The Enterprise Pubhabed Every Tueaday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILUAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING Editor ? IMS-1(S* SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year $1.78 Six months 1 00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $2 25 Six months 1.23 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston. N C.. as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3, 1879 Address all communications to The Enterprise pnri no* ^dividual members of the firm Friday, January 10. 1941. II f Are Ami II e tin I Hoping that the North Carolina State High- i ?n jy aPi,him Works Commission would in j the course of time consider the secondary road j problem in its true light, this paper has follow ed along with others in opposing the diversion I of highway funds Events as they have follow ed year after year are about to turn us in favor of diversion Huge surplus 111 the highway fund have in- I vited a wild highway program in some sec tions of the State There's the sound bridge a colorful two-million dollar monument to those who have gone on before. Now there's a costly : project in a lake bottom not so terribly far from ' the bridge monument, and if reports are right, few in the territory really want the lake road Possibly a great deal of the highway hub build ing in the several districts was needed and jus tifiable. but there is no heavenly excuse for ne glecting the secondary roads and other needed projects while the all-powerful highway lords warned a pot of surplus money in Kaleigh And speaking of needed road projects. Wil liamston's underpass is a disgrace to the high-" way commission and a constant danger for pe destrians. If North Carolina is going to apply all of its highway funds to its highways, let the powers that-be use a little discretion in applying it Suhverxtre tTroup* There has been much talk about subversive activities in this country as they relate to aliens, communists. Bunds and others, and while they are dangerous, the real threat to this nation is offered by a group parading under the head ing of "No Foreign War Committee." Hardly before it was organized, the commit tee supporters were prominently linked with Germany in a financial way, one report stating that a liberal contributor was interested in ex tensive holdings in Germany. In our democratic form of government, the group is entitled to be heard, but let it be heard and then ruled out that Democracy may proceed with the huge task lying immediately ahead. Recently, the committee publicity's head quarters in New York intentionally or uninten tionally attacked the late President Woodr^w Wilson, charging him with getting us into war In the fall of 1916 there was no greater lover of peace and right on earth than Mr Wilspn. But when he saw the hopelessness of his course he turned to Congress, laid the facts on the ta ble and Congress declared war at the direction of the people. Yet, those noble personages of the No War Committee would have us believe that Wood row Wilson deliberately plunged this country into war, that he was responsible for the mess following the last war. It has been said many times that Lodge, Borah and Company prepared the setting for the present war when they fought the League of Nations. Let the com mittee ponder the real facts, before its learned leaders throw out a brazen warning to the peo ple of this country advising them to "reflect carefully before criticising the No War Group work." Born in the middle west, the No War Com mittee apparently has its support and follow ing among the German-loving people of that section with a few coming in in other sections It would not be the democratic way to hush the committee or jail its leaders and followers. The democratic way is to fight them to a fin ish in the open, to see that the Congress of the United Stales acts as the majority of the peo ple want it to act and act quickly. If the No Foreign War Committee writes one letter, let olhenrwtiu aie intciestcd in hunriQnity whercv may be and in our way of life write two letters, yes. two hundred letters, advising our congressmen and senators our stands and urge for immediate action in extending aid to Brit am and to those other nations struggling that Democracy and human liberty and freedom might not perish from this earth. filing r/ic Aliens Page Bob Reynolds. Charlotte is using aliens to boost its population count to 100.000 or more Despite the play boy senator, the aliens are proving of some worth, after all And Char lotte apparently isn't worrying over its 507 foreigners in its midst. It is also apparent that Charlotte had rather have the aliens than have its population count reduced by 507. The Char lotte News says editorially. "Divide the larger number into the smaller and you get both a quotient and a statistic. Charlotte is 99 and 50 100 per cent American .and that's about as close to 100 per cent as a city could get without cheating." l(o