Quietness Marks Observance Of Holiday Season In Williams ton And Throughout Martin County Death Toll Over Nation Is Smaller Than A Year Ago A r Few Arresti) Are Reported in This County Diirinjc Christmas Quietness marked the observance of Christmas here and throughout the county, reports from the various ?aw-enforcement agencies describ ing the holiday period as being with out incident Reports from individ uals described the observance as be ing the quietest in their memory Tnere were no unfortunate incidents to mar the season, and fewer arrests were recorded in the county last week than in any corresponding per 'J**.?" record Good cheer and fel I wsh p were quite noticeable, and "I will was pushed into the back ground at least for the period. Rogues prowled at large, but no startling robberies were reported Excessive celebrations were check ed early during Christmas week Mayor H. S. Everett, of Roberson ville stating yesterday that a few -o a^?v.uuy Vila I a E*?? Uken in tow there on *" wvv mere on Monday and no further trouble was experienced "It was the quietest the mo!,t enjoyable Christmas in my memory." the mayor added In Goose Nest a man was hit over the head with a bottle, and that was the most serious incident of the per iod there according to J A Rawls, tax list-taker, who was here yester aay attending a meeting of tax of ricials. "We had an unusually quiet but enjoyable Christmas down our way," Mr R. l. Stallings. of near Jamesville, said "We had a quiet and enjoyable hoUday over our way." Mr Charles Daniel, of Williams Township said yesterday "The holiday observance was smooth as far as I know in Cross Roads Township," Mr Gordon Bail ey said C a luiet Christmas out in Griffins according to Farmer George Griff n. who keeps pretty well post ed with the happenings in that sec tion. Williamston reported a robbery or two but Patrolman Whit Saunders of the N. c. Highway Patrol, and Chief W B. Daniel reported an un usually dull time on the crime front. There was a cutting scrape out on Washington Street, but as a whole the populace remained within re spectable bounds, the reports de clare. We didn t even have a fire-crack er accident in our section," Mr I, H. Everett, of Hamilton, said "Bear Grass enjoyed a safe and quiet Christmas," Elder A B Av ers said. Santa Claus surpassed prelimi nary expectations in his work and business operators reviewed in ar hurried survey stated that their ac tivities were equally as extensivi and larger in most cases than thej were a year ago. Merchant P. P Pee volunteered that he had enjoyed th. largest holiday business than at ani previous Christmas season A f^w homes were saddened b death or serious illness, and as whole there was more sickness thai uaual in the county. One remarkabl feature about the holiday was tha it was not marred by a single un timely death or serious accident. Th death toll in most sections of th country was smaller than it was year ago, and aside from an earth QUikc in the northeast there were n( major catastrophes. Immortal Baby" Comes Home Jean Gauntt, the baby who wa? to livi in the New York home to which Jei month? in the haven of the Royal Fn at Oakdale, L. I. Expert dieting an to have made Jean immortal, but hei back home. She had given her ui s forever, is shown with her mother in has returned after spending 16 eternity of Master Metaphysicians d nursing and pure thought were ' mother asked instead to have her ) because of financial troubles. Heads Trade Board though before the season has end ed, they probably will have been pretty well "picked", and by that time will be better known as the "Bald-Eagles". ' Practices have already begun, and equipment has been ordered, the new uniforms "to be gold and black main ly. Once the season is underway, the Eagles will attempt to play most of their games away from home, in order to eliminate, as much as pos sible, any conflict with the "Mar tins" home games. Among the members of the new team are three Toms?Rose, Barn hill and Skinner; Speedy Bob Cow en, Clayton Crofton and Dizzy Dawse Cooke. Wheeler Manning is business manager Colonel Charles H. March, of Min nesota, is slated to head the federal trade commission for 1941. The chairmanship of the five-man com mission rotates annually. Appointed to the commission by President Coolidge in 1929, March was re appointed In 1936. Another Semi-Pro Quint Is Formed Williamston was assured another semi-pro or independent men's bas ketball team last week when sever al young men formed another loca team. This new aggregation lias chosen "Eagles" as its nickname, al Prospects For New Year \re Bright Janus was an old Roman god ?quipped with two faces, one to see .s hore ho was going, the other to | k*o "where he'd just been." What's hat got to do with business? Noth ng except that our month of Jan iary is named after him. and along | with everyone else, our business Itld industrial leaders about this' Lime of year do quite a bit of look ng. both backward and forward, to review and preview the business scenes. So? It's no secret that industrial activ- i ity in the U. S soared to the high- j ?st levels in all history during 1940, | stimulated by the government's gi-1 gantic defense program and by the1 huge inflow of British war orders. The speed-up was most terrific in the final three months, so far sur passing any previous period that it lifted the average output for the whole year to 10 per cent above the previous best year?1929, of course. Prospects for 1941 are even brighter, in terms of production gains. The general level of predic tions by economists is for another 10 per cent gain in the coming year and with the rearmament factor looming even more importantly as the driving force. National income for 1940, accord ing to estimates of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, fell short of the all-time peak of $82,885,000,000 chalked up in that same year of 1929. Ik?wer prices partly account ed for that But, even so, our '40 in come was light around $70,000,000. 000 for the second-best year on rec ord and that's six-and-a-half bil lions higher than for 1939, and 30 billions ahead of the "bottom" de PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR For 1941, we hope every one dear to you in gainfully employed and that you will meet with success in pri vate, business and social ambitions. We have faith in America. We have faith in our community. We have faith in all good aims: May 1941 make only the good dominant. L' W. G. PEELE INSURANCE New Year Begins More Than Once, Believe It Or Not New Year's day isn't always New Year's day The actual date varies among the Egyptians, Chinese, Jews. Romans and Mohammedans from September 6 to March 1. January 1 was designated to be New Year's day when Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar in 46 B.C. However, the calendar year thus established was 11 minutes longer than the astronomical year. To correct this discrepancy. Pope Gregory 111 suppressed 10 days in 1852 by ordering that October 5 be called October 15. England and its colonies, however, did not adopt this new calendar until 1752. For almost three centuries, therefore. New Year's was celebrated twice every year?both times on January 1. New YearVtiever fell on the same day two years in succession in old China, The new year began on the first moon after the sun entered the sign Aquarius. This date varied from January 21 to February 18 Jewish New Year's, when translated into dates of the Gregorian calendar, varies from September 6 to October 4th. Mohammedans celebrated Muhar-1 rain, or New Year's, on February j 10 last year. But it wasn't the be ginning of 1040 for them, it was the first day of 1350 Because the Mo hammedan calendar is arranged dif- | ferently front ours, the new year I does not always fall on the same date according to the calendar in | use by the Christian nations Happy New Year When will you celebrate? ? 4 Fewer According to reports compiled by the National Livestock Marketing Association, there will be smaller | numbers of hogs on farms in the United States in 1041 than in the year just closing Mr and Mrs I). I). Coburn were visitors in Washington Thursday af ternoon. pression year of 1932 "National in come" embraces the total monies that all of Uncle Sam's nieces and nephews gather in during a year? from wages, salaries, commissions, income from investments, rents, in surance annuities, royalties, every thing . In this statistic, too, the general prediction is for another 10 per cent rise in 1941 If that come true we'll really go ahead of good old 1929 by about two billions. NOTICE North Carolina. Matrin County. In The Superior Court. Mary Bell Dryver vs. Emmett Charles Dryver. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Coun DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Please Note Dale Changes Rnbersonville office, Scott's Jew elry Store. Extra visit, Tuesday, De cember 31st. Williamston office, Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Plymouth office, Womble Drug Store, Every Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.rn Eyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Tarboro Every Saturday. Widowed by Jap "Incident" Arriving at San Francisco en route to Kentwood, La., are Mrs. Chiyo Kent and aon, Peter, aged 3. Her husband was killed while piloting a civilian passenger plane on the Hong Kong-Kungming run. According to reports, five Japanese planes machine-gunned his plane, which had landed to give aid in a bombed village. Nine, including Kent, the only American in the group, were killed. Wins Her Wings of salt contained ui that certain at 12 o'clock. Noon, in front of the Deed of Trust executed to the un dersigned Trustee by Virginia Lil ley. dated 20th day of February. 1939, of record in the Register of Deeds office. Martin County, in Book X-3, pa^e 100. to secure certain notes of even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 10th day of January. 1941. Courthouse door. Martin County, of fer for sale to tin* highest bidder, for cash, the following described tracts gf land First Tract: Bounded on the First co-ed at Dickinson Collage at Carlisle, Pa., to win her wings un der the CAA student pilot training program is Alice Abbott, of Phils delphia. Conquering new fields ia becoming a habit with her. Last spring she broke tradition by win ning her letter on the men's varsity, tennis team. ty. North Carolina, to secure an ab solute divorce based upon two years separation; and the defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty m Willianiston, North Carolina, within thirty (30) days after comple tion of this notice, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff vs ill apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 25th day of November, 1940 L. B. WYNNE. Clerk Superior Court dl7-4t Martin County. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power To Relieve Misery of COLDS l.lquld?Tablets flf-lf) Salve?Nine Drops <'ough Drops Try "Rl'B-MY-TISM" ? A VVondt-rful l.lnlment North by County Road leading tram U, S. Highway No. IT, running by Eli Taylor Farm, on the East by the County Road lending from U. S. Highway No. IT intenceting with Taylor Road, on the South by Wil liam Taylor land and on the Weil by Bill Edward* or Eli Taylor land Containing 7u acres and being the same land described in a Deed of Trust from J S Lilley to Federal Land Bank. Second Tract Bounded on the Eaat by what is known as the Taylor Road, on the West by J. G. Staton land, on the North by J. G. Staton and on the South by Branch or Eli Taylor Farm. Containing 29 acres. This 9th day of December, 1940. B. A CRITCHER, dlO-41 Trustee. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of S. B. Stalls, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said. estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 10th day of December. 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 10th day of Dec., 1940 R. E DOWNS. Executor of the Estate of S. B. Stalls, deceased II G Morton, Atty. dlu-tit Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chart Colds, Bronchitis A JOYOUS NEW YEAI< 1 V* the clock ticks out llic last Mfuml of 1940 mill ticks in the * cry first second of 1941 ?ne extend our good wishes to >ou for a New Year rich with Kood fortune and ){ihmI friends. WILLIAMS TON IMvANUT CO. appif gg Our New Yearns Surprise ior You & You We huvf on display fur the entertainment of uur friends ami , . . ,, , ,, , , ? ' t II in line lo live among Midi friendly folk anil mi- air happy to neighbors, three or more paintings of prominent firniH and in- ,.?|| it ^ exU.lu| olir ?;ll(.rrc good wishes for a prosper dividuala. We extend lo everyone a eordial welcome lo onr ma and happy new year to every of you and you. atore to view theae paintings and to identify the munagcrs of tlieae important huaineaaea. They will he diaplayed for the firat time today and we extend a apeeial invitation lo the Stan dard Oil. Texaro and Sinclair offieiala, iiiuuugers and em ploycea to view the paintings that represent their firms. Vi e in clude representatives of all other oil companies in our midst, and partieularly all big deep sea fishermen and even the po licemen in our immediate localitv. Anyone hidling gifla, who through necessity, were late in making purchases, may secure llicin from our store at at tractive prices. Vie are glatl lo have hail the pleasure of serv ing you during the past year. Our business lias been unusual ly fine iiml we are indebted lo you for ibis fine biisiuexs, anil we sincerely trust we may have the pleasure of serviug you in llie future. For Entertainment, For Pleasure Ami The Rest V(lines In Town, \ isit P.P. PEEL Williamston