? >rs #et<. CAR^^WIHTER I'SE OllR Budget Plan?Easy Terms Don't neglect the moat iniportunt tiling in wiu ter driving ? Preparedneaa for any and all oc canioiia. Let uh hiatalI a new auto healer, a new net of tirea. Your motor needa fine thin oil which we *ell and Hell cheaper. Call on iih for all kind* of automobile aeeeaaoriea. We Sell PRESTONE and ZE-RONE Economy Auto Supply WILUAMSTON, N. C. -s Jor CcrHiJfcritable. " WINTER _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,-?*. x-V /-V yv /-V ^-v S>^, * Don'tTakeChances EVEN THE WEATHER MAN DOESN'T KNOW WHEN THE FIRST FREEZE IS COMING LET US I?IJT IN YOUR ANTI - FREEZE Then you'll he ready for any kind of Heather. It doesn't eost any more to get ready early and your trouble** are over for the winter. DUNLOI' TIRES ? Don't take rhunees on old tires. Belter get a new set for the winter. A slip or a slide will eost more than a new set. Dixie Motors, Inc. WILI.IAMSTON. N. C. Tin Smtoty Lour NOW ii the time to meke four car tire eafe! The amaxing Gear-Grip tread of the ftmoua 1 Rreetone Champion Tire gripe the road and 1 prevent! tide alipe and skide. Remember, tiree w wear hue little in Winter. Equip four car with f ? eat of Hreatone Champioo Tiree NOW far extra safer? during the w aaoeehe and four dree will edll be like new for Spring ?ad San driving. Replace tout smooth, worn tires with long-wearing Firestone Cooyov Tires ? the only low-priced tires with a j)atente Central Service-] (.BATTERIES 1 The new Flreatone Kara 1 Power Battery baa aura | capacity naadari for cold 1 waathar atartlng, fil-O 1 Made Corara, Inprand AH rubber ea para tort, aaw low pricaa, i-yaar guanoOaai Station I "Chick" Manning, Prop. Williamaton today. ONLY ?75* rat wan More Attention Is Required by Autos 1 In Winter Months Approach of Cold Weather Reminder To Check Needs of Your Car It's MrmiT nnw hut the recent I cold spelt ?u a warning of whstts t soon to come from the weather man There'll be cold and rain, cold and mud. and your car won't stand but Just so much of this without atten tion from you Your old bus doesn't ask to be put under blankets for the season: it doesn't ask to be coddled: it Just asks to be treated fairly?Just give it some long underwear so to speak, and it will work without complaint Your car can't start with a snap in cold weather if your battery isn't stronR enough to turn it over, cold oil that is too liravy makes your bat tery work too hard and eventually get too weak to fire your plugs, or. your plugs may be fouled and force your battery to put In too much time turn ing over a stiff motor. The car doesn't mind, it would be delighted to stay at home, so if you prefer walking go right ahead and neglect having your battery checked, your spark plugs cleaned and your oil changed. And remember that your motor isn't the only moving part of your car. Stiff grease that congeals in extreme cold won't stick to bearings, and gears will rut channels through lu bricant that's not soft enough to flow Most people think of their transmis sion and differential, but remember not to forget wheel bearings. Road hazards Increase in cold wea ther and you can't do much about the activities of the highway department: you can't make clear the road you want to use first: but you can be sure that your tires and brakes pull you safely through the long mucky spell that's Just around the corner. After you are certain that your car will function, and function safely, think of yourself?your health and comfort. This is the season of ra dios best performance and the season when a heater keeps driving from be ing a duty to shirk when ever possi ble. Look after your car and make your winter motoring pleasant: don't wait until it makes you cuss, pay some at tention to the old bus. Be Careful When Using Anti-Freeze Before you have anti-freeze in stalled, by all means have your rad iator flushed and all hose connec tions tightened. In many instances it is profitable, as well as conven ient, to have new hose, connecting the motor and the radiator, installed. You will eventually have to have the new hose connections so have this important matter attended to be fore your first gallon of anti-freeze is lost. Coming Cooler Weather Brings Warning | Of Danger From Carbon Monoxide Gas Washington, D. C.?In a warn ing pointing out that 8(H) persons annually lose their lives as a re sult of corbon monoxide poison ing. the American Red Cross has set down the following rules for motorists and householders to ob serve with the advent of cold Remember that carbon mon oxide is colorless and odorless. Do not run an automobile engine in a closed garage, or sit in a closed parked car with the engine running. If there is an odor of illu minating gas, ventilate the prem ises and get competent advice from your gas company. DEMANDS J Cold, winter weather makes many demands on a car that the owner must take into considers tion. A cold motor calls for all the resources a battery has when first started. The battery should be checked and the con nections tightened and water in stalled when necessary. If the batter yis the least bit weak, it should be recharged. Rentals are inexpensive and may be se cured from many of the places of business listed here. Weather and Early Nightfall Make Bad Driving in Winter ?*? And December Is Statistic ally Most Hazardous Month of Year ? Washington. D C.?With the na tion experiencing winter's first broad side of sleet and snow, the American motorist Is beginning the "danger" months of driving. Weather conditions, lengthening hours of darkness and the added ha zard of holiday rush and celebration result In December being statistically .he most hazardous month of the rear, according to the American Red Cross. On a basis of last year, some 1.500 persons will make page one news ? victims of automobile accident fa talities. Contrary to the popular belief that the rush hours of morning and even ing are the most dangerous periods yf the day. It was pointed out that Mile for mile" there are nearly three times as many accidents between two ?nd three a m as there are between tight and nine a m Statistics reveal that one In every 19 persons Injured in daytime crash 's dies, while at night the rate Is loubled. More than half of all pe iestrlan fatalities occur during the tlx hours preceding midnight. Snow, sleet, rain and fog add to December's seasonal hazards, accord ing to the Red Cross It urges double -aution while driving under these conditions?caution In the motorist tandling his own car as well as keep- j ng a vigilant eye on the other fellow. Highways will bo inorr riowdtd Ihaw-l isual this winter due to transporta lon of military supplies and Increas ?ackseat driver. The motorist who hlnks he Is Just as rapable after a ew drinks Is nominating himself and lis passengers as headline candidates f the law of averages runs lis Course With Incerased traffic congestion idded to adverse weather conditions. December is also a perilous month or the pedestrian The Red Cross ?mphasizes that the pedestrian In ariably comes out second best In an encounter with an automobile and yarns that the man on foot should be Im> a flashlight. not a match or candle. In attempting to locate a ran leak. I'sr care when boiling liquids on a gas stove so that they do not boil over and extinguish or partially extinguish the gas flame. Avoid the use of tubing to connect gas heaters, especially in sleeping rooms. Do not leave a gas Hauie burn ing low in a room where one is sleeping. Make certain that furnace pipes are not clogged and that there are no holes in drafts or dampers, as carbon monoxide gas is also found in smoke from flrrs and coal stoves and furnaces. Heater Is Luxury Fitr Winter Driving comfortable automobile in extreme ly cold weather. These comforts may be realized without a large expendi-1 ture of money A heater can be secured from one of these firms. Your car cannot be modernly equip ped without heat it makes driv ing. regardless of how cold, a pleas ure. ? The 1940-41 world's cotton crop is placed tentatively at 30.500.000 bales as compared with 28.900,000 last sea son, reports the U. S Department of Agriculture willing to go more than half way in avoiding such an encounter?though he may be legally entitled to right-of way. Prestone for PROTECTION 1 I . S. TIRES DELLO BATTERIES DEFROSTERS For Safe Vision ENMNE TIJNE-t T HEATERS For (.omforl WINTER LI BRICANTS "Expert Mechanics" TO CHECK VOI R CAR Chas. H. Jenkins And Company llnick ? Oltls ? Vtmtuic WILLI WISTON. IN. ( . Let A. J. Do It.... Change Oil WilKll (Jrcase and I'ut in Your Winter Supply Of ANTI-KRLKZK You Narno It... Wo9vo Got It, Can Got It, Or It Isn't Worth It! (lomplete Line Sinclair PRODUCTS Sinclair Sorrier Station A. J. MANNINC SINCLAI R Noli run In-lit your liomr inorr <'oii*istriitly, miirr roiiifortahly and uiorr rro ?it >i 11 i<-ii 11 y \% i I li our lii^li (iiadr furl oil. \\ r -|>rrial i/.r in rlrim