WaddiBfs Personal* Club Mectlaci Lnjrarenients Entertainment* Society and Perscmals Anylblnf far This. Department PHONE OF WILLI AMSTON and MARTIN COl'NTY I I L. spend Week-end in Roper Mr. and Mrs Chas. Peel spent tht week-end in Roper with relatives Return from Hospital Mrs Paul D. Dixon and little daughter returned Saturday from i Washington hospital and are now at home in a Courtney apartment Is Quite 111 Mrs Jessie. Ann Brown, aged Beat Grass citizen, is quite ill at the horn* of her son there. Returns To His Home Alton Harrison, young son of Mr and Mrs Gormer Harrison, return ed to his home SundayHfter under going treatment and an operation lr tiie Brown Community Hospita here \ ; . Visit Here Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Tommie House, ol Raleigh, and Leslie B Spruill o Fort Jackson, visited Mr and Mrs Chas. Peel here last Saturda> Confined By Influenza Mrs. Alice Spruill. of Roper. 12 confined by influenza at the home here of her daughter. Mrs C C Parker. Marriage License Issued A marriage license w as issued lasl week in this county to Arthur M Benton and Helen Louise Ross both of Oak City Visit* Parents Near Here Clifton Malone, of Wilmington visited Rp>-parents. Mr and Mrs. El lis Malone. near here Saturday anc Sunday. Ernest Mears visited relatives ir Mount Saturday Visit in Rocky Mount Mesdamcs James Manning and Lerrmn Barnhill visited in Rocky Mount Saturdya Visits in Chapel Hill Miss Ernestine Barber was a vis itor in Chape! Hill Sunday j In Raleigh Saturday Messrs. C. G Crockett and Ray j Goodnion attended to business in Raleigh Saturday. Spend Sunday Here Mr and Mrs Dixon, of Raleigh, visited their daughter. Mrs Charles Leonard, and family, here Sunday Visit Near Here Sunday i Mr and Mrs. W E. Malone and I 1 son, Mike, of Roxboro, were the | gue.-.t: ?l-Mr.-and Mrii. Ellis Malone 'near here Sunday I At Holly Ridge Sunday ? Mr. and Mrs Millard Lilley and Mr Alexander Lilley were visitors at Holly Ridge Sunday Visiting in Neu York City Mrs Wheeler Martin is spending a few days in New York City, (kinfined To Her Home Little Miss Ann Gray Darden in confined to her borne with a severe 1 j cold Visits in Whitakers i Miss Jvatherine Bradley visited relatives in Whitakers last week I end Is Visiting Here Mrs Lex Thtgpen. of Washington, I is spending a few days here with Mr and Mrs. Edwin Peek Muss Rachel Godwin, of James ville, visited here Saturday. At Pinehumt Sunday Mite Mary Rodgerson. Miss Allie Harden. of Roberson vlile: Mr Fred Laws of Greenville, and Mr "Satt" Satterfield. of Roxboro. visited at Pinehurst Sunday Spend Week end Here Mr and Mrs Bill Perry, of Rocky Mount, tinted Mi and Mrs. Carl Mobley here last week-end Attend funeral in Republican Mr and Mrs J. B Peele and Mr and Mrs Cyrus Wv Baz. more at tended funeral services for Mr Henry Baxemore in Republican on Sunday Spends Week-end Here Miss Blanche Harrison, student at the University. Chapel Hill spew the week-end here with her mother Mrs lajssie Harrison Were Here Sunday Mrs. S. D Gurganus, of Norfolk; Mrs. CarJ Smith and son. of Seattle, Wash., were the guests of Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurganus here Sunday. Visit Here .Saturday Mrs Lee Brewer and daughter. Miss .Sally Lee, of Windsor, visited here Saturday Was Here Saturday Miss Melrose Gay lor, of Windsor, was a visitor here Saturday Filters fluke Hospital Mrs J D Thrower entered Duke Hospital, Durham, today, for treat ment She was accompanied there by Mi Thrower and Mr Ben Court ney Called to New York Mrs. Fred Poole, of Hamilton, was called to Rochester. N Y., Sunday by the death of her father She was accompanied to Richmond-by Mr Poole and Mrs W F Thomas Visits in Chapel Hill Miss Audrey Williams was a vis ltoi in Chapel Hill last week-end In Hamilton Sundav Mr and Mrs. W G. Lynch, Mr , and Mrs M E Faison, of Roanoke I Rapids, spent Sunday in Hamilton I with Mrs. Mattie Everett. Spends Week-end Here John Pope, Jr., student at the Uni versity, Chapel Hill, visited relatives here last week-end Visit Relatives in County Ml and Mrs Thomas Martin, of Norfolk, visited relatives here and in Jamesville Saturday and Sun day ? In Robersonville Sunday Ml Henry Haislip, of Hassell, vis ited friends in Robersonville Sun day Visits in Elizabeth City Miss Mary Taylor visited relatives in Elizabeth City Sunday In Hamilton Sunday Mr and Mrs. Clinton James, of Norfolk, were the guests of Dr and Mrs. E. M Long in Hamilton Sun day. Visits in Rich Squirt Miss Maggie Brown, of Hamilton, visited in Rich Square last week end. Is in New York City Mrs Anna Harrison is on a buy ing tup in New York City At llolly Ridge Sunday Mis M B. Beech visited Mr. Beach at Holly Ridge Sunday. Was Business Visitor Here John R Coltrain, of Farm Life was a business visitor here yester day. Spend Week end Here Kay Goodmon, Jr., and guest Ly man Higgms, Of Franklin, students at the University. Chapel Hill, spent the week-end here with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ray Good mon. Is Visiting Here Billy Watts, stationed with the few"a 'S "L Norfolk' is spending a W B wlitlT' hiR f",h" Ml Was Here Last Week-end Edgar Gurganus. student at Wake CZ"T- Sp<nt the w?-k-end heri With Ins mother. Mrs Mary Bonner Gurganus Spends Week-end Here CoBege. "spemlre'w^^end Roberson h" ^ Is Getting Along Nicely Miss Dolores Long is getting along tn lr im , !"* ? minor ?PWtion in .. Kinston hospital .>n Friday Spends Week-end Here Bill Ballard, student at State Col lege. Raleigh, visited his parents week-end " ^ Ba"ard' Improving from Operation Mis Huldah Roberson is improv "JKfroni a thyroid operation in , Tvaairrngton hospital Barnhill Bios. & Co. V* ILIJAMSTON. IN. C. INVITES YOU TO MEET Battle Yearby Special Sly list From The Slorrs-Scliaefer ( ampony Wlio \* ? 11 rt'ical i !?<? Season's INenest Styles in Woolen and Spring Fabrics. Hundreds of distinctive patterns. Per sonal attention to all orders. The Dale Is Wed. and Thurs. FEBRUARY 12 and 1.3 Barnhill Brothers Visits Parents Here W E. Dunn. Jr., student at State College, Raleigh, vistied his parents. Mr and Mrs W E Dunn, here Sat urday and Sunday. Birth Announcement Mr and Mrs. Will Thrower an nounce the birth of a son on Satur day, February 8th. Mother and son are getting along nicely in Brown Community Hospital. Visit in Washington Misses Brick Handy. Liola Phil lips, Annie Bridges Stancil and Pat ty Porter spent the weak-end in Washington with relatives. Accepts Position in Murray Carlyle Hall has accepted a posi tion in Murray. Returns from New York Mrs. C. G. Crockett returns Thurs day from a visit with friends and relatives in Hagerstown, Md? and New York City. In Durham Bute relay Misset Mary Benson and Estelle Crawford and Mr. C. D. Carstarphen visited in Durham Saturday Visits Here H?day Mr. Joe Miaelle, of High Point, vis ited here Sunday. Ifouse-W arming Party Mr. and Mrs Julius S. Peel were romoav>K?rm4 u/ith a hniup-wnrmind PROGRESS and THRIFT QNCE . oil lam[m? were the only common nounr of il I u in i nation.?Today,?electric power give* us d a y I i g t through the darker! night. So ha? hanking progressed, tak ing our incomer into the light of raving for independence. Re modern . . . rave now! Branch Banking & Trust Co. "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" Celebrate Wedding Anniversary |jjj d4 d< Mr. and Mrs. Samurl S. Brown i llaughton Street hrre yesterday, celebrated their golden wedding ! A family dinner party marked anniversary at their home on | the observance program. Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. Joe Hopkins entertained at the home of Mrs Lewis Manning on Saturday afternoon from three until six at a miscellaneous shower honor of Mrs. Thomas Martin, of Norfolk^ the former Miss Mary Lewis Manning The hostess assisted by the hon or ee's mother served a dehcitms sweet course and the home was at tractively decorated with evergreens roses and first breath of spring. Other guests were Mesdames Rob ert Brown. Bob Brown. Ervin Lilley. Bonnie Woolard. Major Gardner. Irv in Coltrain, Paul Harrington, Ethel Anderson, Bell Manning and Bar bara Jones. Misses Bernice Gardner, Leda Faye Gardner. Edith Stallings. Pennie Rose Waters, Mary Ruth Ward. Bina Mae Jackson, Julia Clyde Waters, Betsy Anderson and Edna Earl James. Beta Club Meets Thursday evening. January Oth, the local Beta Club held its regular meeting at the home of Joseph Gur ganus. The two members who assist ed in entertaining were Joseph Gur ganus and Theron Gurganus. Business was discussed and games were played and enjoyed by all present. Members present for this meeting were Mary Charles Godwin. Eliza beth Parker. Theron Gurganus. Jos eph Gurganus. Madlyn Taylor. Rena Howard. Evelyn Griffin. Warren Pope, Susie Griffin. Mary O'Neal Pope and Mrs. Sam Edwards. Returns from W hi takers Mrs. Henry Crawford has return ed from a visit with relatives. Visits in Bertie Closs Roberson visited in Bertie j County Sunday evening Spends Week-end Here M iss Mildred Perry, of Rocky! Mount, spent the week-end with Mr ? and Mrs. Onward Robertson. Visits in Everetts Mr. Joseph Davenport spent the week-end with David Perry, in Ev erett*. Returns from Norfolk Miss Eloise Hopkins has returned to her home here after a two weeks' visit in Norfolk with re latives. She was accompanied home for the week end by Mrs. Edgai Davis and chil dren, of Norfolk. WHITE-ETHER IDG E Miss Annie Laurie Etheridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K B. Eth eridge. of near Hamilton, and Wil liam White, son of Mr Slade White and thr hrte Mrs. White, of near Wil liamston. were married at the home of the bride's parents Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock with Rev. W E. Primes officiating The vows were spoken before an improvised altar in the living room and weddnig music was played by Miss Martha Roebuck, of Hamilton. Mrs. White chose for her wedding a becoming dress and hat of soldier blue with black accessories. She and Mr White both attended the Hamil ton school. They will make their home with the groom's father. E. S. PEEL WILL CONDUCT CHRISTIAN PRAYER MEET Due to the absence of Rev. John L. Cioff who will attend the ministerial retreat Mr. E S P?*el will conduct prayer meeting m the local Christ ian Church Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Buck Roberson. de ceased. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them for payment on or be fore the 27th day of December, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 27th day of Dec., 1940. ASA J. HARDISON, Administrator of the estate of d31-6t Buck Roberson, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County, action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James L. Coltrain, late of Martin County, North Caro DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Please Note Dale Changes Robersonville office. Scott's Jew i lry Store, Tuesday, February 11th. i W'lliamston office, Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Plymouth office, Womble Drug Store, Every Friday, 10 a m. to 4 p.m Eyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Tarboro Kverv Saturday I ~ Homes for Sale! NO. I?John II. Mi/.elle residence, Sonlli side West Main Street. 5 rooms. Fair condition. Water and lights. t NO. 2?Ijmrcnee Stalls residenee. South Side West Main Street. 71-fool front, 165-foot depth 6 rooms. Bath. NO. 3?Residence owned by comity. North side Fast Main Street. 65x160 feet. Modem con > enienees. Good condition. EASY TERMS This Properly Is Now Owned By Martin County. For Particulars or Information See C. D. CARSTARPHEN COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1a. this is to notify all persons hav K claims against the estate of said ceased to exhibit them to the un ?rsigned *t Williams tun. N. C-. on before the 15th day of January, 42. or this notice will be pleaded bar of their recovery. All persons debted to said estate will please ake immediate payment This Uth day of January-. 1941. ROY C COLTRAIN. Administrator of estate of James L Coltrain. arence Griffin. Atty. jl4-6t NOTICE irth Carolina. Martin County In The Superior Court Before the Clerk. rorge V. Cordon and others vs. | Kosaaaati Cordon and others. The defendants, Randolph Moore lward Cordon. Rebecca Little. Gat i Cordon. Cora Sykes, McKinley arriner. Rosannah Cordon and mis Marriner above named will ke notice that an ; lion entitled above has been commenced in e Superior Court of Martin Coun . N. C., to sell a certain tract of rN^Jaelongm^JjC^jau^petitione^ nd said defendants for the purpose* f partition; and said dadendants ?ill further take notice that they re required to appear before E. B Dynne. Clerk of the Superior Court f Martin County, in his office at ir'illiamston, N. C . within ten (10) ays after completion of this serv * of publication by notice and an wer or demur to the petition of the lainuffs m this action, or the plain iffs will apply to the court for the elief demanded in said petition. This the 31st day of Jan., 1M1. L. R WYNNE, 4 4t Clerk Superior Court. He,ps COLDS froa developing at (tart Put a few drops of Vleks Vs-tro-nol nostril at the very flrst sniffle M IU stimnlaUna i " ises aaabaat < VKU VATKO-MH Valentine x v~. * . -*r, ?"? . -^7* CANDIES J $1.50 $ 1.80 HOLL1NCSWORTH CANDY "For Those Who Love Fine Things? Davis Pharmacy YOUK VALENTINE Will Enjoy A Box Of SCHRAFFTS CANDY Thr box if fit Iti-anlifiil. flu-'ll iim> it lony after Valentine. Ami tin- ranilv in m> fine. Miiooth anil ilelieion* she'll be proud to offer it. THE SODA SHOP twin mm (AS ADVfftTISCD IN PICTUtI PLAY) > . Nam* four own location . . . there faahiona have been planned Co give you glamour (and loo of rervice) far firing. Nonce the chevron detail, the huggni wurdmer on! ( the parade of useful pockets A food choree of the reaaon't rmarerat colon, m a tne quality monotone rhedand twaad. Sure in an iS. Margolis Brothers

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