HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS Bv Man Brown Allgood. JJ?"". ? Service Dtroelnr, Virgin* Klectne And Power Company THANKSGIVING DINNER It ,? almost Thanksgiving We are i longing tor the sight of homefolks. for th/faces and laughter of frien^ We cast our worries and cares to the wind, and let the spirit of friendliness and hospitality reign instead Homes are alive with prep .ration, but in the kitchen most^>f the excitement prevailsJ"or Thanks itivine Day will soon be here, witn dinner the event of the day - and each hostess is anxious to do best. Tomato Bouillon Garnished with Chopped Chestnut HoasT Turkey Ovster Stuffing Rub>' Squares Flowerets of Cauliflower Sweet Potaotes on Pineapple Rings WatL*rmeloii^?cki^ Midget Gherkins Deviled Celery Pumpkin Pecan Ice CreamTurt. preparation of Koa^Turkey Dress and clean turkey, removing i tendons from the d?ms'cksj>u? skin away from neck and remove neck. Remove the wishbone, so the i carver may easily gelr ,lU more slices of white meat. This w ill take patience Be sure to Ue wings and legs down tightly to the body Stuff if desired; do not pack too tightly, for dressing swells during cooking Place skewers and lace up Butter the outside well before plu< - inc in oven. _ - : ? ? ' ?' Roasting % place in a cold oven, set tempera ture control at 350 degrees and roast until don. Cook IB to 20 minutes to th. pound, adding IB 20 minutes for the eold oven (Figure your time by the weight of the turkey dress ed i Oyster Stuffing 5 c bread crumbs (firmly packed) 5 c cracker crumbs 1 tbsp poultry seasoning 2 tbsp minced parsley 1-2 c butter 2 tsp salt 1-4 tsp pepper 1 pt. oysters and Uquor 2 c chopped onion Cool onions in half th. butter until tender Add well drained, coaselv chopped oysters to remain ing butter, melted, and eook until well plumped- Combine i'11 mgrt> icnts and stufl lightly into the cavity of turkey which has been well rub bed with salt. Ruby Squares Core unpeeled red apples and cut in slices about 1-3 inch thick. Cook ill thin svrup 4 or 5 minutes Drain and cool Place a cube of cranberry jelly on each slice and top with half a walnut. Sweet Potatoes on Pineapple Rings 3 c sweet potatoes (cooked) 1 tsp baking powder No 2 1-2 can sliced pineapple 1-4 c butler 1 tsp salt Marshmallows Mash the cooked sweet potatoes and beat thoroughly. Add butter, baking powder, and salt Butter a flat pan well and place pineapple rings On top of each ring place a serving of potatoes. Top ccntei with marshmallow Bake at 350* 1* for 25 or 3D minutes Pumpkin Pecan lee 1 ream Tarts 1 thsn cornstarch 3-4 c sugar 1-2 tsp cinnamon 1 c milk 2 egg yolks 1-4 tsp ginger 3-4 c canned pumpkin (strained) 1-4 tsp salt 1-2 c heavy cream 2 egg whites 1 1 C 111V'". i b''.!. ti individual baked tarts Mix together cornstarch, sugar, nnamon and ginger. Add milk and eaten egg yolks. Cook over hot wa ?r until thick, stirring constantly, .dd pumpkin and sail. Cool, told in 'hipped cream and stiffly beaten gg whites. Pour into automatic re rigerator tray end lice/. sitrring ycice during the lirsl half houi Add uts and finish freezing Serve in ^dividual tart shells garnished with /hipped cream and chopped can lied orange peel. Serves six Pro| >ose Changes In Unemployment I^iw Raleigh?Discussions of proposed changes hi the North (J-rtttmti Un employment Compensation Law. to be- submitted to the State Advisory Council at a meeting to be called within the next week or two, were held at the UCC building in Raleigh last Friday, attended by about 25 members of the staff, including com missioners. directors, supervisors, and other workers active in admin istering the law. The advisory council, composed of 15 members, five representing employers, five representing work ers and five repres< nting the pub lic, will be called to Raleigh to hold a series of hearings f< r employer and employee groups as to suggested changes in the law in bills to be submitted to the 1941 session of the general assembly. The purpose is to work out compromise.-, if differences appear, and to present to the gen eral assembly bills previously agreed upon by members of the advisory Such questions as rates of benefit payments, wailing period, payments in case of strikes, lockouts or other labor trouble, penalties for miscon duct on the job, quitting a job with or without just csuse, and many oth ers that arise in the administration of the law were discussed. It is like made to the adviaory council by this group, as well as by the employee and employer groups. I LET US 6IVE THANKS FOR OUR PLENITUDE 1 %k 0 M I.IFK AM> TRUST COMPANY THANKSGIVING ? 1^9 4 0 iirvm H!:"!111!?:!,i;! Illllll!llllll|[ ?M||||,| We thank Thee, f. Oh Lord, for America and for American Jf Ideals 4 WOOLARD HARDWARE CO. LIKE THE PILGRIM FATHERS WE TOO HAVE JOURNEYED OER PERILOUS SEAS IN 1940-AND GIVE THANKS FOR NATIONAL SAFETY MAKCOLIS BROTHERS ?J TODAY AS THEN TUT RE IS ABUNDANT REASON ?OR GIVING THANKS EOB AMERK A 1940 W illiaiiistoii llanlwarc ( LET USGIVEIHAN K S W. <;. PEELE INSURANCE Ill W r WISH ?VER Y ONE A VERY MSASAMT HOCTOAY Storm ft HI Be (Atreed Thursday, HSlh DAK DEN'S Dept. Store We join all America on thie day of thanknl for a FREE AMERICA MARTIN COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Thanksgiving day is an American 1 CUSTOM, BORN OF AMERICAN IDEALS ... AS ? I AMERICANS,WE HAVE CAUSE TO GIVE THANKS I FOR THE BLESSINGS OF THE PAST YEAR. <1 *M iZFKSMSS? BA1SKS WILL CLOSE THURSDAY Branch Banking And Trust Company Guaranty Bank And Trust Company FOR FOUNDATION aTONES THAT ENDURE WE HAVE REASON FOR THANKSGIVING We t'.loxe At 12 o'clock Thurtdoy DAVIS PHAHMACY 1621 rOR FREEDOM or SPEECH PRESS ASSEMBLY AND WORSHIP < 1940 FOR 319 YEARS OF LIBERTY LET US GIVt THANKS II V Clote At 12 o'tJocL Thursday CLARK'S DRUG STORE PHONES 52 and 53 FOR TOLEDO*} >Of REL1QIOUS ] $ CUOWSHIP LET US QlUE THANKS FARMERS Supply Co. We Supply The Home And The Farm LET US GIVE THANKS THAT THE -DEMOCRACY BEGUN IN 1621 ^CONTINUES IMPERISHABLE VIKGBIIA EI ECTRIC AM) -roWER UOMPANY .? FOR OUR LIBERTY LET US GIVE THAMES N. ISRAEL THANKSGIVING I The American tradition symbolizes " ? cultural and spiritual as woll as material ABUNDANCE. The akwsdsKt of Freedom which ? Aits titans alone eafoy in a harassed world (X hfll never keen so significant as la I MO. . BKLk - TYLER COMPANY ? WILLI AMSTON, N. C. 5 FOR LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS WE GIVE THANKS MARTIN SUPPLY COMPANY WILUAMSTON, N. C. ~ - ""WfM BECAUSETHE HOPE WciVTLIZATION HOW RESTS OH MCCA THERE IS SPECIAL CAUSE FOR THANKS6IVMG B. S. flOBBTNEY t pimwrnTRK a ?