Timely Suggestions For Relieving Mail Rush At Christmas Cbrrecl V<l<Jret>M> and l'rn|< ??rl* Slampn) Mail Will Aid Postal A orker? Anticipating one of the greatest rushes in history, the local postof fice is appealing to its patrons for even possible consideration in handling the increased volume of business Timely suggestions, in connection with the rural carriers' daily task, have been offered by S W Purdom Second Assistant Post master General, as follows "In order to facilitati the collei tipti and delivery of mail matter on rural routes particularly during the impending holiday season, all first and third class mail matter deposit ed in rural lettei tfuxes for collection by the carrier huuld hove stamps affixed at the proper rati uf postage . . Did you ever ait- a sheet of 100 stamps befur, they ai< turn apart? How would you lih. the experience of licking seven or eight entire sheets at one time" It js nothing unusual for your rural earner to havi to lick fifty or sixty sheets of stamps in the last ten days befoo Christmas, think about it. five or six thousand stamps to lick in just a lew day s Your pust . master has boon instructed to si-e thai yuui rural earner is provided with a sufficient supply of tamps to fill the need.- of l.o patrons ai all times, especially during the days h, fore Christmas and yoi i earner will be forever grateful if you will conn pl ywitti the above request isf the Second Assistant Postmaster Gener al. Another recent bulletin issued by Hon Ramsey s BJaek, Thrrd Assist" ant Postmaster General, reads in pari a- follows "Large numbers of Christmas greetings mailed in un sealed envelopes at the third-class ~ f-P t*r<?-????'! -d nf -II wash eai yeai because they ale undcliverahh as addressed due to the removal of addressee or other cause Such greetings are not en titled to the- fr> forward privilege accorded those mailed in scaled en vclopes at tin first-class rate arid consequently, the senders m many cases never know that the greetings Wi II not ri . IV,-d by It. addressees rn.s would not occur if flic greet ings vver. mulled sealed at the first class i. a " This bulletin also ,x plains that all first class mail has a pi tsonal appeal, which is more high ly pprt mated by the recipients; that such greetings are dispatched and di livered first; given directory set v ic- . and it necessary forwarded with out additional postage, aiso iT undo ?Jnered they ait- returned without -charge. provided ihr sender's return card ia shown on the envelope StilT another ad vantage m using the first - cJass rate is- that a personal written message may be inclosed Kadi year many thousands of recipients of Christmas,? and other greeting cards are required to j>ay an additional 1 -2c postage before the cards can b< delivered, because the sender in advertently added from a few words ot sometimes pages of written mat ter ilu 1W Ofhee department of ficials m Washington, your postmas ter, his office force and your rural can ur ait .ill anxious lor all their Pfttrong to Irave the beat service dos 91.10 PINT $2.15 QUART carstairs ( WWlcVal ""?w 'KllilT *"1^u5fcr? CARSTAIRS White Seal FOR THE MAN WHO CARES Proof. 7 grain neutral ? pints. ~ .. Distill " * CsnUiri Bros. Distilling Co., loc. New York City Reita Theatre?Washinglon Sunday-Monday Dei-ember K 9 "THE RETURN OF FRANK J AMES" irilh Henry Fonda ami (wene Tierney Tuesday DOUBLE FEATURE December 10 "Meet the RoM'oe Rearm-. Rulli Donnelly "The I -i-l Alarm." Polly Ann Auuiitc. Warren Hull Wednesday-Thursday December 11-12 "THE l'LAINSMAN" with (iary Cooper and Jean Arthur Friday-Saturday December 11-14 "THUNDERING FRONTIER" tcith Charles Starred Aftermath of London Air Raid This mass of debris is ail that remaine it was struck by German aerial bomb wreckage for casualties a d of a public hall in London after e. A HP workers are probinf the dd possible valuables. New CLO. Leader j Pictured as be addressed the na tional convention of the C.I.O. in Atlantic City, N. J., Philip Murray was named by the labor delegates to succeed John L. Lewis as their president. Lewis had pledged him self to withdraw if President Roose veK, whom he opposed, were re el oc tod. V\ I ai PJ Business te Set For llolidav Tra<!< Decks cleared after a November in which four, holidays or semi-holi ; days -one every week caused some slow-downs (Elect ion ~3liy,'"Armis tice day and two Thanksgivings) re tail trade is plunging optimistical j ly into .j foui weeks drive leading j to the top holiday of them all. Christ . mas Many < xpertr are picriictitig tin period from how to Yuietide will see heaviest buying Tush ofTTs TuiTcT rin 10 >e,'M- Expanding payrolls and increased employment, primed by ! increasing United States and Brit ish spending for arms, set the stage i for a very busy December. Nation {a 1 Retail Dry Good association, sur veying 5.700 leading stores, esti mates cash registers will ring up $1, [ Ii50.000.000 an increase .of eight per cent in dollar volume Experts estimate that 2.000,000 persons prev ' >usi\ U|uiii])|pyed im> piund jub; since tin beginning of the year, and predict that at least that many more --probably a bigger number will find work in 1941 sible at all times, and especially dur ing the holiday season, and your co operation m helping us give the best I service by following the above sug ' gestions will be greatly appreciated j Another very important thing to (remember, be sure that all mail for delivery before Christmas is mailed early, and all packages securely wrapped and tied. All valued Christ mas packages should be insured There will be no service on rural routes Christmas day. RN RAINS ??t r?l?l vtth PtMiar Cold Spot Corn Relief For Salt' .41 I hois Pharmacy nteresting Bits Of Business In the V.S. Thirty-lour of country's biggest | ?pailment stores surveyed the like hood of draft calls affecting their ISO rim 1 found that on the average 1.3 per cent of all employees were igible. Of those 8,9 per cent were en between 21 and 36 wtihout di t t dependents The South is ?ginning to lose its fear of the eco >mic effects of the mechanical cot ?n picker, which next year will be a bor shortage, acute in some spots us year, may grow sharper as "de nse drive takes more workers, laking the machines welcome re aerments for human hands . . . etail sales of automobiles contin 'd through November the brilliant ace of October, many makes set ng all time highs; Chevorlet has ready hit the 300.000 mark in pro jct'ipn of 1941 models . . . Daniel r 11 lard, who will be 80 next Janu y 28. handed in his resignation as resident of the Baltimore and hio railroad the other day?for the Thirty-Nine Years Ago As Record e<l In The Enterprise Aufuat U, 1M1. Mr Porter, of Goldsboro. a blind man, and a piano tuner by profes j kion who is now in our town, has t been the victim of some very dirty t horse-trading Last Saturday week * he was in Scotland Neck and his 1 horse being lame from a sore knee. J he wanted to get another horse to t take his place. Evidentaly some un- j scrupulous horse dealer in that town t took advantage of the man's blind- ( ness and traded him an old horse f that was really in a worse condition 1 than the lame one, taking as boot 1 $17 the tuner had received fruoi , friends and had worked tor. The t following week Mr Purler wrote this party a note teliiug him the ? ( horse did not suit mid if be would 1* return the $17 he could have both, \ horses. To this the trader that tin- Horse was all he had <!uun**i hun to bt and that he could not refund the money. Mr. Porter's new horse when down in the staJbles cannot get up Mr. Porter told us yesterday that he Has been tuning pianos in this county for 8 years and for 29 years has been making a living by tins means. He also said that he would be glad to tune tlie pianos of everyone who had not already en gaged someone tu do the work- W?? hope our readers, or those having pianos to be tuned, will give this gentleman an opportunity to tune them. The citizens of Wilhaniaton have contributed some $14 or $15 toward helping him purchase anoth er horse. We can't realize how any man. no matter how depraved, or unscrupulous, can take advantage of a blind man Venezuela imported 240 breed ing animals of various kinds from the United States last year to be kept at experimental stock ecu tors and stud farms to improve the native stock. tenth time in 10 years?and as usual it was declined. He's been prexy since January 15, 1910. j nrr I uf wo?m?? |< |4 J you pains of Stomach 1 ULili ? uicora, Indignation. Lloating, Cm, HMitbum, N?um?, ft a f?? mi"^' UDCA uida'rM iatanatinc booktet a* DAVIS DKUG STORE Direct Hits! 71 A R K BE INC SCORED DAILY By Woolard Hardware Co. In Hog Killing Equipment ? Itiltelier Knives ? Lard Stands ? ll?f< Scrapers ? Mill Repairs ? ? Sail-age Mills Lard I'rcsws ? Wooden 'I'idis Meat Saws WOOLARD Hardware Company WILLIAMSTON, N. C. North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court. Before the Clerk In the natter aI: Henry Kathleen Ange and husband. L. W. Ante; I Cora Isabel I A air and husband. Perlie Aa|e: D. W. Auft and wile. Kath Ancr. Bertha Aixe, widow of Snoad Ange; and Bertha Aage. guardian for Joseph An|e. a mi nor Ex Parte. Notice is hereby given that under ind by virtue of a judgment of the i ;ierk of the Superior Court of Mar- !i in County entered in the above en- 1 itled special proceedings dated No vember 18, 1MU. duly approved by It errn of the Martin County Superior I he Judge holding the November lourl the undersigned commission- : ?r will on the 21st day of December, j i 940, at twelve (12) o'clock Noon, at h he Courthouse door of Martin : | bounty, at Williamston. N. C . offer. or sale, at public auction, to the lighest bidder, for cash, the follow- i ng described real estate, to-wit: That cartaui tract ot land in amasville Township, Martin Coun y. North Carolina ? Bwplilting at the run of Welch's < i. is and at the budge, in. rue up < aid creek to a poplar stump: thence i ieslwardl>_to a clterry tree stump, cornel. thence 1 along the Luke Browning line to the main road, thence along said road to the beginning, containing forty (40) acres, more or less, except six (6) acres of said forty acre tract that was heretofore sold to Callie Ange. which said forty acre tract of land is more fully described m a deed from Wellington Morris to John G Ange. of record in the Public Regis try of Martin County in Book J J at page 63, to which reference is made for further description. Ex cepting. however, the Ange Family Graveyard on said land, containing sbout one-fourth (1-4) of an acre, and the right of egress and ingress! to and from the same. The last and highest bidder at said tale will be required to deposit ten per cent (10%) of his said bid be fore the sale is closed to show good faith. This the 18th day of Nov.. 1940. HUGH G. HORTON, ,22-41 Commissioner. KXICVTia NOTICE Having this day qualified as ex ecutrix of the estate of James A. Griffin, deceased, late of Martin bounty. North Carolina, this is to lotify all persons having claims igainst the estate to present them to he undersigned on or before Octo ei 11, 1M1, or this notice will he leaded in bar of their recovery. All arsons indebted to said estate will ease make immediate payments. This the 31st day of October, IMS R. D. PERRY, Executrix of the estate of James A L-6t Griffin, deceased. Be Quick To Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop If your couch, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood rreoacte by special process with other lime tested medicines for cough. . It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell vour druggist to sell you a bottle of Cr>simulate 11 with the underatanding you must like the way It quickly allavs the cough, per mitting re. t and sleep, or you are to have your inula y back (AUv > Turnage Theatre ? Washington, N. C. SiuKU.v-Moudai TucmIun Dec. 8-9-14 YOU'LL FUND OUT" Wwlnmliy I ?rrr in be r 11 ?REMEDY FOR RICHES" DOKOTHV Ml VEST uul JEAN HUWHOLT On the SluK<?HARRY KERRY AM) HIS St'MUHT VANITIES All New Streamlined Kuatl Show niufdav Dec-ember 12 -SHE CO! LHN'T SAY NO" ni//i Ko/far I'ryur and Eve Arden Friday-Saturday December 13-14 DOW N ARGENTINE W AY" h i lli Dun Amet-he and Hatty t.ralila ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS NEW 1941 CHEVROLET TRUCKS MAUIVt nil HUM }| TUnli MOST POWERFUL TRUCK ENGINES making ????? new 1941 Chev ,u rut i run ddirt (?m ? relet truck* thn bast-looking at IN THE LOW-PRICE HELD /^nm rvinnil w#), ot ,h. best-performing truck* in th* antir* lowed pric* Raid. NEW LONGER WHEELRASE NEW RECIRCULATING RAIL-REARING STEERING GUR graatly raducas steering effort? brings true passenger car steering ease to truck operation. NEW. MORE CONTORTARLE DRIVER'S ?STST KHPP with greaNy"in'rMted leg room "LOAD-MASTER" ENGINE ^ viAi/U - C/l s s jO and better, form-fltting teat and ^ ^ , , back in cabs, giving much greater (Opticas/ at aafra caat aa Heavy Duty (f?cbj a _ driver comfort. 60 MODELS ... ON NINE LONGER WHEELBASES . . . A COMPLETE LINE FOR ALL LINES OF BUSINESS Roanoke Chevrolet Company his Christmas,use yonr head ra as well as your heart. Give W Eleetrieal Gifts beeause they on giving. -Your Dealer...or Virginia Electric and Power Co.

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