HeMlilt Pfrwub Club M?Un*> EMUranU Entertainments Society and Personals Anything lor Thiii Department PHONE T? OF WILLIAMSTON and MARTIN t'Ol'NTV I 45 Visits Here Wednesday Miss Martha Roebuck. of Hamil ton, visited here Wednesday ? In Plymouth Tuesday Mrs. Garland Barnhill attended a bridge luncheon given by Mrs Lloyd Owen in Plymouth Tuesday Visit in Durham Mesdames Charlie Mobley and George Harrison were visitors in Durham Wednesday They were ac - companied home by Mrs Delia Green who had received treatment for her eyes in a hospital there. -? Returns To Suffolk Mrs. A D. Bowen, Jr., has return ed. to her home in Suffolk after a visit her? for several days Attend Medical Meeting Dr. E T Walker and Dr John W. Williams attended a medical meet ing in Plymouth Wednesday night In Raleigh Wednesday Mesdame s Leman Barnhill. .J C Manning. David Hix and J D Wool aid were visitors in Raleigh Wed nosdav Inlailt Dies in Hospital Mr and Mrs R H Clayton. Ji announce the birth and death of a daughter en Wednesday. February ~2tfth Mrs, Ch.yion is getting along nicely in a Kmston hospital Is III at His Home Friends of Mr. Van Taylor will be sorry to learn that h? is ill at his home in Everett* Leave for Florida Mr and Mrs C'leninu-nt, of De troit. left yesterday for Florida at ter a visit heir with Mis Laura Crawford Were Here Yesterday Misses Mary Elizabeth Warren and Irene William- of Kobersonville were visitors here Wedne sday Is Visiting Here Miss Mane Stone, of Clinton, is the guest of Miss Dorothy Buchan an here for a few days In Raleigh Wednesday Messrs, William EveTett and Jes sup Harrison attended a meeting of Dodge dealers in Raleigh Wednes day 1Cua/ily St,apt BARGAIN PRICES 3 for 2Or HI,I K BOX l.arge slzr 2 for 4jc Large size 2 for 43c ?' Red Croat nurses chum t? -tatf the Red Cross Harvard hospital to lie nft up ?n England tu study war?^ diseases. The lied Cross will ?up j,ly the nurses, theTIarviiid Med" al school will supply the doctors. Visiting in Florida Miss Francos Fowler i spending a few days in Florida Returns from Tennessee Mr. R II Clayton. Jr. ha , return ed from Clarksvillc. 'Dun . whe.e he was located ~6n the tobacco market. (letting Along Very Well Suffering a broken flip in a fall at the homy of her daughter. Mrs. Hoy Mt'Clt'e> ..n Mai shall Avenue here a few days ago. Mis J P Fleming is getting along very well in tin Brown Community Hospital. Hnters Durham Hospital Mrs C B Roebuck entered a Dur ham hospital today for treatment. Ls I'ndergoing Treatment Mr Johnnie Wynne, of Bear Grass, is undergoing treatment in the Brown Community Hospital here Visit in Rocky Mount Mesdames W 11 Williams, Jr. J. A. Fason and Miss Mary Taylor were visitors in Rocky Mount yesterday afternoon. Leave** for Philadelphia Mrs. C. B Molten, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F U. Barnes, here leaves tomorrow for her home in Philadelphia. Marriage License Issued A marriage license was issued in the register of deeds office here last Tuesday to David 11 Langiey, of Robersonville. and Faster Bell Tay lor. of Stokes ' Attend Lions Meeting Messrs Eugene Rice Eddie Tra hey. W K Davis, Roy Ward. W. L. Howell. John W Manning, K. P. Lindsley. John 11 Edwards and D. V Clayton attended a charter meet ing of the Lions Club m Elizabeth City Wednesday night BI' VTIXG -G CRG AN V S On Saturday morning. Feb. 22. at 11:30 in the Memorial Baptist Church. Williamston, Miss Selma Gurganus was wed to Mr Roland Bunting, of Williamston and Rich mond. Vows were spoken before the 1 altar with Rev. J H. Smith officiat ing, using the impressive ring cere mony. The couple was unattended and only a few relatives and friends were present. Mrs Bunting was attired in a be coming blue crepe dress with rose hat and purse, her other accessories being black Immediately after the ceremony! the couple left for a wedding trip to j unannounced points. Mrs. Bunting, the daughter of Mrs. , Margaret "K Gurganus and the late S 11 Gurganus. of Robersonville, is a graduate of Robersonville High School and Kast Carolina Teachers College, Greenville. She now holds a teaching position in Stokes High School. Mr. Burtting. son of Mrs. Polly R.- and the late Claude Bunting, of Robersonville, now holds a po sition wtih the Stone and Webster Klectric Company irp Richmond. At the elose of the school year Mr. and Mrs Bunting will make their home in Richmond. Kilters Washington Hospital Mi. Heber Peel, Martin County] I fa rmer. entered a Washington hospi-; tal Wednesday for treatment. i, Returns from Topeka Mrs. E. Thayer Walker is expect ed home tins week-end from a month's stay in Topeka and Kansas City While visiting relatives there, Mrs. Walker was honored at a num b? r of parties and dinners. In Greenville Thursday Misses Mary Rodgfrson, Mamie CJydr Taylor. Marie Griffin, Evelyn and Thelma Lilley attended the con cert by the Westminster Choir in Greenville last night/ Were Here Wednesday Mr and Mrs Alton White, of Has <11. were visitors here Wednesday afternoon In Washington Hospital Miss Ann Hardison is receiving treatment in a Washington hospital. 1 In Concord lor Few Days Rev Z. T. Piephoff is a business visitor in Concord for a few days. Visits in Raleigh Miss Bolton Cowen will spend the week-end in Raleigh with friends. Visit Here Wednesday Mr and Mrs J. S. Smith, of Dar dens. were visitors here Wednes day Attend Basketball Tourney Ernest Mears, Roger Critcher, Jr., loin Barnhill, Tom Skinner, Pap Diem, Oscar Anderson and Fenner Wallace attended the Southern Con ference basketball tournament in Raleigh yesterday. Were Here Wednesday ?Mr and Mis. L). H. Wolfr,?of Washington, were visitors here Wed nesday. In Washington Hospital Mrs Alice P. Edwards is confined in a Washington hospital by ill Was Here Wednesday Mi Joseph Frank, of Philadelphia, was the guest of his son, Mr. Jack H rank, here Wednesday. Returns from Rochester Mrs Fred Poole has returned from a stay in Rochester She was accom panied home by Mrs. Art Kemp who will visit her ip Hamilton for some time. In Durham for Few Days Mrs Joe Pender is visiting rela tives in Durham for a few days. Visit Near Here Mr and Mrs. Marion Green, of Robersonville, visited their daugh ter, Mrs. Mamie G. Taylor, near here Wednesday. Jo Relieve Misery of CfSSi ^' 'Otm um ITS 1AIVS . MOM Announce Menu* In Local Schttol* For Coming M eek ? Grammar School Vegetable soup and crackers every day. 5c Plate lunch every day. 10c. Plain and chocolate milk every day. 5 cents. Monday: Country _Jjam. cabbage, macaroni and cheese, fnckles. corn breed congealed fruit salad, raisin and peanut butter sandwiches peaches and cookies. Tuesday Stew beef, marshmallow potatoes, corn, deviled eggs. hot biscuits, chicken salad, tomato and lettuce sandwiches, banana pudding Wednesday Fri.-d chicken, grits with gravy, sliced tomatoes lima beans, beet pickles, corn bread, fruit sandwiches, apple pie. Thursday; Hamburger, rutabegas. apple sauce, green peas, corn bread, deviled egg salad, potted ham sand wiches, cup cakes Friday: Roast beef with gravy, baked potatoes, string beans, beet pickles, bread, pineapple salad, sand wiches. butterscotch pudding High School Vegetable soup and crackers every day. 5c Plate lunch every day, 10c. Plain and chocolate milk every day. 5 cents. , Monday Roast pork, macaroni and cheese, green peas, apple sauce, muf fins. congealed salad, banana pud ding. Tuesday: Corned ham, potato sal ad collards, corn bread, pickles, to mato and lettuce salad, chocolate pie. Wednesday:'Baked chicken with dressing, lima beans, cranberry sauce, candied yams, hot biscuits. Waldorf salad, pecan pie. Thursday: Italian spaghetti, string baens. beet nicklee. corn bread, fruit salad, peaches and cake. Friday: Barbecue, turnip salad, slaw, corn bread, pineapple and cheese salad, caramel cake BENTON-ROSS Miss Helen Louise Ross and Ar thur Monroe Benton were married in the Baptist Church in Oak City, Saturday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, with Rev G D. Leggett, of Windsor, pastor of the bride, officiating, us ing the ring ceremony. Greenery and large baskets of 1 white gladioli with two seven-branch candelabra decorated the church. A white prayer bench was used dui-, nig the closing prayer. While can dles burned in each window and the family pews were marked with white satin ribbon. Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. J lb Hand. Jr., of Chadbourn, pianist, and Miss Betty Mae Smith, soloist, ren dered a program of nuptial music. Miss Smith sang. "The Sweetest Story Ever Told." and "Because. "I Love You Truly." was played soft ly during the ceremony and the tra ditional recessional and procession al were used. Ushers were J H. Hand, Jr.. of Chadbourn, and Cecil Benton, of South Mills H. J McCracken was the bridegroom's best man. Attending the bride were Mrs. H J. McCrack en sister of the bride, dame of hon or' Misses Blanche Crisp and Helen Snruill Johnson, bridesmaids. Lit . ?? . ... ...... I c?rwl unH Alin> tie Misses Betsy Ross I soul and Alice - All Fay Benton were flower girls the attendants wore white marqui sette over taffeta and carried arm bouquets of red carnations tied with matching ribbon. The bride was given in marriage hy I,..- father 1 C Ross Shu-vvurc white mousseline de soie over taffe ta, made with a full bodice, high neckline, full skirt and leg o' mut ton sleeves, appliqued with lace me dallions. Her veil was fastened to a small cap of rose point lace and formed a long train. She carried a Cascade bouquet of Calla lilies. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs J C Ross, of Oak City. After the ceremony a buffet sup per for the bridal party and out of-town guests was given at the home of the bride's parents Mrs. Benton chose a dress of dusty rose with brown accessories and wore a shoulder corsage of rosebuds for travel. The groom, formerly of Ever green. is a graduate of State Col lege, Raleigh, and taught in the Oak City school for a year and a half He now holds a position with the F.S A in Lumberton where he and Mrs. Benton will be at home af ter March 1. Accepts Position Here Miss Eunice Snell, of Greenville, has accepted a position here with the N C. Employment office to re place Miss Natalie Gould, who has accepted a position in Chapel Hill. ? Were Here Yeetocday . Messrs. Bill Kerfs and E C. Book man, of Richmond, were here yes terday conducing a safety school for YEP employees. Awaiting the Stork? According to reports from Holly wood, there will soon be a little vis itor at the nearby ranch of Clark Cable and Carole Lotnbaid. Both previously married, neither has ever had any children before. Attend Basketball Tournament Messrs. K D Worrell, R H Good mon. L. Bruce Wynne, Connie B Clark and Wheeler Manning were in Raleigh yesterday attending to business, the group taking in the initial rounds of the Southern Bas ketball tournament. $ Attend Band Concert Mrs. Clayton House and Mrs. Pave Matthews, of Hamilton, attended the band concert here Wednesday. Visits Here Wednesday Mr. J. T. Chase, general manager. Carolina division, Virginia Electric and Power Company, with head quarters in Roanoke Rapids, visited Mi Ray oGodmon and employees of the local office last Wednesday. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court. Countj^?MVIartii^a?ainjj^^red Sam I .at est Additions To The Enterprise Mailing List Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the following: D. O. Weaver, Robersonville; G. F Godard, Williamston; W. J. Lilley, Williamston; James Lilley, William ston; B. L. House, Robersonville; G. L. Savage. Williamston; J. Daniel Biggs. Williamston; Maggie An drews, Robersonville; Joe Mizelle, Robersonville; Ransom Roberson. Jamesville; Mrs. Elizabeth Wood house, Marietta. Ohio; H. M Hoili day. Jamesville; H. C. Walters, Jamesville; M S. Cowin. Roberson Ae; William H Bell. Williamston; St. Smith wick, Williamston; Jack Dixon. Williamston. John D. Lilley. Williamston; Joe John Modlin, Jamesville; John Gray Peel, Wash ington; Luther Pratt, Williamston; W Robert Everett, Palmyra; J. R. Williams, Jamesville; Mrs N. W. Perkinson, Baltimore; Mary E. An drews. Robersonville. Biggs and Others. The defendants, Arthur Wiggins, Emma Simmons, Lou Pearl Wills, Fannie L. Wiggins and Euzela Allen, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose the taxes on land in Martin County in which said defenct ants have an interest; and the said deThrrdants will further take notice that they are required to appear be fore L. B. Wynne. Clerk ul the Su perior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamston, North Caro lina. within thirty (30) days after the completion of this service of pub lication by notice and to answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This the 8th day of Feb., 1941. L B. WYNNE. Clerk Superior Court, Martin County, f 14 4t NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au? ^hont^^^ontainec^^ir^^ha^^ertan^ Deed of Trust recorded in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book C-l at page 198, said Deed of Trust have been given to secure a certain note of even date and tenor there with. and the stipulations therein contained not having been complied with, at the request of the parties j interested, the undersigned Trustee (will, on Friday, the 14th day of March. 1941, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the Court House door in the Town of Williamston. North Caro lina. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: A lot and improvements thereon in the Town of Williamston. N. C., on the North side of Main Street ad joining B. S. Courtney, of the Town of Williamston, and more common 1 ly known as the Martin Law Office. This the 12th day of Feb.. 1941. WHEELER MARTIN, f14-4t Trustee Do This If! Has a Cold Relieve Misery Improved Vicks Way Mothers, you will welcome the elief from misery that comes rlth a "VapoRub Massage." With this more thorough treat nent, the poultlce-and-vapor iction of vicks VapoRub more ?fTectively PENETRATES Irritated air lassages with soothing medicinal apors ... SIMULATES chest and >ack like a warming poultice or ilaster... STARTS RE1JCVMC misery lght away! Results delight even >ld friends of VapoRub. TO GET a "VapoRub Massage" vlth ail Its benefits - massage /apoRub for 3 minutes on Ilf >ORTANT RIB-AREA OP BACK is well as throat and chest - pread a thick layer on chest, rover with a warmed cloth. BE JURE to use genuine, time-tested 'ICKS VAPORUB. Reita Theatre?Washiiiglon Sundav-.Monday .March 2-3 ?I LI) M V!N OF BORIS KO" with f rank Morgan and Hillir Hnrkr Tuesday DOl'HI.F FFATl KF March 4 "The Face Behind the Musk." with IVler l.urre "Father's Son." John l.itel and Frieda Inesrurt Wednesday Thursday March Vti "MlRDKR AMONG FRIENDS" wiill Jiilin lliililiard and Mnrjoric II raver Friday-Saturday March 7-8 "RAGTIME COWBOY" irilh Johnny Mark Broii n Thanks Customers! We wish to sincerely thank hotli our new and old customers for the patronage aeeorded us since we reopened last Monday. Your visits were appreciated and we hope you will come to see us again and often. New Stock Arriving Daily Although our stork huh depleted, it is hriu^ added to daily and we are now in a position to fill any order or prescription. Clark's Pharmacy PHONE 52 AND 55 C. B. Clark & C. B. Clark, Jr. Moving to New Location Dr. Spencers Office, Tues., March 4th On unil after TucmIuv. March lilt, llic Modern Beauty Shoppe will In- located in the office formerly occupied hy Dr. Spencer, to the rear of the Ontral (jifr. Wilda llarrell. Annie Mae Bailey, Pat Mi zelle and (Ihriatine JenkiiiH invite yon to pay tlieni a vital in their new tthoppe. Added convenience* are private hoolhtt and adequate tdiainpoo Intard*. Modern Beauty Shoppe I Expert Reauticiant MRS. J. A. EASON, Prop. Hark Tar Hoot Aptt. The Flower Shoppe, formerly loeale?l next door to Mayor Hansell's office in now locale*! in the office recently vacated by Dr. Spencer in the hack of the Tar Heel Apartments, in ronnertion with the Mod ern Beauty Shoppe. For sprays, wreathes, pot plants, corsages or cut flowers, call The Flower Shoppe. "A gift of flowers is the ideal one." Call us at our new quarters. The Flower Shoppe MRS. J. CLAUDE LEGGETT, Special MRS. J. A. EASON, Mgr. Rear Tmr Heel Apf.