Picture Describes Gathering Of News To a joint meeting of the Kiwanis and Lions clubs last night. Mr G F. Ball, of the Public Relations De partment of an oil company, through the facilities of a motion picture with sound effect, gave an interesting story of how news is gathered and disseminated throughout the world News was traced from its original source until it reached the newspa per or the broadcasting station The sinking of the U S Gunboat, Panay, in Chinese waters was dramatized and the various news agencies show ed how the news was flashed around the earth within the short period of only a few seconds. The picture showed the modern and useful tele types receiving and sending news to all corners of the earth. 1 Slat** l>mjt Quota For March Fixed 4t 11 Men The March draft quota for North Carolina was fixed at 9-41 men yes terday. No county quotas have been announced. Mrs. A Hassell, Mr>. Martha White. Mr. James White. Mrs Mil ton Norman and little Miss Martha McKenzie. of Halifax, are spending today here with Mrs C D. Carstar phen. r Gigantic Submarine Attack On Shipping Is Now Anticipated (Continued from page one) bridge*. On the high sea*. Germany claims three more ships and four damaged. Air raids continue over England In far away China a report was issued today stating that the Chi nese are expecting full aid to con tinue from Russia In cooperation with the Chinese, the United States and Britain are considering strict economic restrictions against Ja pan In the United States, the Senate, after debating the lease-lend bill a few days, recessed until next Mon day, leaving the important legisla tion in the air while Germany's mad man continues hi* march. President Roosevelt today took to task those senators ol the Foreign Relations Committee who have been ! disclosing military secrets gained in private hearings from General Mai stall Liquor Referendum Proposed In House Bill This Morning SAVE ON DRUGS Mead* Pablum, 18 oz. 39c Uebti Tissue?3 for 25c 60c Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 49c 25c Aretidine Tablets 15c CerUrd Aspirin Tablets, 100 21c Russian Mineral Oil Pint 47c Quart 85c Putnam's Dye?2 for 25c Eight Fuses?Bos of 5 19c Epsom Salts?lb. pkg 7 y,c 25c Norwich Milk Magnesia Tablets and Liquid 19c Respamol, for Coughs 45c Johnson's Baby Powder? Large 10-oz can 39c 25c Norwich Nose Drops 19c 50c Vicks Vatronol 39c Groves Hrorao Quinine 27c Rublier Gloves?pair 25c Leggett's WASHINGTON STREET (Continued from page one) tion on Governor B.roughton's plan . reorganize the mmmissi<>11 and establish-it un.a Stati'^'ide basis has been deferred until next week They are talking about creating more commissions, and one plan would add three members to the Department of Conservation and Development's official family. Two Charged With False Registration r R. R Alexander, Pitt County far mer, and Mrs. Vera Johnson, of -Williamstun,?wen* hound over to the county** recorder's court by Jus tice J. L. Hassell here yesterday on ly registering at a tourist camp ijear here earlier in the day. Bond in the sum of $100 each was required, one report stating that the male defend ant bought bond for the woman de fendant. Attention of officers was attract ed to the tourist camp by the wo man's husband who was said to have established a vteatch at the cabin door with knife in hand and ready for ac tion. The man and woman are said to have entered the camp yesterday morning about 0 o'clock. Sheriff C B. Roebuck placed them under ar rest soon after he was called to in vestigate the case about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Alexander is said to have visited the camp several times in recent months. Sponsors for PKA Dance at Carolina ?%?V?voe CQosez. k </^7V TtiOHMroH W?/ M&VETTB Hcvft* art' six attractive sponsors fi.r ? t>.? :>iini?al pledge dance to be1 jgiwn bv the University of North j Carolina chapter of the pi Kappa Al- ! pha fraternity on Frdiay evening,! February 21st. in the Graham Mem orial Student Union ballroom at ! Chapel Hill They are?Miss Katherine Smith, I Making Survey Of J Graduate Nurses With the United States Public Health Service as sponsor and the ; three National Nursing Organizations... as co-sponsors, a survey of all grad uate nurses who have ever been registered in any state in the United States is now being conducted. The. cooperation of all registered | nurses and all interested persons is desired as it is hoped to gather in formation from this survey that will enable the community to call on the j available nursing resources in time of emergency for military or civil ian duty The Nursing Council for National Defense is certain that there are many inactive nurses who would be happy to serve their country in | time of crisis. Requests for questionnaires and full directions may be secured by sending a postal card with the name j and address to Edna L. Heinzerling, i Special Agent. 415 Commercial I Building. Raleigh The nurses of North Carolina in cooperation with the National De fense program are conducting a sur vey of all graduate nurses that have ever been registered in any state. If you are a graduate registered nurse now residing in North Caro lina. even if inactive, send your name and address to Miss Edna L. Heinzerling, 415 Commercial Build ing. Raleigh, or call Miss Geraldine "tHol lings worth, R N., Telephone 340. ABy filling out a questionnaire you lif e not obligated in any way. Bertie killer Will Die fn Gas Chant her George Peel, 21 -year old Windsor Negru, wns sentenced toy .lodge R Hunt Parker in the Bertie County Superior Court last Tuesday after noon to die 111 the gas chamber for the murder of E. W Gray, aged Windsor store employee. After spending the greater part of two days selecting a jury, the court heard the first evidence in the case last Friday afternoon. A session was held Saturday, the court ordering a recess until Monday* Shortly after the noon hour the jury was given the case, the verdict following 50 minute* lafr Peel took the stand in his own behalf and maintained he was drunk, so drunk in fact that he only vaguely recalled striking some one. Three other defense witnesses testi field that they bought some liquor and shared it with Peel, but that they did not get drunk and rotuhi ed to work on the afternoon on Jan uary 31. A short lltne later the at tack was made on Mr. Gray when he caught Peel robbing the iron safe. Peel was sentenced to die in the gas chamber on March 21 According to an unofficial report, the first-degree verdict was the first over returned by a Halifax County jury which was called into service when a special venire of 175 Bertie citizens was exhausted without get ting a single juryman. Judge W.H.Coburn Gills Eight Gises In Recorders Gmrt (Continued from page one) Estrlla Brooks, charged with vio lating the liquor laws, was found not guilty Officer* stated they found a quantity of liquor In the Brooks home, hut that they could not swear that it belonged to the defendant. There was a party in progress in the home at the time, and the court rea soned that the guests carried their own supply. The Brooks woman was said yesterday to have moved or la planning to move from the section where the arrest "was made. MRRTXf! LOM*/ Winston-Salem, with Gordon Dy r.onrh, Ft. LaudtrdaU'. Fla., dance em*mrmUovman;- Miss Eleanor Gryv it, Southern Pines, with Louis Schiepers, Southern Pines, dance committee. Miss Jan Thornton, Dunn, with Bill Conley, Marion, chapter president; Miss Mary Midyette. Au Plan Reopening Of l)ru<? Store Shortly Purchasing the stock and fix tures at a referee sale this morning, Mr. ? B. Clark plans to reopen fur business within the next three or four days. Plans for reopening the drug store are being delayed pond ing confirmation of the sale-by the court. Bringing what was general ly believed to be a fair price, the stock and fixtures are not likely to command an upset bid. If confirmation by the court fol lows tomorrow, Mr. Clark will start making arrangement's immediately for opening the store for business possibly next Tuesday or Wednes day. Several parties participated in the sale which lasted about 45 minutes. Sold separately, the business brought around $2,000, but when offered as a whole, it sold for $3,000. ? Li hi e Ih'livrml To County Farmer* Under Aid Urant ? Purchased under tin* government's grant of aid program, eighteen Mar tin County farmers this week placed 100 tons or three carloads of ground limestone on then lands Distribu lion was effected from rail sidings at Williamston, Kobersonvillc and Oak Ctiy. II orW Day Of Prayer 'l o He (Hoterred \e.xt It eek Everyone in Williamston. is in vited to join in a fellowship of pray er the world around on the World Day of Prayer. Feb. 28th. This serv ice will be held in the Presbyterian Church at 3:30 on Friday afternoon of next week. Mrs. J. 11. Smith, of the Baptist Church, is leader with women from the other churches as sisting. Wants I The ENTERPRISE WANT Al) RATES One cent a word (this type) each insertion. 23c Minimum Charge 2o u word litis size I Caah must accompany all or | ders unless you have an open ac count with us. We reserve the right to revise or reject any copy. The ENTERPRISE PHONE 46 NOTICE ? IF ITS LUMBER YOU want, see me. I'll be glad to fig ure with you. Joshua L. Coltrain. Williamston R.F.D. 1. j28 M-U-18 WE'LL BUY YOl'R CORN AND pay top prices. John A. Manning Peanut Company, Williamston, N. C. f4 11-1823 CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE ? Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield. Pecan Grove Farm Hen ry C. Green, Williamston. jlO-ef WK PAY fitc CASH FOR CORN ? Williamston Hardware Co. f7-tf BABY CHICKS ?LARGE HUSKY chicks from N. C. and U. S. ap proved flocks only. All. popular breeds. Hatches each Tuesday from modem electric incubator. Reason able prices. Phone 307-8. Lahcaster'i Hatchery. Windsor. J14-tf M&az-/ -0JL/CJS MOQ'RB rora. with Grover Godwin, Roanoke, Va . chairman of dance committe; Miss Martha I>>max, Greensboro, with Leon Rogers, Wiiliamst<m, chap ter treasurer; and Miss Mary Alice Moore, Raleigh, with Hurst Hatch, Raleigh, chapter .secretary. Bill Vanden Dries and his orches tra will play for the dance lleveraf^e (lom /Miny If ill Distribute Spur Here Mr B. F. Taylor, of the Taylor Beverage Company, Tarboro, dis tributors of Seven-Up in this terri tory. announces in this issue that they are now general distributors for Spur, a Canada Diy piuduct. Spur is nationally known, is being introduced in this territory for the "first time uFafT2-ounct' buttle which sells for five cents. FOR SALE ? 1 THIRTY BURNER, Smith Tobacco Curer. Complete with double drums Practically new. Cost price, $200. Will sacrifice for quick sale at $100.00. Reason for selling?Tobacco allotment cut. Ap ply to J. W. Eubanks, Hassell, N. C. f 14 3t FOR RENT ? ONE SIX-ROOM brick residence, South Main Street. Good neighborhood. In Roberson ville. C L. Wilson, Robersonville, N. C. f14-8t TWO CHICKEN BROODERS FOR sale. One 500 capacity oil burner and one 300 capacity. Sherman at Radio Station. fl4-2t WE STILL NEED SEVERAL GOOD used suits So bring yours today and receive credit on your new spring suit for immediate or later delivery. Pittman Cleaners. f21-2t come to see us. Just received large come ot see us. Just received large shipment of Wing Shirts, new collar styles, new colors, all with guaran teed collars and cuffs sanforized shrunk. See them today. Pittman Cleaners f21-2t APARTMENT FOR RENT: SCIT able for office or beauty parlor. Rent reasonable and conveniently located Mrs. Kate B. York. N. C. (J. 8. APPROVED BABY chicks arc ready (or you at Mar tin County Hatchery. Thousands weekly. Also started chicks. Hatches every Tuesday. Located on U. S No. 17, south of Williamston. Prices are reasonable. J. C. Griffin, Prop. (18-tf WHY WEAR A SllT. COAT OR dress that doesn't fit, or isn't the right length. We make them larger or smaller, longer or shorter. One day service on men's or ladies' clothes. Pittman Cleaners. Phone 159 f21-2t IF YOU HAVE A WING SHIRT that has not proven satisfactory, please return to us and get a new one without charge Pittman Clean ers. Phone 159. f21-2t WAIT! WAIT! DONT THROW that hat away. Send it to us, for a first-class cleaning and blocking for only 50c. Call early for one-day serv ice on hats. Pittman Cleaners. Phone 159 f21-2t FOR RENT ?APARTMENT, FIVE rooms, hardwood floors, bath with tub and shower, hot water, steam haet, electric range. Hotpoint refrig erator. Apply Mrs. Jim Staton. f 21 -5t NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by Section 2435 of the 1939 North Carolina Code, the undersigned will, on Tues- i day, the 4th day of March, 1941. at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the Dixie Motors, Inc., sell for cash to the highest bidder one 1937 Chevro let DeLux Master Cottpcr motor No. j 307K77. belonging to Alexander Mose ly, for the purpose of satisfying a UeiMiHdJb^^hxu^lotors^n^^J^ virtue of having done certain work and furnishing certain material* to said personal property above named Thi* the 18th day of Feb., 1M1. DIXIE MOTORS, INC. Peel & Manning, Attys f21-2t NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by Section 2435 of the 1939 North Carolina Code, the undersigned will, on Tues day, the 4th day of March, 1941, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the Dixie Motors. Inc., sell for cash to the highest bidder one 1932 B Model Black Ford Coupe, motor No. AB 504022, belonging to N. S. Godard, for the purpose of satisfying a lien held by the Dixie Motors, Inc., by virtue of having done certain worr and furnishing certain materials to said personal property above named This the 18th day of Feb , 1941 DIXIE MOTORS, INC Peel & Manning, Attys. f21-2t Tayloi Beverage Co. TAKBOKO. N. C. I'KOU I) L V PrcsciilN for vour <lrinkiii" pleasure SPUR Atntllwr ('.omnia Dry Proiluct <:kl<;i:k <:. hakkold 290 Hillrrest Avenue. MACON. GKORC1A. Feb. 13, 1941 B. F. Taylor, Tarburu, N. C Dear Mr Taylor: I am writing you regarding the new Taste sensation that has been presented to the beverage industry by Canada Dry Ginger. Inc. Canada Dry "Spur". Canada Dry has long been accepted as a name of qual ity. This company has now extended their field of oper ation to give the public a fine beverage that is suited to the taste of millions. SPUR SPUR will be bottled in a 12-oz. bottle. It sella for only 5c. This product has been tested in many Markets by Canada Dry and it has more than proven that it well deserves the fine name that Canada Dry enjoys. Not only has this product the fine name of its Parent company, but it also is tied in with the name for Qual ity and Fair dealing that you have spent many years developing in your own territory. Taylor Beverage Co. I would like to leave one thought with you on closing. SPUR in a beverage that all of your dealers will be proud to offer to their most discriminating customers and also that the customers in turn will be pleased to serve to guests in their homes. Very truly yours, CRUDER C. IIARROLD. SPUE has suds friends ? Yanr Comments Appreciated '.Mnjlt Citta/ily ?S uupi BARGAIN PRICES PALMOUVf SOAP 3 (or i ?? -? >0r tlVI tin MUI >HI i SUPER SUDS 3 (or I WMMIH) I WASHCS CLOTHCS | FAB WHITlt 4 OCTAGON 6 for ? LAUNDRY SOAP 25c KLEK ^or BELK TYLER CO. Confiden tia I ly YOU WILL BE SURPRISED At The High Quality. Anil Low Prices Of Our SPRING ('.OATS AND DRESSES Martin Supply Co. Why Should a Farmer Order His Tractor NOW? REASON No. 1?Break in your new Iraclor enrlv on light hauling and belt job*?prepare now for mo*t efficient operation. REASON No. 2?Buy early for a bet ter ileal on your old tractor. Buy while we are short on used tractor*?while we eun offer you un attractive trade. REASON No. il?If yon plan to change front leant* to u tractor thi* *pring. *ave u good many dollar*' worth of ltor*e or niiile feed hy trading now. REASON No. I?Be forehanded?get your order oil the book* while tractor price* ure Mill based on 1940 labor and material eo*t*. REASON No. 5?Yon won't have to worry over late delivery when you buy early. Experience proven that late buy era frequently have ti> wait longer than tliey want to for their tractors. REASON No. 6?If your voting son or daughter plana t<? "man" your tractor for the first time this spring, choose your safe, comfortable, easy-to-handle tractor now, so the new operator will have a good chance to become familiar with it ahead of the rush. REASON No. 7?Every International on display is the product of careful, precise work. These modern power partners were built under the most fav orable manufacturing conditions. You will have to go a long way to find a tractor as good as the International that is waiting for you at our garage. i'.omc In and Talk To U? About Thete Tractor* ?- Or Phone II* and We Will dome Out to Your Place. Chas. H. Jenkins & Company WILLIAMSTON, N. C.

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