Need Recreational House For ^ inter A meeting of the WPA recreation- ( al project sponsors committee for tht town of Williamston was held at tht courthouse Thursday night. October | 24th. Miss Mary W Taylor super in tendent of public welfare, who act- I ed as chairman of the meeting, stat ed that the purpose of calling tht group together was to study the! problem of recreational facilities for I the children of Williamston during J the coming winter months Mr. Allen Olmstead. supervisor of recreational projects in this district, informed the committee members that in order to continue with this type of WPA project it would be absolutely necessary to provide an indoor playgrounds He said that un-_ less this place was provided within the next week or so that it would be necessary to close the entire rec reational project for Williamston The recreational committee. ah ng with many other citizens who have. expressed themselves to various j members of the committer realizing the potential value of such a project! as this for the pre-school youngsters I and the need of such work in this community, are making every effort to find a suitable location for th? indoor center A committee, composed of Mr C B Clark. Sr Mr. V J Spivey, Mrs E P. Cunningham. Miss Mary W : Taylor and Mr Irving Margolis. was unanimously elected to make an-; port to the-.entire group at a im M? ' ing which is to be held tonight .?t tht courthouse In the event that the necessary ap&ee 4s prov ided and tht ? project; continues .it is hoped that the par-' en: of the children here in town ! will send their children to this cm- j ter from nine until twelve in the morning The play will be supervis ed and the children well cared f< r during this time I'arenls-Teacher? If ill (*irr Turkry Su/t/ter H rtlnetday Tlie turkey supper arranged by in te* sted parents and teachers will h ( Id at th< Woman'.- Club tomoi - ' night beginning at six o'clock. | T sets were placed on sale last I Saturday and preparations are being i for a large crowd. Profits from j th venture will bo u*vd to purchase < Jr. ors for the local high school j NOTICE OF SAFE i'nder and by virtue of the author ity of a judgment in the Superior C urt, Martin County, in an action entitled "In the Matter of Henry Jones et al. Ex-parte," the under- j id?eummiSsn.iru.Ts will?loj?the ! J U day of November. 1940. at 12 "Trriuck, Noon, m front of the court-i house door in Williamston, N C . of fer for sale to the highest bidder, for | e. the following described tract, of land: That certain piece or parcel of land ' lying and being in Cross Roads j Township. Martin County^, and on! L< ggett Branch, formerly known as the Austin Jones land Containing 15' acres. more or less. For more par ( Uvular description, see Died from W H Wilson and wife to Austin j Jones, recorded in Book YY. page 43b. and Deed from M D Wilson, j Trustee, to Austin Jones, recorded' in Book MMM. page 25ti. of the Mai i tin County Registry This 2bth dav of October. 1940 H L SWAIN. B A CRITCHER. o29-4t Commissioners Count} I ounf Man (<cli I'roniolitm In Tht> irmr ? ? Private R Danu-1. son of the latr Mr and Mrs Jim Daniel, of Griffins Towns'.ip, wn<. enlisted in the army iust N >vt mbcr pasx-d the <^rgwant's examination last week. Priv..t< lie .t .i> i?ee?-. .-rationed [on tf ? WalUr R< id post in Washing t : D C. M.'iCe ? rmstmer.t H< will receive his commission soon Halloween Festival Will Be Held Here Student fganizatiuns of the Wil l hams' n high school are advancing' plans rapidly for the annual Hal-| j'loween festival which will be held | i' gymnasium next Thursday I night Taking over the festival for the first time in several years, local I high school students are planning a gala party which will inclule the) usual Halloween event- plus a pro grain from the gymnasium stage. Various home rooms, the Beta Club, the athletic association, the I student Council, and the home eco-j nomics department will provide, booths and entertainments which! will include refreshments, bobbing j for apple>. fortune telling, the cake walk, "a chamber of horrors" and bingo Entertainment will be pro vided for young and old alike, and a large crowd is expected. The usual contest for costumes will "be he let with prizes being awarded ' i wearer.- "f the prettiest and the most original costumes The Hallow een parade will be formed at 7:30 at the corner of Watte and Mam[ street. with Scoutmaster Horace I Ray and member of Boy Scout Troop No 27 in charg* Children will march cast on Main to Smith wick and thence to the gym where the fun will begin The stag* program will begin at 8 o'clock. Parents are urged to bring their children arid join m the festivities. ) oun/i Connly Man hnlrrx Military Sorrier Monday Representatives from the Army Recruiting servant were here yes terday and received two enlistments. Herman B Goodman, of Plymouth, who will leave Thursday for Mac Dill Field, near Tampa, in the air corps, and Charlie Boweh. of route two. Williamston. who will be with the armored division at Fort Ben ning, Columbus. Ga Tomorrow. Wednesday .the re cruiting officers will be at the post office in Windsor Then ai. a number of vacancies l at present in-the signal corps, airl corps, armored division and others. Driver Of Death Ear Is Exonerated lly Justice Simon Gardner, driver of the car that struck and killed Beulah Faye Hopkins, three years old, last Thurs day afh rivHui. was exonerated at a hearing before Justice J L. Hassell here last evening The accident was ruled unavoidable" on the part of Gardner by the trial justice. Rev and Mrs Daniel C Boone, of Robcrsonville. and Mrs. H H Culll phei are visiting in Suffolk for a few days, - THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . Death stalked on the highways of this county again last week. tx>osting the number of its auto mobile accident victims to four. While the record this year trails that of a year ago. motorists are swinging into the home stretch with an apparent determination to maintain the tragic pace It is apparent that we haven't seen the tragic picture that has been painted for four families in this county so far this year If only the burdensome thoughts that prey upon their minds could be registered in ours, possibly we would readily realize that the wild dash through life is not as net . vsary as we now believe it to be. ? Two more months of the cur rent year be ahead, and it would appear that nothing could be worth more than to exercise cau tion and care that one or more human lives might not be snatch ed into eternity. The following tabulations of fer a comparison of the accident trend first, by corresponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. 43rd Week Comparison Accidents Inj'd Killed Dam'ge 1940 1 0 1 $ 000 1939 2 2 0 40 Comparison To Date 1940 74 4G 4 $8855 1939 52 50 8 $10430 Lecture-Recital At Local School Dr J Mcnzies VanZandt. son of the late distinguished Marie Van Zandt who was considered by many critics as the greatest opera singer America ever produced, will appear in a lecture-recital at the Williams ton High School auditorium Thurs day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock Dr VanZandt studied at Pea body Institute. Baltimore with Er nest Hutchison, later with Percy Grainger. Rochmaninoff and for 3 1-2 years m Paris with the great Pa derewski He has his degree of Doc tor of Music conferred by the Paris Conservatory , He has appeared as cejloist with the prominent symphony orchestras in the United States, Paris and other parts of Europe and in his own, as well as, in joint recitals with such outstanding artists as Geraldine Far rar. Grace Moore, Lily Pons. Carosa :inH .Inhn Charles Thomas. Dr. VanZandt will give this lec ture n i ital. ai ranged by Dr. Wal ter Demrasch. with'the idea of giv ing appreciation for the finer and better things in music. Other towns that Dr. VanZandt will appear in this week are Eden ton, Hertford. Elizabeth City and Plymouth. The public is invited to this reci tal and admission will only be ten cents for children and twenty-five cents for adults. Mrs. Fennis Bailey underwent an appendicitis operation in a Washing ton hospital this morning. Mi and Mrs. Rupert Cowan at tended the Wake Forest-Duke game Saturday. DR. V. H. MEW BORN OP-TOM E TRIST Please Nate Date Chaagea Robersopville office Scott's Jew elry Store. Tuedsay. November 12 Williamston office, Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed . 8 a. m. to 1 p. m Plymouth office. Liverman's Drug Store, Every Friday, 10 a m. to 4 p.m Eyea Examined?Classes Pitted Tarbnro Every Saturday. Wants The ENTERPRISE WANT AD RATES One cent a word (this type) each insertion. 25c Minimum Charge 2c a word this size Cash must accompany all or ders unless you have an open ac count with us. We reserve the right to revise or reject any copy. The ENTERPRISE PIIONE 46 TEN THOUSAND GIANT CHRY santht'mums, all colors, for sale. Town deliveries free. Stacy S. Cox o29-4t LAST CALL ON SPECIAL BAR gain, overhauled electric refrig erator, $35.00 Taylor Electric Co 423 Washington St. Williamston. FOR SALE ? ELECTRIC RANGE. electric refrigerator, electric hot water heater and two coal stoves. All in good condition. Call 235-J or see "Buddy" Tallman. Williamston O U R ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL for this week: Fifty-pound cotton mattresses. Double bed size. Only $3.98 Woolard Furniture Co. o29-2t GO TO 'THE MARTIN" FOR TEX aco products, good sandwiches and | fast, deluxe service at the curb. Ex um Ward, owner-operator. 100 CORDS OF HARD WOOD wanted. Highest cash price. R. L. Ward Coal and Wood Co. Telephone 241. Williamston. o25-2t FOR SALE ? SCOTT SOY BEAN harvester cheap. New, $350 cash. used, $85 cash. Lindsley Ice Com pany. Williamston. o22-2t LOST ? BOSTON BULL PUP ? Black and white spotted. Ten weeks old. Reward if returned to Dick Miller, care Lilley's Laundry. Williamston. o22-2t FOR SALE CHEAP ? WILSON stove for wood or coal. Frank Mar golis, Williamston. ol8-tf FOR SALE ? WE HAVE A NICE assortment of used suits in all styles and sizes. $4.95 to $12.50 Pitt man Cleaners. Phone 159. s27-26t FARMS FOR SALE ? REASON ably prices and terms. Coburn and Coburn. Williamston. s24-llt WATCH FOE OCR WEEKLY AN niversary sale specials. This week we are featuring 50-pound cotton mattresses for only $3.96 Double bed size Woolard Furniture Com pany Williamston o29-2t RELAX AND SIT BACK AND tune in on the Texas Company's broadcast each Wednesday night at 9 o'clock featuring Fred Allen and Kenny Baker, our Texaco dealer ex tends you this special invitation. Harrison Oil Company LISTEN IN OVER THE COLUMBIA network each Wednesday night at 9 o'clock. Fred Allen is on the air with Kenny Baker, Portland Hoffa, A1 Goodman and his orchestra for the Texas Company. Tune in for this brilliant radio performance. THE MARTIN" ? NEAR FAIR | grounds?is offering the best coun try ham sandwiches in the county. | Exum Ward, owner-opera tor DRY CLEANING SPECIAL: THREE I garments cleaneds and pressed for I $1.00. Tuesday til Friday. All work | guaranteed. Pittman's Cleaners. Phone 159 ARE YOUR CLOTHES TOO LARGE too small, too long, or too short? Send them to Pittman's Cleaners for expert alteration Men's suits or ov ercoats. ladies' dresses or coats, one day service. Pittman's Cleaners. I Phone 159. WANTED: GOOD USED SUITS IN trade on new ones at Pittman's Liberal allowance for your old suit j if in saleable condition. Pittman's Cleaners. Phone 159. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed trustee by Arthur Roberson and wife. Lillian Roberson, in the 12th day of September, 1928, and of rec ord in the public registry of Martin County in Book S-2 at page 221, said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor there with, default having been made in the payment of the said note, and the stipulations contained in said deed of trust not having been com plied with, and at the request of the holders of the said note, the under signed trustee will, on Monday, the 25th day of November. 1940. at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to wit: The first tract bounded as follows, beginning at J. D. Mobley corner, thence a southern course along line of Mrs Gus Clark and W. E. Clark to J. O. Peel's corner, thence an east ern course along J. O. Peel's line to corner of W. H Britton, thence a northern course along Britton's lir\e to B. Roberson land, a corner, thence down the run of a branch to the be ginning, and containing 54 acres, more or less, and being the Mc. G. Roberson farm, located in Cross Roads Township and being the same land covered by a mortgage to Planters & Merchants Bank by Mc. G. Roberson and wife, this mortgage is intended to cover a 1-3 undivided interest in the above described tract. Second Tract: Bounded as follows: being that certain house and lot lo cated in the town of Everetts, N. C., and occupied by Arthur Roberson and family and bounded by the lands of J. S. Ayers on the East, Paul Bail ey on North, E. A. Clark on West and Church Street on the South, and con taining about 1-3 of an acre of land. This the 23rd day of October. 1940. ELBERT S. PEEL, o29-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed trustee by L. H. Gurganus and wife, Rose E. Gurganus, on the 24th day of August, 1932, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book H-3 at page 80, said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing certain notes of even date and tenor therewith. defautt having been made in the payment of said notes and the sti pulations contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the hold er of said note, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 25th day of November, 1940, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the court house door in the town of William ston, offer for sale to the higheat bidder for* cash the following de scribed real estate, to wit: Beginning at the intersection of Watts Street and Beach Street in New Town in the town of Williams ton, N. C., thence along Beach Street to S. C. Ray's line, thence along S. C. Ray's line to Mrs. W. T. Hunter's line, thence along Mrs. Hunter's line to Watts Street, thence along Watts Street to the beginning, the same be ing the house and lot in the town of Williamston, N C , now occupied by the parties of the first part. This the 23rd day of October, 1940. ELBERT S. PEEL, o29-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersign ed trustee on the 30th day of De cember, 1929, by Cecil Gurganus, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book C-3, at page 126. said deed of trust having been given to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith and the stipulations therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request of party interested, the undersigned trustee will, on Tuesday, November 12, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock noon, in front of the court house in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the higheat bidder, for cash, the following described real estate: All my right, title and interest in and to that certain tract or parcel of land in Bear Grass Township. Mar tin County, North Carolina, begin ning at a stob, in Beetree Branch Canal, running down said canal to J. M. Rogerson's corner, a cypress, thence nearly northeast course up a small branch along J. M. Rogerson's line to his corner, a post oak. thence nearly east course along a line of marked trees to a red oak, a corner, thence nearly a south course to the beginning, containing 28 seres, mqre or less, and being that tract of land commonly known as Cynthia Gur ganus land. OPENING Peanut Season NOW ON MARKET The peanut season lias rolled around again and we wish to advise our friends and cus tomers that we are on the market readv to ? give you the top market price for your crop. When you pick peanuts, call us and let us quote you prices. We give good service and our prices are always tops. We want to serve you! ? TELEPHONE 124 AND 134 mamammammmammmmmaamwmm John A. Manning Peanut Co. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA This the 7th day of October, 1940. WHEELER MARTIN. o8-4t Trustee NOTICE or SALE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersign ed trustee on the 30th day of April 1929 by Lizzie Rogerson. and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book C-3. at page been 125. said Deed of Trust having I given to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith and the stipulations therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request of party interested, the undersigned trustee will, on Tues day, November 12, 1940. at 12:00 o'clock noon, in front of the court house door in the town of Williams ton. North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der. for cash, the following describ ed real estate: All my right, title and interest in and to that certain tract or parcel of land in Bear Grass Township, Mar tin County. North Carolina, begin ning at a stob, in Beetree Branch Canal, running down said canal to J. M. Rogerson's corner, a cypress, thence nearly northeast course up a small branch along J. M Rogerson's line to his corner, a post oak. thence nearly east course along a line of marked trees to a red oak, a corner, thence nearly a south course to the beginning, containing 28 acres, more or less, and being that tract of land commonly known as Cynthia Gur ganus land. This the 7th day of October, 1940. WHEELER MARTIN. o8-4t Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the power and author ity contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 27th day of Decem ber, 1934, executed by Curdelia Rodg ers and husband, Miles Rodgers, to T. C Abernethy, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Mar tin County, North Carolina, in Book N-3, page 485, securing a certain note payable to Home Owners' Loan Cor poration, default having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the payment of said note as provided therein and in the per formance of certain covenants set out in said deed of trust, and demand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Court House door in Williamston. Martin County, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on the 2nd day of November. 1940. the following described real estate, to-wit: Situate, lying and being in the Tuwn of Williamston. Williamston Township, County of Martin. State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly described and defined as follows: Adjoining the lands of M. D. White, G. W. Blount. Robert Rogers and Sycamore Street, in the Town of Williamston, N. C. Beginning ai a stake on Sycamore Street in the line of M. D. White; thence along the line of M. D. White, South 60 degrees 00 minutes West 207 feet to a stake, a corner; thence along the line of G. W Blount North 30 degrees 00 minutes W 52.5 feet to a comer; thence along the line of Robert Rogers North 60 degrees 00 minutes East 207 feet to Sycamore Street; thence down Sycamore Street South 30 degrees 00 minutes East 52.5 feet to the beginning, and Being the same lot conveyed to Cordelia Rodgers by deed from D. G. Matthews and wife, Lelia Mat thews, dated May 1, 1929, recorded in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book A-3, at page 214, same having been filed for record on June 28, 1929, and the same lot described in that certain map or plat of same made by A. Corey and D. Modlin, Surveyors, on May 29, 1934, now on file with the Home Owners' Loan Corporation. The above property will be sold subject to 1940 taxes. The purchaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 5 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith. This the 26th dav of Sept., 1940 T C ABERNETHY,, Trustee. 11. G. Horton, Atty. ol-8-15-22-29 MAGAZINES The Soda Shop Phone WillianiMton Prompt Delivery This Week's ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 5(1-pound COTTON MATTRESSES DOUBLE BED SIZE ?*? Q O A Fim- Value For ^ JaSr O WOOLARI) FURNITURE CO. Toi^iy. More Than Ever, Motorists Are Turning To N TEXACO MOTOR Oil. HARRISON OIL CO. AUCTION SALE! Saturday, Nov. 2 2:00 P. M. ( ? USED Furniture Bedroom, Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture & Many Other Useful Items! BE SURE TO ATTEND THIS BIG SALE! Sale Will Be Conducted al City Furniture Plaee On W ashington Street, near Jenkins' Garage WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Dale of Sale Saturday, Nov. 2 COME, RAIN OR SHINE O. S. COWAN and V. B. HOPEWELL, Operators

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