. William ston; Francis Peel, Wilmington ? Legion Hut Bridge Party Mesdames Roy McClees, Eddie Trahey and Julian Harrell entertain ed at 21 tables of bridge Thursday night in the American Legion Hut. using the Halloween motif effective ly in tallies, scorepads. covers and lovely fall flowers. Mesdames V. E Brown and H. O. Peele, assisted by Mrs. J. C. Eubanks served punch. Prizes were won by Mrs. Robert Everett, a crystal vase, for high; Mrs Daisy Pope, crystal book-ends, sec ond high; Miss Marie Griffin, hand-1 kerchiefs, consolation; and Mrs.; George Whitehurst. crocheted coast-' ers, traveling. Mrs. Edwin Holding, a bride of the month, was remem bered with linen guest towels. A chicken salad plate was served to the following. Mesdames Charle Rogers. Jr.. B. W. Nash. Ernest Eth cridge, F. U. Barnes. E. T. Walker. W. H. Booker. William L. Howell, Charlie Mobley, Abner Brown. W. H. Gay lord, of Windsor; Gay lord Harrison. Garland Woolard. Joe Glenn, K. D. Worrell. Jessup Harri son. Henry Davis Harrison. Jr., Dav id Davis, Charles Godwin. Jr.. Jodie Woolard. George Whitehurst. Har old liargett. Mack Simpson, Edwyi Peele. W. J. Hodges. Daisy Pope. Phillip Keel. G. H. Harrison, John Ward. Joe Griffin, G. H. Harrison Jr., Bill Glover. Clyde Griffin. Hoke Roberson. Bruce Wynne. James Man ning. David Hix. Herbert Taylor, Sam Edwards, J. D. Thrower, David Modlin, Edwin Holding. Wigg Watts. Maurice Watts, of Huntington, W. Va.; J. H. Saunders. Jr.. Jimmy Tay lor. Hubert Coburn. Charles Leon ard, Jr., Garland Barnhill, Harwell Everett. Ray Goodmon, Herbert Clark, Robert Everett.?F- E. Buff lap, Arthur Bertolett, R. L. Coburn, V. J. Spivey. Vernon Bunting, Frank Margolis, C. B. Clark, Sr., Marion Cobb, Tom Rose, Wheeler Manning, William Everett, W. H Harrison, Marvin Britton. C. C. Parker, Asa Crawford, T. M. Grimes, of Ay den; W I. Skinner. E. P. Cunningham, H. R. Williams and Clarence Whed bee, Misses Ernestine Barber, Eme lyne Evans. Marie Griffin, Lillian Breen, Mamie Clyde Taylor, Kathryn Mewboni. Bettie Mayo Everett, Ruth BLAND PERRY Mr and Mr* Simon D Perry an nounce the marriage of theii daugh ter. Virginia Dare. to Alonza Ed ward Bland, son of Mr and Mrs John W Bland, on Saturday. Octo ber 26th. at two o'clock Rev. John L. Goff officiated Both Mr and Mrs Bl ind attend ?d the local schools and ho ts now associated with Paul Jones Service Station. Following a short wedding trio to Elizabeth City, the young couple are at home at present with the groom's aunt at the county home. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs E G. Whitehurst. of Bethel, announce the engagement of their daughter. l>orothy Leu is. ??f Bethel and Williamston, to Daniel Wilson Manning, of Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. P E Manning. The wedding will take place in Decem ber. h crfilizcr 7 o II** I sni In ) our Tobacco Thin I Hcd Tobacco plant bed fertilizers should contain 4 per cent nitrogen, 8 per cent phosphoric acid, and 3 per cent potash. The addition of one per cent available magnesia w ill be beneficial in certain cases and its inclusion is generally recommended by L. T. Weeks, extension tobacco specialist. However, he says that in jury due to excess of chlorine has been widely observed in tobacco plant beds. Since fertilizers are ap plied to plant beds in relatively large Norton. Thelma Lilley.- Ruth?Man ning, Estelle Crawford, Mary Whit ley. Dorothy Mae James, of Par mete and Ella Mae Gaylord. tall* (hit whiskey is 4 years old. 86 6 proof Green River Distilled Dry Gin. 85 proof 100% distilled from American grain neutral spirits Oldetyme DistiMers Corporation. New York, N Y COME IN AND SEE The First Tire Built With This ht? AMERICAN MADE " IUIHREK i The New Goodrich I Silvertown of | Liberty lluliheij made with A |Ameri|iol m 14 years ago Goodrich recognized the critical situation that would face American motorists if a world emergency shut off supplies of natural rubber from the far east Today?after untiring research Goodrich has not only achieved American freedom from depen dence on natural rubber but has created a new Sllvertown of "Liberty Rubber" made with Goodrich Amerlpol, \ Come In and see this tire ? It's on display. See the colorful pic ture story of how Goodrich took petroleum, a natural gas, soap and air and made a Liberty Rubber called Amerlpol. I'rocessea irom American materials Butadiene >m Americt Petroleum Soap from Ameri can Agricultural, Products Natural Gat ? AI tIre specials GOODRICH CERTIFIED COMMANDERS QM 4.75-19 for .... $5.45 T ? 5.57-17 for .... $6.45 O A L hi 6.00-16 for .... 87.15 Economy Auto Supply ''Cotion" DAVIS, Mgr. Williamnton, N. C. quantities, even a small percentage I of chlorine may cause injury. Only i such materials as are practically free of rliloririps should be used for \ ing plant bed fertilizers. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed Mayor of Williamston by a resolution <iuly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Williamston on the 7th day of October. 1940. acting under the laws) jof North Carolina as provided for in Section 2688 of the Consolidated | Statutes of North Carolina, the un-1 dersigned will on the 12th day of, November. 1940. at 12 o'clock Noon, at the courtnousc door in Martin County offer for sale at public auc tion for cash the property described i as follows: Lot No. 1. ? Beginning at the I corner of Park Street and Williams Street ami -Hmmttg- -thence feet' 1 along Williams Street to J E. Grif fin's line 125 feet parallel with Park j Street to Joseph Griffin's corner, j thence running 40 feet a straight line to Park Street, thence down Park! Street 125 feet to the beginning. Lot No. 2? Beginning at a point where J. E Griffin's lot and Joseph 'Griffin's lot intersect facing Park Street, thence running along Joseph ' Griffin's line 75 feet parallel with ' Park Street to the corner of B. C Cheaaon's lot thence running a straight line 40 feet to Park Street thence down Park Street 75 feet in the direction of Williams Street, thence 40 feet a straight line to the beginning. Lot So. 3?Beginning at the cor ner of Warren Street and Park Street and running a straight line down i Warren Street 40 feet to B. C. Ches I son's corner, thence along B C. Cbes son's line 100 feet parallel with Park Street to Joseph Griffin's corner, thence a straight line 40 feet to Park Street, thence up Park Street 100 feet to Warren Street the begin ning The the 11th day of October, 1940. J L. HASSELL, Mayor of Town of Williamston. Coburn & Coburn, Attys. o!5-4t Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender. In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Chest Colds. Bronchitis 1 "l? WIlllAMSTON ll< H Al I I III V UC.l III VI lw SMART Sk>*? V J E. O. M. End of Month Specials To uinil 1111 tlir nioiitli of Orlolii'r with a ^router \oliimi' of liu-ini'** uil> in tin- |iri'ri>iliiig vi'urn, wr Ikim- m-IitIi'iI a ^ronp of itirrcliaiulist' tliat will hi- |mil on -.alo Wednesday ? Thursday Friday and Saturday At Prices -Tint! (latt'l Be Duplicated CROUP I V GROUP OK DRESSES? \ iiliinl to si 1.95. K.O.M. Special $10.95 HHOHI' II SPECIAL GROUP DKKSSKS?Value* To# 12.95. K.O.M. Special $9.95 ~ <;/{(??/? ill SI'KCI AI. CHOI I* OKKSSKS?Value* l<> #7.95. K.O.M. S|M'i'inl $5.95 I.IUIUI' II ONK GROUP CO V I S ? Not All *iz.CH. Ditconlinucil Style*?Value* To #19.75. K.O.M. Special ? $10.00 t.ROII' v ONK (.KOI I' KAYSKK HOSE?llraiul Nr? Stock Size* K \A lo I OK.. $1.00 Values .... 79e $1.15 Values . . . . 89c , * CROUP VI ONK GROUP OF MEN'S SUITS? Value* to $22.50. K.O.M. Special $10.00 No Phone, C.O.I), or Mail Orders Filled at 1 ' L- u ihore Prices. No Exchanges or Refunds. \ Hlaifolis Bwlkete WILLIAMSTON, N. C.

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