Watch The Label On Your Paper. Aa It Carries The Dote Your Subscription Expires. 1 'J rHE ENTERPRISE Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over l.flOO Homes Of Martin County. VOLUME XL1II?NUMBER 98 ffilliamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, December 6, 1944). ESTABLISHED 1899 First Draftees Will Enter Gimp At Fort Bragg Next Monday Draft Board Making Ready For Heavy Calls Early Part of Next Year ? The first draftees from Martiirf County will leave here next Mon day morning at 11:30 o'clock for rort Bragg where they will be in ducted into the army for a year's training under the Selective Service men- Leslie Worth Pierce, of Williamston Route 3, and Ellis Clifton Wynne, of Oak City Route 1. are to report to the local draft board at 9:30 that morning for their shipping" papers, including free transportation, spending money and credentials. Julian Albert Roebuck. Williamston young man, and Paul Cleveland VanLandingham, of Wil 1 lams ton Route 3. are being held in reserve They will be called into service immediately if Pierce and Wynne are not accepted at the in duction station. If Pierce and Wynne pass the final examinations at the Fort, no other white men will be called from this county until after the holidays. Next Friday, Walter Louis White commonly known as Lightning at the local hotel ort fil d this morning by Mrs. Jos. Eason, chairman of the roll call n Williamston for the Junior Wo nan's Club. Possibly a few member hips have not yet been turned in, >ut in an accounting yesterday the ;uin of $453.84- $53.84 in excess of he quota?had been placed to the iccount of the National Red Cross. Hearing the urgent calls from a offering humanity over a world vide front, members of the William son Woman's Club under the direc ion of Mrs. Eason handled one of he most successful drives ever re jorted in the history of the local ted Cross chapter. They, along with )thers, did an able work, and as the >rganization extends its humane aid ;o the suffering surely the campaign ?rs and the members and contribu ors will have much satisfaction in mowing that they did their bit in naking that aid possible. Few, if iny, have been thrown off their fi nancial balance by the aid extended he Red Cros, and it is heartening to hose who stili hold an interest in heir fellow man to know that an ^ ?ble canvass has been made, and to x?int out that much credit is due the funior Woman's Club, its roll call rhairman, and the canvassers who carried the appeal of suffering hu nanity into the homes and business daces and on the streets. Special credit is also due the col ored citizenry who advanced a wili ng and liberal aid. Headed by Nora Cherry Slade, Maude Alexander, Vlattie Ormond, Mary D. Smith, Em tm Harvey, Estelle Rodgers, Bea ricr Rodgers, Hester Moran, Nellir ilade and E. J. Hayes, the roll call imong the colored citizenry netted >104.17. The amount reflects the gratitude of those members of the colored race who were aided dur ng the August flood here. According to an unofficial report, our communities contributed $453.84 is follows: Williamston, $410 29; famesville, $23.81; Dardens, $18.49; Farm Life, $1.25. Bear Grass, as fai ls it could be learned, has filed no complete report, but according to jne source of information, 00 cents lad been contributed there. Other lowns in the county were canvass ed at the direction of the Roberson yille chapter authorities. Memberships and contributions, C (Continued on page four) Cotton Balloting In Belt Tomorrow Although a small vote ia being predicted over much of the belt, the cotton referendum tomorrow ia expected to get the approval of far mers. The greatest danger facing the program juit now is the farmers' in difference. Very few are againat the program, but no overwhelming num ber ia interested enough to record a vote for it. In thia county hardly fifty farmers attended the aeries of meetings scheduled for a discussion of the referendum and the 1941 crop pro gram. In two districts, Williams and Hassalls, not a single farmer visited the meeting places and no sessions were held. Bear Grass reported 15 it its meeting, and Oak City had 18 farmers present there. As few as two Dr three were present in other dis tricts, A year ago, Martin County voted 791 for and two against cotton mar keting quotas The belt as a whole, voted about 530,000 to 51,000 for the program. It is now estimated that less than 500 votes will be cast in this county tomorrow. Two years ago, more than 1,500 farmers par ticipated In the referendum. superior Court To Open Short Term Here Next Mondav 'ifteeii Criminal (Wh Are Oil Docket; Judge Bur nev To Preside One of the Wrgest criminal dock ts for December in recent years all be placed before the Martin lounty Superior Court when it pens a one-week mixed term here ext Monday morning. Scheduled to loar the criminal docket and try ne or two civil cases, the court or inarily nears adjournment at the lose of the first and certainly by liddle afternoon of the second day [ext week, the tribunal will likely I old its longest December session in pcent years While there is a murder case and ne or two other charges on the ; ocket that will likely attract much ttention, the calendar carries mosth ^significant cases. Judge John Jay Burney, of Wilm igton, is scheduled to return and reside over the session. The following cases had been laced on the docket early today: The year-old case charging Gus 'orrest with non-support is still on he docket, the defendant having ppealed from a judgment in the ounty court. The case was contin- j led twice in the higher court. Appealing from a judgment in the uunty court. HrlUary Ward Spruill ? s to be tried next week for alleged J runken driving Ralph Duggar, appealed from the he county court, and will face a | harge of violating the liquor laws The case charging Raymond and I lam Powell with the murder of ' Villi** Walter Mitchell in Oak City ast August is slated for trial next peck, the September grand jury laving returned a true bill against he two men- Sam Powell was ncv r arrested. His brother. Raymond. | s at liberty under a $500 bond. Richard Lee Girvin is charged | vith forging a check endorsement lirvin has admitted forging the sig tature of W L Stotesbury to the 22.04 check after he was question d by a State Bureau of Investigu- | ion representative and Sheriff C B luebuck. ? N. S. Nichols and Tom Jones are acing the court for alleged highway obbery. They are charged with tolding up and robbing Ollic Bland n Williams Township last Sunday vening Mizelle Bellamy and Kenneth rtoore are charged with carnal ;nowledgc. No probable cause was ound at a preliminary hearing as 0 Bellamy, but probable cause was ound as to Moore .and he is book el for rape. . Alliie WuliHce. mere youth with | 1 crime record bordering on tin ensational side*, is booked for trial ?n four counts He is charged with ueakmg into and robbing the Pur ?I Pilling Station here of $2 cash, the Voolurd Hardware Company of two ifles, a pistol and ammunition; Dav s Pharmacy of $32 in cash und the [rammar school building of a few ans of fruit. In the last case he is ilso charged with attempted arson. A community organization per ected for the larceny and sale of obacco w+B take-up much of thr ?ourt's time. Robert Small. Herbert ind I^oley Purvis and Richard and lim Bennett are involved in scvei d cases charging the larceny and ransportation of tobacco stolen from rarmers Robert Everett and Victor Champion, Poplar Point Township rarmers. The stolen tobacco was /alued in excess of $500 Boston McNeill, alias James Allen, s charged with stealing 10,000 Cam ?1 cigarettes valued at $02.50 from I he Atlantic Coast Line Railroad | Company at its station in William iton. Few, if any, civil cases will be ried at the term next week Work On River Fill l? ProgreBtinfi Steadily Despite recent rains, work is proc essing steadily on the Roanoke Riv ?r fill here and traffic is moving ov ?r the road without much delay or hfficulty. INewly Elected Judge Handles First Docket CASH BASIS v The Martin C ounty Recorder's Court went on a cash basis this week, the authorities express in* the opinion that leniency while deserved in some cases had beeu a costly policy. Where a judge tried to accommodate a troubled defendant and main tain hope in his fellowman, it was pointed out that those ac commodated often boasted how they left the county holding the bag. so to speak. Costs, amounting to $118.95. were collected at the session last Monday. One defendant, taxed with a $25 cost, explained she had only $15. At the direction of the court, the defendant was or dered jailed until the full amount was paid. The entire sum was paid and the defendant never entered the jail. Increase In Number Marriage Licenses Issued In November Coupltw \larrv In Tlii* Count. During! Tin- I'usl Month The Martin County marriage li cense bureau had its busiest month of the year in November when li censes were issued t ? twenty-nine couples, twenty white and nine col , ored. While the number of licenses , issued during the period was the largest for any month so far this year, the issuance was just about normal as compared with the bur eau activities for November during the past several years. In November, 19.13, after Koose velt had been m the White House a few months, the number of marriage licenses, unusually .small up until that time, bounced t<> a record high of 44 Licenses were issued in the office of J. Sam Getsinger to the following couples last month White Fred Wallace Andrews, of Tar- | boro, and Mary Elizabeth Grimes, of i Williamston. Dallas Guy Cox and l>ns Virginia j Jackson, both of Plymouth. Richard Setnz Corey, of Williams | ton Route 1. and Bessie Mahell liar ! dison. of Williamston. J Coy Aiunzo Bullock and Louise Wliitehurst, both of Pitt County. Marsliall Cherry. Jr.. of Williams ton, and Maggie N Manning, of Robersonville William A. While. of Hasscll, ant! Nealie Rogerson, of Williamston. James Hyman Clark, of Williams ton Route 3, and Marjorie Terry, of ; Willaimston Route 1 Lean Earl Beach, of Williamston 1 Route 3, and May Bow en, of Wil i liamston Route 1 ______ I ?Eugene B. mmeTson and Kdua Karl j Kdmondson, both of Robersonville. Curtis Whitaker, of Williamston Route 3, and Ruth Mizelle, of Beau fort County. James Willie Knox and Martha Lucille Lynch, both of Hamilton. Linwood Knox and Pauline Dail, both of Hassell. John Wheeler Cooper, Jr., of Windsor, and Rachel Rogerson, of Robersonville Lyman Collins Johnson; of Rocky Mount, arid Ruth Taylor Edwards, of Williamston Route 2 William A Leggett, of Williams ton Route 3, and Virginia Jackson, of Williamston Route 2 John M Leggett, of Robersonville | Route 1, and Sophie Jane Leggett, of Williamston Route 2 Ellis E. Chesson, of Williamston, and Marjorie M. Ward, of Rober sonville Macion Clyde Ward, of Williams ton Route 2, and Lennie Cherry (Continued on page four) Judge Coburn Holds Tribunal In Session \fter Dark Monday Court Co?l? Mum lt< I'uiil Or Klsc. Jllll^t* Klllfn At lli? F ir?l Sr^ion ??. ? - Presiding over his first term of the Martin County Recorder's Court Monday, Judge W H Coburn meted nut what was described as a fair and just brand of justice. Tempering his judgments with mercy, the recently c for ted judge made it Quite cleur that tiie laws of the land will be upheld by his tribunal, and that the insti tution will be run on a cash basis, or else -the else possibly meaning jail. The courts delayed -by a late ap pointment of Solicitor D E John son. convened at 10 35 o'clock Mon dqy.Jtjprning. Judge Coburn having subscribed to the oath of office more than an'hour earlier. Calling his first cssr. Judge Coburn settled down to his task, apparently anxious to protect the falsely accused as well as condemn those who would flout the law. The Wheels of justice turn ed slowly but steadily until well af ter dark with the exception of a short time for lunch. Unable in a single day to clear the docket of 24 cases that had'accumu lated during a three weeks' idle per iod, tiie court was very agreeable when it came to granting continu duces. Wlnle continuances will be granted in the future, it is believed that justice will not be dragged down to defeat by uncalled-for delays. Ten of the 14 cases'were continued, some for the State and some for the de fendants Next Monday the court will give over its quarters to Judge John Jay Burney and his higher court, but it will be back meting out more jus tice the following Monday Proceedings in tiie court The casecharging Johnnie Peel ? with non-support, was continued. In the case charging Hen Biggs and John Robert Lawrence with violat ing the liquor laws, the court upon the suggestion of retiring judge, H C). Peele, found Lawrence not guil ty Judgment as to Biggs is not to be pronounced until Monday. De cember 16th. Will Modica, the Robersonville colored man who prefers a term of the roads rather than a year's train ing in the country's armed forces, got thirty days in the camps in the case charging him with iin assault with a deadly weapon Modica plead ed guilty of simple assault, the sol icitor accepting his plea. Bryant Moore, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon, plead ed guilty of simple assault. The plea was accepted and he was fined $20 and taxed with the cost. The case charging Elmer (L ay w ith non support was continued for the defense counsel. Reports state that Gray heat his wife unmercifully 11 Fh IT "Tie learned that she had im dieted him for non-support The case charging Samuel Wil liams with bastardy was continued. James Cole pleaded not guilty in the case charging him with reckless and careless driving, the court con tinuing the action for judgment un til January 6, 1941 In the case charging Thurman Hy inan with larceny it appeared to the court that the property involved was worth more than $20 and it was re manded to the J. P. courts for a re hearing and for probable cause to be bound ovec..tM the superior court. (Continued on page four) Offer S.u.OO For Best Decorations Liberal prizes, valued at $55 00, will be given for the best holiday decorations here this Christmas sea son, Billy Clark, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, said today. While the contest will include four groups, homes, yards, public build ings and stoics, no prizes will be awarded the winning store decora tions. They will be judged, however, and recognized. Four pirzes will be awarded in each of the first two groups, as fol lows: first prize, $10; second prize, $5; third prize, $3, and fourth prize, $2. Prizes will be trade coupons which will be acceptable in nearly every store in town Prizes in the third group covering public build ings such as the town hall, water tank, courthouse or agricultural buildings, will be offered in cash, $10 first and $5 second Considerable interest is being re ported on nearly all fronts, and it is now certain that the ole town will be glitteringly attired before Christ mas. Judges will be announced and the date of the judging will be deter mined at a later date. The town Is turning on its approx imately 1,000 vari colored lights this evening, and the spirit at the Ma son will be advanced in lea pa and bounds during the next two wtaka. [jOtton and Peanuts Boosting Income in County This Season That the reduced income resulting !rom a curtailed tobacco acreage will re offset by greater receipts from bumper cotton and peanut crops is tow an almost certainty, according lo incomplete reports coming from recognized sources. It is now con lervatively estimated that the cotton crop will exceed 5,000 bales in the -ounty this season, that the income From the lint will be at least a quar ter million dollars greater than that received for the crop in the county last year. Up until the middle of last month, farmers in this county had ginned 4,175 bales of cotton as com pared with 203 bales ginned in the corresponding period, a year ago Income from the cotton crop in the county this season will approximate 1250,000. Already several thousand dollars have been put into circula tion by those persons picking the cotton, and that is certain to result in improved trade conditions. Complete reports are not avail able at this time for the peanut crop, but first estimates point to a crop just twice the size of that produced in 1939. The current crop, estimated at 400,900 bags, will gross the pro ducers approximately one and one third million dollars. Possibly one half of the peanut crop has been moved in this section, and a greater portion of the remainder will have been moved by Christmas or early January The marketing activities now underway on a big scale are certain to boost trade conditions in this territory. Aside from these two crops and tobacco. Martin farmers are selling more farm produce this year than in some time with the exception of sweet potatoes. The potato crop is short, but bean, meat and other al lied produce sales will add a sizable amount to the farmers' income this r?