Club Euaz entente Entertainment* Society and Personals OF WILL1AMSTON and MARTIN COUNT* This Department PHONE Anything for To 4 6 Return to State College Bill Ballard. W E Dunn. Stuart Critcher and C T Roberson and Tommy and R. A Haislip. of Oak City, have returned to Raleigh to resume their studies at State Col lege after spending the spring holi days with relatives. $ Visit Here Sunday Mr and Mrs W A Taylor, of Robersonville, were the guests of Mrs W A James here Sunday. 9 Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Frank Johnson, of Raleigh, spent the week-end here with her father. Chief W B. Daniel. ? In Hamilton Sunday Mr and Mrs. Cecil Frederick and family, of Norfolk, were the guests of Mrs Ridge Sears in Hamilton on Sunday. In Raleigh Saturday Mrs W E Warren and daughter. Miss Mary; Misses Sophie Little and Ann Askew were visitors in Raleigh Saturday. Spending Holidays Here Reg Manning and guest. Homes Hansel .of Charlotte, students at Duke University. Durham, are spend ing the spring holidays here with Mr. and Mrs John A Manning. Enters Commons A native of Boston, Mass., Mrs. Beatrice Rathbone waa nominated unopposed as a Conservative mem ber of the English House of Com mons, to succeed her late husband. Flight Lieut. John Rathbone, who was killed during a bombing raid on Germany. She is 30 years old and the mother of two children, now in the U. S. Visit in Roanoke Rapids * Mrs W T Martin. Mrs. D V Clayton and Miss (Catherine Law rence were visitors in Roanoke Rap ids Saturday. Spends Week-end Near Here Clifton Malone. of Wilmington, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Malone. near here last week-end. Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Crofton and ' son. of Maxton, spent Sunday and Monday here with Mi and Mrs. G F Crofton Spending Few Days Here Bill Holloman. of Washington City, is spending a few days here with relatives. Are Visiting Here Mrs. George Bishop, of Green wood. S. C.. and Mrs Bernard Fe*r? er, of Concord, are spending a few days here with Rev. and Mrs Z T Piephoff. s ? "1 Visit in Hamilton Mrs. Mattie Everett had as her guests in Hamilton Sunday Mr and Mrs M E. Fuison and Mr and Mrs W. G Lynch, of Roanoke Rapids In Mt. Airy Sunday Mrs. Krah Cobb and son. Dillon Cobb, spent Sunday in Ml Airy Spend Week-end Here Mrs. B. F Li Hey and children, of Jamesville. were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Noah Hardison here last week-end. Return from Florida Mr. and Mrs. B S. Courtney and Mrs. John R Peel have returned from a trip to Florida. In Hamilton Sunday Mr. and Mrs Calvin Stokes and daughter, of Greenville, spent Sun day with Mrs Mattie Hines in Ham ilton. Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Charlie Johnson, of Durham, spent the week-end here with her | mother, Mrs Lucy Ward. Visiting in Robersonville Mrs. J B Coburn is visiting Mrs. I D. A. James in Robersonville for a ! few days. $ Was Here Last Week-end Miss Evelyn Harrison, of Dur ham. was the guest of relatives here last week-end. Return from Raleigh Mrs. J. W. Helvin and duughter, Billy Frances, have returned from a visit with relatives in Raleigh. $ In Robersonville Sunday Mr and Mrs. J B Taylor were visitors in Robersonville Sunday. Visit in Ahoskie 'Dr ariH Mrs W C" M ercer spent Sunday in Ahoskie. Hold Annual Meeting Tlu annual meeting of the Wo man's Society of Christian Service, convened in the First Methodist Church in Rocky Mount this after noon at 2 o'clock. Over 400 delegates were expected to attend this meet ing with a number of representa tives from Williamston. The meet ing will close Thursday afternoon. 1 ??? Return to Chapel Hill Junie Peel. Jack Baker Saunders. James Wallace. John Pope, Jr.. Ray Goodmon, Whit Purvis. Lepn Rogers and Charles Daniel and Miss Blanche Harrison have resumed their studies j at the University, Chapel Hill, after spending the spring holidays here and in the county with relatives. In Richmond Sunday Dr. Russell McAllister visited in Richmond and other points in Vir ginia Sunday. He was accompanied home by Mrs. McAllister who had been visiting relatives there for a few days. Resumes Studies at Eton Miss Maud Taylor has returned to Elon after spending the spring hol idays here with her parents. Mr and Mrs Herman Taylor. ? Were Here Satouday Mrs Ora Burnett and daughter, Jerry, of Jamesvilke. were visitors here Saturday. ? In Durham Sunday Mesdames John Manning, of Farm Life; W H. Edwards and Mamie G Taylor and Miss Mama* Clyde Tay lor spent Sunday and Monday in -Bantam With relatives. Leave for Holly Ridge Mrs. John Wier and son. Buddy left yesterday to make their home at Holly Kidge with Mr Wier Returns to Baltimore Miss Jesse Mae Holloman return ed to Baltimore Sunday after spend ing some time here with relatives. In Weldou lad Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Verner Godwin, Jr.. spent the week-end in Weldon and Enfield. Were Here Yesterday Mrs. N C Everett and son. Nunn. Jr . of Rnbersonville. were visitors here yesterday ?a Visit Relatives Here Mr and Mrs. W A Clark, of Fay etteville. were the guests of relatives here Sunday In Norfolk Yesterday Mi and Mrs W E Old. Mrs 11 K. Williams and daughter, Janet. Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Hal Dickens spent yesterday in Nor folk Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Elmer K. Edmoiui- | son announce the birth of u daugh ter. Mary Ethel, at their home in | Hassell on Thursday. March 20th. Making Her Home Here Miss Ruth Hurley, who has been employed in Red Springs, is now making her home here with her parents. Rev. and Mrs B T Hur ley ? Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Paul Ward, of Robersonville, spent the week-end here with her parents. Mi and Mrs F. R. Ches son. * Return to Mars Hill Arthur and Martin Anderson, Jo seph Thigpen and J E Boy kin, Jr., I have resumed their studies at Mars | "llilf College after sponding the spring holidays here with relatives ! In Littleton Sunday Mr Harry Biggs attended a fun eral Hi. Littleton Sunday Spends Week end Here M il ton James, student at u Rich mond business school, spent the I week-end here with his parents. Mr. | and Mrs Charlie James # Was Here Saturday Miss Rernice Ward, of Roberson-1 ville, visited her sister, Mrs Ellis) Chesson, here Saturday ? Spend Week-end Here Rev, and Mrs J fiascon Hurley and son. Barrel I, of Seaboard, Mi Jack Odom, of Red Springs, and Bob by Graham, student at the Univer sity, Chapel Hill, were the week end guests of Rev and Mrs B. T. Hurley, here Visits Relatives in Palmyra Miss Betty Mayo Everett spent the week-end in Palmyra with rela tives. i.iMiniy Girl AftfMtarM In Mittionary Play Friday ? Mias Marguerite Ayers. of Oak City, appeared as a member of the cast in a special play. "Right About Face." written by Miss Laura Bate man. Baptist Student Secretary of Woman's College. University of North Carolina. Greensboro, and presented last Friday evening in the i Regional Baptist Training Union Convention held in the First Baptist Church at Spencer. The play was well received by a large audience iMiem Additions To The Enterprise Mailing U$l Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the following Allen Griffin. Jamesville; A R Sherrod. Oak City, James Taylor Oak City; J C Gurganus, William> ton; E. D Peel. Williamston; M N ( Griffin. Jamesville; A F Coltrain Williamston; W. S. Bland. Ruber i sonville; Arthur Slade, Williamston J Mrs Hattie Hardy, Robrrsonville j Don Griffin. Williamston; Frank Hoi liday. Williamston; Ida Edmondson. Williamston; L. J. Peel. Williamston; Robert D. Lilley. Williamston; Abra ham Pagan. Williamston, C W Slade. Rubersonville; Major Garcia ner. Williamston; H H. Williams. Everett* Mrs M B Ward. William ston J L. Know lea. Hardens. Mrs. Mary Stevenson. Rubersonville; H R. Manning. Williamston; O S An derson, Williamston. S|?e?d Week end Here Mrs. Earl Leggett and daughter. Edna, of Chapel Hill, spent the week end here with relatives In Suffolk Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tally Garns visited relatives in Suffolk Sunday. ? Visit in Rocky Mount Mesdames John Henry Edwards. D. V Clayton and Herman Bo wen and Miss Katherinc Lawrence visit ed in Rocky Mount Friday * Accepts Position in Koxobel Mr. John L. Rodgerson has resign ed as cashier in a Roanoke Rapids bank and bus accepted a position with the hank in Roxobel, Berth County. Visit in Micro Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Manning spent Sunday with the latter* par ents. Dr. and Mrs Hinnant in Micro $ Return from Norfolk Misses Lois Taylor and Ellen Co burn have returned from a week's visit in Norfolk. 1 Visits in Roanoke Rapid* Mrs M B. Dunn spent tin- week end in Roanoke Rapids # Returns from Greenville Mrs W. I. Skinner has returned from a three weeks' visit in Green ville. Were Here Yesterday Mr and Mrs. Walt Mueller, of Plymouth, were visitors here yes terday In Wilmington Friday Mi and Mrs. Hoy I Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lilley were vis itors in Wilmington Friday Returns to Philadelphia Mr Joseph Frank has returned to his home in Philadelphia after spending the week-end here with his son. Spend* Week-end Here Howard Cone, T. A Loving Com pany employee at Fort Bragg, was home last week-end. Marriage License* Issued Marriage licenses were issued in tins county last Saturday to Mar vin L. Robcrson and Chloe Idell Hurdison, both of Williamston R. F. I). No. 1. and to Andrew Modlin and Esther Bracham, both of Wil liamston. In Weldon Yesterday Mrs. If. L. Meador visited relatives in Weldon yesterday Visit at Holly Ridge Miss Lucille Rogerson and How ard Earp visited at Holly Ridge yes terday. Return to Goldsboro Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter Turner and little daughter have returned to their home- in Goldsboro following a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Urbin Rogers. ? In Richmond Saturday Mrs. C. B. Clark. Mrs Asa Craw ford and Misses Emelyne Evans and Sara Cone visited in Richmond Sat urday % To Resume Duties Here Completing a special three-months course in public health nursing at Chapel Hill and Washington City, Miss Mary Stokes Robinson is ex pected to resume her duties with the Martin County Health Department here next Tuesday 1 III with Influenza Attorney Wheeler Martin was forord to hM bed last Saturday by an attack of influenza. -a Spends Week-end Here John Fleming Thifpen .student at E C.T.C., Greenville, spent the week end here with his parents. Dr. and Mrs J F. Thigpen. In Greens bare Saturday Messrs. N C. Green, C. G. Crock ett, R. H. Goodmon and Coley Crock ett. of Yorkiown, spent last Satur day in Greensboro ? Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Coley Crockett and his mother, of Yorktown. spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crockett. Applications For Mattresses Must Be In Bv April HO Farm families have until April 30 o make applications for material vith which to make cotton mattresses ind contforlers. ''says Miss Ruth Current. State home demonstration igcnt of N C State College. There s no assurance that the mattress ind comforter program will be ex euded. To date 169.222 North Carolina arm families have filed applications or mattresses, and 23.468 have ap xlied for cotton and percale w ith vhirh to make comforters. Of these. 34.149 applications for mattresses, ind 10,780 applications for comfort rs have been certified and approv 'd. A total of 95.359 mattresses and 113 comforters have been made by ami people in centers operated un ler llu' sutH'1'vi.sidn of county farm ind borne agents of the State Col ege Kxteiusion Service They have ineii given cotton, ticking and per ale by the Surplus Marketing Ad ninistration, and AAA committees iave assisted in the certification of ligihle low income families "The mattress and comforter pro [ram is now operating iti 1.472 com nullities in North Carolina." Miss Current reported "A total of 9.487. 59 pounds of cotton has been order d for mattresses, ami 228.300 pounds i| cotton has bee it ordered for com oltulS " All families which have received nut tresses are eligible to apply for Aluminum Shortage u Ls Not Serious Now What looked for a short time like gloomy skies for the aluminum cook ing utensil manufacturers affected by priorities cleared a little. A re port got out that after their present supplies were exhausted they would get no more of the metal. Manufac turers conferring with defense offi cials in Washington said they had received no notice of the reported ban. while defense chiefs privately described reports that the cooking utensil people would be "out of bus mess" as "unauthorized and unwar ranted It was >aid that while alum inum supplies for this purpose would l?e temporarily curtailed until they may at tunes come to zero" nothing like .1 total ban was contemplated It was made clear that officials ar? reluctant to take any extreme ac tion that would threaten any con . iderable number of jobs. material w ith which to make a com fortei Kxpern need supervisors are on hand mi the mattress centers to explain how to make the comfort COLDS from developing at start Put a few drops of Vlcks Va-tro-noi up each nostril at the very first sniffle or sneeae Its stimulating action aid* Nature's defenses against colds. # VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Pause and refresh the familiar red too Itr WE'RE GOING WHERE YOU'RE GOING...AT ONE THIRD THE COST... . ? .T"2/l4C* ^Sp SfiFE.COURTEOUS.THRI FT Y " ya/icrCiMCL /laUu/i C. B. Clark and C. B. Clark, Jr. Thank their friend* and ciiKlnnier* for their hearty HU|i|xirt and paJtronape; ami extend an imitation to \iwit m> and rail tlx when we ran be of any (tervirc . . . t-harge Accounts Solicited With Those Customers Who llove Paid All Old Accounts And On A Strict Monthly Kasis ... Tek Tooth Brush 28e Formerly 50c Houhiganta Cheramy Uueliug Powder .50c 50c Hind* Honey and Almoud ('ream ..'We 50 c J it genx Lotion !We 75c Nyd* H. and H. Cough Syrup . . . 60e 25c Citrate Magnesia 19c Heavy Rutaian Type MINERAL OIL #1.00 quart 69c 50c pint 58c Colgate? .Soap, 4 cakes . . . 19c 4 roll? Char mi n Toilet Tissue ... 29c 15c Putnam Dyes 10c If Yttu Don't Know Drugs, Ho Sure You Know Your DRUGGIST All |?r4'wri|>tioiiM filled by a lieenned registered druggist. BRING US YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTIONS Call Phonos 52 and 53 FOB QUICK, PROMIT SERVICE... CLARK'S FLULAX For ('.old* and Flu 25c and 50c 50c yiy*CUtol Tooth ftrush .... 25c 1.00 Kxtrucl <iwl liver Oil Full Pint 79e Kubhin/i Alcohol Com/round 25c pint 19c 15c 1-2 pint 10c Thin in not the Ino-frojryl Al cohol hut in made from pure f/rain Alcohol. 50c pint Antineptic Mouth Wash .... 54c 50c I/tana Tooth Paste .... 59c 1.00 Dafffelt and Kamndell ('.old ('.ream or Cleansing Cream 69c 25e I'cpwxlrnl Tooth Parte or Powder and 50r Pe|modent Tooth Rruah (loth For 5th Clark's Pharmacy, Inc. Attention. All Ladies ? SHOKS l?v Paris Fashion \\ lietlier il lie loufers. low or liiyli hn'l?. >oiir .in' run lie teleeleil from our I'arin Fashion sloek. \n\ witllh. \?l>ertine?l in 21 leailiu^ magazines. If nol in -toel., we will ^laill\ oriler il for >oii. Itriup iin |iliotoi:ra|ili ami nIiih* iiumlier. 9^% f. aU\un\ m*dy . \ltrarliw-, opt'ii ? lor |tn in |>- in ^utirrtliur, kill, mill all llir urn Irallirr-. In lironii. Iilark ami ?ailillr lau, \ll si/rs. l2uk^llum? low heel Kli|i-?>iit in all *i?'? anil enlnr*. Ideal for H|iiirl or walking -.line*. Well made and allraetiw lit work in. (oine ill ami see llie?e loda\. It r o w ii ami while, hlark mill while mnl all while loafer*. Niec for m-IiooI anil *|iorl wear. I omforlahle anil ileal. <fa>uK ^uluon ?imf srnrt K l-'or tin- wonimi with tin- foot thill in luiril I o fit ? \ - nhu|ii-il |>iini|>?. o|M-n-to?- for roolni-KH .111<I xlylr. Ill tin- 1st I <-wt rotors mill li-utllrrs. a I ho | >i 11 ?-1 ? t mill giihrrilinr. 'TalU Allium IxiH lll'cl, 0|ICII-|0C slippers for iill-nroiiiul Hciir. Iii ii variety of color*. I.rl lis show viiii iIichc nllrnclivc shorn loilay. ^allien A lovely lirown mill while walking oxford. IVrfeet for K|>ort ami ?riiii-s|>nrl wear, (mm fnrlulile ami ilnrable. All Hum. Daiden's Dept. Stoie WILLIAMSTON, N. C.

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