Weddinxs Pcnooib Club Meetlln Enxaxements Entertainments Society and Personals OF WILLIAMSTON and MARTIN COUNTY This Department PHONE Anythinx (or To 4 6 Visits in Oak City Miss Loti Council. of Hamilton, vis ited in Oak City last week Returns to Fort Jackson Pete Fowden, Jr., has returned to Fort Jackson after a ten-day fur luogh spent here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T Fowden. and friends. In Robersonville Thursday Mrs. Dave Matthews, of Hamilton, visited here and in Robersonville on Thursday Returns to Greensboro Miss Marguerite Ayers. of Oak City, has resumed her studies at W C. U. N. C., Greensboro, after spend ing the spring holidays there with her parents. Were Here Sunday Mr and Mrs. Milton Bloom and daughter. Joyce, of Norfolk, were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Margolis and family here Sunday. Return to Greensboro Mary Slade and Ellen Taylor, stu dents at W.C.U.N.C., have returned to Greensboro, after spending the spring holidays with relatives in Hamilton. Was in Chapel Hill Mr. Bob Barrett spent the week end in Chapel Hill with Mrs. Bar rett Visit in Koeky Mount Mrs W T Martin and son. Son ny. Mrs D. V. Clayton and son. Bob by. spent Saturday in Rocky Mount. In Durham Sunday Mr. Nat Israel spent Sunday in Durham Is Visiting Here Mrs. F U. Sal ley. of Goldsboro, is spending a few days here with her sister. Miss Edith Stallings. Visits in Greenville Miss Annie Mae Bailey visited in Greenville yesterday To Sing for Trainees Enis Beyer, born in Paterson, N. J., and now singing in the Park Cen tral in New York, is going to give the boys at ('amp l>ix, N. J . an eye und earful. The pretty blonde plans u series of entertainments for the ' trainees. In Durham Sunday Miss Christina Jenkins was Durham Sunday and Monday with \ her father, who underwent an oper ation on his eyes in a hospital there. Spend Week end Here Misses Keid White. Ola Lee Lil ley, Mary Helen Boy kin and Virgil Ward, students, at K C.TC , Green ville. spent the week end hero Visit in Norfolk Miss Helen Weaver and Bennie ! Weaver visited then sister, Mrs Dave Mizelle, and Mr. Mi/elle, in Norfolk last week end. Birth Announcement Mr and Mrs. I) D Stalls announce the birth of a son on Friday. April 4 In Richmond Saturday Misses Kathleen Strickland and Nell Harrison, George Mahler and j Jack Butler were visitors in Rich-j m'ond Saturday and Sunday, going | especially -to tittvnd?t-he Benny Good man dano Spend Week end Here Stuait Critchei and C T Rober son. students at State College, Ral eigh. spent the week-end here with j relatives ? Keturn to Greensboro blisses Doris Moore and Helen | Lindsley have resumed their classes at W.C.U.N.C. Greensboro, after' spending the spring holidays here! with relatives. Was Here Saturday Garner House, dT Raleigh, visited relatives and friends here Saturday and Sunday In Jamesville Wednesday Mi s Kffie Waldo, of Hamilton, was a visitor in Jamesville Wednes day. Visits in Hamilton liogue Slade, Jr.," of Knfield, visit ed his parent's in Hamilton last week In Rocky Mount Friday Mesdames Julian Harrell, Kddie Trahey and Clyde Griffin were visi ! tors in Rocky Mount Friday. Spends Week-end Here Mrs Frank Johnson, of Raleigh, spent the weekend here with her i father. Chief W B Daniel. She was accompanied?home?by?Miss?Mir- j iam Scliulci Visits Here Sunday Mi Lou Bloom, of New York City, visited his sister. Mrs. Frank Mar goli.s, and Mr Margolis, here Sun- j day .^6 LADIES* EASTER DRESSES #1.98 ? 82.98 ? 85.98 LADIES* SERINE SHOES Puntiit and ttx fords Si.98 a IK I 82.98 NEW SPRING COATS For llii? Women anil ) oiiiif; II omen .1.9.) ? 87.9.1 ? 89.95 LADIES* HOSE !\eir Spring Shinies Fine (Jtinlity I9e ? 79<- ? 98c v MENS (^DALi n DRESS PANTS 82.90 ? ?8.00 ? s 1.0(1 ? 85.00 MEN'S Spring-Summer SHOES Tan anil ll liile. II liile anil Hlaek I'.omhinalions SPECIAL FOR 85.00 MENS DRESS SHIRTS 81.00 ami 81.65 LADIES NEW HATS 98r ami 81.98 Socks, Ties anil Handkerchiefs for the Hen Anil Accessories for the Women Martin Supply Co. WILLIAMSTON, IV. C. We Have Moved NOTICE ... I have moved my shop to 120 Smith nick Street, formerly the old Buggy Factory Building. near the Chri*liun Chnreli. In our new quarter* ire liare more room lo work ? /,firmer tlorane - x/Hirr ami ire an? /teller /ire/Hired to nerve our friendt and ranlomem with the following . . . PLUMBING. HEATING, SHEET METAL, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. AIR CONDITIONING. BLOWPIPE, STOVE And HEATER REPAIR ING. RADIATOR REPAIRING. TOBACCO FLUES * WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS ESSO Oil. BURNERS '?? AND FAIRBANKS-MORSE PRODUCTS f ) our* For Heller And More Service! J. C. NORRIS WILLIAMSTON, N. C. LEGION Al'XU.lARY MEETS Local members were hosts to the Junior American Legion Auxiliary last Saturday afternoon. April 5th In the absence of the president. Mrs Mack Wynn. of Robersonville presided over the meeting After an extensive business meet ing, a program, consisting of several brief talks by the members, was ren dered Arbor Day." "Army Day." and "Child Welfare." were discuss : ed. The next meeting will be held here 1 in the Legion Hut. A special program will be given I for the girls' mothers attending the | meeting ^ i MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs Ben Grilfm. the former Doro thy Coltrain. whose wedding took place Saturday. March 211. was hon ored with a miscellaneous shower j last Wednesday afternoon when her mother. Mrs Li/zie Coltrain enter tamed approximately forty of her ! friends at her home near here Follow ing refreshments. Mrs. Grif tin opened the numerous gifts WOMAN'S CLl'B TO MEET The regular meeting of the Wo man's Club will be held Wednex day afternoon at 3 311 at the club I room Tins will be a business meet ing and the retiring and incoming presidents are very anxious for all the members to attend as they want the individual members to discuss the work for the coming years Mem bers w ill be asked for suggestions in shaping the policies and naming the committees and to make any criticism of things or ways and means thai they may be remedied At a recent meeting of the execu tive committee, the value of the club to our community was discussed and the members pledged their enthu siastic support during the coming CLl'B MEETING POSTPONED The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Woman's Club has been | postponed from tonight until Tues day night. April 15 The program at this time under the chairmanship of I Mis?Garland Darnhill will consist j of numbers by the glee club and the band of the local high school Returns from Rocky Mount Little Miss Sondra Bufflap return- j ed Sunday from a visit with her, grandparents in Rocky Mount. Were Here Yesterday Mi Harry Clurkin and Mrs. Ellis Maples, of Plymouth, were visitors lien yesterday In Town Yesterday Mrs Howard Gaylord, of James VIlie. spent yesterday here In Norfolk Sunday Mesdame A 1. Roebuck and A I. Wynne spent Sunday in Norfolk with Mr and Mrs James Wynne. Confined with Measles Joseph Clayton is confined to the home of Ins parents, Mr and Mrs I). V Clayton, with measles Visit in Charlotte Mr and Mrs Wheeler Rogerson and children, Misses Lorerie and Lu ciHe, and J H . spent the week-end \1MIIIIK '???? " " " son ill Charlotte and Hildreth Roger son at Fort Jackson Visits in Jamesville Miss F.thel Itarber, of Washing Ion City, spent last week-end with her mother, Mrs lloyt Burlier, in Jamesville In Washington Hospital Mrs Will Gurkin is in a Washing ton hospital recovering from an ap pendicitis operation performed then last week Returns from Spring Hope Mrs Dean Speight returned home Sunday after spending several days m Spring Hope and Rocky Mount with relative? ?Iimor Dr and Mis Russell McAllister spent Sunday in Richmond Visits Here Monday Mr F. II Carson, of Jamesville. visited here Monday. Return to Wake Forest F.dgar Gurganus. Robert Cowen and Burras Critcher, Jr., have re sumed their studies at Wake Forest College after spending the spring holidays here with relatives In Norfolk Saturday Mr and Mrs. Howard Coltrain, Mrs. W B Wynne and Miss Melba Martin were visitors in Norfolk on Saturday Returns from Tennessee Miss Margaret Jones, who has re cently returned from a five-months stay in Tennessee, has aceepled a po sition with the telephone company in Tarboro Were Here Yesterday Mr and Mrs. E. A Harper. Mr and Mrs. Bruce Bateman. of Plymouth, visited here yesterday. In Greenville Sunday Bennie Godwin and John Milter spent Sunday in Greenville. Visits in Greenville Dr. John Biggs atlended to busi ness m Greenville yesterday In Greenville Sunday Misses Bolton Cowen and Mary Stokes Robinson were visitors in Greenville Sunday afternoon. Visit in Rocky Mount Mr and Mrs. J. D. Bowen and Mrs. \ Clarence Roberson spent Sunday in Rocky Mount with Mr and Mrs. J L. Peel. f Actress in Real Life Role Qlamorous Jan* Wyman of the Alma play* the real life role of Mr*. Ronald Reagan, Loe Angeles mother. Jane may play the lead in movie*, bat eh* i* only the supporting cast to Maureen Elisabeth Reagan, Stt month*, when It comes to off-the-etag* action. Public Is ln\ ito<l To Creenvillc (vunlens Greenville gardens will he open on Wednesday and Thursday, April 1 tit 11 and 17111 (afternoons only > dm ing tlu> North Carolina Garden Cluh Pilgrimage, which is being observed throughout the State. Headquarters will be at the Woman's Club A variety of informal gardens will be shown and Garden Cluh mem bers will serve as hostesses. Tea will be served each afternoon from four to five o'clock Gardens to be open include those of Mrs K W. Cohb. Mrs H M Ev ertet. Mrs. W E. Hooker, Mrs J H James, Mrs M L. Wright, Mrs J. T 1 ittW' Mix?Jesse Smith. Mrs E?Li? Ficklen and Mrs. Graham Flanagan. The grounds of East Carolina j Teachers College will also he open to visitors. Daughters To Entertain Mothers Thursday is Mothers Day in the local Home Economics department The Home Ec girls will entertain their mothers at a mother-daugmier ten to be given at 4 o'clock, noon on Thursday afternoon in the clothing room of the Home Economics labora tory. Every mother has a special hi vitation and is urged to come. Moth rrs. don't disappoint your daughters. The mother-daughter tea will also close the Home Economics cookingj school, which will meet for the last lime Wednesday at four o'clock. At , this tune, a fixing of salads, and a qieciul surprise will hi' in store for you. We are expecting all of you to be with us. Shops Here Monday ?Mrs. J. 1) shopped here Monday. Visits in Rocky Mount Ernest Mcars spent Sunday in Rocky Mount with relative-, In Itohersonville Sunday Mrs W A Juines visited Mi and Mrs. J W Taylor in Robcrsonville Sunday. Were in Washington Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey Peel and sons visited in Washington Sun j day. Returns to Richmond Mrs. Octavia Cone lias returned to her home in Richmond, after a j several weeks' visit hen* with her ! daughter in-law, Mrs. IV B Cone. Chicken Dinner | A chicken dinner will be served by the ladies of the Macedonia i church Tuesday night, April 15, foi a nominal fee for each plate The supper will be held in the American Legion Hut and the public is invited. In Greenville Yesterday Mrs. John Peel was a visitor in Greenville yesterday afternoon Return to Suffolk Mrs. A D. Bo we'll, Jr., and daugh ter, Linda, have returned to then home in Suffolk after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs Bill Glover In Winterville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Manning were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. MacLawhorn in Winterville Sun- 1 day. Represent This County Mrs. P. V Jones and Messrs. G. j H. Harrison and R L. Coburn repre sented Martin County at the Jack- ; son Day dinner in Raleigh Friday evening. Visits in Tarboro Mrs. John L. Rodger son visited in T;ii bom yesterday. Visit Here Yesterday Messrs William dray. Mayo Lit I lie, and Dormie Roberson, <?f Rober | sonvil-le. visited here yesterday At I'ort liraKK Sunday i Miss Emelyne Kvans, Mr. and Mrs L B Wynne aiul Mr. Henry dnffin \ i sited Fori HratfU Sund.iy Visits in Oak City Miss Naliey llaislip. Ii .u lu i in the ! Merry lhll schools, spent tht week ; end in Oak City with her parents. I Mr and Mrs R A Haislip Spend Yesterday Here Mr William Cook and son. Hilly, of New Hern, and Miss Louise Cook, of Baltimore, who is visiting them, spent yesterday here with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cook. ! Ait ft Additiont To Tha Enterpri?e Mailing Litl a Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the following: Luther Taylor. Williamston; G L. Brown, Williamston; E. L. Fields. Palmyra. C. W Mixelle, Jamesville; A F. Lilley. Williamston; Mrs. Laura tiadley. Williamston; E. Slode Peel. Williamston. Willn Wlutehurst, Creeds, Va Handy Slade. William ston Clias Davenport. Jamesville; M J Cotton. Oak City Clyde Wil liams. Williamston. Sylvester Tay lor. Williamston. Bennie Bryant. Oak City Capt A 1) Bertolett. Vir ginia Beath. Melissa Roebuck, Nor folk J 11 Harrell. Palmyra. F. G Bow en. Williamston; C. A. Askew. Jamesville. Lendora Gibson. Wil lianiston. M F VanNortwick. Rob ersonville; Minnie Smith. Oak City; II J Culpepper Williamston; Mrs Caniiti Williams. Oak City. Mrs Theintt>ii Cana l Rocky Mount \tteiu! Commissioners Meet M i C \bram Rihoison. U A, 11..i hp h' I Perry, Joshua L. Col train and C 1> Caistarphen were present for the regular meeting of the eoiinty commissioners here yes terday Spends Week end Here Mr- R II Fulghum. of Wilson. spent the week-end; here with her .aster. Mrs P B. Cone Real Relief for Miseries of HEAD C01DS Put 3 - purpose vTa-tro-nol up each nostril... (1 > It shrinks swollen mem branes. (2> Boothes Irritation, (3) Helps flush out nasal passages, clear ing clogging mucus. VICKS VA-TRO-N OL HOLLINGSWORTH Easter Candies "For Thone Who Love Fine Thin fin" DAVIS PHARMACY So refreshing with lunch IF v rr I'unii/tl To Svrvv Yitu \\ i'll V phone rail Itriu^H our rloun Iriirk lo rail for your laumlry. Oner yon whirl our siTvirr ? yon rail way pioilliyr lo vtawli ilay drudgery, lo ironiii|: out a liriny: hoard. Wr ilo il all for > on ! Iamil\ l inisli I Or III/ I'lal Work .(??? III. I /J&y 1 ULI KVSL VlMHn gCLKANKKS WIUIAMSTON Ik H A I ?< <.I II ? ' I'O I 111 I I F?? SMART StyU. " Two Feel From (Complete Happiness" Thai Shoaliln'l llr ) oar Vroblrml ^ on enii p-l rni. il iii u puir <>f Srllis. M\rr? or Joli'iir shoo SIM I II IN HOLLYWOOD ^ our hiislcr oulfil run onls lir rom |ilrlril uilli 11 puir of our slioo lliul SKULL COM I OK I \mi lost no imoih: Tlwrv ii a pair for rvrry mrmhrr of llir family in our rumple la itorl, in all iciillln . . . FOR MEN . . . ? Nl NN-HI Sll ? TVYLOK M \I>i: ? JAKMAIN ? FOKTl'NK FOR IIOYS . . . ? SKY KIDLK FOR CHILDREN . . . ? I'LAY I'OISK ? MISS VIRGINIA fkMpMsBwtUm WILLIAMSTON, N. C.

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