Local Baseball Magnates Begin Building '41 Team Bosses Rodgers And Fowden Will Give Local Youth Chance To Plav Nathan Erimondson. Robersonville Boy, Is Signed By Martins Contract* Have Been Sent To Number of Laat Year'* Plavers Pete Fowden, president of the local baseball club, and his manager, Frank Rodgers, working in close harmony have started building their 1941 team, Mr. Fowden explaining that while the foundation has hard ly been laid, the prospects are good. The two men are scouring the woods for players, but early reports on the round-up indicate that the player problem will be solved from a local angle as far as possible. "We will possibly get some young men from across the continent, but we first want to give local youths an opportunity to bid for places on the team," Mr. Fowden explained. He has several rookies in mind in and around Williamston and surround ing territory, and one has already been placed under contract By lo cal players, Mr. Fowden means those young men in this section of the State, especially in Bertie, Martin, Washington and other nearby coun ties. In the group is Nathan Edmond son, Robersonville young man who has the promise *of making some club a good pitcher. ONE-M VN TEAM Thai the selective service training act is upsetting the baseball rookie cart is an admit ted fact. Fete Fowden, president of the local baseball club, stat ing this morning that he had been robbed of virtually a one man team. Advising the club president that he could catch, pitch and play the outfield. Joseph Cash man. of I'pper Darby, Pa., in a later communication states that he will play ball for the Army this year. The young man is leaving for camp shortly but asked in a postscript for the club to look out for him next year. Besides Edmondson. the club at this time has only one new recruit under contract. Milton H. Richman. rookie of New York, has been sign ed for duty at second base. Another j new contract has been effected, blit : tlie player. I)?ck Cherry, of Kveretts, is not new to baseball lure Contracts have been sent to most iof the old players on last years team, including Alfred Slakis, third base man; Bert Stotler, shortstop; An thony Popovieh, second baseman; Dom Marcel, catcher; Charles Tay lor. outfielder; Ted Miller, pitcher, and Slim Gardner, pitcher. Terms have been discussed with i several other players, including lis ter Rock, first baseman, and Red Vi illiamston Sextet Gains Revenue Over Tarlxiro High. 21 - Loral Girl* |)i-|ila\ GimmI l)r fril.ivr Italllr: Jack.on Sfore? IS Point. Tht* Williamston High sextet turn ed the tables on the Tarboro girls by edging out a 21-19 victory Tues day night. Tarboro had defeated the local girls 24-22 earlier in the sea son and last year managed to win by the same slim margins. A stellar defense, maintained by the Williamston guards throughout the game, doubtlessly accounted t'<?i tin victory. Th.e ball remained in Williamston territory a large part of the time .through the combined efforts uf Bunch. Shaw Ward, llu i gunus and Biggs Jaekson led the forwards in scor ing with lit points Guill. who is well-remembered from previous games..,played?the leading roll . in Tarboro's offense by scoring 11 points The Tarboro guards exhibit ed a fine brand of defensive plav during the entire game Marjorie Dunn, one of the regular forwards, did not see action in this game because of an injured knee. However, she was Well replaced by Jenkins. Moore and Column The Williamston boys lost a one sided game to Tarboro The Score was 40-7. Williamston's lend* i war Clifton Ward, with' 5 points. Tar boro's loader was Button with 13 points The box: Williamston H F T Jackson, f (> 1 13 0 1 1 Iaggett. f 2 1 Moore, f I I) ?> Coburn. f 0 0 0 Bunch, g 0 0 11 Shaw, g 0 0 0 Ward, g (1 0 0 Gurganus, g "0 0 (1 Biggs, g 0 0 0 Totals 9 3 21 Tarboro (i 1 T Guill. f 4 3 11 Simmons, f 1 4 ti Fountain, f 1 0 2 Jennett, t 0 0 0 Pitman, f 0 0 0 Cullom, f 0 0 0 Dumy. g 0 0 0 Vaughlin, g 0 0 0 Andrews, g ' 0 0 0 Buteman, g 0 0 0 Saeutte, g 0 0 0 Hyman, g 0 0 0 Totals () 7 19 (his Forbes Kt-iils Gorman's Mouse Gus Forces, widely known and prominent tobacco warehouseman for many years, today announced that he had rented Gorman's Wan house and would operate il this fall with York Joynei and Harold Forbes, as partners, in Greenville. Mr. Forbes recently sold his in terest in the Forbes and Morton Warehouse to his partner. W /, Mel ton. Mr. Forbes has been connected with the tobacco auction business for the past 22 years. He stated he had "given his best to the business dur ing these years," and added. I will continue to give all I have." Gorman's Warehouse is one of the best built to be found on the market. It is well lighted and is lo cated conveniently for the farmer, being out of heavy traffic and the congrsted area In making his announcement, Mr Forbes said ho did not wish to re flect on any of his competitors. "My only desire is to sell tobacco at its highest price and give fan and just treatment to all." If blue mold is in the vicinity, it is best to start fumigation with par adichlorobonaeno immediately. How. , ever, if careful daily inspections of Swain, pitcher, and Charlie Wil cox, catcher. Manager Kodgors is leaving his home in McKeos Rock. Pa., about March 24 for Richmond where he will confer with the management of the Colts and look over several pros pects. He is to report here about April 2 and complete arrangements for spring training which is sched uled to get underway about the 21st of that month, the playing seasjon opening on May 8th Rodgers, in a letter to the local club president this week, stated that he was looking forward to his work in Williamston this summer. Marl iii ( lasers \\ in ( )mt\\ iii(lsor. .M?-.'>() In a basketball gnhie < ? Icbratihffl "Hrce/v Hi i if I Nielil" last Wednesday. tin1 JS1 iiliiiN defeated Windsor's Rebel <H before a fall l> lame i m'vmI ? -?r The affari \\ i ? on uI?? i **d tar be low |?a|" of thr 'past Martin showing* ,ilui' niainh In thr tai l that st vcial j new pla\ri had to In plarrd into I lltr local lino up. Scoring toi all .placet \\ a about ? M il while th? old b el.?a l.lei. Hack (lav lord. went out ln>iii In usual haunt.- ..id t. .ppcd 11 ?? Krbi I at tack. * - CARI) OF THANKS I wish to siiicereh thank Mi. Hilly (InrK inu for tin has and corn U'iv t'li rr'ic iiiiiih ibalrls after the Roan oke river flood i**t summer My crops were destroyed and the assist ance 1v???? me by Mr llurnanus was helpful and appreciated W .1 JON KS NOTICE North Carolina Martin County in The Superior Court County of Martin against M O. Fonts. The defendant, M (> Fouls', above named, will take notice thai an ac lion entitled a above ha been commenced in thr Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose tin taxes on land in Martin County in which said de fendant has an intrn t. and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before I. B Wynne. Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamstnn. N. C . within thirty (3(1) days after tin- completion of tin. service of publication by no tin and to answer or demur to the cv?-tp taint nt the pi a i rrtrif-tu 4Jui_a < ? - ?; lion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the n ln I demanded in said complaint This the 4th duV of Feb 1041. L H WYNNK. Clerk Superior Court f7? 41 of Martin County. NOTICE OF SAFE Under and by virtue of the an thority contained in that e? rtain Deed of Trust recorded in the Public Registry of Martin County in Hook C 1 at page 1 OH. said Deed of Trust have-been given to secure a certain note of even tiah -and Uuur there . with, and the stipulations tin rein : contained not having been complit with, at the request of the parti* interested, the undersigned Trust* will, on Friday, the Nth day < March, at 12:00 o'clock M., in froi jjJL the Court House door in tl 'iQvn of Williamston, North Can linn, offer for sale at public auctii in the highest biddei loi?cash, tl following described real estate A lot and improvements thereon in the T??wn of Wilham>t?<n. N C. on the North ?uie of Main Street ad joining B S Courtney, of th< Town of WiHiamston. and more .common ly known as t?i? Martin Law Office This the 12th day-of Ft h.. 1941. WHEELER MARTIN ft 4 4! Tim ? ? notice oi i- iks i Mt:ni\(i Ol CREDITORS In the District Court ot the United States for the Eastern D tin t i f North Carolina Wn hu t.? ?. Dim sion In Bankruptcy No. 752. In the matter of: Roy Willis \lr ( lees. |iuli\iduallv. and one of the Partners of the Quality (.rocerv Store. W ill jam stop. N ( Vol Ufl tary Bankrupt. To the Creditors of the above named bankrupt. Notic^is hereby given that on the 7th day of February. 1941. the said Quality Grocery Store of Williams ton. N C a as duly adjudged a bank rupt. and that the first meeting of r 'lit. i will be held in the office !' the undi reigned in Williamston, \ (' on th< 23th day of February. 1.941 at 10 15 o'clock, am. at which time th? said creditors may attend, i n.\e their riain appoint trustee. ? x.unite? the bankrupt, and transact suelt oth? I business as may properly t ? bi fnre the meeting. WHF.F.LF.R MARTIN. V S R? feree in Bankruptcy. Willi, mi"* fori. V C. iar> II 1941. f!4-2t YANKEE ACE? By Jack Sords ErRde gOMMAM fde ?J6w ioe*. VAfJtcees'MovJMP acc ??! -we tAT-rec PAei of we >9^o sbascvJ Joo'u. U , Sb*WAi* was MoT i'oe .nApeesMe rv??WT>4& Ti?AtMwe> SEAstw last SPCiMfcr AMP WAS SEMI To KAMSAS city r*1 VA, y ?HiM/ / i ?* CCMie <wpiorts ajLi . llO SofrtfVCAUt "VW'Tidy* tk pttoieo a seoyifc*) 1At VArtKS KeCAUWhtA tASfytAR fxfuwio tHeu mto First pwee ftxtj Beset swy TWf. YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Yes?any Ann Page Pood must please you completely or we offer double your money back! We're ao sure of your satisfac tion with Ann Page quality be cause we know these fine foods are expertly made of carefully ?elected ingredients They're fa mous for flavor . . . and they are yours at real savings be cause the 33 Ann Page Poods are both made and sold by A&P Try them . . and save! A FOOD STORES PRESERVES Jgr. * 15' nrlUC Ann Page With ,.|b BEANS pork -nd- c*" Tomato Sauce | MACARONI Spaghetti 4 x 13c BUTTER A~ j?r> 15< SPAGHETTI" 4 ^ 25< SPARKLE HT 3 10 I dressing Ann p"gc ffr 25 Balad Jar w MILD AND MELLOW COFPEE C O'CLOCK 3 ... 37. California ICKBKR(< LETTUCE, head 6c RED RIPE STRAWBERRIES, pint 20c CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES, 150-lb. bag $2.75 FANCY HARD RIPE TOMATOES, lb. 15c ALL (iKEEX TEXAS CABBAGE, 2 lbs. 9c ) The new Marvel Bread is a marvel for fresh ness, a marvel for size, a marvel for economy. Just try it! LOOK AT THE SIZE URGE I'/alB. LOAF Turnage Theatre --- Washington, N. C. Sunday February 23 "Golden lloofa" with JANE WITHERS and CHAS. ROGERS Monday-Tuesday February U-25 "Go iff it" with the MARX BROS. ALSO SELECTED Wednesday-Thursday February 26-2* "Second (iliuriis" Fred Astaire, Paulette (inddard. Artie Shaw Friday-Saturday Feb. 28-Marrh 1 "Flight Command" Robt. Taylor, Ruth Huaaey, Walter Pidgron SHORT SUBJECTS ?fA**Zs w?? wm* ?/ f &P FERTUnfB' ? ? r * J TJk , Sold II v HOW \l<l> I \IO\ W ll l l WIMOV V < w. w. w \i i I KS. j ii.i.i . i:. < . i i>mo\i>so\, h v>si n . v < i,nivis hi vra It It A!NI> HK.MI I K V SI II AH.H I HI (I Kill >N m illsKKY II? *2.10 qi 7 r <1 I)i*lill? <l in llurriHon(iouiity, t!i?' heart of the Kentucky HI lie ('Tumm <li?trict,witli Jime Htone water, l?y llie identical proccM and formula in two for the pant Meventy-nine yearn. Thin wliixlu-y it 4 yrs.old. 90 Proof William Jhiiicsiiii & Con Int ., N. Y. - Mixing toil with ctrntnl Portland Cement plus moisture plus roadway soil = SOIL-CEMENT ... a new kind of light-traffic road ... an aid in solving your low-cost road problems Revolutionary is the word for building this new kind ol low cost, lipht-traffic road. Merc's how it is done? The road builder* (Imply mix exact amount* of portlond cement and wator (detormined In advance by laboratory tests) with the existing roadway soil. No other materials ore used. Grading and rolling com plete the |ob. So//-Cement ii utually mora than 90% toil. Hundreds off Miles off Prooff There's no guesswork about Soil Cement roads. Hundreds of miles now in service throughout the country havc/ren e</the dura bility and economy ol this new type of construction. Soil-Cement is not intended Jor use on heavy duty roads. For such roads portland cement concrete is the most economic al pavement. Soil-Cement does offer new economy and uniformity for light trathe roads. 1 'rge your ofli cials to huild light -traffic roads with Soil ? Cement. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION State Planteri Bank Bldg., Richmond, Va. A national organization to Improve and extend the uses of concrete ? ? ? through scientific research and engineering field work GET IN..STRETCH OUT ? ? NEW COMFORT was the keynote as we made plans for this year's Ford. Get in, through the new wide doors I Stretch out, in room to spare I Seating width has been increased as much as 7 inches. Knee-room and inside length are greatest in the low-price field. Then take the road and try its ride I A soft, steady, gliding new Ford ride that takes good road or bad in a sat isfyingnew kind of stride. And notice ?the quietness of this big Ford! There's news at your Ford Dealer's that's too good to miss I News in com - fort. News in value. And nrws in a "deal" that you'll find easy to take! a great new ride! and enjoy GET A FORD! GET THE FACTS AND YOU'LL

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