Society and Personals OF WIL1IAMSTON u>d MAJtTIN COL'.VTY PHONE Anything far Thi* Department Ta 4 6 Spends Week-end Here Whit Purvis, student at the Uni versity, Chapel Hill, visited his mo ther. Mrs Daisy Pun-is. here last week-end. Was Business Visitor Here Mr W F Holhday. of JamesviUe, attended to business here yesterda> Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Bob Barrett, of Chapel Hill spent the week-end here with Mr Barrett Visit Here Friday Mesdames Dave Edwards. Joseph Gold and Saul Gold, of Rocky Mount _ visited friends and relatives here Friday. Spends Week-end Here Charles Daniel, who is attending the University. Chapel Hill, spent the week-end here with relatives In Sanfard Saturday Bill Long visited relatives in San ford Saturday and Sunday Visits Here Last Week-end Miss Virgil Ward, student at E C T. C., Greenville, visited her moth er, Mrs. Lucy Ward, here last week end. Spends Week-end Here Jack Baker Saunders, student at the University. Chapel Hill spent the week-end here with his mother Mrs. Nannie Saunders In Plymouth Saturday Miss Thelma Li Hey visited friends in Plymouth Saturday and Sunday Visit Here Saturday Mr and Mrs. Miller Harreil, of! Plymouth, visited the latter's mo ther, Mrs John D Bo wen, here Sat- i urday W.u^iwlw LL'a^Ij Uama I oprnus n eea-ena Here Joe Sumara. member of the; U. S Navy, stationed at Norfolk, visited I relatives here last week-end Visits in Rocky Mount Mrs Frank Wilkins. teacher in 1 the Farm Life School, spent the j week-end in Rocky Mount with Mi" | Wilkins. Tunney's in the Navy Ex-Marine Gene Tnnney, former world's champion heavyweight box er, raises his hand as he is sworn in as a lieutenant commander in the U. S. Naval Reserve. The oath was administered by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, in Washington. Woman's Club To Meet Merribeis of the Junior Woman's Cltjb an> urged to attend the busi . meeting of the club tonight at eight o'clock in the Woman's Club room Visits in f-uquay Springs Shelboh Hall visited friends in Fu q.uu\ Springs Saturday and Sun day W ere Here Sunday Mr and Mrs. I. L. Darden, of Wil son visited the former's brother, Mr Died Darden and Mrs Darden, here. Sundav Visits Here Saturday Mis.s Betsy Bowel's, ul Washing tun. visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bowers lu re Saturday night. Improving from Influenza Mrs.*Kathtnne Harrell u> unprov7 ing from an attack of influenza at h< : home in Hamilton. ? Visit in Scotland Neck Mr and Mrs Ellis Malone, Misses Be ssie and Ruby Malone and Milton Malone visited in Scotland Neck on Sunday. In Raleigh Vesierdav Rev. Z T Picphoff was a business ? : in Raleigh yesterday Visits in Charlotte Hudson Hoyle visited in Charlotte last week-end. Are Visiting Here Mr and Mrs. Leon Sylvester, of Richlands, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Harrison here for a few days. Visit in Norfolk Mrs. Ruth DeCamp McMillian and last week-end. Returns from Hospital Mr. Will Taylor has returned to i,b home near here from Rex Hos pital, Raleigh. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell and family. <>f Roanoke Rapids, visited fru rids and relatives here Sunday. Leaves for l.umberton Mr Bill Valentine left Sunday for LumbertupJ where he has accepted u position with the United Static To bacco Company. Visit Relatives in County Mr. and Mrs. Gormer Taylor, of Norfolk, were the guests of relatives lii the county last week-end. Was Here Saturday ?Mes-:-Clyde Moore, of-Windsor, vis ited relatives here Saturday. Was Visitor Here Saturday Mis Henry Modlin, of Jamesville, was a visitor here Saturday Visits in Elizabeth City Miss Mary Taylor visited in Eliz abeth City last week-end. Is Visiting Here Mrs. John Murray, of Washington City, is the guest of Mrs. Jim Bow en here. Spend Week-end Here Miss Ei ma Benson and Mrs. Lil lian Benson Smith and son. Kay. of Benson, spent the week-end here with their sister. Miss Mary Ben Returns to Chapel Hill Recovering from a two weeks' ill ness. Ray Condition, Jr., is return ing tp the University. Chapel Hill, the latter part of this week. Arrives Last Week-end Mis Frank Johnson, of Harris burg. Pa,, arrived here last week end to spend some time with her fa ther. Chief W. B. Daniel In Richmond Today , Mr R. H Goodmon is attending to- business in Richmond today. Masons Will Meet Tonight The regular meeting of the Ma sonic lodge will bo held tonight in the lodge room. Officers will be in talled and a full membership is u rged * Returns To Richmond Miss Susie Whitley has returned to Richmond where she is a student nurse at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, af ter visiting relatives here for about ten days. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pittman visit ?d relatives in Rocky Mount Sun day. ? Leave for Florida Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, of Warsaw. Ind. .left yesterday for Florida, where they will spend the winter, after a week's visit here with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith. Attends Basketball Games Mr. Jesse Keel, of Everetts, at tended the basketbal 1 games here last night ? " Confined To Her Home Mrs. C. H. Godwin. Sr.. is confined to her home on West Main Street with influenza. Was Business Visitor Here Mi Will Taylor, of Merry Hill. was a business visitor here Mon day. In New Bern Sunday Miss Carrie Whitford visited New Bern Sunday. m Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jason Smith, Mr and Mrs. Carroll Shefflet, Mr. and Mrs Herman Chappel and Miss Mar tha Smith, all of Norfolk, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs W J. Smith here Sunday. In Ldenton Sunday Mr and Mrs. B F Britton were visitors in Edenton Sunday. Ill At His Home Mr M. S. Moore is ill at his home with influenza. Was Here Sunday Miss Lena Smith and Mr. Jesse Harrell, of Edenton. viaited Miss Lorene, Weaver here Sunday. Ha|)|Killings In The Farm Life School By VERA PEARL WILLIAMS The Farm Life School has suf fered no losses in enrollment since the holidays; but there has been an increase of three students in the scl\ui>l. two in grammar school and -?me in the high school. Mrs Wilkins' seventh grade group gave a very enjoyable miscellaneous program in chapel on Friday after noon. The order of the program was as follows ^ Ltfe of Rolx rt E. Lee, Elgarie Man ning. poem, "Just Complaint." Lena B Manning; songs. "Alice Blue Gown." "Lovers' Lullaby", Dorothy Brown .Manning. Elgarie Manning. Mary Louise Gurkm, Trula Hardi son; poem, "The Fate of Demon Arithmetic." A E Manning; recita tion. "Art Exhibit." Christine Lil Jey: songs. "Blueberry Hill," "There's a Hole in the Old Oaken Bucket"; Professor Quiz, Lena B. and A. E. Manning The monthly P.T.A. meeting will be held in the school auditorium this evening (Tuesday), at 7:30 p. m The outstanding feature of the pro gram will be the talk on "Malaria" nade hv Dr. Williams. county health doctor The school is cooperating in the "March of Dimes" campaign against infantile paralysis. Each parent is urged to make a special effort to see that his child brings his dime that is to be used in wiping out this dreaded diesase. The campaign was instigated by President Roosevelt and has proved to be very successful thus far. It is hoped that Martin County's share in the total contribu tion will far exceed that of last year. Dr Walker has been appointed chairman of the committee in thi& county. There will be a doubleheader bas ketball game between Farm Life and Bath boys and girls on Friday eve ning of this week. The games will he played either at the Williamston or Jamesville gym. Come out and give the boys and girls your sup port. The teachers attended a meeting of th( county unit of N.C.E.A., which was held in the Jamesville school on Monday evening. Dr Highsmith was the principal speaker of the eve ning The members of the faculty were delightfully entertained at dinner last week by Mr. and Mrs. Rome Corey, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Haral son, and Mr and Mrs. Lewis Rob erson. Students of Miss Melba Russ, pi ano teacher in the Farm Life School, presented a progarm over radio na tion WGTC, Greenville, Saturday af t< rnoon. at 4:15. Those partieipating in the program from this school were Thelma Hardison. Cairo Lilley and Hazel Hardison, who sang "The Woodpecker's Song" and "Dream Valley", George Hardison and Hen -ry?Leggett. who played?"Nobody Gets Lonely." on their guitars. Stu dents from Grimesland and Green ville took part on--the program also. The fruup will again Be on the air next Saturday afternoon for thirty minutes. The 4-H club met in the school au ditorium on Monday afternoon at 1 30 o'clock, at which time the club learned that they had again won the banner for the best records in the county. This is the third consecutive' year that Farm Life has won the banner. A committee was appointed to decide how the club shall spend the $2 75 won for an exhibit at Rob crsonville A live-at-home program and projects for individual club members were planned. The tenth and eleventh grade Biography class is working on a porject of Martin County. Students have written to various departments for all available information. When the project is completed, the class will have a detailed study with maps and graphs. Increased Sale? Tram ?Ids In The Knler/irise The Creomulsion Company says, "Consistent advertising in The En terprise has greatly increased the sale of our product, Creomulsion, in your trading area." Creomulsion, a supermr prescrip tion for stubborn coughsTThest colds and bronchitis is especially benefic ial in the relief of coughs that follow influenza. Recommended by thousands of doctors and druggists from coast to coast. Creomulsion is sold and guar anteed by all drug stores. Spend Week-end Here Misses Marjorie Hagans. Mary Vanice Laughlin, Jim Barnette, Mer cer Rowe, Charles Pillar, Charlie Weeks, Duck Lewis and Robert Wil son, of Tarboro, visited friends here last week-end Recovering from Influenza Mr. Edward Corey is recovering at his home on Williams Street from an influenza attack. Move into New Home Mr and Mrs. James C. Cook and son moved into their new home on Academy Street last Friday. In Raleigh Last Week Harry Biggs was in Raleigh last week for the inauguration. Is III At His Home Mr Charles Davenport is ill at his home in Jamesville. Report New Caaee Several new cases of whooping cough were repotred here during the past week-end. IN MEMORIAM Dear Father, how we've missed you. No tongue on earth can tell, but We hope to meet you. jn that bright Land where all we do Is well. PAUL BAILEY. Juniors To Stage Comedy Thursday Watch out! Hold her! Who? Mary Whoa! Go Slow, Mary Don't miss this side-splitting, racy three-act comedy at the high school auditor ium Thursday evening, January 16. at 8:00 o'clock. Who, other than Jim Critcher. as the irritable husband, could tame his fast-stepping wife, Mary Warren? Throughout the play is the ever-present mother-in-law with her unsolicited advice, ably played by Evelyn Griffin. Nelly Biggs, Madelene Taylor. Irving Grif ganus, Bennie Weaver. James Car row and Frank Lilley. in their parts ( add much intrigue to the plot of the play as well as provide an abund ance of comedy. Marie Moore and Robert Jones as angelic brats, do an excellent job of keeping everybody and everything in an uproar. This performance is being spon-1 sored by the Junior class and profti ises 4o be one of the spiciest, most entertaining productions ever pre sented by a junior class here. ? Re ported. In Fayetteville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald vis ited in Fayetteville Sunday. Whereas, our Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom and according to His Divine Plan, has called from this earthly state to thit of Eternal Rest, the soul of our beloved friend and willing co-worker. James L. Coltrain, be it resolved. First: That our county and section has lost a valuable citizen and friend, that our association has lost the services of an able 'and willing worker, one who during more than a quarter of a century earnestly de voted his time and interest to the betterment of this association that men may enjoy enriching benefits and come to realize to a greater de gree the resulting values of a com mon effort. Second That we deeply mourn the passing of such a willing lead er and worker of the Martin Coun ty Farmers Mutual Fire Insurant* Association, and meekly and in all humbleness extend our deepest sym pathy to his loved ones, and pray God's richest blessings of consola tion upon each of t+iem m their hours of sorrow. Third: That the will and express ion of this association through a spec ial committee be made known to the family of our late friend and servant, that a copy of this resolution be at tached to the permanent minutes of this organization and that a copy be forwarded to The Enterprise for publication therein. Done, this the fourth day of Jan uary, in the year of our Lord, nine teen hundred and forty-one, by the unanimous direction of the Martin County Farmers Mutual Fire Insur ance Association in annual session at Williamston. North Carolina. W B. HARRINGTON, SYLVESTER PEEL> GEORGE C. GRIFFIN. Special Committee Junior9 To Present 3-Act Comedy Thursday bight "Go Slow. Mary/' a three act com edy, will be presented by the Jun ior Class in the local high school au ditorium Thursday. January 16th, at 8 o'clock The play has a racy and exciting plot filled with pathos and humor > There are several interesting and un usual roles among the characters< which have been ably mastered by 1 the cast. The performances promise , an evening of entertainment and \ fun of a new and different type. The admission will be fifteen and j twenty-five cents. Attend Basketball Game Here I Misses Hattie Lou Roberson and Mae Wyatt James, of Robersonvllle, attended the basketball games here j last flight. | ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. Having qualified as administrator ' of the estate of James L CoHram, : late of Martin County. North Caro- | lina. this is to notify all persons hav-j ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Williamston, N. C, on or before the 15th day of January. 1942. or this notice will be pleaded in bar uf their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of January, 1941. ROY C. COLTRAIN, Administrator of estate of James L- Coltrain. Clarence Griffin. Atty. jl4-6t CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank our friends and neighbors who so kind ly assisted us in the illness and death of Mrs Norris. Your expressions of sympathy were comforting and the many acts of kindness were appre ciated COY J. NORRIS. Real Relief for Miseries of HEAD COLDS Put 3-purpose vTa-tro-nol up each nostril... (1) It shrink., swollen mem t-rantx > ?? Imtotfcwi; fli Helps flush out nasal passages, clear ing clogging mucus. VICKS VATRONOL ANOTHER Carload Fine Mules Now On Display in Our Williamston Stables . . . If you arc in llic market for (iooil Mule that were bred in Tonnessop ? the real Mule State ? anil are well broken anil ready for Hervice, it will I'ay Ion to I'uy Me a \i?il ami inspect my ?toek before buying. If you haven't ever ileult with me. u?k the man ubo ba>. anil likewise profit by hi* satisfactory experience. HOLT EVANS WII.L1AMSTON, N. C. ? I FLU - LAX Is a scientifically prepared preparation for inter nal use, composed of the world's best known in gredients. recognized by medical authorities for relief of pains and discomforts caused by colds, grippe and influenza. The stuffiness in the head, the tightness in the chest, and soreness and aching in the body and limbs are immediately relieved. 25c and 5Gci>offUf. CLARK'S DRUG STORE Announcement! It (rives Us Much Pleasure To Announce Thai Mr. George Harris IS NOW CONNECTED WITH THIS FIRM AS CLERK AND SALESM AN. We join Mr. Ilurrin in extending to hi? friend* a cordial welcome to our ntore. Mr. Harrin in thoroughly familiar witli the hardware hu?inen? ami would he glad to nerve you. WILLIAMSTON HARDWARE CO. Letter to Our Farmer Friends II e Are Again Taking This Melhtnl Of Writing You Ahonl } our Fertilizer Neeils For This Season. FOR FOUR YEARS \VK HAVE BEEN SELLING ROYSTER'S Field Tested Fertilizer Ami each season has urt'ii an inrreair of sales. Farmers know they arc |{eltiii){ "Premium Quality" without tlial extra eharge nf two to three dollars per ton. This i- the reason twite an nuieli Koynter Tohueeo Fertilizer in nohl in North Carolina an any other hraml. F.\ery imlieation points to larger ?ale- in Martin County than ever, for which we are very grateful. It in going to he impossible to nee each ami everyone of yon, hut Me will appreeiate very imieh the opportunity to figure with von for your needs. Won't yon see tts before yon buy. I.arge Sloek of Plant //??