Watch The Label On Your Paper, Aa It Carrie* The Date Your Subscription Expires. THE ENTERPRISE Advertiser* Will Find Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over 1.60(1 Homes Of Martin County. VOLUME XLIY?NUMBER 4 ff illiamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tufday, January II, IV4I. ESTABLISHED 1899 Officers Working On Second Series Of County Thefts i Man Arrested Here Saturday For W ashington Police Believed Implicated Although no charges have been brought, local and county officers believe they now have a clue to the series of robberies reported in this county last New Year's Eve. "We hope to have more information in the cases within the next few days." Sheriff C. B. Roebuck said today fol lowing the arrest of Lin wood Hy man, colored man. by Officer J. H. Gurganus here last Saturday morn Officers believe Hyman is impli cated in or knows something about the robbery of the Peel store in Ev eretts. the attempted robbery of Exum Ward's sandwich and filling station, the robbery of Mizelle's fill ing station, both near the fair grounds. and the robbery of Eddie Watts Brown's Little Savoy cafe on Washington Street here on New Year's Eve According to information reaching the officers but yet unverified. Hy man was seen wearing a suit of clothes belonging to Brown. A skele ton key, twisted and bent, was found in Ward's station. Hyman was iden tified by a dime-store clerk here as the man who bought a key similar to the one found in the door. One hitch in the investigation has been encountered, the officers stating that the footprints seen at the scenes of the robberies do not correspond with the present one made by Hyman's shoes. The fact that Hyman has had ample time to change shoes is not overlooked, however. When arrested here last Saturday morning at the direction of Washing ton police whd want him for break ing and entering. Hyman gave the arresting officer. John Gurganus, and Chief W B. Daniel, some trou ble. While he submitted to arrest. Hyman told the officers at police headquarters that he was not going to jail, and immediately attacked Of ficer Gurganus. Chief Daniel took a hand and Hyman continued to push the officers around. Backing off a few feet, Chief Daniel drew his gun and instructed the officer to turn the prisoner aloose. Hyman, realizing the officer meant business, calmed down and consented to go to jail without giving any more trouble. He was tater tumed over to Wash ington police who are giving him a preliminary hearing this afternoon. What action, if any, the officers of this county will take against Hy man will be determined by develop ments resulting from the investiga tion already underway. Mrs. R. J. Winslow Died Early Sunday Mrs. R. J Winslow, highly re spected county citizen, died at 5:30 o'clock Sunday morning at the home of her son, Mr. Joe R Winslow, near Robersonville, following a long per iod of failing health. She was 83 years of age and heart trouble caus ed by the infirmities of her advanc ed age was given as the cause of her death Mrs Winslow was a native of Perquimans County but had made her home with her son in this coun ty for ab outsixteen years. In both her home and adopted communities she was held in high esteem by all who knew her. A member of the Society of Friends Church, Mrs. Winslow was devoted to the teach ings and work of the church, and in her daily walk her life exemplified the true principles of religion as pro pounded by the Master. She was an able student of the Bible, the teach ings of which she humbly imparted to the members of her household and to others who looked to her for guidance and consolation in times of stress and uncertainty. She was a devoted wife and a thoughtful mother, and enjoyed the love and respect of her family and many others whose pleasure it was to have known her. Six children, Mrs C. S Pearce, of Washington, D. C.; H. V. Winslow, of Wilmington, Del.; Mrs W H Welch and H. W. Winslow, both of Kingstree. S. C.; Mrs. S. W. Crom well, of Norfolk, and Joe R Wins low, of this county, survive. Funeral services are being con ducted this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Piney Woods Friends Church at Belvidere in Perquimans County. Burial will follow in the Up River Cemetery. Rev J. C. Trivette, as sisted by Rev E. C. Shoe Roberson ville Baptist minister, art conduct ing the last rites. Commander And Mrt. Bill Harrell Here For Vitit Commander and Mrs. W. H. Har rell were here for a short visit with relatives last week-end before he returns to his ship for a cruise to unannounced points. Stationed at Philadelphia for several years where he was doing special medical work. Dr. Harrell was called for ship duty a few weeks ago along with many others. He is on a large transport with one of the most modern and complete hospitals on the high seas. Ilie ship has 500 hospital beds. Mrs. Harrell is now making her home with relatives in Norfolk. Continue Plans For. Housing T. B. Victims in County Home Plans are being considered here j today at the direction of the Martin i County Commissioners for housing | needy tubercular cases in the coun ty home The proposal has already been considered and tentatively ap proved by the county authorities, and finai action awaits only the ap proval of State health and welfare officials.* Wade Cushion, director of the division of State institutions, is in the county today inspecting the premises and studying the proposed plans for housing the several un fortunate cases According to a report coming from the county welfare office here to day, Dr. E. T. Walker who has been attending the patients in the county home and who is interested in and acquainted with the urgent needs, estimates that it will exist approxi mately $150 to properly ixjuip the institution for handling the T.B cases. There is an urgent need for the removal of several cases to the coun ty home for treatment. Mary Tay lor. superintendent of public wel fare. said yesterday. There is a long waiting list in the State Sanatorium, and conditions in the homes where mOst of the several cases are housed are ideal for spreading the disease. In one family the father is confined to his bed. There are seven children, all under fourteen years of age. The group, including the mother, are living in two rooms. Where there is now one case, it is reasonably cer tain that there'll be several within a short time. Possibly the mother and children can provide for themselves if the father is cared for and the threat of the disease is removed from their midst. The other cases are of a similar nature Smith Named to Head Chamber otCommeree MOVING j For no onr drfinilr rra.son. Martin County tenantry is on thr move atain this year on a larger scale than any onr in re rent years. Possibly, thr grass in other pastures appears greener than that right at homr. Boiled down to a fine point, it is believ ed that landlords are looking for better tenants and that ten ants are looking (or better land lords. It is estimated that more than 200 (arm (amilirs and a (ew In the towns, too. are shitting their places o( residence. For the most part, according to the best re ports available, very (ew (ami lies are moving out and very (ew (amilirs are moving into thr county. School Teachers In Second County-Wide Meet At Jamesville II. A. Perry Slrenwn diameter Ami (liti/eiiHlii|i in Ail ilrfM ti? IOO Teacher* Martin County teachers held the srcond~m a series of four county wide meetings in Jamesville last night with approximately one hun dred teachers and principals in at tendance. Mr Effie Holliday, of Jamesville, president of the county teachers association, called the meet ing to order, ar\d heard reports from various committees appointed at the Williamston meeting in October. Mr Lupton, of the Oak City school, re ported on public relations plans as set forth in the Greenville meeting, and Mr. Marlowe of tin* Roberson ville school, in reporting of profes sional relations, stated that his com mittee would submit a code of eth ics for the consideration of the group at its next meeting. Miss Ruth Manning of the Williamston School, teacher welfare chairman, reported on the tenure and retirement plans now being proposed for enactment into law by the General Assembly. After a period of discussion led by Supt. James Manning the group adopted the report of this commit tee. and passed a resolution asking that Representative Clarence Griffin and Senator Hugh Horton give the fullest consideration and cooperation to the matter of some form of a con tinuing contract and a retirement plan for the teachers of North Caro lina A principal feature of the meeting was an address t>y Mr. H. A. Perry of the State Department who-spoktr -m the absence of Dr. J Henry High smith. Director of Secondary Edu cation. Supt. Manning introduced Mr. Per ry who gave a very timely address on recent developments in education In commenting on the difficulty of preserving our basic freedoms in a world torn by conflict between idealogies, Mr. Perry called on teach ers to give greater consideration to the development of qualities of char acter and citizenship. Said Mr. Per ry, "Democracy, if it is to be pre served, must exist in pupil-teacher relationships and in all phases of school and community life. It is too much to expect that a youth who has been exposed to dogmatic and dic tatorial teaching for eleven years will be qualified to assume the du ties and responsibilities of present day citizenship. A program of edu cation adequate for complex living in our day requires a close, friendly and cooperative search for and eval uation of truth by pupil and teach er alike. This cooperation alone can develop a citizenship qualified to continue our democratic principle and government " At the conclusion of the business meeting a brief social period was held after which the group adjourn ed to meet in Williamston on Febru ary 13th Organization Will Handle the Sale of Auto License Tags ? t i ? Loinniittee Nitmnl To Work With Tobm to Hoard of Trailc IN'rxt Seunon Holding their first mooting of the new year, directors of the one-year old Williamston Chamber of Com merce last Friday evening named R. H. Smith to fill the position of sec retary-treasurer made vacant by the resignation of W F Clark and form ulated tentative plans of work for the organization during the coming ] year Advised that the Williamston Mo-' tor Company was surrendering tlie Carolina Motor Club Automobile License Buerau and that the bureau was going begging for a keeper, the directors made tentative plans for maintaining the service locally in rnnnerlinr) with th?? operation nf the commerce agency. Offices will be maintained possibly in the Moor Grocery Company building, next to j ,\ the Williamston Mptor Company, and the transfer will likely be effected : on or about the first of next month fTlie Williamston Motor Company has maintained the license bureau for almost twelve years, the man agement explaining that the rush came at a busy time for its business and that it would be forced to sur render the agency. The company has been trying to get someone else to take over the bureau for several years It is believed that Mr. Smith will j be able to handle the bureau activ ities and carry on the organization's work right along with his job as county treasurer. The commerce or ganization will pay him a nominal salary in addition to the fees to be derived from the sale of automobile license tags. Messrs C Ii. Clark, I). V. Clayton and Charles Bower were named on a committee by the president, Geo. H. Harrison, to work with Mr Smith during the current year. Mr Frank J Margolis was nam ed to contact the Williamston Tobac co Board of Trade and pledge the organization's efforts in promoting the local tobacco market this com ing season. It was reported at the meeting last Friday night that plans were rapidly shaping up for the op eration of the tobacco market, and that formal announcements could be expected within a short time The resumption of direct water freight connections from here to Norfolk and Baltimore was discuss ed, representatives of the Norfolk, Baltimore and Carolina Line stating tbtrt ?pkms were virtually complete for repairing the flood damage to the local dock and warehouse arid that service would possibly be restored within a short time The service has been maintained by a shuttle ar (Contmued on page four) Work Progressing Slowly On The Fill Repair work on the Roanoke Riv er fill damaged by record flood wa ters last August, is progressing slowly. No official report has been released in recent weeks, but it is understood that the work is consid erably behind schedule. According to one estimate less than half of the 180.000 yards of dirt necessary to complete the project has been plae-1 ed. The foundation work on one of the four bridges is hardly complete, and work on the others is proceed- ] ing at a comparatively slow pace. Reports state that equipment used in loading the dirt trucks has been out of repair several times, and that unnecessary delays have followed While weather conditions have not been ideal, they have bden far bet ter than they usually are in the win ter months. Party Searches For Man Missing in the r County Three Davs Kdgur Aver**, Bear (?ra** Man. Belie\ed To Have Met Willi Foul Play Missing since Sunday. Kdgar Av ers. Bear Grass citizen. is the ub jcct t?f an extensive search on n small island where the counties of Martin. Rcaufnrt and Pitt converge Renewing an investigation started last night and joining a si/able searching party this morning, coun ty officers could not be reached im mediately for a detailed statement. However, according to unofficial but reliable reports it is believed by some that Avers has met with foul play, that possibly he has been mur dered or rendered helpless. It is pos sible that he has met with accident al injury, some suggest. Reports reaching here state that Ayers last Sunday went to the small island where the three counties join and engaged in a fight with a party of Several men w ho were thought to have been manufacturing liquor or playing poker. He was said to have returned home, got his rifle and started back The man. about 36 years old. has not been seen since. A searching party was said to have been formed yesterday afternoon, but its early work was unsuccessful The case was reported to the office of tlu* sheriff last night, and Sheriff C. B Roebuck started an investiga tion immediately. Returning home after midnight, the officer withheld comment, hut joined a searching par ty early this morning. Officers from the two adjoining counties were call ed and they w ith the sheriff's force from this county and a number of private citizens are continuing the search No report from the party could be had up until early this af ternoon It is believed by some that Ayers was murdered and that Ins body was thrown into a fish hole in the creek. However, those officers who could he reached for a statement reserved comment. Outlook For Farm And Business This Year Fncojiraging Lirprst Farm Income Since I *>2') Kxpcctcil By Some This Year Ily Ci. A. < AKIIWKIJ. Nineteen Fcirty one outlook is for improved domestic demand for farm products, smaller exports, higher general average of prices, larger to tal cash income from marketings. Farm income including government payments the total exceeding nine billion dollars may lie the largest since 1929. But increased costs of commodities and services used in farm production will cancel part of the gain in farm income?1941 over 1940 Agricultural production of all commodities combined may be a lit tle smaller in 1941, but with large carry-over stocks of several com modities the total supply will be fully adequate for the country's needs. Farmers in best position as to prices and income are those pro ducing for domestic market pro ducers of dairy and poultry products, meats, some fruits and vegetables. Principal support to prices and in come from cotton, wheat, tobacco, will be government loan and export programs. For national defense the physical condition of the agricultur al plant is the licst in many years. Soil productivity has been increased, man-power is more than enough for any emergency. Agriculture is ready. Greater consumer purchasing power in the United States in 1941 compared with 194(1 is expected" to result in improved demand for farm products. Consumer incomes will reflect not only a substantial gain in industrial production, but ajso the gradual Cumutative effects' of the general improvement in business conditions during the past 2 years. The rapidly expanding program for national defense is chiefly to be credited with the anticipated increase in industrial production, employment and consumer incomes. More than 7 billion dollars probably will be spent for national defense purposes in 1941 Of this about 5 billion repre sents an increase over 1940. Partly offsetting the effects on business ac tivity of these increased defense ex penditures will be decreases in some other branches of government spend ing and increased tax collections. It is estimated that about half of the increase in defense spending in 1941 will represent an increase in the net contribution of the Federal Govern ment to national purchasing power. The development of the defense program is having a stimulating ef fect upon general business sentiment. Business men generally are antici pating several years of favorable business conditions and possibly of rising prices. This makes them less apprehensive about inventory posi tions, more inclined to take risks in developing new or expanding old enterprises A part of the stimulat ing effects of the defense program, however, will be merely an offset to (Continued on page four) Influenza Reaching Epidemic Proportions in This County Influenza, sweeping out of the west, is rapidly reaching the epi denuc stage in this section, conserv ative estimates placing the number of cases in this county in excess of 2(H). No accurate estimates are avail able. but reports coming from the medical profession, the schools and other sources indicate that there ai? approximately 2(H) eases under the care of physicians with many eases escaping attention. Possibly many more cases are on the borderline, the victims going out of circulation for only brief periods. The situation, as it is reported here is not threatening the operation of sign of curtailing public gatherings. However, reports from other states and even in the western part of North Carolina slate that school schedules are being discontinued and that amusement houses are being closed No complete report on ab sences in the school is immediately available, but the attendance fig ures in most of the plants are con siderably below normal. The large number of absences is partly ex plained by an increase in the num ber of families moving here and there over the county, interrupting the at tendance figures temporarily, at least At Jamesville. three bathers are ill with influenza and the ! senees are running slightly above 10 per cent of the enrollment. Ruber jyjiville is on the verge of an epi lie in its seliool are being considered for suspending activities er schools last night tendance figures flawed on fair lehahh?reports, the verge of an epi ?ls. but no plans? ?d at the preseifi vities there. Othf I reported fair at\ influenza cases seem to he centered in several 'communities with some cases, of course, being scattered here and there over the county Many eases were reported ,yesterdas in the llassell ooiitinumly and in Cross Roads entire families are down w th inftiien/a. I Construe I ion Reaches Record Peak Forty-Seven Homes Are Built Here In Past Twelve Months \ nIof \?'H Itiiililin^x. K< pair* ami AiMitioiix Arc I'lai i-il Al $200.105 Construetion work in Williamston reached an all-time record peak dur ing the year just ended, according to a report just released by Building Inspector G. P Hall. One hundred and three building permits, includ ing those for new construction, re pairs and additions, were issued dur ing the year of 15)40. the construction program carrying a value of $200, 405. Construction activities were more than twice as great last year as those recorded in 1935) and were $12,000 greater than in 15)38 when building work reached a new high peak here. Home construction more than dou bled to reach a new high figure for any one year in the history of the town. Porty-seven new homes were built at a cost of $5)7,070. Included in the list were no costly projects, tin average standing right at $2,000 with the figures ranging from an humble $300 strui tur*- to a $7,500 home Only six of the 47 new homes cost more than $4,000. Home construction was about evenly divided for the two races, one real estate development advanced by 1 "ul capital providing eighteen apartments for colored fam I ilies. While the home construction pro- | gram in 15)40 relieved the housing i shortage to some extent, there is still u great need for more homes Dur ing tin- past month several families desiring to make their homes here went to other towns A survey of the lown shows that po.4 ably 100 fam ilies, including both white and coi ned, are inadequately housed. Some are crowded into old school bus bod ies and others are living in shacks nardly fit for work animals. Possi bly the current year will see as an ?xlensive building program as that recorded in the year just ended, but there is still a need for housing fa :-ilities and construction will hardly reach anything like a stalemate any time soon. Despite any outside fat tors that may tend to affect con itruction, some observers are of the )pinion that the 15)41 program will rqual if not exceed that of 15)40. The commercial front reported a narked gain in its building construc tion, the total contracts jumping from $33,435 in 15)39 to $44,650 last /.ear. There were fifteen commn tin- river mill front. One or two lew stores were added in the* busi (Conunued on page four) Hearing Held In Liquor Case Here Robert Bailey, charged with vio ating the liquor laws, was released jnder l?ond in the sum of $500 at a preliminary hearing held before Jnited States Commissioher Walter flalberstadt in the courthouse here ast Friday afternoon. Bond was ar ?anged immediately. Bailey is to ippear before Judge Isaac M Meek ns in Federal court at Washington >n March 31. WiU-.-Red" Rogers, a second de fendant in the case, was placed un ier a $1,000 ls>nd. Enjoying a parole 11 lowed in a previous caw, Rogers .vas turned over to the probation of icer. Tin- two man wen* arrested while allegedly operating a liquor atill ast Thursday night. ABC Officer loe H. Roebuck, assisted by officers 'rom Beaufort and Pitt Counties, nade the arrests. | GKKKk RIJ.IKF v The drive lor urgently needed funds for embattled Greek sol diers and suffering Greek civil ians continues to go forward here. A small country of limited resources, Greece is .longingly looking to the people of this na tion for help. That the valiant (Greeks have earned the right to a liberal aid is evidenced in their accomplishments. -It- has been admitted by some that the little uation has done more to check the barbarian hordes than all others. And now with their dependents either killed or wounded or in the army, the civilians hack home are suffer ing for the necessities of life. Leave a donation at The Enter prise office or send it to Rev. John W. Hardy, treasurer of the relief fund in this county. Donations are acknowledged as _ follows: (?us It it; as $25.(HI Joe Mike Mitchell I 00 A Friend 1.00 Previously reported 27.50 $54.50 Peace Talk Heard Amidst Increased War Preparations Hrlii'vr Spain ami Itnluaria See Virlory for llrilain \llll llcnv \\i? \i?l Despite fivsh lumoi. Hi,it Hitler will march his troops into Bulgaria and push across Yugoslavia to at tack Greece, peace talk . i.s being heard on the European war front to day. The rumors and talk are indeed confusing, and no one knows what the next day will offer. Several fuc tors have been pointer) out that would point to a peaee sooner or la ter Economic conditions hi Qer many are causing added trouble Tin diplomatic front is apparently eav ing in fur Germany France -4>- -im ported to be restoring its navy to ,i peaee time basis. Revolts are inereas ing rapidly and with greater feroci ty m occupied tei i {tones. Spam is re ported to have flatty refused to how down to Germany and join the fight against England Bulgaria, apparent ly expecting i British victory, is not falling in line with German orders. While these reports are encourag rrrgv theic is pessimism ir.-Ti whetli or England ran hold out against oon tnrned losses 4hi 4+h?-btgfr scan Httd against terrific bombings from the air. The first point in question had encouraging reports today when the admiralty announced that only four British ships, of 15,000 ton capacity, were lost during the week ending January 5. On the other hand air raids have been costly for England, one report stating that Plymouth. England, had borne the brunt of u recent raid. There was a lull in the air over England today on account of had weather conditions. Last week, the reports had Gel man divisions in Bulgaria Later re ports had the Germans back in Ru mania. Today, semi-official reports from Turkey, stated that Germany was actually making plans to tak? over the little country and station troops on the Greek border. A di rect move on Greece by Germany is not expected thefe. however, the Turkish reports stating that Hitter is planning to march his forces through Yugoslavia' and attack Greece from that direction. The val iant Greeks are continuing their drive against he lattans in Albania. Over in Africa, the British forces are scoring new successes against the Italians, und Nazi airmen have K (Continued on page (our) Committee Plums \re Distributed In State Legislature Morton ami (?riffin \rr (?iven Oii;mtit\ Rating- lint Not Much Oualitv They cut the plum pudding in the NfcHh Caronrta Legislature tast eve ntfig. Lieutenant Governor Reg Har ris passing out the thin slices in the ^Senate and Speaker O. M Mull chunking a hunk here and there af ter feasting a few select ones with the choice slices Martin County's representative, Clarence Griffin, and the Second Thstncl' senator Hugh G?Horton,? were given quantity, and the quality is fair, but both men missed out on the more important committees such as appropriations, roads, and so on. A thorough digest of the committee assignments has not been made, but it i> laul) apparent that some of them clique, to the old tune. Repre sentative reapportionment, for in ?damv. is in the hands of the?west? where gains are expected at the ex pense of the t ast But. according to the State Constitution, reapporion ment is in order, and there's nothing for the east to do but grin and bear it. Senator Horton drew the chair manship of the Unemployment Com pensation committee, and was made a member of the following groups agriculture, commercial fisheries, congresional district:, education, election laws, finance, institutions for the deaf, judiciary No. I. military affairs, penal institutions, proposi tions and grievances, public health, rvileu, wafer commerce and trustees of the University It is apparent that Mr Horton is on one or two com mittees that will claim much atten tion m the State this year. Con gressional districts will be in the limelight as a move has already been made to reapportion the State into twelve congressional districts. Pos ibly the finance committee will re quire much of the senator's time as finances are a problem in good years as wrll as in bad ones Representative Griffin did not do So had as a freshman in drawing committee assignments. He is a member of the committees on agri culture and education, two import ant groups to the successful opera tion of two of the State's most im undertakings While hu holds no chairmanship, he is a member of the following committees: banks and banking, commercial fisheries, con stitutional amendments, judiciary No 2, oyshTs, put)lie welfare, jus tices of ttic jit'.itv, public* buildings and grounds. Now that the committee assign ments have been effected, the peo ple nl the State are anxious to see the hoys in Raleigh settle down to work and do something. -*? Local \ on ill (liats \\ ill) The President Joe Sumara, local youth and nuinhei ot the USS Tuscaloosa, had a three minute < hat with Pres ident Hon eve It on the high seas a short time iget when the Chief Ex ecutive was cruising in the Carib bean Ju i hack from a trip to Por tugal. Sumara stated that he was standing watch on a forward deck when Mr Roosevelt came out for a hi oath of fresh air and a smoke. "Ih asked the my name, how I liked the Navy, how long I had been in the service and a few other ques lions," Sumara said "Asking me wllpi't I was from, I told him Wil ham Ion. Norm CaroTihu, aiicT He piirkly replied that North Carolina was a great State." Sumara, who was home for the week-end, replied, Ye., sir, and it gave you quite a vote The President laughed," Su mara said. After riding the Chief Executive 4round the seas, the Tuscaloosa took Admiral Leahy aboard and carried iiiu?to. .Lisbon where he continued 0 his post as ambassador to France 11 Vichy "We saw very little sign of any ?onlliet. It was pointed out to us 1 ha t a British cruiser was chasing a Set man ship, hut we did not see any id ion. A few airplanes flew over js just off the const of Portugal, but Ae Could" not Identify them," the youthful sailor said. The crew was ?iven shore leave at Lisbon, and activities there were going on as isual. "It is a beautiful city," Su mara said. ) on iih To Meet At Bear (*rm? Sunday The young people of the county will assemble in the Bear Grass Presbyterian Church Sunday after mon at 3 o'clock for their regular ntcrdenominuitnnal meeting, it was announced by an officer of the or junization today. A very good program has been dunned for the meeting, including in address by Rev. Griffin Hamlin. >astor of the Plymouth Christian Church. Special music will be ren iered by the Bear Grass quartet Every church in the county is irged to send a delegation to the neeting as fhe future plans for con inuing the organization will be dte rusaed.