T rainees T ake Little Excess Baggage To U. S. Military Camps Fort Bragg? Very little excess baggage is being brought to Fort Bragg by selective service trainees, Li Col. Earl C. Ewert, commanding officer of the Recruit Reception Cen ter, stated today With very few ex ceptions, only a bag with toilet ar ticles and a small amount of neces sary clothing is brought by the train ees. Credit for this is given by Colonel Ewert to the state headquarters for selective service and the local boards which have issued instructions re garding the amount of baggage train ees should take with them to the re ception centers. As a result of these lnstructions. very few men are en cumbered by excess baggage and the center is not having any difficulty 'in sending civilian clothing and bag gage home by those men who do ' not want to keep them after being issued their army equipment. Ar- | rangements have been made with an express company so that trainees may send baggage home charges col lect. Necessary toilet articles should br brought as the men will spend tht first day and night at an induction . station, whereas toilet kits are not issued them until their arrival at the reception center Men should bring shaving cream and toothpaste, or funds to buy these items, as the toil et kits issued at the reception centers contain a razor, shaving brush, tooth brush, comb and soap, but not shav ing cream or toothpaste. Surplus per- I sonal articles can be retained or sent home. Mail of the trainees is the biggest problem. As the trainees seldom re-1 main in the reception center longer than two or three days, they are gone before a letter from home ar rives. It is then necessary to check through reception center files to find out where each man has gone and then forward the letter to him. This causes some delay in receipt of mail. Men are urged to wait until they have been assigned to a permanent organization before htey have home folks write them. When a selectee is accepted or rejected at the induction station, a card is mailed to a relative stating that fact. When he has pass ed through the reception center and has been assigned to a permanent organization before they have home card is sent to the relative giving the address to which mail may be sent Parents and friends are urged to wait until the arrival of this second card before writing. This will assure that'there will be no delay in deliv ery of mail. Things To Watch For In The Future Toy libraries; they're operating in a number of New York state towns ?playthings are let out for two weeks' periods, and repaired and disinfected between loanings . . Specially-named and designed pen and pencils for men "in the service" with clips at the very top so as not to intrefere with buttoning-down pocket flaps . . Remote-control scoreboards for bowling alleys ? scorekeeper writes on cellophane and figures are transmitted to large screen at the pin end of the alley so all spectators can know how all con testants stand . . . Plastic headguards to be worn under the cap, for base hall players?Brooklyn's Dodgers are Bashful Model One of her younger subjects makes a bashful curtsy as she models a new Lancashire-made cotton frock for Queen Elizabeth in Buckingham Palace, London. Duplicates of such dresses as this are being shipped to New York as British industry car ries on despite bombing raids. New Chick Disease i Appears In State H. C Gauger of the N. C. State College Poultry Department is warn ing North Carolina farmers to be on the lookout for a new disease of baby chicks that has caused considerable alarm in many sections. Known as epidemic tremor be cause affected chicks show a pecu liar vibration of the head, the dis ease has been seen in a few sections for the past three years. However, a comparatively large number of out breaks have been reported this year, particularly in Chatham County. On the basis of recent research work, it appears that the disease is caused by a virus, an agent smaller than an ordinary germ. The symp toms may consist of a fine or coarse head vibration or tremor and a para lytic-like condition affecting the legs although the former symptom may sometimes be absent. Epidemic tremor aff<?cts chicks in acute form up to the seventh week Although day-old chicks may show symptoms, it is during the second and third week after hatch that symp toms are generally observed. Mor tality may run as high as 50 per cent hut usually the losses are around 10 to 15 per cent. Apparently, the dis ease is not very contagious. Poultry men who encounter the disease should take the following steps: Carefully inspect the brood several times a day and remove, de stroy or burn all affected chicks at once; carefully clean and disinfect the floor and side-walls every two or three days; clean and disinfect feed containers daily; give fresh wa ter several times each day and dis infect the water containers prior to each filling with fresh water. In Kocky Mount Thursday Mesdames Clyde Ward and Thes sie Barnhill visited in Rocky Mount using them ? Plastir coveri f??i sheet music?very light, but they help the music stand up on the rack . . . A new cigarette humidor in form of a big shell, entitled "Big Shot" ( a generation ago novel ties of this kind came along after the war.). Pay Your Taxes NOW ANI) SAVE THE PENALTY WHICH INCREASES AT THE RATE OF ONE-HALF OF ONE PER CENT EACH MONTH UN TIL ADVERTISED. Increased Penalty On All 1940 County TAXES BECOMES EFFECTIVE APRIL 2, 1941. C. B. ROEBUCK TAX COLLECTOR. BELK ' TYLER S EASTER PARADE SALE! EASTER FROCKS The largest -.election ever! All llie new Ka?ler styles. All the new color--. Ity all meunit, see these tomorrow. $1.98 $2.98 $3-98 $4.98 $5-95 $7-95 $9.95 1 SI?KIN<; SUITS Attract i\e spring suits in womlttlK, twrnl* ami ulicl lamls. All the new -prills shades to select from. Make your Faster complete with one of these attractive suits. $5.95-$9.95 LOVELY SPRINO COATS Jiir>l arriwil! The iich KiihIit nlyli'M art- lh<- Kri'ati'xl harfnaiiiM \\v liuvc offered llii? weaHon. All new HINIVCH, eolnr* anil nlvli'ii. $5.95 $7.95 $9.95 \DORABLK HATS Vnollirr lurfcc -lii|niii iil jn-I urrivnl for Ka?lfr! \??n iiiu?t sec llirsr l<>\ <? I> iiim lial- (?? morrow at BKI.K-TY LINK'S. 98c-1 98 LADIES" SUPS Full cut rayon satin slips. Both tailored and lace trim med. Color tearose. All sites to select from. 48c Easter Gloves In Pullons. and Gaunt lets. Whites and all the new high shades in fa bric and kid combinations 98c hovel v EaHlcr ba(;s Patents. Calfskins. All the wanted Easter colors, in cluding high shades. 98c Men*is ami Ifoys* SWKATKRS Pullons, zippers and but ton styles. All new colors for Easter. 98c $1.98 IMflMiET IKIS i; tor E A S T E l{ I'llic tlirrud ?ilk litint' xilli ????' lull' lop and fool. Ml tin- iic? .xpriii): color* for Knslcr. Sale! 48c i:\sn:i< ni;s Just arrived. A large se lection of beautiful Easter Ties. You'll find lust the tie to match your Easter suit. 48c 98c Kavon Panlit'8 Full cut rayon pantlea. tailored and lace trimmed. Colors tearose and white. 25c CIIILDItKN'S RASTEK IKOCkS Sflccl KuhHt xtylm! Xiloralilr ilriWfi for rnrly hpriiiK near. Attractive print*. Jiwr* uml *ilk? to wlrcl from. All xi/.c* in xlork, 98c?$1.98 BOYS' SUITS New Tweeds. Herring bones. Worsteds. All the newest colors and styles. Se lect his suit for Easter at BELK TYLER S. $2.98 $5.95 $7.95 $9.95 SALK! M I N * S S III IMS I'll 11 nil. Iiml color, hom-ii minim* ntiirl* in n lo\cl\ *rlrclion of nru l.ii*trr |inl In n-. VII *izr* to -cli i l from 97c ItOVS- UASTKIt W ASH SI H I S A Iiim'I) m'IitIioii of lio\-* w ;t-li -nil- in nil wnilt i'?l riilorn mill inali-iiiiU. \ full nin^r of - i /<? - from I$r Mill- In -it llir-r for I'Iu-Iit! 48c ? 98c Ludit'H* Sweulept Sloppy Joe?. Pullons and button fronts. All new col ors and styles. 98c 1.98 Ladies' Skirts Gabardine*. Twills. Shet land! and Flannels. All the new flares and pleated styles. All the new colors. 1.98 2-98 BIoum'h Sheer, lacy batialai. crap* and chiffon blouaes. Whita and colors. You ara aura to find Just tha blousa you hare been looking for. 98c 1.98 s a i, k ! i: a s I /; n s ii o /; s I)l ?<'kh ami Sport SHOKS Kids, gabardines, calls and pat ent combinations in all the new styles for spring. Complete line of oxfords and dressy styles. $1.98?$2.95 ^ NOVELTY SHOES Attractive dressy styles in kids, gabardines and patents including whites and brown and while combinations. $3.95 "Natural Bridgr" Arrli Shorn Nationally known NATURAL BRIDGE Shoes in a large sssorl ment of atyles and colors. See these before you mske your East er purchase. $5.00 CHILDREN'S SHOES Oxford*, strap* and sandal* for tha klddlas in whit*, brown and black and combinations. 97c SALE! MEN'S EASTER SUITS Men, ln-rr in 111 < - IuIchI in niiilx! \ 11 I Ik- iH'tt Ht'avi'H, ami llir iirr llir la-l word! I'hv ruxli iiml -;nc on vour Snil fur I n-I. i . IT I'AYSl $9.95 $12.95 $14.75 $16.50 mkn's nm:ss shoes Itllirkx, J'nn?. W 11i!??-.. W liiti- mill llroHil ( oniliiua lionw. In furl, a iiionl I'onipli'li- M'lri'liiin of I It** nrw r?l ly|M'? for Kunlor wcur, $1.98 ? $2.95* williamston Belk - Tylw Coinpsny wiluamston

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