Watch The Label On Your Paper. As It Carries The Date Your Subscription Expires. THE ENTERPRISE Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over 1.S00 Humes Of Martin County. VOLUME XLIY?NUMBER 34 W'Uliamiton. Martin County, North Carolina, Tin ula?. April 29, 1941. ESTABLISHED 1899 Defense Bonds VI ill Be Placed On Salel Here Next Thursday General Public Ik ("-ailed On To Help the Country's Defense Program The United States Defense Savings Bonds and Postal Savings Stamps will be placed on sale in the main post office at the opening of busi ness on Thursday, May 1, as part of the national effort to make Ameri ca impregnable. Postmaster Leslie T. Fowden an nounced today that plans are near ly completed for this community, along with thousands of others from coast to coast, to do its full part at the opening of the savings program It is expected that the Mayor and other civic leaders will be among the first purchasers of savings bonds and stamps here. Postmaster General Frank C Wal ker, in a letter to Postmasters throughout the country, said that the help of local postmasters would be "a real service to the country." He transmitted the thanks of Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau for the held that local postmasters had al leady given in the sale of United States securities, and also Mr Mor geuthau's thanks in advance "for the cooperation which he knows you will give to this new effort." The new defense savings bond is similar to the familiar "Baby Bond," of which more than five billion dol lars worth have been bought by more than two and a half million Ameri cans since 1939 A Defense Bond may be purchas ed May 1, or thereafter, for $18 75 In ten years, this bond will be worth $25 00. This is an increase of 33 1-3 per cent, equal to an annual interest return of 2 9 per cent, compounded semi-annually Any time after sixty days from the date of purchase, the bond may be redeemed for cash, in accordance with a table of redemp tion values printed on the fare of the bond To spread investments widely among all the people in America, a limit of $5,000 has been set on the amount of these bonds to be bought by any one person in one year The bonds are in denominations of $25, $50, $100, $500, and $1,000, all of which are sold for 75 per cent of their maturity value and all of which mature in ten years. For larger investors who can af ford to purchase up to $50,000 worth of bonds a year, the Treasury De partment has issued two additional kinds of Defense Savings Bonds, but these will be sold only through banks and by direct mail from Washing ton, D C. They are intended for as sociations, trustees and corporations, as well us individual purchasers. For the smaller investor who wants to-buy a Government Bond on an easy payment plan, the post of fice will have a new series of IA>st ul Savings Stamps, at 10c, 25c. 5()c, $1 and $5. Each purchaser of any Savings Stamp higher than 10c will be given, free of charge, an attract ive pocket album in which to paste his stamps until he has enough to buy a $25 bond or one of higher de nomination. Thirty million of these albums are now being prepared. The cover design of the albums is in color, featuring a United States battleship and an eagle bearing the American flag. On the back cover is a painting of the Minute Man statue by Daniel Chester French, which symbolizes the American citizen ever alert in defense of his country The inscription is "America on Guard." Secretary Morgenthau said that even a boy or girl who saved 10 cents to buy a savings stamp would help the country. He added that "you can safeguard your own money and your own future, while helping the na tional defense, by buying United States Savings Bonds now." Man Placed Under Bond For Stabbing Walter Freeman, young local col ored man, was bound over to the county court by Justice J. L. Has sell here last night for allegedly as saulting Elnora Freeman, his sweet heart, with a deadly weapon. Unable to raise the $200 bond, Freeman was returned to the county jail. Said to have attacked the girl on previous occasions. Freeman last Sunday night stabbed her in the shoulder with a pocket knife The victim was able to be out last night for the hearing, and contrary to past action no effort was made to with draw the warrant. Going into a fit of rage when of ficers were called to the scene of a disturbance on East Main Street. Freeman ran into the house and stab bed the woman just as officers drove to the front of the house. Telling the officers that he would attack even a white person who made him mad. Freeman would not submit to arrest at first, but after some persuasion and the introduction of a blackjack he went to jail. Charged with an affray on Wash ington Street last Saturday night, Robert Winbush and Roy Boston were tried before Justice Hassell last night. Judgment was suspended upon payment of the cost which amounted to $7 50 for each defend ant. Tram planting of Tobacco Is Now Underway in the County The season for transplanting to bacco was opened in this county last Friday when Farmer Lester Griffin transferred plants to a small acre age on his farm in Griffins Town ship. Several other farmers in var ious parts of the county are said to have started transplanting the same day, but their names could not be learned immediately, and according to a rumor one county farmer trans planted a few rows last Thursday. According to numerous and au thentic reports, the outlook for start ing the crop is not as dark in this county as it was just a few days ago However, farmers questioned here from several sections of the county yesterday, stated that blue mold may strike with deadly precision at any time and delay a climax in trans plant ings two weeks or more. Blue mold is being reported in nearly every section of the county, but the reports state that the dam age has been slight so far and unless the spread is sudden and the damage extensive this week, no serious de lay is anticipated now. Transplanting was reported un derway on a fairly large scale in the county yesterday, one report stat ing that a few farmers has sufficient plants to transplant their entire erups. Plants are growing rapidly now and with favorable weather and no blue mold, transplanting is ex pected to reach a climax in this coun ty about the middle or latter part of next week The rapid growth of the plants has caught (Juite a few farmers with their lands unprepared, but that task is be ing handled with dispatch now imii>Ki> leaving for service in the t nited States Army at Fort Jackson week before last, two of the four young men. Feamon Fouch Keel and Charlie Vernon Whitehurst. were rejected. They are, left to right: Whitehurst, Keel, William Edward Ross and James llilery Daniels. Seniors Will Hold Class-Day Program The Senior class will present its class day exercises in the high school auditorium tonight at eight o'clock, with the program in the form of a combination playlet and patriotic pageant. The students taking leading parts in the playlet, entitled, "Onward, America!" will be Susie Griffin, class president; Elizabeth Parlor, valedic torian; S C. Griffin, salutatorian; Billy Mercer, historian; Warren Pope, testator; Ruth Ward, prophet; Mary Charles Godwin. Liberty; and David Hardison, the American Flag The class mascot, Janice Manning, will also take part. The following seniors will repre sent important personages and scenes from American history: Scene 1. The Lost Colony James Willis Ward. Evelyn Wynne, Ger ald James, Mary Alice Cherry, Gar land Wynne. Scene 2 The Pilgrims at Plymouth ?John Peele, Carrie Jones, Patty Etheridge, Leona Davenport, Wil liam Earle Stinnette, Dorothy Jones. Scene 3 Patrick Henry ? Jack Bailey. Scene 4 Betsy Ross and her neigh bors?Faye Gurganus, Bina Jackson, ; Mary Kate Swain, Sarah Taylor, ' Pennie Rose Waters. Scene 5. George Washington ? John Miller. Scene 6. Daniel Boone and his family?Carlton Phelps, Bennie God win, Edith Andrews, Virginia Corey, Leroy Perry. Scene 7. The Forty-Niners?Chas ! Coltrain, Oniley Cowan, Ellis White, Daisy Peaks, Josephine Andrews. Scene 8 Abraham Lincoln?Mel burn Hardison. Scene 9. Robert E Lee*? Billy Peel. Scene 10. Theodore Roosevelt ? Roosevelt Coltrain Scene 11. Red Cross Nurse and World War soldier?Anne Fowden, Haywood Rogers. A ten cent admission charge will be made, in order to finish payment on the class gift. Seniors will receive passes for their families. GAIN IN VALUES Real and personal property values In Williamston Township madr a record fain last year when the total assessed worth was increased by well over a quarter million dollars. Prelim inary figures place the 1941 list ing* at 92,698.08.1 as compared with <2.402,255 in 1940. a result ing gain of <295,830. Personal property values jumped from 8619.J75 to <698,591, a gain of <11416. Real property values jumped from <1,782,480 in 1940 to\<l,999,494 this year, a result ing\lnerease of 8217,014. Several other townships have just completed their books, but most of the list-taken are still working on their books. HtTrinv Fishing In Roanoke Scheduled To Close Next Week Some 0\?'r a Million Finh Are Taken At ?l>e Janiaeville [?inlien To Date HernnB fu.hi.ig "> tin- Roanoke is fast to a close, areport from tin- fisheries at JuniesvilU- and Camp Point stating this morning thai the long semes would be taken from he muddy waters and placed on tin larks the latter part of next week.. Activities a. Camp P?>nt. "'vcral miles below Jamesville, are likely to be suspended this week We plan to continue operations here until Saturday of naxt week, Mr. I J Fleming. owner-operator of the risn ery Ht Jamesville stated thus morn ing Reviewing the fishing activities to date, Mr Fleming stated that he had only a fair season to date, that the operations this year were not as successful as were those of last sea son The fisherman roughly estimat ed that some over a million herrings had been taken from the rivet at Jamesville Shad catches will hard ly exceed 100, and to date no large numbers of rock have been caught Irregularity in the herring run has proved costly this season, Mr Hom ing stating that the plants were op erated at a loss during the first two weeks, that the fish came in untold numbers almost over night and that thev disappeared almost as quickly Mr Stuart Ange. an old hand at the fishing game, estimated that the catches reached a peak of about 40, (100 at one time, hut the average fui the season will run considerably un del the 11140 figure During many days the plant did nut catch enough fish to keep the employees busy, and when the elimax was reached, the number of fish was so great that th. plant could not handle them and millions of herrings continued their annual pilgrimage up the Roanoke unmolested. It has been a great season foi In ? ring, reports stating that nets have been broken under the weight of *?. many fish From Chesapeake Bay to the rivers and small creeks in this section, the fish have been taken ill section, me I ISO . , .... vast numbers, a late the Hay stating that fishermen there to dump part of the catches back in to the water to save their nets The extensive catches have weak ened the market, and the season has not been a very profitable one Child Slijflitly Hurt When Struck By I ur Elbert Lee Biggs, four-year-old colored child, was painfully but not badly hurt when struck by an auto mobile in front of his parents home near Jamesville on the Plymouth Highway last Saturday afternoon Bruised and slightly cut on the face, the child was given first-ard treat I ment here and carried to a Washing i ton hospital for examination. He was discharged immediately after the examination , Johnnie Bone, colored man of Plymouth. R.F.D., was driving west on the highway when the child dart ed into the highway Bone driving alK.ut 50 miles an hour, said he sa the child and immediately appl ed his brakes, the car swerving to the left and coming to a stop just about the lime it struck the chddoffthc highway on the drivers left side. One of the headlights on the car was broken, Patrolman WhU investigating the accident, stating there was no other damage , Bone brought the child to the doc tor's office and carried him to the hospital for an examination Bone was exonerated of any blame for the accident at a formal hearing held here last evening Feu Regitter For Loral Election Next Tnenlay A quiet and uneventful time is be ing predicted for the town munici pal election here next Tuesday Reg istrar John E Pope states that only five new names have been placed on the registration books, and that lit tie interest in the election had been expressed at registration headquar ters. War-Torn World Is Anxiously Awaiting Hitlers Next Move ttrili?li Fare (irim Threat In Mediterranean and Bark Home in Filmland His Greek campaign completed. Adolf Hitler proclaimed late yester day that his barbarian hordes were ready for action on a "larger sphere," causing a war-torn world to start guessing where and how he would strike next Added to the confusion and untold suffering following the invasion of fourteen countries, is the serious threat facing the British in the Mediterranean area and back home in England. There arc so many ways the barbarians can now turn. ' that the world is confused as to what to expert, how. when and where Hitler may continue his march to the Dardanelles, subdue Turkey or eollnlioratc with her for passage to the strategic point lie may force his way through Egypt to the Suez. He may attempt the*-?ivasion of Eng land. He may work through Spain I to Gibraltar or he may turn to the Atlantic, not to mention possible de velopments in the Pacific. The Nazi game may well develop as a kind of hitch-hike into the vul nerable and vital Middle East From occupied Greece, German air pow er maj sweep down into the Dode canese Islands These cover the lurkish coast of Asia Minor, the British failure to oust the Italians by duvet military assault may go heavily here against the empire. lite use of these troublesome spots as an advanre an--base way make possible a Nazi leap over Cyprus so that the l.uftwaffe can gain lodg ment ih French-mandated Syria. Once the air grip has been tightened, the steady infiltration of^Nazi ground forces can go on screened by the air control of these Aegean island step ping stones to world power The Brit ish in the Levant then will be con fronted by the same preponderance of mechanized power that has re gained most of Libya for the Axis From Turkey or Syria a two forked attack would attempt to re peat the German strategy of the World War. This would mean a grip on the Mcsopotamian Valley route to the Persian Gulf and a coastal thrust at the Suez Canal itself Without ail power and mechanization, both ob jective* could be dismissed; with these two newer weapons of con quest. both are conceivable Should the Nazis deride to liquid ate tin- whole Near Eastern situation before the final squeeze on the Brit ish Isles, it means a campaign on a grand scale through Turkey (Continued on page six I County Di al I Board Hoc lass i lies Twenty Registrants Friday Four of Croup \re lit nliiuu'il In ( Iiish I - \ ; Cru lis Three I Icfcriiicills The Martin Gouiity Draft Board brought its classification work up to I date in a meeting here last Friday night when twenty men wen- group ed in the several classes. Several ap peals were heard, most of them com ing from young men who had enter ed the state of matrimony. Three de- ; ferments were granted, hut the days of grace are limited and at h ast one will he subject to call after May lti. | No official report was released by |the board, but it is understood that thirteen questionnaires were inspect ed, and that possibly some of the claims of dependency were slightly exaggerated Dependency can he claimed by only one son in a fam ily, one report stating that at least two sons were claiming their moth er was entirely dependent on each of them Four young men were continued in Class 1-A, three were placed in Class 2 A, twelve were grouped in Class 3-Ai and one in Class 4 F. The classifications - V Class 2-A William Ernest Davis, Williams ton. Willard Wray Vaughn Carson, Par mele. Herbert Elvernon Rogerson, Rob ersonville. Class 3- A Fred Rogerson, Williamston, Route two. Leon Brown, Williamston, Route two. James Dixon, Williamston. William Henry Jones, Parmele. Robert Darrell Grimes, William ston Route two. Philip Thompson, Williamston. Robert Taylor, Williamston, Route two., Navin Howard. Jr., Williamston. John Ivey Eagles, Williamston. Ben Cross, Oak City, Route one. George Washington Wynne, James ville Walter Andrews, Oak City. Route one. Claaa 4-F Joe Roberson, Williamston, Route three. Continued in 1-A Seth Needham Boston, Jamesville Lorenzo Council, Jr., Bethel. William Atwood Gurganus, Wil liamston, Route one. ' Marvin Oscar Hyman, Palmyra. County Gives Peanut Program A Big Vote Nearly All States Give Control Plan Necessary Majority ( oni|Kirali\ely l.iglil Vole U Ke^'onleil in \ll North C.aroliiui (iomitie* A three-year program for the con trol of peanut production was ov erwhelmingly approved by growers in most of the producing states in a referendum held last Saturday No report was received immediately from New Mexico, but the result there will have little effect Oil the vote. Only one state. Arkansas, poll ?d an adverse vote, but three states. Tyxas, Oklahoma and Mississippi failed to give the program a required two-thirds vote. Martin County, while not voting hardly two-thirds of its strength, polled the second largest vote in this State, and supported the program to the tune of 99 per cent. Only one in the 39 counties in the North Caro lina belt voted against the program Two other counties. Duplin and Sampson, did not give the plan the necessary two-third majority. Less than half the eligible votes were east in this county, but despite the appar cut indifference in this State, the program carried with more than 13, 250 votes to spare. The vote in this county by dis tricts For Vs. Boar Grass 182 4 Cross Hoads 190 0 Goose Nest 232 3 Griffins 168 0 Hamilton 74 1 Hassell 124 0 James vi lie 186 13 Rohersonville 312 I Gold Point 86 1 Williams 98 0 Winston Popular Point 314 0 Totals 1966 23 The vote by North Carolina Conn ties: County Yes No Beaufort 83 31 Bertie 1,786 191 Bladen 436 205 Brunswick 24 28 Camden 26 1 Chowan 625 10 Columbus 146 22 Craven 9 0 Cumberland 40 0 Currituck 14 0 Duplin 2 1 Kdgeeombe 1.008 24 (lates 787 10 Greene 110 0 Halifax 1,355 365 Harnett 5 0 Hertford 1,094 76 Hoke 4 1 Johnston 51 5 Jones 1 2 Martin 1,966 23 Nash 420 6 New Hanovef 25 0 Northampton 2,268 368 ()nslow 9 0 Pamlico 1 0 Pasquotank 48 1 Pender 128 5 Perquimans 750 4 Pitt 681 10 Kobeson 40 15 Sampson 46 25 Scotland 2 0 Tyrrell 52 6 Wake 5 0 Warren 68 3 Washington , 575 15 Wayne 89 18 Wilson 132 0 14,901 1480 The vote by states State Yes No Alabama 13,314 905 Georgia 15,124 1,437 Florida 1,084 394 S. Carolina 804 171 N. Carolina 14,495 1.479 Tennessee 248 , 1 Vitginia 7,134 188 Louisiana 21 0 Texas 3,660 2,110 Oklahoma 1.789 1.401 Arkansas 78 153 Mississippi 17 9 California 34 11 Totals 57,811 8,259 New Mexico (no report). Finals At Local School Tomorrow The local sch IK I Is will close what has been described as a very success ful term tomorrow evening when Dr Herbert Herring, Duke University dean, delivers the commencement address and certificates and diplom us are distributed to about 50 seventh graders and 41 graduates. Special awards will be announced us a part uf the closing program. Clerk of Court L. B Wynne will introduce the principal speaker , The first in the current series ol commencement events was held or Sunday morning when Rev John I. Goff, local Christian minister preached the annual aermon to thi graduating class arid several hun dred patrons of the school. I*\SSKS Mr Simon Daniel <; riff in. one of the county's oldest citizens, died at his home in <i riff ins Township last Saturday morn ing Thrones attended the fun eral services at Smithwicks Creek Sunday afternoon. Several Teachers Resign In ('otmtv rhe last of tin* committee meet ings fin the election of teachers are [being held in the county this week, an official report coining from the office of the supeimteiulent this mnr.iiirig statin** that only three dix tricts had .iiiiiouuct d their elections Oak City reelected all of its teachers, the hoard accepting one resignation Miss Mattie Lyons, te.uhei of the Seventh grade, tell tiered her resignation All of the Furm I ife faculty mem hers Were if fleeted, hut a vacancy j has heen created b\ the i esignation | filed with the hoard by Me . Itettie llaywootl, teacher of tin first and i second grades He electing all of Us teachers and j receiving no resignations, the Hcai (Jrass school e. all set for ttic 1941 J 42 tern. " "1 No definite word has heen leceiv ed from Hamilton where the old committeemen resigned, jlod where, according to unofficial reports, one hi the new appointees, fiasNsot ac crpu-d the |'M?st tendered luinV^-Ae cording to tb? I?I41 laws ,i teacher must he notified of his or hei dis missal before the close of the term, the continuing contract follows Teachers must notify the proper au thoritic's of then acceptance within j ten days after the close of school, or the positions held hy them automati I ca I ly I income open Wilhamston's committee held its j meeting yesterday afternoon, but itinal action is 'being delayed pending the minutes will not he revealed un til after rt eeond meeting this after ( iiloinidcd Rumors Heard At Kveretts Kepoi ts stating that the principal of the Kveretts School had been at tacked hy a committeeman or any other school official were declared unfounded following an investiga tion yesterday Few details leading up to the reported distui-fiance could he had, but it was 'definitely learn ed that no one had heen attacked Unofficial lepoits state that the Kveretts School committee had planned a change in the teaching per sonneI, that at least two members of the committee left a meeting sever al days ago lathci hurriedly and that one of the committeemen possibly fell m a ditch. As far as it could la- learned to day, the Kveretts committee has not taken final action m connection with its teacher elections. It was learned today that much of the eonimence meiit program would he eliminated. The school IS to close the term Kii day of this week I TWO-TIIIKDS I *> / Work on the Koanokr River fill hrrr was announced two lliirds complete Just before the rains started falling the latter part of last week Arringhin (?tipton. representative of the Kiker and Vount contracting firm, stated that 120.000 of the approximately cubic yards of dirt had been placed on Ihe fill. I>irt Is to I* piled about one foot higher on the road be tween the river and Conine Creek bridges, the greater pert of the remaining 00,000 yards hi go on the road between the creek and high land. No date for completing the project has been mentioned. Work on the four bridges la prog resslng fairly rapidly now and all but one of them will pomlbly be completed within the time I stipulated In the contract. Funeral Services Held Sunday For Simon 1). Griffin W i-ll-Kiu?v? ?? antl Highly Ke Citizen l)i?'<i Vl Hiit llouie Suluriluy Morning ' ? Simon Daniel Giiffm. highly re ptitttl citi/en uiwj unc ??f thf I'oun tv's ohli'-t citizens. 11?? *?I at .his home in the Smithw u k- Cr?. k cominuii its of i ? 11ff11is 'IWitukiip last Satur ? lay nioiniiig following uit illness of compartively short duration He suf fered a slight stroke earlier in the week, and while he partially recov ered from its effects, the infirmities of age and complications were too much for his wiakenrd hody to stand and the end came peaeeably at nine o'clock A> a meniher a family long prominent in the affairs of the eount\ Mi Giillin made i lasting ?oldl ihutton to the se? lion in its vat IOUS fields of etideuvoi IIIS home - pun philosophy hoiking hand in hand with honesty and righteousness signaled him out as a leader among his ft*U?m man His humble walk through life, marked deep by its simplicity, friendliness and sinCer ity. attracted a lasting friendship among all men in varied walks and stations of life While Ins deeds rated no recognition m the pages of rec orded history, his life fitted well in l?i that universal pattern to make America great and to add a real meaning to life itself \ ? a lad he experienced the en forced hard hips of war and recon vtruction m tin1 sixties, those trying "events instilling in him a strong de termination and character which were to make him stand out in la ter years as a guide post for others to follow Upon the common knowledge gamed by patient and laborious ex pei inientation Mi Griffin pioneered m agriculture and was among the first in litis county* to cultivate to bacvo hi early life he turned to the com munity church, the faithful and reg ulai attendance upon the services h tiding to round out and make his a balanced and' ideal life Although he took membership in the church only seven or eight years ago. few men ever builded .1 more remarkable record foi faithful and regular re ligious' worship In preparation for each scheduled meeting, he invaria bly packed Itis-topis late Friday eve ning and made other farm duties sieondarv to his religious worship. During nearly half 1 century he served Hit SiYiithwicks Cv. ek church as kct pel And he served it well tin til the end Ttie olde t of the mem bri thefe 1. call no tune when the doeis of the church were not open and a warm lire 111 the cold seasons foi those assembling there for the regular worship services lli acls were neighborly, and he wa found ready atul w illing 10 serve his fel.low.nian Even in his declining yeais when the toll of age limited his activities, he was an invited and wed coined guest ill the home for all spec ial events Just a little over a year ago he and his brother, Mr. A T Griffin, of Goldsboro, were attend big a hog killing at the home of a nephew, Mi T C. Griffin, in the community While taking no part in the tasks, he by his presence radiat ed a spirit of f 1 lendltness and en couraged others to pick up the tasks -where he had left off and to carry on Mr. Griffin, the son of the late Joseph S and Louise Perry Griffin, was horn in Griffins Township 88 years ago the 30th of next month. In early manhood he was married to Miss Margaret Stallings who died a few years ago He is survived by six children. Messrs S Claude Griffin. Williamston tobacconist, Mrs. budie Kohotson, of the home, Joseph S. of Bear Grass Ira F David T . and George C Griffin, the latter being a rn cm be 1 of the Martm County 1 Hoard of Kducation. He also leaves one brother, A T. Griffin, of Golds I burn, and a sister, Mrs Emma Cor ey of Farm Life A sister. Mrs. Bet tie 1 alley died last Thursday eve ning and was buried the day before he died Thirty four grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren sur | Vive Funeral services were conducted I Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the (Continued 011 page six) I Firemen (-ailed To Peanut Plant Fire Sparks fulling from a smokestack fired a pile of peanut hulls at the plant of the Williamston Peanut Company here early yesterday af ternoon. the fire threatening the Thompson Lumber Company yard and several small buildings on the H-onut company's property. Special lire fighting equipment was placed in operation by the company, but the town's equipment was called when the fire began to spread. The fire was soon brought under control, and no damage resulted I-ast Friday afternoon local ftre | men were called to Brown's Cafe, The Little Savoy," on Washington Street A small piece of lamp cord caught fire and smoked the attic of the one-story building. The fuee block was blown and the building did not catch on fire. No damage was dune.

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