The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLLAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. w. C. MANNING Editor ? 15W-ltM SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year 11.1 Six months 10 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $2 2 Six months 1 2 ?rv No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston. N C.. as second-class matter under the act of Con g i ess of March 3, 1879 ?Address all communications to TTie Enterprise and not individual members of the tlntf.? Tuesday. January 1t. If41. IT , ak Spot In fJe/ense One of the weakest spots in our national d( - fcim. not only irt liliH' of war *"'1 ''k" 'n H"*-* of peace, is bobbing up in bold relief through out the country. ""Local draft boards were in a dither today as reports of mass rejections by physical exam iners put a crimp in their schedule At least three of the boards found that they did not have enough men to fill the January 2.1 quota and will order others up for examination," the Charlotte News said recently in pointing out that 12 out of 27 men had been rejected by the examiners The serious plight of oui general health is being brought to light by the call to service. The all-important question now is, Will we do anything about it" We are traveling down to defeat much fastei than we think Hitler pos sibly would devour us in very short order, but our indifference to our own health and well being will send us down nvto decay eventually if we continue to follow the same easy road we have been traveling in recent years'. A father, hardly past forty, rode his son's wheel two blocks and could hardly walk the next day. He slumps under a steering wheel to run a two-block errand. He calls for his car to take him the few blocks to and from his of fiee He gouges on rich foods and slumps down in an easy chair. He knows nothing about a regular schedule for meals or sleep. He runs his course, ignoring the simple demands of good health. In time, he flocks to the hospital where he finds thousands of other despondent souls waiting to be patched up. Temporary re pairs are the best the doctors can guarantee in many cast's, but even temporary relief offers an opportunity to return to old habits. The tens of thousands crowding the hospitals, sanator lums and even the asylums for the insane ap parently offer no warning to those who man age to drag around with stubborn rheumatism or disease in. other forms In this county during the draft registration. 2,000 blood tests were handled by the health department. Preliminary reports show that ien per ceru 01 mat numoer was diseased. i lie 2,000 took the tests at the direction of health au thorities who see and realize the great need for an awakening to the startling facts as they re late to public health. Less than a dozen of that number were interested enough to follow up those tests and make certain that their bodies were free of a disease that is claiming more victims week by week. And now. when the call is issued for man power for the defense of our country, we are finding that a large percentage?fifty per cent in some cases?is physically unfit for service. Add to that number the increasing multitude of morally unfits, and you have a serious situa tion facing this country aside from the realm of war or defense against war. One may talk about the "bottleneck" in industry, but the weak spot and a serines one ton is centered in the general health of our people. .4 Guide To The Future In a recent years quackery in the patent medi cine field attracted the ire of the law-makers and courts. Today, the analyist is offering for a price consideration to predict what is going to happen in this mad world. If enough fellows guess, some one will guess right, but it is bor dering pretty close to quackery when anyone without access to the real facts offers for a cash consideration to tell which way this mad world is going to turn tomorrow, not to mention its status a month or six months from now. They say business is looking to Washington. That's true, and Washington is looking to bus iness. Business is looking to the little man, and the little man is looking to business. When It comes to trying to beat the race and get some thing for nothing, one starts looking at the oth er fellow. It is well to keep abreast of the times, but the guide to the future is to be determined by the individual. Where were all the prognos ticators Just before the crash in 1929? Mr. Hoov er was a prognostics tor and predicted that pros perity was just around the corner. If the Pres Jdent, with all the sources of information he has at his disposal, cannot see around a corner, how can one expect an agency, naturally limit ed in its means and brains, to tell what is go ing to happen tomorrow in this crazy world? If one would pick the best guide to the fu ture that can be picked, he will cast out of his mind all ideas of getting rich quick, or trying to start a boom without foundation He will do well to ignore big profits and set his goal to serve himself, family and his country to the best of his ability, not by biting off more than he can chew but by accepting a common task with the intention of doing that task well. If the agricultural front undertakes a huge expansion in an effort to "hit" a rising market and is unable to properly handle the task, then little is to lie gained. If business overstocks its shelves and something does happen, then cal amity will follow. The guide to the future should be based on even keel, with each one playing the rules of the game fairly and square Is The tide will go up and down, but as long as all go and come together after a sensible fashion there'll be no great shock to absorb But we cannot get far by listening to some fellow who tells us how to get rich quick by buying this stock and selling another, or by trying to ?1 eilpo" the market '? An Honorable Peace? Christian Science Monitor. American isolationists would like very much to persuade the United States that an early peace is possible They use such phrases as an "immediate" or an "honorable and just" peace. Senatoi Burton K Wheeler is plausible when he argues that the prospect of an actual Nazi invasion of the United States is remote and that the German people want peace just as any other people do. But are not American inter ests vitally affected long before invasion be gins'.' And is America the kind of a world citi zen who can placidly, contentedly watch bur glars at work on other people's houses so long as th< v <lo not enter her own? Of if the German people do want peace, even a just peace, what possibility is there that the present Nazi Government will let them have The Senator believes a satisfactory peace might be worked out on a basis of eight points, among which he lists first. "Restoration of Ger many's 1914 boundaries with an autonomous Poland and Czechoslovakia.* He proposes res toration of an independent France, Holland. Norway, Belgium .and Denmark Can Americans, even Mr Wheeler and his group, seriously believe that Nazi Germany, swollen with conquest, would settle on this basis?even if bribed, as proposed, by the re turn of former German colonies around the world? Such a misreading of the blatantly pro T'laiMied totalitarian inentalrty?would be ludi ? i rous if it were not potentially so tragic in terms of submission to butchery and enslavement. The proposed lines of settlement, be it noted, would ask Germany- to divest itself of Austria and of Alsace-Lorraine, to which it certainly would not now consent On the other hand, some interpretations of autonomy would leave a certain Nazi control over Czechoslovakia and Poland, which must be utterly repugnant to all who deplored the settlement of Munich and the later aggression of September .1939. Somewhat curiously Verne Marshall, head of the rather nebulous No Foreign Wars Com mittee, asserts with an implied criticism that the American State Department received and ignored a kind of "peace" feeler from Nazi offi cials through W K. Davis then eifgaged in selling expropriated Mexican oil to Germany m October, 1939. This proposal, says Mr. Marshall, involved "just and honorable" terms for a peace conference to be held at the White House. If President Roosevelt has been criticized for urging diplomats at Munich before he could know the pattern of the outcome, how ."honor able" would Americans have considered it to be for him to preside at an attempted media tion which could only tend to confirm Nazi gains afti r their design for conquest had been written in blood across the plains of Poland? One point which the self-styled anti-inter vcntionists conveniently or wishfully ignore is the fact that the terms of a peace inevitably are determined in large part by the circum seen in the Nazi terms imposed at the capitu lalinn of fumy .?; While Winston Churchill. British Prime Min ister, was surveying on Monday, the devastation wrought by bomb-inflicted fire on the heart of London, a woman asked him when the war would be over. He replied grimly, "When we beat them." That is the only time war can be over with aggressors. _ For another point the appeasers fail to grasp is that the great desideratum to bo sought in the defense of the world against the current Axis outbreak of ruthlessness is the establish ment of the precedent that the starting of wars is a crime against humanity and the establish ment also of a machinery of justice for the set tling of international disputes without wars. That is the only honorable basis upon which peace can be built. And speaking of running things: It is now quite obvious that the Greeks can make other things than a cafe skedaddle.-?Elkin Tribune. "The Duchess of Windsor and eleven mil lion other people had a tooth pulled recently." ?Greenville Piedmont. THE VISITING FIREMEN" imove e I'll. BE v WIH6VOO in eevi'M ? - i... [ ;?SK A What the Pastors Are Wishing... By REV. JAMES II SMITH A Sunday school teacher said last Sunday morning that if one of our churches, with doors widely opened, should be in one of certain other countries the people would be afraid to enter and worship the True and Living God. Their form of govern ment would not allow it. We pastors are wishing for better church attend- ! ance in this land of freedom. We want our Bible classes filled. We want our church uews occupied. We ' want larger numbers seriously coin- I ing to the mid-week prayer service* We are afraid that if we abuse our freedom we will lose it and our souls also. We wish for churches filled with sincere worshippers. I have heard of people going to church and leaving without having been fed with spiritual food. We Word of God. It is not a mere social gospel you need; not a discussion of politics when you come to church. You hunger for the Bread of Life. ! You thirst for th<- Water of Life. John i said that Jesus was the Word of God. If we can preach unto you Jesus you will get satisfaction for your hunger and thirst. The Word of God is Good News. We want to give and live the gospel to you. This is one of our best wishes for the New Year Sometimes people in the commun ity are sick and need visiting but we have not heard about them?we wish for thoughtful helpers who will call us and tell us about these who are sick We still believe the sick should be visited. We still believe Christian people should pray for , the sick. The sick need both science and religion to minister unto them. Perhaps you have problems that cahnot be solved without the help of someone. Maybe your pastor is the one to call upon. Please do not think that it would be a bother for the preacher to give you his time. Greene f-ll Club Membert Or funite Dmiry Calf Club A dairy call club is being organ ized for 4-H club members of Greene County interested in good milk cows and how to care for them properly, says J. W Grant, assistant farm agent. His tune is yours when you need him. We wish to be the greatest pos sible blessing to our people this year. Poultry Truck EVERY TUESDAY AT JAMKSVII J.K 9 to 10:00 a. m. AT HARIHSO.VS Mil l 10:30 to 12 in. AT HKAR CRASS I to 3 p. in. EVERY FRIDAY AT OAK CITY 9 to 11 a. m. AT HAMILTON __ 11:30 a. m. to 12 in. VI coi l) POINT 1 to 2 p. in. EVERY SATURDAY AT W ll.l.l VMSTON 9 to II a. in. AT IN I Hi; ITS II :30 a. in. to 12:30 p. in. VI KOIUKsONN II.I.K I to 3 p. in. Colored lleim. Leghorn llenn, Stag*, Koowtera NNL I'\Y TOP MARKET PRICKS PITT POULTRY CO. GREEN VILLK, IN. C. AVOID TAX PENALTY JANUARY IS THE Last Month THAT COUNTY TAXES MAY BE PA1I) AT PAR. Beginning Feb. 3rd A PENALTY WILL BE ADDED TO ALL TAX ACCOUNTS DUE THE COUNTY. Pay Your Taxes Now and Save the Penalty C. B. Roebuck Sheriff. ATTENTION FARMERS Dtm't take chances ivith your meat The weather and other hazard* are loo great. We ean take rare of your meat in any quantities, keep ing it under a constant temperature, thereby giv ing you sounder and lustier pieces of meat. Pitt Cold Storage Co., He Sure By /fringing Your Meat To l'? 808 Clark St. Greenville, N. C. Dial 2415 Personal Property lbtTwc List-lakers nill l?c at the following places on the specified dates to list all personal property and polls for general taxation in the County of Martin for the tax year of 1911s Jamesville l{. L. Stalling*. List-taker. Kuril Friday ami Sat urday at Town House: riliit'iulay. Jan. 15 and 22, Hardens; Tuesday, Jan. I t. I.ulher Cordon. Williams C. I.. Daniel. List-taker. January 16 at Fairview Cliureii, 8:30 to 12:30; and at Kielilieu Filling Station from I to 4 p.m.; January 17 at Town ship House from 8:30 to 4 p.m.; January 21 at Jo-ima I.. Coltruin's from 8:30 lo 2 p.m.; Janu ary 2 I at home. Griffins Geo. C. Griffin. List-taker. January 16. John A. Griffin's Filling Station; January 17 at J. Kason l.illey's Store; January 23. at Manning and Gur kin's Filling Station; January 21 and 31, at S. K. Manning's Filling Station. Hours 8:30 lo I p.m. Bear Grass A. B. Ayers, l.isl-taker. Kaeh Thursday and Fri day at A. It. Ayers' home. Williamston II. M. Hurras, List-taker. Kuril week day at court house. Hours 9 to 5 p.m. Cross Roads Gordon G. Itniley. List-taker. January 18. 20, 21. 22. 23. 25. 27. 28. 20 ami 30 at Kverelts; Janu ary 21 at Gurgamis Sehoolliouse; January 31 at Gross Koads Ghureh. Robersonville II. S. Everett, List-take.*. Kaeh week day at Cen tral Warehouse through January. Poplar Point LeKoy Taylor, List-taker. January 20. 30 and 31. Hamilton L. 11. Everett. List-taker. ' January 10, 17, 27, 29 and 30 at Hamilton; Junuary 24 and 31 at Has sell; January 28 at Keddard's Filling Station. Goose Nest J. A. Hauls. List-taker. January 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25 und 31 and February 1 at Oak City; Jan uary 0 at Luke Hurnette's from 10 to 3; January 16 at Smith Hros. Store from 10 to 3; January 22 at Hopkins Farm from 11 to 3; January 23 at J. A. Everett's from 11 to 3; and January 30 at Dan Howell's Filling Station from 11 to 3 o'clock. Every personal properly owner ami every male between the ages of 21 and 50, inclusive, must list their holdings for general taxation. Failure to do so will invite indictment and prosecution in the courts. Listings must be completed by the last day of January. List Early. This the 2nd day of January. 1941. S. H. Grimes County Tax Supervisor

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