Employment Office' Offers New Service Landlord* and farmers of this section are turning more and more to the Stole Employ men! Service for farm help of all kinds. The Farm Placement Program in the William ston office has recently enlarged its scope of activity and service. Curtis B. Gilliam, who has had ex tensive experience working with farmers in the potato and strawber ry grow ing areas of North Carolina is the farm placement worker in the Williamston office and has been vis iting many farmers recently. If a landlord needs tenants, sharecrop pers or farm hands, he may secure them either from the Williamston office or other offices in East Caro lina who have such people registered and available for transfer from the best farming sections. Special work ers for harvest and planting time needs or for farm improvement work at any season can usually be secured on reasonably short notice. Landlords and farmers generally are urged to send unemployed farm workers to the employment office to make application. They may do this at the Williamston office any day in the week or at Washington, Plymouth, Columbia, Belhaven and Swan Quarter on certain days when the representative is at these places to take registrations ?? - ???? Registrants Slack In Listing Changes P P ? While there is possibly no intent to violate the draft law, quite a few registrants in this county are chang ing their addresses without notify ing the draft board. R. H. Good mon, chairman, said today. Numbers of questionnaires have been for warded to original addresses where they are unnoticed. Excuses have been accepted in a number of cases, but the board is now resorting to a strict ruling that the files may be gotten up to date. Andrew Lloyd, Williniaston col ored man, has been cited to the Unit ed States District Attorney, and it is understood the case has been turned over to the United States De partment of Justice, Washington, D. C. The case charging King Lem uel Council, Hassell, with delinquen cy, has been cleared up, it was learn ed from the draft board secretary, Marion Cobb. ADMINISTRATRIX* NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the Estate of Joe Henry Lilley, late of Martin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav-1 ing claims against the said estate to 1 exhibit them to the undersigned at her home, R.F.D., Williamston, N. ] C., on or before the 19th day of No vember. 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All | pwwuis indebted to said estate will : please make immediate payment. ANNIE GRAY LILLEY. Administratrix of Joe Henry Lilley Hugh G. Horton, Atty. d6-5t There Is A Santa Claus In its day the New York Sun w one til the foremost newspapers In this country. One of the editorial writers for tne Sun was Prank P. Church. In 1897. a little girl named Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter to the Sun asking about Santa Claus and Mr. Church was assigned the duty of answering the letter. That answer lias become a newspaper clas sic which was reprinted by The Sun every year as long as it remained in existenoe. and hundreds of other newspapers throughout the country liave also adopted the custom of re printing it every Christmas to keep alive the spirit of Santa Claus. The complete article, including the letter written by the little girl fol lows : "We take pleasure In answering at once and thus prominently the com munication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of the Sun: " Dear Editor: I am eight years old. " Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says ' "If you see it in tire Sun it's so." " Please tell me the truth; Is there a Santa flail';'> " "Virginia O'Hanlon." "Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible to their little minds. All minds. Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this, great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him. as meas ured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. "Yes; Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that the.v abound and give to your life its highest beauty and Joy Alas- How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoy ment. except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished Not believe 111 Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus. but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus. but that is no sign that there Is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the ! world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancmg 011 the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there Nobody can con ceive or imagine all the wonders that To our inuny friend* u it d around Wtl Mam-ton. Me extend and ruHtoiner* in idiieere CHS 19T> MAS GREETINGS. MR. DeMAI *77ie Sandtcirh Man' To New Faces, New Friends and New Customers, We Say MERRY CHRISTMAS EAGLE STORES, Inc. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Italian Ships Roar?and Run Somewhere in the Mediterranean, south of Sardinia, an Italian battleship fires her broad ide of heavy guns during a recent battle with the British near the island. The Italian vessels roared?like this ?and ran, seeking safety in port. Each side has put out conflicting claims of damage. Appeal To Santa Claus Is* Santa Claus will pick Rifts of cotton this year if these Cotton Belt tota have their way about it. Holding between them the National Cot ton Council's official 1940 Cotton Christmas emblem, these youngsters ask mothers and dads everywhere to make sure that the Christmas tree bears plenty of cotton gifts, including at least two big cotton dolls. The Topic: Shipping Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles addresses the First Inter American Maritime Conference, in Washington, attended by delegates from the 21 American republics. First of its kind, the conference was occasioned by abnormal condi tions affecting shipping and trade which have followed in th? wake of the war. Seated, is Dr. William Manger, Counselor of the Pan American Union. are unseen and unseeable in the world. "You may tear apart the baby's rat tle and see what makes the noise in side. but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strong est man. nor even tin- united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and nic ture the supernal Beauty and glory beyond Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. ? No Santa Clans? Thank God, he lives, and he lives forever. A thou sand years from now, Virginia* nay, ten tinies ten thousand years from now. he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood." NOTICE Of SALE Notice is hereby.- given ihifpunder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain died, of (lust executed by Jasper Smith and wife, Mamie Smith, Dallas James and wife, (iirlean James to the un der.signcd Trustee, and dated the 1st day of April, 1513(5, and of record the Public Registry of Martin County in Hook P-3, at page 77 and at the request of the holder of the note of inedbtedness thereby secur ed, default having been made in the payment thereof, will, on the 31st day of December, 15)40, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the courthouse door in Mar tin County offer for sale at public auction for cash the property de scribed in said deed of trust as fol lows, to-wit: A certain tract of land in Jamos ville Township, Martin County known as the Jerry Smith Home Place. Being our undivided interest in said lands adjoining S. R. Coburn on the North, on the Fast by the Daily Road, on the South by the At lantie Coast Lint Railroad and on The West by R. G. CobUrii, contain ing twenty-one acres, more or less. This the 30th day of Nov., 15)40. W II COBURN, d3-4l Trustee. ADMIMSTRA" RIX NOTI( K Having this clay qualified as ad ministratrix <?f the estate of the lat, W. C. Andrews, deceased. of Oal City, Martm County. North Card lina. tins is to notify all person;, luiv intf claims atfains]_j>ud estate t? ni'iaciit tilVIki ToFpaj moid nn ,11. for the 17th day ?>f December, 15)41 or this notice will be plead-l .n ba of their recovery All persons in debted to the said estate will pleas, make immediate settlement, This the 17th dav of Hot. 15)40 MRS CHARITY ANDREWS. Administratrix of W C. d.20-6t Andrews. deceased NOTICE OF SAM*: North Carolina Martin County, li The Superior Court. County of Martin vs. Tom IVrrv am Others Under and by virtue of an order .of sale and judgment made by L. B Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, on the 16th day of December. 1-940. the under manned com m is loner will, on the 17th day of January, 1941. at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the c ?urt } house door in Martin County, of T fer for sale to the highest bidder fur ?ash. the following described ract or parcel of land, to wit A Beginning at a Sweet Gum. Na- j than Mi/ell's corner in Daucey's Inn running thence along ^aui Mi /ell's line to Samuel Whitley's line, i thence along Whitley's line to the! run of Snuthwick Creek. thence1 down the various courses of said ? ?reek to Cason's corner, thencei .ilting and with Eason's line to Ho- ! inoke River, thence down said rtv ' j it to Tattling Gut. thence along ?aid gut to Hawtree Landing. Dau cey's line, thence along said Dau- ' jcey's line to the beginning, contain-I ing 340 acres, more or less The above property was convey j to L. H. Perry from Emma V ? d to L. M Perry from Emma V j j Stalling* by deed recorded in Bool. (XX) page 418 and by deed from J H. Mi/ell ct ux to 1. II Perry rec orded in Book SSS. page 78 Better description may be had bv rtjferene ? Book NN. page 288 and 9 B Second Tract It being the ract of land commonly known as Char ity Roddick land ami which de scended to G. 1. Whitley and S W. Kwell from their mother. Marina Whiltey. it is bounded on the North byrvLeggett land or Sweeten Water Cr?-el*.on the East by Stalhngs~and Rigesb.ee land, and on the West by the old Noah Roddick land, and ??n t-hc South by Monett and I'h Rob lljy.m limit?nmt oiling?2UZ?,u i moi'e or less The above property was convey j i-d to 1. It Perry by N I' I Ian > * t ux by deed recorded in Book l.l t c' Third Tract Beginning at a mall ash op the edge of Roanoke River, thence up the river to the mouth of Sweeten Water Creek, i thence up the run of said creek to ?l is. B Kigesbee's corner, thence a straight line to the beginning, con 1 j taming 25 acres, more or less, i 1 This the 1 tith day of Dec.. 1940. ELBERT S. PEEL. I d20-4t Commissioner. FIVE STAR BLENDED WHISKEY I Quart-^2-^ Vu. G*W G??oderhant A Worts. Ltd.. Detroit, Michigan Lst. 18.12. ? Tl\i grain neutral spirits; 90 proof Christmas <; m i; i; r i \ <; s to m i on; DMIH >SiTOKS I I..- season's' lii-nl "reel in-is to our depositors! I ron, the hitches! ex .-.?uti\?- lo ll.t- l.-ll.-r olio is at your eoiislanl si-rvicc. o c send In-sl wi-lns for a fruitful and joyous < liristmus. II lliroiiuli our eoop .-ration mmi hn\e mail.- this sea son a happier one, lira) we express , our hopes that such a spirit of mut ual "o.i.l will lie the foilndation for ' other joyous Yuleli.le seasons, l or until], .ears, depositors ha\<- plaee.l their faith in our ser. iee, and we pledge this (hristiuas lo eoiitimii onr prineiples in their In-half al way s. Hruin-h Hank & Trusi Co. heerio and i?Jcrry iiir From all of us to toii . >C 9 v; , Just multiply i tliat greeting by tbree-tbousand-four-forty-two! . |f,: ?3,442 Vepeovians

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